
So this is how my day went...

I took home a couple of over-stuffed boxed of documents to review of the weekend. I pulled the privileged docs and put them together on the top i nside the box. This morning I arrived at work and unloaded them from the back ofmy car. And then the 45 mph wind blew off the lid. While I was catching the lid, papers started blowing out of the box. Yep, the privileged docs.

Fortunately, there was a line of shrubbery about 15 yards away that seemed to catch them. So I crawled down on my hands and knees through the grass and mud in my work clothes and bright red stilettos yanking my privileged papers from the depths of the bushes.

Once the boxes were dealt with, I went to park my car in the underground parking garage. The weather was supposed to turn nasty, and I had just had my car washed and definitely did not want to risk it getting hailed on. But apparently when I had my car cleaned over the weekend, they piled everything in the car into a bag that the kids took into the house. Including my parking pass. So I had to park again and go up to my office and beg one of my coworkers to lend me her parking pass. On my way back down, Bob the secutiry guy told me I could have just borrowed his.

Finally got my car tucked away safe and sound, and headed up to my office. By then my perfectly coifed hair looked like I had just woken up and hadn't bothered to comb it.

I kindly held the door for an older lady behind me. Who proceeded to fart just as we stepped into the elevator. And then about 5 more people piled in, and I swear pushed every possible button and my floor is to top one for that elevator bank. You can only hold your breath for so long.

The rest of the day was insanely busy before I headed out the door at 7 hoping to avoid nasty weather on my way home (I did!)

Tomorrow's prospects don't look much better. DH has to be up at 4 to go to the airport, and I have to drive PS and her BFF to school at 6:45 for Theater UIL, before facing a long to-do list and then having to run home for soccer jersey pick-up followed by the twins soccer practice(but at least I don't coach that one) with no DH to help out with it all.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh my god, that's horrible! Especially the old lady fart! Damn, I hope the rest of your week goes better!