
Alone--Day 2

So what have I done with all that free time?

I spent a good hunk of yesterday morning updating my Goodreads account and scouring the interwebs for book recommendations. I've had the Goodreads account for a few years now, but I never really did anything with it after initially setting it up.

And then I realized that it probably had mobile apps (it does), and that I had just solved 2 problems: 1) wandering around the bookstore or library looking for something to read; and 2) not remembering what I've read and what I haven't (I have seriously gotten several chapters into a book before realizing that I had read it before.  I do this with movies, too.  My memory is awful.)

Now I have a list of to-reads and a partial list of already-reads on my phone.  Woot!

I decided that I wanted a Gillian Flynn novel for my weekend page-turner.  I really liked Gone Girl, and I was hoping that she could deliver again.  So with my handy dandy Goodreads app installed, I headed out to Half Price Books, sadly the only bookstore in my town.

I love Half Price Books, but it it really better for treasure hunting than seeking out something specific.  I didn't find anything on my list, but I did bring home a half dozen books that I didn't really need (for the grand sum of $12).  I'm not sure a book lover ever really needs more books. I have at tons of unread books from  my previous treasure hunts already clogging my shelves. Not to mention a fairly well stocked nook.  And I visit the library almost every week.  But I can't resist more books.

My book collecting drives DH nuts.  There used to be stacks of books cluttered all around my night stand.  Then I got smart, and when we got a new bed a few months ago, I replaced the night stands with book cases.  Why had I never thought of that before?

None of my new books had the page-turner appeal I was seeking, so I ended up buying the novel I wanted on my nook.  That was a splurge, because I rarely pay full price for books.  It's a practice instilled long ago when I had few funds and a lot more time to read.  Which means that my nook doesn't get as much use as it could, since most of my reading material still comes from the library or used bookstore. (Although I have learned that around the holidays they tend to discount tons of books, and I stock up then.) I usually only buy a new book if it's something that I really want to read, or a favorite author.

So, by mid afternoon, I had my page-turner in hand.  I read for a while, watched an old movie (I love Doris Day!), a couple episodes of House of Cards, colored my hair, read some more. Today I went to the grocery store early and have a lazy afternoon of more reading planned. I could do a bit of house work. Or not.

I've enjoyed my quiet time, but I'm ready to have my people back.



DH and PS left yesterday for Hometown to attend his grandfather's funeral.  The twins and I were not able to go with them because they left for camp this morning and I needed to drop them off.  So now everybody is gone and I am alone until tomorrow afternoon when DH and PS return.

They were all concerned that I would be sad and lonely.  Let's see, 30ish hours in which I am responsible for nobody but myself?  Yeah, I can deal with that. That is the introvert's ideal state--at least every once in a while. I don't think I have been alone overnight in my own home since I was studying for the bar in 2007 and DH took the girls to Hometown over the July 4th holiday.

So, what to I do with this little nugget of time? I have no idea.  I kind of wish I had a page-turner, because I wouldn't mind a weekend ensconced in a really good book all weekend.  (I'm in  the middle of two books right now, but neither would qualify as a page-turner.)

I checked to see if The Great Gatsby was still showing, so that I could knock "seeing a movie by myself" off my bucket list, but sadly it is not. And I've used up all my discretionary funds shopping for the kids' summer clothes, so shopping is out (not that I really want to go shopping anyway).



Craziest depo experience to date

I subpoenaed several nonparty fact witnesses for their depositions today.  My assistant called them all last week to let them know the  subpoenaes were coming and to consult with them regarding their schedules--basically trying to make it as easy as possible because nobody wants to be dragged into someone else's lawsuit.

So the last guy of the day shows up, along with a woman.  The both seem to be quite dressed up for a deposition.  She was in a very tiny dress with very tall heels.  He was in his black  Stetson and dress boots.

We were discussing whether the woman could sit in the deposition with him, and she said, "We're newlyweds!"

And I said, "Congratulations!  How long have you been married?"

And she said, "Like,  just now.  We just left the court house and all of our family is waiting for us at home."

Holy crap.  I totally subpoenaed and deposed some guy on his wedding day.

Of course, I never would have done that intentionally. We did talk to him before the subpoena went out and he never mentioned a wedding.  He said he kind of forgot the wedding and the deposition were on the same day. Wow.


Doctor Who???

So, this is our first summer without a nanny.  I've interspersed a few camps throughout the summer, but there's still plenty of downtime. My biggest concern is that they will become couch potatoes, because they have no way to get around and our neighborhood is surrounded by 55 mph highways and there's  no way I'm letting them cross those to walk anywhere.

 Apparently my fears were not unfounded. Today I learned that the twins watched SEVEN episodes of Dr. Who.  Seriously???

I figured this out because we cut the cable for the summer, so everything they watch comes through Netflix or Hulu.  At least I can monitor what they're watching.  And tell them to knock off the marathons or there will be no television at all.  But really, seven episodes?  I don't think they left the couch at all.


Random Tidbits From This Week

--So the esophageal manometry was as much fun as I anticipated.  But results were normal.  So yay for that.  I swallow like a regular person.

--TT got the Science Award at their end of year ceremony (One kid per grade gets an award for each of the core subjects.  PS also got the science award in 6th grade.) But last night we actually opened the envelopes full of their award certificates and saw SS's name on the science award.  So now we have no idea who actually was supposed to get the Science award.  And I can't call and ask because the science teacher mysteriously quit and the last few weeks were taught by a sub with no email address and no contract requiring her to put in days after the term ended.

--At her robotics banquet, PS got the Most Valuable Team Member award.  Pretty freaking awesome for a freshman.

--I took a potential client call at work this week.  I usually draw the short straw on taking these calls.  Nobody else wants to do it because 90% of them are people trying to get free legal advice. This guy lived in Oklahoma and had a dispute with someone in Oklahoma.  I am not  in Oklahoma.  I explained at least 5 times that we are not in Oklahoma and are not licensed to practice in Oklahoma and that he needed to contact an Oklahoma attorney.  Potential client  was getting progressively irritated, telling me that no one would listen to him about his case.  I said, "I understand your frustration, but you really need to be calling Oklahoma attorneys."  He insisted that I was the person to help him, despite not being in Oklahoma.  I asked a few questions and said, "based on what you have told me, there are jurisdictional issues that would required this case to be handled in Oklahoma--and I am not licensed to practice there." Then he yelled,"You just don't want to help anybody unless they've been run over by an 18-wheeler!" and hung up on me.  Yeah,  that's it.  Especially since I am NOT a personal injury attorney.



Not So Happy Day

I have to be at the hospital at 7:00 in the morning for esophageal manometry. This pretty much involves sticking a sensor-filled tube up my nose and down my throat to measure whether I swallow normally.  I am so not excited.

 I had a feeding tube once as part of the many unsuccessful attempts to treat my extreme hyperemesis when I was pregnant with the twins.  It was possibly the most miserable part of the whole experience.  Worse than the pic line or the central line and giving birth, vaginally, to twins, one with forceps and the other breech, about 10 minutes after my epidural was placed and well before it completely kicked in. So yeah, not looking forward to this.

The reason for all this is to confirm that I am a good candidate for surgery to treat my acid reflux. I'm also not happy about that.  I had my follow up with my doc last week.  I really expected her to tell me that I was golden and she would see me in a year.  My reflux is 1000 times better since she changed up my meds, and I lost all the weight she advised.*

But my reflux is only better because of the meds.  As soon as I scale back, it comes back. And the meds will continue to weaken my already thin bones.So here we are, looking at a miserable test and abdominal surgery.  I'm not old enough for this shit.

* So, the weight.  I have been sticking to the South Beach plan, as recommended by my GP. I have lost 19 pounds since my February post-holiday, PMS-bloat high, and  14 from where I normally hover.  I'm pretty much back to my pre law school weight.  All of my belts are too big now, my clothes fit better (and in some instances are really too big), and I can wear things that have been hiding in the back of my closet for years. I'm about 10 pounds from my target now.

And not one.single.person has noticed.  Seriously, nobody.  Not my secretary who always knows when I'm not feeling well, not my aunts who will never hesitate to tell me if I've put on 5 pounds.  Nobody.  I'm pretty private--I haven't advertised that I'm trying to drop a few pounds.  But you think someone would have noticed that the skirt I wore on Friday was about to fall off. It's a bit frustrating--good thing I'm changing my diet for better health rather than to make myself look better.


Our party was a smashing success.  We had 10 kids show up throughout the night, and they all seemed to have a good time.  No drama and no crying (which is always a possibility with a bunch of 12 year old girls--although we did throw in a few boys for good measure).

Whenever we have a party, I am always so appreciative of my kids, who seem so calm and chill compared to some of the others.  There are a few who make me wonder how their parents survive without a daily dose of Xanax and vodka (maybe they don't).

My girls have an interesting cross-section of friends. Most of the kids we knew fairly well, but there was one we hadn't met before.  Her mom asked if we could pick her up because her car wasn't running.  I agreed, assuming that she lived close by since she goes to school with the girls.  Nope.  She lives in the trailer park across town.  When DH went to get her, she was running with a pack of kids down the road, covered in mud because they had been digging in the creek for crawdads. 

She was in awe at the GPS and backup camera on our car and proclaimed us rich because we lived in a brick house. (I've mentioned before that when I was a kid I also thought anyone who lived in a brick house was rich.)  I guess compared to her we are rich.

The kid was precocious.  I figure she's got a 50/50 chance of becoming something great or becoming a criminal.

Meanwhile, PS went over to a friend's house to escape our madness.  She was self-conscious about inviting her friend over because her friend lives in a very, very nice home.  PS said our 2700 sq ft, 10-year old  house would look like a shack comparatively. PS may or may not have had lobster for dinner at friend's house (she's not sure). We just had burgers and hot dogs at our shack.

Seriously, it's all relative.  We are neither rich nor poor, and our cars and house do not reflect our finances as much as they reflect how we choose to spend our money. We purchased our house one a single income less than 1/3 our current combined income. Theoretically,using the 2.5 x income general rule of thumb, we could be in the very, very nice home, but I just can't imagine that kind of house payment with student loans still owing and three college educations in our future. Not to mention I'd like to leave my house every once in a while, and I'd far rather have discretionary funds for travel and entertainment than live in a McMansion.  But we could certainly take a step or two up without going for broke.

We've been tossing around putting our house on the market next spring, now that housing prices are finally going back up, but it's a hard choice.  I feel like it's college vs. nicer home, although it's really not that black and white. I guess we'll see what happens.



Today is 6th Grade Graduation.  I think I will get teary.  I can't believe my babies are moving on the middle school.  We've had a kid in this elementary school for 9 years now.  It is a big transition.

SS is wearing a fabulous sparkly zebra-print dress with hot pink accents. We spent an hour this morning trying to coax curls into her stick-straight hair.  And, of course, it is raining.  But I put in enough hair spray to withstand a hurricane, so maybe the curls will make it through this morning's ceremony.

TT is wearing a short-sleeve plaid button down shirt with white capri jeans.  Pretty much the exact opposite of her sister.

We've planned an end-of-year party on Saturday.  They wanted a pool party, which sounds great except that we don't have a pool.  So we bought a ton of water guns and water balloons and DH and the girls have built obstacles (like in paint ball or laser tag) all over the yard so that they gan have water battles. 

They've invited 20 kids.  So far I have 2 RSVPs.  Their two closest friends will both be out of town.  Sigh.  I think it was a bad weekend, probably should have done it last weekend. We figured there would be several who couldn't make it, which is why I allowed 20 in the first place. I'm just crossing my fingers that more show who haven't RSVP'd

The good news: summer is here! I love summer.  The kids aren't so busy. I don't have to constantly nag them about school. We have more time together in the evenings.  I have more time in the mornings because I don't have to get all of them out the door and dropped off.  Yay for summer!