Yes, Batman arrived in a Tardis to battle Joker riding on a giant robot. It complimented our Very Whovian Christmas--I pretty much bought out the Doctor Who collections at ThinkGeek and Hot Topic.
There were not really any big ticket gifts for the girls this year. When I asked them what they wanted for Christmas, all I got was "band merch" and 'Doctor Who stuff." So that is what they got.
PS also asked for, and received, "the biggest set of Prismacolors you can find." Those are pretty pricey, but not iPod pricey. She is becoming an amazing artist, and we are trying to be supportive. I've said for years that everyone needs to find the one thing they are better at than most people. It took a while to figure it out, but for PS that thing seems to be art. It's funny, because I really pushed her into taking an art class in high school because her course load was really tough and I thought she needed a blow-off class. She had always been pretty good a drawing, but she really blossomed over the last year or so. And she will spend hours working on one drawing--or how to perfect eyelashes.
A few years ago we got her a Bamboo digital drawing tablet. It sat around, mostly unused for a while. But then she started teaching herself digital art several months ago. And I am amazed. This is one of the first pieces that she did (the weird line is my doing) and she has only gotten better since:
So, yeah, she got her fancy pencils. And she is talking about going to art school. Which my pragmatic, conservative self wants to rail against. But she loves art, and she is good at art. And all I really want for my children is for them to be happy in their career and life choices.
Your kids are awesome!
I wish I could hop in a TARDIS and (besides encounters of the sexual kind with David Tennant) tell my 18-year-old self to get a BFA instead. My friends who are professional artists and musicians make more money than I do, and seem a lot happier with their careers. And they didn't have to suffer through law school to do it.
That is so awesome! I love the batman tradition!
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