Showing posts with label Islam is death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam is death. Show all posts

Saturday, January 05, 2019

A Historical Fact

Vlad Tepes got the nasty reputation for simply imitating what he saw Ottoman Muslims were already doing to Christian men who fell into their hands.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

More Questions

Should we treat David Miscavige, David Hogg, and Emma Gonzalez as enemies of Humanity?

Should we terminate diplomatic and military relations with the United Kingdom?

Should we erase the followers of false prophets like Marx and Mohammed from the face of the Earth?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jihad Again

The absolute first thing taught at infantry basic training during the Cold War was that the maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.   On the face of it I saw this as the response to any attempt to explain a failure to learn a necessary skill.  But this idea also applies to the moral nightmare we were facing during with the Communists enemy and their excuses for their crimes.

Today we are facing another and older nightmare with the onslaught of Islam.

There has been another jihad incident.

The functions of ideologies are first to erase the responsibility of the perpetrators for theirs actions and to deny the humanity of the victims.  But there is never a valid excuse for murder.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bloody Saturday

If the fourth day of July fell on a Sunday this rant would be titled Bloody Sunday.

This Saturday with be the anniversary of the day that the members of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence two days after their vote to adopt it.  In this they told King George the Third and all tyrants in general to bugger off.  Because of this I fully expect the current occupant of the White House to whine, moan, and groan.

And of course our independence and the celebration of same is also an affront to the false prophet Mohammed and the followers of his false doctrine of Islam. 

Mohammed, one of the most ignorant and depraved creatures* to have ever defiled the face of the Earth, in the name of the false god Allah demanded that we degrade ourselves to him or be murdered by the former human trash that followed him.  To this day the followers of the false prophet continue the war he declared against humanity in the most depraved fashion.  And because of this I fully expect that the rational predictions of more and massive attacks on the anniversary of our declaration of freedom from tyranny will come true.

As the followers of the false prophet have already demonstrated no act is too depraved for them.

* Along with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, three more creatures who are disqualified as Human.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Prediction

Back in 2006 I made the following prediction:

Imagine for a moment that Hillary Rodham Clinton, someone who could be reasonably expected to be Beijing's bitch, were elected in 2008.

Would it be safe to assume that any democratic nation on the Pacific Rim would remain safe under a nuclear umbrella controlled by an American President whose party is known to have taken money from the masters of Communist China?

No. Of course not.

If Hillary, or any other Donk, wins the White House in 2008 we can be certain that there will very shortly be new members of the Nuclear Club.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Japan.

Say hello to a nuclear armed South Korea.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Taiwan.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Australia.

Who knows, perhaps the folks governing New Zealand may even pull their collective heads out of their collective asses on matters of national defense.

And all this will happen because all of these nations will have no other choice.

 There s no question that The Big Zero has become the bitch of the murderous psychopaths  who presently rule Iran.  And The Zero has effectively stated that he is on the side of the mullahs in spite of their obviously genocidal hatred of the people of Israel.

Unfortunately we can only hang him once for his role in bringing about the Second Holocaust.

Friday, March 20, 2015


The Islamic State sent suicide bombers to attack two mosques in Yemen. This is straight up Nihilism in action. 

The Islamic State must be destroyed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fact Check

The absolute first thing taught in Infantry Basic Training at Fort Benning is the the maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.

The fact is that Islam denies the rights of all men and mandates violence against all who refuse to submit to the obviously false doctrine.  All the Muslims in the so-call Palestinian territories should consider themselves fortunate that they aren't taken out and machine gunned because they are collectively asking for it.

Thanks to Mark Urbin for the image.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015


Meanwhile in the real world:

Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist convicted in the November 2009 shooting rampage that left 13 dead and 31 wounded, was sentenced to death Wednesday by a military jury.

Prosecutors had sought the death penalty, saying Hasan's murderous rampage at the sprawling military base here left tragic and devastating loss for victims and loved ones.
Hasan, 42, was convicted last week on 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 charges of attempted premeditated murder. He appeared expressionless upon hearing the verdict, which came less than two hours of deliberations.

The death sentence required a unanimous verdict by the jury of 13 military officers. At minimum, Hasan faced life imprisonment. Still, while Hasan could be the first serviceman executed by the military since 1961, the appellate process could take years.

Before an execution date is set, there will be automatic appeals at military courts for the Army and the armed forces, said Victor Hansen, a military law expert at the New England School of Law. Hasan could also ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review his case and file motions in federal court. Moreover, the president must eventually sign off on a military death sentence, which would be carried out by lethal injection. 

Of course I fully expect the blank file in the White House to not sign off on the death sentence. 

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Thought For The Day

We are another day closer to the point where we start building those special camps for Muslims.

The special kind with the shower and oven facilities.

I said this a week ago:

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.  In my view censors are vermin fit only for extermination.

 The doctrine of Islam negates all of the Rights of Man.  As a result those who adhere to Islam cannot claim the same rights for themselves.  The false prophet Mohammed and those who follow him are without question Enemies of Mankind and as such can only be dealt with by deadly force.

Extermination and expulsion  are the only options.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pure Evil In Action

This little girl was murdered for the sheer joy of it.

This is the kind of nihilism that was last seen committed in India by the cult of Kali.  On the Eastern Front when the SS would shoot children it was an act of pest control for them.  They didn't see their victims as being people.  The Muslim sect of ISIS knows they are committing the murder of innocent people.   And they are doing it for the pleasure of committing murder.  The members of ISIS enjoy this.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Goals And Consequences

The basic goal of the terrorist group Hamas is to murder every man, woman and child in the state of Israel, in effect to carry out the Second Holocaust.  Furthermore Hamas is an enforcer of the anti-human doctrine of Islam.   Thus under no circumstances should anyone have any sympathy for Hamas.  But unfortunately there are some very thoroughly depraved people in the western nations who do.

Hamas uses the very thoroughly depraved tactic of hiding behind women and children on the rare occasions that they do stand up and engage the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) in firefights.  This, of course, results in the deaths of those same women and children.  This does not stop the depraved supporters of Hamas from falsely laying the blame for those deaths on the IDF.

We have the right of speech and press to ensure that we as citizens have the accurate information necessary to make rational judgements on the issues of the day.  But the supporters of Hamas abuse this right by willfully lying to us with the goal of causing us to make a clearly wrong decision.


I would expect the correct answer to be long and complex.  But, as with the First Holocaust, the simple answer may be that there is no why.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Thought For The Day

Above is a SCUD missile manufactured by the former Soviet Union.  It is now in the possession of the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate.

Does it in fact pose a threat to anyone?

The answer is simply no.

Unlike the AK-47, which can be buried in mud for a year and still function, the SCUD is sensitive to a number of factors.  Even though it is a Soviet built missile it is a liquid fuel system using storable hypergolics for fuel.  Hypergolics are toxic and corrosive.  Soviet missile crews during the Cold War had to wear NBC protective gear in order the operate and maintain the system.  Furthermore even if these savages had a fully fueled missile and a functional launch system they still had to program the location of the launch site and their target into the guidance system. 

The likelihood of this missile being an actual hazard to anyone is zero.

But, as some people say, it's the thought that counts.

Thh Caliphate intends to carry out the full program of the false prophet Mohammed.  To conquer and enslave the people of the world.  And to murder those who properly refuse to submit.  As this is completely outside the bounds of toleration for Humanity as a whole the Islamic Caliphate will have to be wiped out.


What are your questions on this block of instruction.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014


The bodies of the teenage boys kidnapped by Muslims have been found near Hebron.  

Freedom of religion does not mean the freedom to behave as a subhuman animal.  It clearly does not mean the freedom to commit murder. 

Islam denies the right of life and therefore cannot be tolerated in any Human society.

Islam must be destroyed.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Extermination Time

Pamela Geller reports that gangs of Muslims in the former United Kingdom are kidnapping young girls and using them as sex slaves and are effectively getting away with it.  The alledged government won't do anything because it would racist of them.


 I read the article and I was just sickened.

There is no government in the UK.  The time has come to invade the UK and reestablish a functioning government.  And to execute those who are collaborating with the Muslim invaders.

Islam is simply the annihilation of Humanity, and the only solution that I can see is The Final Solution.

Showers and Ovens--the sooner we start the better.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wakeup Call

I went to bed, and then I woke up and checked the web.  On Pamela Geller's Atlas Shruggs 2000 site I found the report of the twin suicide bombings in Sochi, the site of this year's Winter Olympic Games.

In the article one of the jihadists is quoted as saying:
"Why should we follow those Christian commandments, when Allah, may he be glorified, urges us to fight those kafirs [infidels]?” he added. “Why shouldn’t we leave their children orphans?"
Why indeed?

The doctrine of Islam denies that Human Life is the basic value of a real moral code.  Why then should a true Muslim NOT murder anyone at whim? The true Muslim has no real moral values.  The true Muslim is promised entry into the eternal whorehouse of Allah and supply of eternal victims to placate his most base carnal desires. 

From an Agnostic view: Rational men have identified God as the first and foremost of rational beings.  From this position rational men seek to join God in his community and to this tries to identify the means of doing so.  This the basis of the Western Monotheist Tradition. (WMT)

Furthermore in the WMT each man is responsible for and in control of his own life.  He must by his own thoughts and actions follow the correct path to enter the Community of God. Attempts by some rulers to enforce a vision of "righteousness" upon his subjects runs counter to reality and are doomed to failure.

In many Polytheist traditions Man is deemed to be the property of one or more deities.  Man exists solely to serve the deities and may be used or even killed in accordance to the doctrine of the religion.  Man is not held to comply with real laws enacted to protect the life and property of other persons.  Man must instead obey the commandments of the deities who claim ownership over him. 

Into this cognitive environment Mohammed inserted the doctrine of Islam.  Islam was a theological fraud created to recruit a mob of criminals to enforce his will upon the vast sea of victims. 

Mohammed recycled a pagan deity as his substitute for the god as identified in the WMT.  To recruit the criminals required to commit his greater crimes Mohammed promised his followers the eternal gratification of the basest sensual desires.  Here the real criminal acts are elevated to the moral position of right.

As a result where the doctrine of Islam rules there is savagery and enforced poverty in the place of the social peace and prosperity of the civilized nations.

Because the doctrine of Islam fully denies the Rights of Man and the laws enacted to protect those rights those who practice this false faith have no place in any civilization.  And in fact have no place in existence.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Morning Comment

The battle for the Westgate Mall in Nairobi is over. And the clean up has begun. Some of the cleaning up will be pyschological.

Quoted in the Daily Mail [LINK HERE]:

Yesterday, soldiers and doctors who were among the first people into the mall after it was reclaimed on Tuesday, spoke of the horrifying scenes inside.

‘You find people with hooks hanging from the roof,’ said one Kenyan doctor, who asked not to be named.

‘They removed eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood.

‘They drive knives inside a child’s body.

'Actually if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers. Here it was pain.’

A soldier, who took pictures at a bread counter and at the ArtCaffe, said he was so traumatised by what he saw he has had to seek counselling.


During the firefight, hostages reportedly had their throats slashed from ear to ear and were thrown screaming from third-floor balconies as the siege came to a bloody end. Forensics teams, still sifting through the mountains of rubble, fear many more bodies are yet to be found.

Shell-shocked Kenyan troops said the inside of the Israeli-run mall resembled a ‘scene from a horror movie’ with blood spattered everywhere and dead bodies strewn across the floor.

And finally:

One soldier told the Daily Mirror: 'I have seen many bad things, but this will haunt me for the rest of my days.'

That's because the soldier is a real man with a conscience. A conscience is a psychological attribute that full indoctrination in Islam effectively destroys.

A proper predatory animal kills when it needs to eat or feed its young. What we have witnessed in Kenya is torture for the sake of torture and murder simply for the sake of murder.


There is no why.

Islam is a set of excuses and instructions for the destruction of human life that was created by a depraved individual (I won't call it a man) who never achieved anything on his own. The false prophet either married into money or stole it. To demonstrate that he had power he ordered or personally committed acts of rape, robbery, and murder. All that the monster could do was to destroy the lives of real people.

And in order to live a proper human life we the Human Race must destroy Islam.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


The body count thus far for the Nairobi Shopping Mall attack [LINK HERE] is roughly two percent of the death toll of the WTC attack on 9/11. Yet it should not have happened at all.

The fact of the matter is that We the Human Race are in a world war. A war started by the false prophet Mohammed and carried on by those who continue to follow his doctrine. And it will not end until those who follow and enforce the doctrine of Islam are extinct.

Of course The Big Zero in the White House would rather see it the other way around.

Monday, August 12, 2013


At what point does one declare that enough is enough?

The atrocity that you will read about at the end of the link was committed by the animals that John McCain and Barack Obama want to send aid to.


(I have to do a better job of copy editing.)