

DH and PS left yesterday for Hometown to attend his grandfather's funeral.  The twins and I were not able to go with them because they left for camp this morning and I needed to drop them off.  So now everybody is gone and I am alone until tomorrow afternoon when DH and PS return.

They were all concerned that I would be sad and lonely.  Let's see, 30ish hours in which I am responsible for nobody but myself?  Yeah, I can deal with that. That is the introvert's ideal state--at least every once in a while. I don't think I have been alone overnight in my own home since I was studying for the bar in 2007 and DH took the girls to Hometown over the July 4th holiday.

So, what to I do with this little nugget of time? I have no idea.  I kind of wish I had a page-turner, because I wouldn't mind a weekend ensconced in a really good book all weekend.  (I'm in  the middle of two books right now, but neither would qualify as a page-turner.)

I checked to see if The Great Gatsby was still showing, so that I could knock "seeing a movie by myself" off my bucket list, but sadly it is not. And I've used up all my discretionary funds shopping for the kids' summer clothes, so shopping is out (not that I really want to go shopping anyway).


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