
The Update

Secretary called in sick today. I was somewhat relieved, as that meant I could deal with the situation without her overhearing.

Big Boss asked what I thought should happen. I told him that if it were up to me she would be fired. I told him that he or one of the other partners had acted that way, I would be looking for another job. I have worked for crazy before, and I won't do it again. And I absolutely will not tolerate it from a subordinate. I said that at a bare minimum she must be written up and it must be made clear that if anything else remotely similar were to happen again, she would be out the door.

I have certainly had enough drama in my life, and I hate dealing with it. When I was a kid, I had no choice but to deal with whatever drama my parents threw at me. And one of the things I value the most as an adult is having control over my life. Nobody can force me to live with their drama. It's one of the reasons I live 400 miles away from my family. It's one of the reasons that I became a lawyer--because I wanted a job with the freedom to not work for someone else if I so choose.

I am sometimes stunned by how classically normal my little family is. I have a 15 year, happy, marriage. I have three really good, happy, kids. I have a house in the suburbs and a houseful of critters. And we have very little drama--which is by design, not coincidence. I have made a conscious decision to cut the crazy out of my life, and I am sure as hell not going to deal with it from my secretary.


LL said...

Good for you. Seriously.

I think that JP is like you. He couldn't control the crazy from his mom growing up, but now we have this very normal life and a happy stable marriage. I understand better why he's so petrified of working for someone and being out of control of his work environment (a la investment banking in Chicago). So thanks for the insight -- and I hope your boss backs you with the secretary situation.

Andrea said...

Obviously she was afraid to come in and face you after throwing her temper tantrum. I'd be interested to see what she has to say for herself, and if she plays the victim. Drama! I hate workplace drama. The work itself is enough drama, do we really have to manufacture more of it?

Michael said...

Calling in sick... that's a classic move.

I don't think she'll be back! ;-)