Showing posts with label anorexia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anorexia. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

It's almost that magical time of year when love is in the air. Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and it's probably only second to Halloween when it comes to days-people-wish-they-were-thinner. In honor of the great Saint Valentine I offer you some motivational thinspiration. The first few made me smile.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions, Thinspo

The new year is finally here! I have a few resolutions set up for myself. Of course the first one is focused on my weight.

1. Hit my goal weight by July and maintain it until the end of the year.
It really isn't so much to ask for. I would only have to lose a few pounds per month. Today was a 24 hour fast to kick off the new year so I'm on my way.
2. Have at least $1,500.00 left over at the end of the month after the bills are paid.
New job? Second job? Raise? Whatever it takes. I want to start saving up a decent lump sum that will allow me to make a down payment on a house within a few years.
3. Make 2011 better than 2010.
2010 was an awesome year for me so this might be the biggest challenge. I think that if I am able to reach my first resolution it will help me out greatly.
4. Really buckle down in school.
I'm a straight A student and I plan on keeping it that way. Sometimes I lose my focus when I start to devote more time to working. I need to realize that in the long run my education will be much more important.
I'm thinking about following each of the eating routines on my diet tab and seeing how it goes. It would also give me a way to give an honest review on each of them.

Here's a bunch of progress / before and after thinspiration! Happy new year!