Showing posts with label Execute Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Execute Hillary. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


There's no such thing as a balance of nature.  The Terrestrial Biosphere's a dynamic environment within a dynamic Universe.  The average planetary temperature varied from tropical to almost frozen over long before Man ever appeared on the scene and will continue to do so long after Man has conquered the stars.  No amount of gunplay (or other forms of coercive force) by the Greens and their Socialist allies will ever change those facts. 

We need an entitled queen like Hillary Clinton like we need to commit suicide with a shotgun blast to the back of the head.

Monday, May 31, 2021

A Claim

Hilary Clinton is claiming that the 2016 presidential election was stolen from her.  in fact Democrats routinely steal elections.  If Comrade Hilary won (or more likely "won") she would have been executed for Treason and Tyranny.

This story was set in The Official Traveller Universe.

Ian saw that the old bakery building at 22nd Avenue and Washington Street was boarded up again, another attempt to redevelop the property without demolishing the original single story brick structure had failed.

Plastered all over the structure were posters showing a black and white photograph of a sixty-ish woman, with short fake blonde hair, a standard nine-millimeter service pistol was aimed at her head. The hammer of the pistol in the photograph was blurred as though it were falling on the firing pin.

Over the photograph on the poster in all capital letters was the one word, REMEMBER.

"I'm sorry sir," said the Chief as he pointed to the posters, "but I'm not fully familiar with that bit of Terran history."

"Well," Ian replied, "That's Saint Hillary, a martyr for the holy cause of Democracy. She was just a stupid old bitch who believed that being democratically elected somehow constituted an excuse for abusive and destructive behavior."

Friday, August 16, 2019

Personal History

I once wrote a story where Hilary Clinton was executed by the people she oppressed.

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Saint Hillary

Once upon a time ago I was working on a bit fiction set in the Official Traveller Universe:

Ian saw that the old bakery building at 22nd Avenue and Washington Street was boarded up again, another attempt to redevelop the property without demolishing the original single story brick structure had failed.

Plastered all over the structure were posters showing a black and white photograph of a sixty-ish woman, with short fake blonde hair, a standard nine-millimeter service pistol was aimed at her head. The hammer of the pistol in the photograph was blurred as though it were falling on the firing pin.

Over the photograph on the poster in all capital letters was the one word, REMEMBER.

"I'm sorry sir," said the Chief as he pointed to the posters, "but I'm not fully familiar with that bit of Terran history."

"Well," Ian replied, "That's Saint Hillary, a martyr for the holy cause of Democracy. She was just a stupid old bitch who believed that being democratically elected somehow constituted an excuse for abusive and destructive behavior."

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Friday, November 03, 2017

About Islam

Can we eliminate Islam from the face of the Earth?

To say that Islam is savagery is the truth and it apparently illegal under our so-called laws.  The grandparents of our so-called rulers welcomed Hitler and his goons with open arms and our so-called rulers are now welcoming Muslims with open arms.  Never mind that the false prophet Mohammed was, without question, a criminal.  As it is the guide to how the Federal and state governments must act with regard to the issue of religion, I will quote the First Amendment of the Constitution: 
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
When the First Amendment was adopted  the so-called religion of Islam was not practiced on the American continent.  Our nation's first and regrettable interaction with Islam was in the field of foreign relations.  It was during the administration of President John Adams that the European practice of making extortion payments to the states sponsored Barbary Pirates was adopted.  When in the process of delivering the extortion payment to the Dey of Algiers, Captain William Bainbridge of the frigate  USS George Washington was compelled at cannon point to deliver tribute, including slaves, to the Sultan of the Ottoman empire while under the flag of Algiers.  It was in response to this barbaric act that President Thomas Jefferson sent the United States Navy to the Mediterranean Sea to directly engage and suppress the state sponsored pirates.  While President Jefferson was fully a man of peace he clearly understood that the value of peace could not be separated from the value of freedom.  As long as Islam was solely an aspect of foreign affairs it would not become a constitutional issue.  But because emigration of Muslims to the United States and proselytism was permitted Islam has now become a political issue.  The fundamental problem is the criminal nature of Islam.  The open contempt for the rights of individuals and nations is written directly into the doctrine.  As a historically confirmed fact the doctrine of Islam was invented solely as a means to justify the predatory actions of the obviously false prophet Mohammed and his willing followers.  As a doctrine Islam allowed the followers of Mohammed to continue the profitable wave of crime and terror after his death.  And where the doctrine of Islam  does make a spiritual promise it only has a meaning with the criminal followers of Mohammed.  In this it is promised the followers of Islam will receive eternal access to a supply of eternal rape victims in Allah's eternal whorehouse.

In an actual religion the follower must comply with the rules set down by God, including the command to respect the rights of other people.  In effect to live a fully Human life.  The doctrine of Islam commands the followers to rob and murder those who properly reject Islam.   To behave as predatory animals.  Within a civilized nation this is absolutely beyond the boundary of toleration. To deal with the problem of Islam I had previously proposed an amendment to the Constitution:
All religions which deny the validity of the Constitution shall not claim protection under it.  The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
The obvious question that has been raised in the past is why do I not call for a ban on Islam by name?  A name is only a mental label for the concept.  Even though it appears to be internally forbidden to change the doctrine of Islam, the doctrine also commands the believer to deceive the victims where necessary.   Thus deception, such as a name change, by a Muslim will occur.  It is by identifying a specific toxic attribute of Islam that we can properly exclude it from protection under the First Amendment.  A fundamental attribute of the doctrine of Islam is the denial of real laws.  The real acts of legislation by real governments that protect the real rights of the people.  In declaring "man made" laws to be invalid Mohammed opened the door to the commission of a multitude of crimes -- including rape, robbery, and murder -- that would be carried out by himself and for his own personal benefit.  This action is absolutely intolerable in a civil society.  In reality The people are the sovereign authority and the sole source of legislation.  In reality Islam has to go.  And in order for us to live a properly Human life we must allow our government to take a proactive role in defending our rights.  And the urban collaborators need to be dealt with as well.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017


My doctor was surprised to that the election of Hillary Clinton would result in a bunch of mass graves from coast to coast.

Another Quote

I could start out by quoting George Santayana, but those of us who actually perceive and think already know the statement.  History is being repeated and we are condemned to witness it.  The fundamental problem with Hillary Clinton and those who aid and support her is that they see themselves as exempt from the reality that we perceive and understand.  The history of errors made by the Progressive movement is absolutely meaningless to them.  The wave of destruction and the death toll is completely blanked out.  And there may not be someone left alive to record the history.

And Yet Another Message For The Hard Left

The Democratic Party are behaving as Ememies Of Mankind, it's time that they are treated as such.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gun Control

The advocacy of a political end cannot be separated from the advocacy the means it is brought about.  The case in this point is that the disarming of The People requires the use of deadly force. Some advocates of "Gun Control" do not have a problem with this.  In their view reality is subject to a vote and therefore a vote to legalize the murder of citizens who own guns is morally correct.

But Reality is Real.  Reality is not subject to a vote.  And Murder is Murder.  No vote by any political body can change that.

The advocacy of "Gun Control" is the advocacy of Murder.  A government that legalizes Murder in this respect ceases to be a government and devolves to a gang of criminals.  And as such it must be put down by deadly force.

And those who pushed and voted for the Murder of gun owners  must themselves be put to death.

But is gun control effective?


 The effectiveness of totalitarian gun control as described by the commander of the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Soviet Army. One of the units sent to suppress an anti-Armenian pogrom in Azerbaijan. As told to Carey Schofield, author of "The Russian Elite: Inside SPETSNAZ And The Airborne Forces."

"We landed by night, and some of our aircraft came under attack as we did so. One carrying personnel from Tula landed with twenty-two holes in the fuselage. The people thronging around the airfield were armed with sub-machine guns, knives and clubs. I went over to the crowd and said, 'Look! The Army is not a cat to be swung around in the air. Clear the road!' The KPP (Control and Command Post) of the airfield was blocked with KRAZ and KAMAZ trucks loaded with boulders. People started shouting that we wouldn't get through. While I was talking to the crowds my sappers were cutting the wire fence about 200 meters to the left and right of the KPP. I gave the crowds five minutes to think things over. They began jeering and laughing. Within five minutes two companies from my Ryazan regiment had crossed through the holes in the wire. The whole crowd was ordered to lie face down. We kept them there all night, to let them think things over. When we told them to clear off, the next morning, nobody wanted to admit that he had come armed. They all just left their weapons behind. So I said, 'okay, let's just say we found them'."

If gun control doesn't keep firearms out of the hands of criminals (genocidal criminals at that) in Soviet Russia, it is not going to do so in Soviet America.

The fact is that some adherents of what was politely called gun control are in fact the heirs of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.  As a result it has become very-very-very-easy to predict what an advocate of public disarmament will say.  All one has to do is take any mouth dropping of Reichsminister Paul Joseph Goebbels and substitute the words Gun Owner for the word Jew.

Yes, it’s that obvious.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Another Message For The Hard Left

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists, like the Democrats, thought they were superior people, maybe we could threat them as such, from the neck until dead.

A Message To The Hard Left

As long as you behave as a National Socialist then you will be treated as a National Socialist, from the neck until dead.  We are not European Jews and other victims of National Socialism, we will fight back.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Another Message To Antifa

There's no question that you and ( yes, I disagree with President Trump) Hillary Clinton are mortal enemies of Mankind and America.  And you should be treated as such, from the neck until dead.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Another Fact Of Reality

President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are protecting you from us.  We tend to shoot for the head.  If you resort to violence then we will respond with our violence to your violence.  If you remove President Trump and the Republicans there will be nothing between you and the rest of us.

And if you try to silence us by force then we will silence you by deadly force.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Fact Of Reality

I once went to a Liberal owned coffee house.  They didn't know how to make a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Fact Of Reality

Let's see, if we in Humanity to treat the Left the way that Great Comrade Stalin treated anyone he suspected of being an opponent, let alone someone who was an actual opponent, would anyone on the Left still be breathing, let alone continuing to rant like a mentally disconnected lunatic who's off his medicines?

I wouldn't think so.

If Humanity dealt with the adherents of Modern Liberalism the way the Left has dealt with humans in general whenever the Left has obtained unrestrained power, there wouldn't be any Leftists left standing. Of the universities, the mainstream media, and the urban centers of the Left there would be nothing left but smoking ruins, and there would mass graves from coast to coast. (Personally, if I were in charge of a political cleansing program, I would just dump the remains in the public landfills with the rest of the garbage.)

In my own view the present day Left, like the unschooled barbarians who plagued civilization before them, are essentially parasites. If the Hun or the Mongol were to take "no" for an answer to their demands for food and other material goods they would die very quickly. Compulsion, taking things and persons by force, is inherently necessary to the parasite manner of existence. And those who resisted had to be killed as an object lesson for others.

The Left, the present-day literate post-marxist barbarians, not only need material support they also need spiritual support as well. Barbarian chieftains and tribal witch-doctors demanded degrading and often dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they would still have a roof (or a tent) over their heads and food to eat the next day. Those refused to obey were worked over by the goon squad or simply killed.  In the classrooms and editorial offices of the Left the demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts of reality. The self-styled intellectuals of the Left are the first to demand “speech codes” and other forms of censorship lest they be identified as frauds and poseurs and subsequently bounced out of their comfortable ivory towers.  They are no longer insulated from a real world that demands real thought and real labor.

Faced with the refusal of Russian farmers to comply with his sacrificial demands, Lenin laid a curse upon the farmers and in the name of his false god, “the toilers”, ordered:

Merciless war against these kulaks! Death to them!
The Left, being dependent by force upon others for their sustenance, must stand in opposition to the society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion, be it various species of Socialism or the witch-doctor rule of Islam, because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.  Of course, in my view, if the Left would just die it would be nice.

Monday, October 23, 2017

A Message To The Mainstream Media

When you lie to us then you will be identified as a liar.

When you act as the propaganda arm of a political party then you be identified and dealt with as such.