Monday, February 26, 2018


The so-called Palestinians don't realize that they're still fighting the Second World War and they're on the wrong side.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Those who deny the Rights of Man are Enemies of Mankind.  There is no way to evade this and those who do are collaborators with such.  The doctrine of Islam was created as a body of excuses for the utterly depraved actions of an absolute monster.  But there can never be a valid excuse for rape, robbery, murder, and the other destructive acts carried out by the followers of the false prophet Mohammed.  None whatsoever.

So what is to done?

Steve Barry, the editor of  The Resister and founder of the Special Forces Underground, once told me that in rhetoric we had to dehumanize our opponents.  I disagreed.  I argued that our opponents had chosen to dehumanize themselves and all we had to do was to accurately describe their thoughts and actions.  Given this we must accept as a fact of reality that those who fully follow the doctrine of Islam or Socialism are Enemies of Mankind and must be crushed without anything resembling mercy.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Who needs a ministry or (Reichsministry of Propaganda) to hold a totalitarian leash when the Mainstream Media will lie for you?

Friday, February 23, 2018

Gun Nazis Lie

The gun control people are saying that it is easier to buy firearms than groceries.


This is a lie.

Anyone in the State of Minnesota can buy groceries but if you have as much as a misdemeanor on your record forget it. The gun control people are lying as usual.


Thursday, February 22, 2018


Without the restraints of real legislation or of the natural and permanent moral laws we are left with one thing, the law of the jungle, to kill or to be killed.  It is impossible to reason with, negotiate with, or otherwise peacefully coexist with any person, any group, or any nation that believes that it has the right to control you or to take things from you by force. Such persons or entities can only be physically isolated from you or ultimately destroyed.  Peace is the absence of enemies but it is not, as some wish to believe, priceless.  As long as there is one Communist who lives there will be no peace. This also applies to Islam.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Truth About Reality

But reality cannot rewritten by the wish of anyone, no matter what their intentions or ideology. Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to become the master of it, liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error, to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.  The liberals (or as some of them prefer to call themselves, progressives) openly state their desire to rule over the whole of Humanity and then proceed to conclusively demonstrate that they are totally unfit to do so.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Another Fact About The Democratic Party

Nobody in their right mind would have voted for Hillary Clinton for the office of President of the United States. Of course if we had an honest press instead of mob of Paul Joseph Goebbels impersonators we would safe from the onset of the Social Justice Warrior's reign of terror.  But if we are subject to such a reign please keep in mind that anyone who supports them are mortal enemies and must be identified and dealt with as such.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Fact About The Democratic Party

Throughout its history the fundamental value of the Democratic Party was power. As with the Communists and National Socialists in Eurasia they had sought absolute power over everyone in their domain, the United States of America. And as with the predecessors the power over their victims was exercised without any restraint whatsoever. As a result it became absolutely necessary to remove the Democratic Party from power and permanently eliminate the basic structure and the intellectual infrastructure that continues to support it.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


The assholes who put poison in the gas chambers and members of the SS-Einsanzgruppen seriously believed that they were the good guys, so do the Social Justice Warriors.


Friday, February 16, 2018


Adolf Hitler and his followers (the National Socialist German Workers Party or NSDAP) and his present  ideological descendants Hillary Clinton and her followers (the Democratic Party) did not know they were the bad guys.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"When Stalin is your henchman, you (Lenin) are not a good guy."

--Professor Jordan Peterson

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Fact About George Owell

The novel 1984 was written as a warning to us.  Not as an instruction manual for the Democratic Party.  Control over everything and everyone productive, it must be a Democrats wet dream.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Prediction

A future generation will talk about democrats the way my generation was talking about South American Nazis.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Another Fact Of Reality

When you follow losers like Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama you shouldn't be surprised that you've lost.  And never underestimate the stupidity of a self appointed superior being.  We should not be surprised by the existence and degree of insane or outright stupid behavior on the part of those who deem themselves superior to us mere mortals. The illusion of superiority allows the parasites who make up the Left (and National Socialists are Leftists) to exempt themselves from the rules of the Society of Consent that is the foundation of Western Civilization. So necessary is the illusion of authority to the parasite that he will invent facts and rewrite reality to create it. (Thus the idiot who denied the existence of mustard gas.) The fact of the matter is that Leftists lie, they lie to themselves. They lie to each other, and whether they intend to or not they lie to us.  One obvious consequence of this phenomena is that rational debate with a Leftist is simply impossible, there can only be violence or the credible threat of same.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

National Socialism Is Still Alive

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists are the crazy relatives that the mainstream left won't talk about. If there is one myth that I would really like to bury, it is the myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology, and that the NSDAP and those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing parties.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
Hillary Clinton and her followers could repeat the above statement word for word and no one, in the usual leftist audience, or the Main Stream Media, would call them out on it. The myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology basically originated in the the Kremlin and has continued to be repeated by those who are embarrassed about their German ideological relatives.  Seriously, if the Left were seriously and openly called out on this they would either have to drop their beliefs or bust their collective backsides to rehabilitate Hitler and the NSDAP.  Or they would just jump up and down and call us a bunch of liars.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Let's Think Of It As Idiocy In Action

Let's start with the fact that not all land used for pasture can be converted for grain or veggie production. Let's also note that a large part of what meat animals are fed, such as hay and shredded corn stalks, is waste material from food production for humans. The elimination of meat production would actually require an increase in the use of land for farming in order to make up for the deficit in food production.  In other words, the Vegan propagandists are engaging in mental inversion mode as usual.  And let's face it, a diet without meat is unbalanced. The vegans that I've met tend to resemble socialist labor camp inmates without the labor camp haircut. And they tend to do stupid things like voting for Democrats or neocommunist trash like the Green Party.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Terminally F**king Dumb

I have no grounds to believe that the Kim Dynasty could build ICBM's with the resources available to them nor could I believe that they could acquire Russian or Chinese surplus missiles without someone finding out about it. (Except of course for members of our own mainstream media who would bury the story and blame President Trump when missiles are finally launched.) But if those double-damned murderers would pull their noses out of their Marxist textbooks and actually pay attention to the real world and real history they might notice something. That attempts by culturally 'eastern' nations or empires, such as Persia and Carthage, to destroy or conquer western nations, such as Greece and Rome, not only fail but fail catastrophically. An attack with fission or fusion bombs on the Anglosphere nations in general or the United States in particular would kill millions of civilians and leave several hundred million really, really, really angry Anglo-Americans with a largely intact industrial base and the best trained and equipped armed forces on the planet to serve as the cadre for a more massive volunteer force. When the rubble in North Korea stops bouncing I would expect that the Anglosphere nations will effectively OWN the planet and that Marxism will be a doctrine practiced only in Hell.

Say hello to the Imperium America.

Part the nose in the textbook problem that appears to plague the Kim Dynasty is that their belief that North Korean nukes may be sufficient to shatter our civilization may be the result of being mentally stuck in the master/slave culture box. Some of their nukes, which would have to be delivered by smugglers instead of missiles, will be used to decapitate our political leadership. This would briefly stun us, but it would not totally paralyze us as it would if we were a master/slave culture like the socialist states. As a citizen ruled republic we can replace our own political leadership from our own ranks in short order. Something that the Marxists stuck in their master/slave paradigm may not be able to understand. And Washington is not a holy city for us. Even though they could wreck Washington, President Trump, or his successor, will still be able to govern effectively from behind a folding card table in a tent in the middle of a Kansas wheat field. Of course, I won't say which Kansas wheat field.

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

A Quote

"Somewhere out there is about thirty feet of rope and a lampost with Charlie Shumer's name on them."


Sunday, February 04, 2018

A Fact Of Reality

GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT in the New York Times wrote that a large part of the European left spent a large part of the 20th century hating the United States not because it had economic inequality or Jim Crow but because it did not have show trials, labor camps and the other appurtenances of "actually existing socialism." We Americans (the neo-barbarians of the Hard Left excepted) prefer real courts and the other attributes of an actually existing civilization.  Mr. Wheatcroft also dug up an interesting statement by English author Evelyn Waugh: Of course, the Americans are cowards ... They are almost all the descendants of wretches who deserted their legitimate monarchs for fear of military service.

To Hell with you Mister Waugh. I'm sure General Tojo, Il Duce, und Der Fuherer would be very happy to hear that Americans are cowards. Those bloody-handed power tripping motherfuckers had their destinies very thoroughly settled by those whom that fatuous English twit calls cowards.  The courage of Americans fighting for a just cause has never failed and anyone whose continued existence is (or was in the case of that fatuous English twit) dependent on the courage of American Citizens should properly acknowledge that fact or shut the Hell up.  AMERICANS ARE CITIZENS, not the chattel of some perfumed and over-dressed descendant of some barbarian chieftain (or a commissar or other such sub-human filth), we (and the rest of the human race in general) are not subjects or slaves who exist solely to expended at the whim of the ruler, anyone who cannot accept this as an unevadable fact of reality should have their head struck off and stuck on a pike.

Saturday, February 03, 2018

A Question

The Antifa idiots who follow Hillary Clinton like the National Socialist idiots who followed Adolf Hitler all believe they are the good guys. Why don't we just shoot them?

Friday, February 02, 2018

More Thoughts

I have suggested that the racial collectivist trash who call themselves the Black Lives Matter  be properly identified as the National Socialist Black Assholes Party. (NSBAP)  On a second thought I'm now in favor of identifying them as the National Socialist African American Party.  (NSAAP)

And a future generation will be talking about Democrats the way our generation were talking about Nazis.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Thought For The Day

The assholes (yes, I know I'm insulting assholes) who ran the extermination apparatus at various death camps knew what they were doing but also identified themselves as good people.  So do most of those who will cast a ballot (or more) for Hillary Clinton.  The, in fact, they re nothing more than 'murderers, and must be dealt with as such.  You can't argue with evil, you can only destroy it.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Reminder

Marshall Petain was once considered to be a hero in France but now he is one of the reasons that Frenchmen are considered to be cowards.

Everyone who has enlisted in the armed forces of the United States has made the following promise:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

All of us who has served in the Armed Forces made this promise to the nation. And every one of us who has served has broken that promise.  Every one of us has allowed traitors and murderers to rule over us and every one of us has obeyed every order the traitors and murderers have issued.

And it's time to treat the FBI  a criminal gang.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Another Fact

Since Lenin's coup d'etat (where he and his goons overthrew a democratically elected government) in 1917 the Soviets and other empowered followers of Marx have through starvation and deliberate homicide killed no less than 110 million people, including no small number of helpless children. That's more than three thousand deaths a day on average. But who do the so called activists for peace declare to be evil? Those who defend the remnant of civilization from the followers of Marx.  In reality it is the willing servants and enablers of mass-murderers who are defaming the those who resist the mass-murderers. This would have been an opportunity to continue to rant about the inherent evil of peace activism and to issue another call to round up and shoot the lot of them. Because as far as I'm concerned shooting a so called peace activist is no more an act of murder than putting down a rabid animal.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Six More Facts

1. The doctrine of Totalitarianism holds Human life in absolute contempt and sees people as things to be used or destroyed, over the last decades Totalitarians have enslaved numerous nations and murdered tens of millions of people, and surrender to such people, regardless of the circumstances, is simply not an option.

2. A future generation will be talking about South American Democrats the way our generation was talking about South American Nazis when we were growing up.

3. Socialism is Slavery.  Live with it.

4. The current Democratic Party are a bunch of totalitarian trash, and we have to treat them as such, from the neck until dead.

5. We can shoot them too.  (Which is why they favor Gun Control.)

6. Weapon (or Gun) Control never works, but that doen’t stop them from trying.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


The Carthaginians put their children into sacrificial fires and the Romans put their children into plate armor.

Who won?

Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Warning For Antifa

I'm an open and public critic of Adolf Hitler, National Socialism, and Neo-nazism. If a a member of Antifa assaults me I will fight back back and with deadly force.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Voting American

Hillary Clinton called me deplorable, Donald Trump called me an American, who do you think I voted for?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Ten Facts

1. The one thing that the willfully depraved are loathe to do is to acknowledge the fact that there are people who are in fact better in some respect than they are. To make such an acknowledgment is to issue an indictment of themselves and their own actions. The willfully depraved will murder individuals or even exterminate entire nations before they will recognize the truth about themselves.

2. I would replace The Second Amendment with the following:

The People of the United States, being the sovereign authority of the nation, shall not be disarmed.  To petition for, to enact, or to enforce legislation to disarm the People shall be a capital offense.  The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

3. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party are the crazy relatives that the present day Hard Left goes to great effort to avoid talking about.  The pragmatic brand of socialist (as opposed to the doctrinaire Marxist) will strike the pose that will have the most appeal in the target audience's minds. Thus in Germany, where the army was traditionally held in the highest esteem, the NSDAP assumed in public the form of a substitute army (ersatzarmee) with a mass of clean-cut men in spiffy uniforms marching about in disciplined formations. In the United States, where the standing military was traditionally looked upon with suspicion if not ridicule, the Left rejected the militarist paradigm. Unfortunately they assumed the form of what decent people came to call dirty-stinking hippies, a mob of unwashed savages attired in cast-off or otherwise ridiculous clothing who moved about in a sloppy mass.  The American Left in its manifestation as the Anti-war Movement had in effect taken on the modern form of a barbarian horde. But given that Socialism is essentially barbarian brigandage in modernistic makeup, why should we be surprised?

4. I’m on public record as being an open critic of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism so I couldn’t hang out with let alone be a leader of a bunch of neo-nazis.

5. Even if the usual Marxist credibility issues did not apply, we need to remember that there are still millions of folks out there who still believe that they have the Allah (not God) given right to murder those who have chosen to live a rational life. Some of them still have money and organizational skills to apply to the problem of murdering infidels like you and me.  Islamic terrorism will continue. Count on it.

6. Hillary Clinton has no power to speak of. It's the death squads that normally accompany the rise to power of such Marxist trash that rational people usually come to fear.  Ever heard of the Waco Massacre?  It was a demonstration on the part of Clinton I (a.k.a. Big Bubba) of the existence of the means to carry out Marxist style state terror and the existence of the will to use it.  Of course some folks don't care about socialist body counts. In their minds the rest of us simply exist as tools for their use and anyone who refuses to be a slave is just trash to disposed of. (A hundred million dead just isn't enough.) So what if their candidate for president is a Stalin-wanna-be? All that matters is that they will feel good about electing the first allegedly female president.

7. The Romanian Nomenklatura had to line the Ceaucescus against the wall because they knew they knew they were next.  The American Nomenklatura doesn’t understand this, they will be lined up against the wall after the Clintons

8. Humanity is not merely a physical condition, it is a state of mind. To be human is to be essentially rational and productive. The human mentality looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity. On the other hand the predator or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men. The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance. To the predator justice consists of "getting away with it".  And those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

9. I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

10. The beatdown by the neo-nazi garbage (and I will use that term) that you’ve been expecting?

It won’t happen.  So why won’t it happen?  Because the neo-nazi thugs that you were told that supported Trump never existed.


By your college and university professors and the main stream media.  You were also lied to by the serious supporters of Hillary Clinton.  You can go outside of the so-called safe spaces and you find peaceful and normal people who are glad that the treasonous bitch will never occupy the White House.  And not one of them is a brownshirt in hiding waiting for the chance to beat you up.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Killing a member of Antifa or the so-called Black Lives Matter group or any other anti-human filth is no more an act of murder than killing a National Socialist or Soviet Communist or any other totalitarian filth.

It's a moral necessity.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Proposal

I again propose the following amendment to the United States Constitution:

The People of the United States, being the sovereign authority of the nation, shall not be disarmed.  To petition for, to enact, or to enforce legislation to disarm the People shall be a capital offense.  The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

What are your questions on this proposal?

Monday, January 22, 2018

Ten More Facts

1. That's the problem for them. Donald Trump is the President of the United States, thus subject to the Constitution and the will of the electorate and not the American manifestation of Big Brother.  Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus cannot take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist. If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, does not have to take "no" for answer. Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen ruled republics.

2. We need another civil war, however bloody it will be we will win.

3. Apparently Hillary Clinton hasn’t given up on her quest to gain the presidency.  If you wanted to know what a Hillary Clinton administration would look like? There’s a scorched  spot outside of Waco in Texas where an agency of the federal government does an imitation of SS-Einsanzgruppen on live television.   My family doctor was surprised to hear that a Hillary Clinton administration would result in mass graves from coast to coast.  But since the mainstream media was caught lying I have to treat them as part of the problem.

4. In the Marxist lexicon civilization consists of states that treat human beings as hominid livestock and which run up body counts in the millions. At last count the death toll due to the various attempts to practice what Marx preached runs from 100 million to 170 million and is still rising to places such as Cuba, China, and North Korea. In the Marxist lexicon arrogance consists of the moral certainty that each person has the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, and such rights must be defended by deadly force either by the individual or collectively through the institution of government.  In the Marxist lexicon unwarranted bloodshed consists of the act of shooting back at and ultimately hunting down and killing those willfully inhuman creatures who, in accordance to the ravings of false prophets such as Mohammed and Marx, seek to forcibly enslave and murder human beings.  In the Marxist lexicon idiocy consists of looking at the world through one's own eyes, thinking for one's self, and refusing to believe the immense load of ideological excrement left by Marx, Engels, and their intellectual heirs. (Yes, I know, calling them intellectuals is a contradiction) In effect in the marxist lexicon reality is unreal.

Marxists in general have apparently mastered the practice of double-think, the treatment of concepts as opposite of their true meaning.  The double thinker worships despots such as the Castro brothers and the father-son-grandson team of the Kims as liberators and saviors while the United States and it's allies, the true liberators of Afghanistan and Iraq, are treated as conquerors and murderers. The double thinker treats literally bloody handed murderers as innocent victims while willfully ignoring the mass graves of hundreds of thousands of helpless men, women, and children found in Iraq. The double thinker treats the society of contract and consent, for which Marx invented the pejorative term CAPITALISM, as a slave system while SOCIALISM, which in practice requires compulsion, slave labor, and the outright murder of those who resist, is called true liberation. The double thinker treats the acts of robbery and murder as just while the act of self defense is punished as the foulest of crimes. Ultimately the double thinker treats the United States of America, the greatest and most morally advanced nation on Earth, as vilest of evils, fit only for destruction. As an individual the double thinker is merely insane, as a political activist the double thinker is a mortal hazard to individual persons and to Mankind in General.  If President Trump was murdered by the Marxists or their Islamist allies the result would not be the ascendance of the Marxist elite, but instead it would be the initiation of the long overdue extermination of the followers of Karl Marx.  Hell, skip the assassination of President Trump, let's start now.

5. It's always an elitist who lets the barbarians in.

6. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party are the crazy relatives that the present day Left goes to great effort to avoid talking about.  The pragmatic brand of socialist (as opposed to the doctrinaire Marxist) will strike the pose that will have the most appeal in the target audience's minds. Thus in Germany, where the army was traditionally held in the highest esteem, the NSDAP assumed in public the form of a substitute army (ersatzarmee) with a mass of clean-cut men in spiffy uniforms marching about in disciplined formations. In the United States, where the standing military was traditionally looked upon with suspicion if not ridicule, the Left rejected the militarist paradigm. Unfortunately they assumed the form of what decent people came to call dirty-stinking hippies, a mob of unwashed savages attired in cast-off or otherwise ridiculous clothing who moved about in a sloppy mass.  The American Left in its manifestation as the Anti-war Movement had in effect taken on the modern form of a barbarian horde. But given that Socialism is essentially barbarian brigandage in modernistic makeup, why should we be surprised?

7. The Romanian Nomenklatura had to line the Ceaucescus against the wall because they knew they knew they were next.  The American Nomenklatura doesn’t understand this, they will be lined up against the wall after the Clintons

8. Humanity is not merely a physical condition, it is a state of mind. To be human is to be essentially rational and productive. The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity. On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men. The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance. To the predator justice consists of "getting away with it" those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

9. I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

10. GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT in the New York Times wrote that a large part of the European left spent a large part of the 20th century hating the United States not because it had economic inequality or Jim Crow but because it did not have show trials, labor camps and the other appurtenances of "actually existing socialism." We Americans (the neo-barbarians on the left excepted) prefer real courts and the other attributes of an actually existing civilization.

Mr. Wheatcroft also dug up an interesting statement by English author Evelyn Waugh:

Of course, the Americans are cowards ... They are almost all the descendants of wretches who deserted their legitimate monarchs for fear of military service.

To Hell with you Mister Waugh. I'm sure General Tojo, Il Duce, und Der Fuherer would be very happy to hear that Americans are cowards. Those bloody-handed power tripping motherfuckers had their destinies very thoroughly settled by those whom that fatuous English twit calls cowards.  The courage of Americans fighting for a just cause has never failed and anyone whose continued existence is (or was in the case of that fatuous English twit) dependent on the courage of American Citizens should properly acknowledge that fact or shut the Hell up.

AMERICANS ARE CITIZENS, not the chattel of some perfumed and over-dressed descendant of some barbarian chieftain (or a commissar or other such sub-human filth), we (and the rest of the human race in general) are not subjects or slaves who exist solely to expended at the whim of the ruler, anyone who cannot accept this as an unevadable fact of reality should have their head struck off and stuck on a pike.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Thought For The Day

"Progressive" is newspeak for someone who believes in the paleolithic ideal of beating up and killing people and taking their stuff.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018


Imagine for a moment that President Trump has been assassinated.  Does anyone seriously believes that there would be NO political changes as a result?  There will be political change, and it will be carried out over the dead bodies of everyone who wanted the president dead, including much of the Hard Left if necessary.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Another Hard Truth

In Newspeak those who uphold, defend, and spread economic and political liberty are called Conservatives while those who seek to lock humanity down under their total control are called Progressives. In effect, in the political context, the practical meanings of the political labels are reversed. The one of the functions of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought. But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality. Thus blood soaked tyrants are called liberators and liberators are called oppressors. But since clarity of thought, the correct identification of the facts of reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper, a language form that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect of being toxic to human life. Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to human life. An ultimate version of Newspeak, in which any thought is impossible and would be totally lethal. Thus if we are to survive and prosper as individuals and as a society we must remove the advocates of Newspeak from our educational establishments and if necessary isolate them from society altogether.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Problem

That's the problem for them. Donald Trump is the President of the United States, subject to the Constitution and the will of the electorate, and not the American manifestation of Big Brother. Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus cannot take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist. If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, does not have to take "no" for answer. Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen-ruled republics.  When they see a dictator in the dock, they see their own hopes and desires go with him.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Another Message For Lefties

Of course Donald Trump is not your president.  But then you never wanted a president in the first place.  You wanted a dictator.  You wanted someone who would impose your will upon the rest of us.  But the path to a free and human life takes all of us over the dead bodies of those of you who have always sought power over us.  Including you.  (And by the way, you’ll find the real Fascist in your bathroom mirror)

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Another Problem

That's the problem for them. Donald Trump is the President of the United States, subject to the Constitution and the will of the electorate, and not the American manifestation of Big Brother.  Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus cannot take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist. If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, does not have to take "no" for answer. Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen-ruled republics.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

What Happened?

The local office of the BATF received a report of automatic weapons fire at the residence of Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas.  No inquiry was made with the local law enforcement agencies.  Nor did they as allowed under the current regulations send agents out to inspect the federally licenced firearms dealer residing on the site.  And they could have arrested Koresh as he made his morning run but did not do so.   With his past history of cooperation with local law enforcement they could have simply asked him to come down to the local sheriff’s station.  Instead they attempted to stage a military-style assault, code named Operation Showtime, in order to impart a positive impression of the agency upon the current administration in Washington.  After the task force was driven off the Hostage Rescue Team of the FBI, descended upon the Branch Davidians and laid siege to the residence.  The HRT used armored vehicles to destroy the exits from the building and to allow the wind to blow through it and then injected CS gas, known to be inflammable and toxic to children and elderly persons, into the wooden structure.  The HRT fired CS rounds, which are incendiary devices into, the building.  A tactic to commit mass murder used by the National Socialists in Poland and Russia was to confine civilians, especially women and children, in wooden buildings and set the structures on fire.

To this day the perpetrators remain at large.

Friday, January 12, 2018

I'm Repeating Myself Again

Yes, I am repeating myself.

The  Left cheers as every new manifestation of barbarism rises and slaughters good people and innocent children. The chattering classes willingly support and serve the enemies of mankind and will viciously slander and condemn those who dare to raise a hand in defense of the defenseless. They sit on their fat asses in progressive coffee houses and cook up paranoid conspiracy theories about how Christian Conservatives are planning to exterminate their own particular and pathetic social fringe group.

But if the stupid conspiracy theories of the Left were true they would all be dead.

Let’s see -- if rational people were to treat the Left the way that Great Comrade Stalin treated anyone he suspected of being an opponent let alone someone who was an actual opponent -- would any of these pathetic lunatics still be breathing?  Let alone continuing to rant like a mob of mentally disconnected lunatics who are off their medications?

No, I wouldn't think so.

If Conservatives dealt with the adherents of Modern Liberalism the way the Left has dealt with humans in general whenever the Left has obtained unrestrained power, there wouldn't be any Liberals left standing. Of the universities and the urban centers of Liberalism there would be nothing left but smoking ruins, and there would mass graves from coast to coast.

We need to face the fact that the present day Left, like the unschooled barbarians who plagued civilization before them, are essentially parasites. If the Huns or the Mongols were to take "no" for an answer to their demand for food and other material goods they would die very quickly. Control of the productive population is essential for their survival and well being. Compulsion, taking things and persons by force, is inherently necessary to the parasite manner of existence. Those who resisted the parasites had to be killed as an object lesson for others.

The Left, our present-day literate post-Marxist barbarians, not only need material support they also need spiritual support as well. They need to feel that their victims are not only submitting to them today but will do so tomorrow as well.

Barbarian chieftains and tribal witch-doctors demanded degrading and often dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they would still have a roof (or a tent) over their heads and food to eat the next day. Those refused to obey were worked over by the goon squad or simply killed.

In the classrooms, editorial offices, and coffee shops of the Left the demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts of reality. The self-styled intellectuals of the Left are the first to demand “speech codes” and other forms of censorship lest they be identified as frauds and poseurs and subsequently bounced out of their comfortable ivory towers, no longer insulated from a real world that demands real thought and real labor.

The Left, being dependent upon others for their sustenance, must stand in opposition to the society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion, be it various species of Socialism or the witch-doctor rule of Islam, because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.

If the Left would just die it would be nice.

 I know, I'm not a nice guy, and it couldn't happen soon enough.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Another Fact Of Reality

We need another civil war, however bloody it will be we will win.

Another Thought For The Day

This is a message for the Left, If we on the Right were as you have imagined us, a bunch of NAZIS, then you on the Left would already be dead.  If I have a complaint about the Right, it is that may they be a bit too nice under the present circumstances.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Thought For The Day

If there is one myth that I would really like to bury, it is the myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology, and that the NSDAP and those in the present day who seek to emulate them are right wing parties.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
Hillary Clinton and her followers could repeat the above statement word for word and no one, in the usual leftist audience, or the Main Stream Media, would call them out on it.
Gosh, doesn't that sound familiar?

The myth that National Socialism is a right wing ideology basically originated in the basement of the Kremlin and has continued to be repeated by those who are embarrassed about their German ideological relatives.  Seriously, if the Left were seriously and openly called out on this they would either have to drop their beliefs or bust their collective backsides to rehabilitate Hitler and the NSDAP.  Or they would just jump up and down and call us a bunch of liars.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Another Hard Truth

Apparently Hillary Clinton hasn’t given up on her quest to gain the presidency.

If you wanted to know what a Hillary Clinton administration would look like? There’s a scorched  spot outside of Waco in Texas where an agency of the federal government does an imitation of SS-Einsanzgruppen on live television.   My family doctor was surprised to hear that a Hillary Clinton administration would result in mass graves (of us) from coast to coast.

But since the mainstream media was caught lying, I have to treat them as part of the problem.

Monday, January 08, 2018

A Message To The Hard Left

In the Marxist lexicon civilization consists of states that treat human beings as hominid livestock and which run up body counts in the millions. At last count the death toll due to the various attempts to practice what Marx preached runs from 100 million to 170 million and is still rising to places such as Cuba, China, and North Korea. In the Marxist lexicon arrogance consists of the moral certainty that each person has the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, and such rights must be defended by deadly force either by the individual or collectively through the institution of government.  In the Marxist lexicon unwarranted bloodshed consists of the act of shooting back at and ultimately hunting down and killing those willfully inhuman creatures who, in accordance to the ravings of false prophets such as Mohammed and Marx, seek to forcibly enslave and murder human beings.  In the Marxist lexicon idiocy consists of looking at the world through one's own eyes, thinking for one's self, and refusing to believe the immense load of ideological excrement left by Marx, Engels, and their intellectual heirs. (Yes, I know, calling them intellectuals is a contradiction) In effect in the marxist lexicon reality is unreal.

Marxists in general have apparently mastered the practice of double-think, the treatment of concepts as opposite of their true meaning.

The doublethinker worships despots such as the Castro brothers and the father-son-grandson team of the Kims as liberators and saviors while the United States and it's allies, the true liberators of Afghanistan and Iraq, are treated as conquerors and murderers. The doublethinker treats literally bloody handed murderers as innocent victims while willfully ignoring the mass graves of hundreds of thousands of helpless men, women, and children found in Iraq. The doublethinker treats the society of contract and consent, for which Marx invented the pejorative term CAPITALISM, as a slave system while SOCIALISM, which in practice requires compulsion, slave labor, and the outright murder of those who resist, is called true liberation. The doublethinker treats the acts of robbery and murder as just while the act of self defense is punished as the foulest of crimes. Ultimately the doublethinker treats the United States of America, the greatest and most morally advanced nation on Earth, as vilest of evils, fit only for destruction. As an individual the doublethinker is merely insane, as a political activist the doublethinker is a mortal hazard to individual persons and to Mankind in General.

If President Trump was murdered by the Marxists or their Islamist allies the result would not be, as the Leftist elite imagines it, the ascendance of the Marxist elite, but instead it would be the initiation of the long overdue extermination of the followers of Karl Marx.

Hell, skip the assassination, let's start now.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

More Killing

Even if it kills me I will work to establish the Heinlein system as the government of the United States.

So what is the system Heinlein in his novel Starship Troopers?

Heinlein wrote the novel to be the part of the juvenile series of science fiction novels published by Scribners and as a response to pro-Soviet peace activism. In the novel a young man grows from a naive high school student to a junior officer in the army. The narrative of the novel also serves as the framework for a series of lectures about the nature of man, morals, war, and government. The most controversial concept in the novel is that not everyone should be allowed to vote. In the place of universal suffrage Heinlein proposed the idea that the legal status of Citizen, who is a member of the sovereign class of the nation with the authority to vote, has to be earned.

Then as now there were people who clearly didn’t understand the concept of government. Then as now there were those who sought to exploit the ignorance of the mere voter in order to obtain political power. And worse to obtain power without restraint.  Heinlein had proposed the idea of earning the sovereign franchise as a filtering mechanism to prevent obvious fools--such as peace activists--from influencing government.

The idea of the restricted franchise is not new. In the Polis of Athens the franchise was restricted to property owning members of the tribe but there was no legal restraint on the state. As history had shown this led to dysfunctions such as legal murder of Socrates.

It was not enough to restrict the powers of government but to restrict who could actually participate in the process of governing.  In effect to idiot-proof the system.

So is it actually necessary to fully implement the system that Heinlein proposed?

The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception.  But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their the actual state of knowledge. As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash. Or worse they have traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.

The result is out present state of our nation. Those who lack knowledge or simple concern for consequences should not have authority over another person, let alone the fate of a nation.

My solution to the problem is simply proper education in the obligations of citizenship.

The course would be similar to a driver education course as presently taught. The first part of the class covers The Constitution, the proper functions of each branch of government, the function of each clause and amendment, the duties of the citizen as a member of the sovereign authority of the nation, and what is expected to happen when the Federal Government enters the failure mode.

The second part of the course covers the function and use of the instrument of political authority, the personal weapon. This covers rifle marksmanship and maintenance. Also covered is the basic organization and tactics of the citizen militia unit.

While the citizenship course will not be mandatory, completion and a passing grade will be required to exercise the authority to vote. 

Saturday, January 06, 2018

H. Beam Piper On Neo-barbarians

H. Beam Piper on neo-barbarism excerpted from his novel SPACE VIKING (Copyright 1963, by Ace Books, Inc.) Space Viking is now available from Cosmos Books.

“Yes, for one thing, we don’t have the Neobarbarians,” somebody said. “And if they ever came out here, we’d blow them to Em-See-Square in nothing flat. Might be a good thing if they did, too; it would stop us squabbling among ourselves.”

Harkaman looked at him in surprise. “Just who do think the Neobarbarians are, anyhow?” he asked. “Some race of invading nomads, Atilla’s Huns in spaceships?”

“Well, isn’t that who they are?’ Gorram asked.

“Nifflheim, no! There aren’t a dozen and a half planets in the Old federation that still have hyperdrive, and they’re all civilized. ... These are homemade barbarians. Workers and peasants who revolted to seize and divide the wealth and then found they’d smashed the means of production and killed of the all the technical brains. Survivors on planets hit during the Interstellar Wars, from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries, who lost the machinery of civilization. Followers of political leader on local-dictatorship planets. Companies of mercenaries thrown out of employment and living by pillage. Religious fanatics following self-anointed prophets.”


“You’ve seen decivilized planets. How does it happen?”

“I know how it’s happened on a good many: War. Destruction of cities and industries. Survivors among ruins, too busy keeping their own bodies alive to try to keep civilization alive. Then they lose all knowledge of how to be civilized.”

“That’s catastrophic decivilization. There is also decivilization by erosion, and while it’s going on, nobody notices it. Everybody is proud of their civilization, their wealth and culture. But trade is falling off; fewer ships come in each year. So there is boastful talk about planetary self-sufficiency; who needs off-planet trade anyhow? Everybody seems to have money, but the government is always broke. Deficit spending–and always more vital social services for which the government has to spend money. The most vital one, of course, is buying votes to keep the government in power. And it gets harder for the government to get anything done.

“The soldiers are sloppier at drill, and their uniforms and weapons aren’t taken care of. The non-coms are insolent. And more and more parts of the city are dangerous at night, and then even in daytime. And it’s been years since a new building went up, and the old ones aren’t being repaired anymore.”


“Our grandchildren, if any will probably be raiding Murduk.”

“You think it’ll be like that?”

“Don’t you? You were there you saw what was happening. The barbarians are rising; they have a leader, and they’re uniting. Every society rests on a barbarian base. The people who don’t understand civilization, and wouldn’t like it if they did. The hitchikers. The people who create nothing, and who don’t appreciate what others have created for them, and who think civilization is something that just exists and that all they need to do is enjoy what they understand of it–luxuries, a high living standard, and easy work for high pay. Responsibilities? Phooey! What do they have a government for?

Trask nodded.

“And now, the hitchhikers think they know more about the car than the people who designed it, so they’re going to grab the controls. Zaspar Makann says they can, and he’s the Leader.” He poured a drink from a decanter that had been looted on Pushan; there was a planet where a republic had been overthrown in favor of a dictatorship four centuries ago, and the planetary dictatorship had fissioned into a dozen regional dictatorships, and now they were down to the peasant-village and handicraft-industry level. “I don’t understand it, though. I was reading about Hitler on the way home. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zaspar Makann had been reading about Hitler, too. He’s using all Hitler’s tricks. But Hitler come to power in a country which had been impoverished by a military defeat. Marduk hasn’t fought a war in almost two generations, and that one was a farce.”

“It wasn’t the war that put Hitler into power. It was the fact that the ruling class of his nation, the people who kept things running, were discredited. The masses, the homemade barbarians, didn’t have anybody to take their responsibilities for them. What they have on Marduk is a ruling class that has been discrediting itself. A ruling class that’s ashamed of its privileges and shirks its duties. A ruling class that has begun to believe that the masses are just as good as they are, which they manifestly are not. And a ruling class that won’t use force to maintain its position. And they have a democracy, and they are letting the enemies of democracy shelter themselves behind democratic safeguards.”

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Another Fact

Is there a difference between the Democratic Party and criminal gang?


When do we wipe them out?


Someone eats bacon but I don't.

So what?

I'm not going ballistic because because someone eats bacon.

(Repost) Quotes Of The Day

Actually, I am incapable of error. Wait, that's mistaken.

--Harry Binswanger, PhD


Clausewitz defined war as "an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will"

In demanding absolute submission Mohammed had essentially declared war on Mankind. Therefore those who follow his command to make war on those who properly refuse to submit are in effect enemy combatants and should be identified and dealt with as such. Under the customs of warfare and subsequent legislation assault on a civilian is a serious offense with murder and rape being treated as capital crimes.

Humanity is at war with Islam. Let's treat it as such.

--Leslie Bates

And finally:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

--Karl Marx

Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.

--Ayn Rand

Quote Of The Day

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Gun Control

The advocacy of a political end cannot be separated from the advocacy the means it is brought about.  The case in this point is that the disarming of The People requires the use of deadly force. Some advocates of "Gun Control" do not have a problem with this.  In their view reality is subject to a vote and therefore a vote to legalize the murder of citizens who own guns is morally correct.

But Reality is Real.  Reality is not subject to a vote.  And Murder is Murder.  No vote by any political body can change that.

The advocacy of "Gun Control" is the advocacy of Murder.  A government that legalizes Murder in this respect ceases to be a government and devolves to a gang of criminals.  And as such it must be put down by deadly force.  And those who pushed and voted for the Murder of gun owners  must themselves be put to death.

But is gun control effective?

No, it isn't.

 The effectiveness of totalitarian gun control as described by the commander of the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Soviet Army. One of the units sent to suppress an anti-Armenian pogrom in Azerbaijan. As told to Carey Schofield, author of "The Russian Elite: Inside SPETSNAZ And The Airborne Forces."

"We landed by night, and some of our aircraft came under attack as we did so. One carrying personnel from Tula landed with twenty-two holes in the fuselage. The people thronging around the airfield were armed with sub-machine guns, knives and clubs. I went over to the crowd and said, 'Look! The Army is not a cat to be swung around in the air. Clear the road!' The KPP (Control and Command Post) of the airfield was blocked with KRAZ and KAMAZ trucks loaded with boulders. People started shouting that we wouldn't get through. While I was talking to the crowds my sappers were cutting the wire fence about 200 meters to the left and right of the KPP. I gave the crowds five minutes to think things over. They began jeering and laughing. Within five minutes two companies from my Ryazan regiment had crossed through the holes in the wire. The whole crowd was ordered to lie face down. We kept them there all night, to let them think things over. When we told them to clear off, the next morning, nobody wanted to admit that he had come armed. They all just left their weapons behind. So I said, 'okay, let's just say we found them'."

If gun control doesn't keep firearms out of the hands of criminals (genocidal criminals at that) in Soviet Russia, it is not going to do so in Soviet America.  The fact is that some adherents of what was politely called gun control are in fact the heirs of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.  As a result it has become very-very-very-easy to predict what an advocate of public disarmament will say.  All one has to do is take any mouth dropping of Reichsminister Paul Joseph Goebbels and substitute the words Gun Owner for the word Jew.  Yes, it’s that obvious.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Comment On Islam

To say that Islam is savagery is the truth and it apparently illegal under our so-called laws.  The grandparents of our the Democrats welcomed Hitler and his goons with open arms and the Democrats are now welcoming Muslims with open arms.  Never mind that the false prophet Mohammed was, without question, a criminal.  As it is the guide to how the Federal and state governments must act with regard to the issue of religion, I will quote the First Amendment of the Constitution: 
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
When the First Amendment was adopted  the so-called religion of Islam was not practiced on the American continent.  Our nation's first and regrettable interaction with Islam was in the field of foreign relations.  It was during the administration of President John Adams that the European practice of making extortion payments to the states sponsored Barbary Pirates was adopted.  When in the process of delivering the extortion payment to the Dey of Algiers, Captain William Bainbridge of the frigate  USS George Washington was compelled at cannon point to deliver tribute, including slaves, to the Sultan of the Ottoman empire while under the flag of Algiers.  It was in response to this barbaric act that President Thomas Jefferson sent the United States Navy to the Mediterranean Sea to directly engage and suppress the state sponsored pirates.  While President Jefferson was fully a man of peace he clearly understood that the value of peace could not be separated from the value of freedom.  As long as Islam was solely an aspect of foreign affairs it would not become a constitutional issue.  But because emigration of Muslims to the United States and proselytism was permitted Islam has now become a political issue.  The fundamental problem is the criminal nature of Islam.  The open contempt for the rights of individuals and nations is written directly into the doctrine.  As a historically confirmed fact the doctrine of Islam was invented solely as a means to justify the predatory actions of the obviously false prophet Mohammed and his willing followers.  As a doctrine Islam allowed the followers of Mohammed to continue the profitable wave of crime and terror after his death.  And where the doctrine of Islam  does make a spiritual promise it only has a meaning with the criminal followers of Mohammed.  In this it is promised the followers of Islam will receive eternal access to a supply of eternal rape victims in Allah's eternal whorehouse.

In an actual religion the follower must comply with the rules set down by God, including the command to respect the rights of other people.  In effect to live a fully Human life.  The doctrine of Islam commands the followers to rob and murder those who properly reject Islam.   To behave as predatory animals.  Within a civilized nation this is absolutely beyond the boundary of toleration. To deal with the problem of Islam I had previously proposed an amendment to the Constitution:
All religions which deny the validity of the Constitution shall not claim protection under it.  The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
The obvious question that has been raised in the past is why do I not call for a ban on Islam by name?  A name is only a mental label for the concept.  Even though it appears to be internally forbidden to change the doctrine of Islam, the doctrine also commands the believer to deceive the victims where necessary.   Thus deception, such as a name change, by a Muslim will occur.  It is by identifying a specific toxic attribute of Islam that we can properly exclude it from protection under the First Amendment.  A fundamental attribute of the doctrine of Islam is the denial of real laws.  The real acts of legislation by real governments that protect the real rights of the people.  In declaring "man made" laws to be invalid Mohammed opened the door to the commission of a multitude of crimes -- including rape, robbery, and murder -- that would be carried out by himself and for his own personal benefit.  This action is absolutely intolerable in a civil society.  In reality The people are the sovereign authority and the sole source of legislation.  In reality Islam has to go.  And in order for us to live a properly Human life we must allow our government to take a proactive role in defending our rights.  And the urban collaborators need to be dealt with as well.

Monday, January 01, 2018

Another Truth

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Worker's Party are the crazy relatives that the present day Left goes to great effort to avoid talking about.  The pragmatic brand of socialist (as opposed to the doctrinaire Marxist) will strike the pose that will have the most appeal in the target audience's minds. Thus in Germany, where the army was traditionally held in the highest esteem, the NSDAP assumed in public the form of a substitute army (ersatzarmee) with a mass of clean-cut men in spiffy uniforms marching about in disciplined formations. In the United States, where the standing military was traditionally looked upon with suspicion if not ridicule, the Left rejected the militarist paradigm. Unfortunately (for them, not necessarily for us), they assumed the form of what decent people came to call dirty-stinking hippies, a mob of unwashed savages attired in cast-off or otherwise ridiculous clothing who moved about in a sloppy mass.  The American Left in its manifestation as the Anti-war Movement had in effect taken on the modern form of a barbarian horde. But given that Socialism is essentially barbarian brigandage in modernistic makeup, why should we be surprised?

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Another Truth

The Romanian Nomenklatura had to line the Ceaucescus against the wall because they knew they knew they were next.  The American Nomenklatura doesn’t understand this, they will be lined up against the wall after the Clintons

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Another Quote

Humanity is not merely a physical condition, it is a state of mind. To be human is to be essentially rational and productive. The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity. On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men. The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance. To the predator, justice consists of "getting away with it" -- those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Enemies Of Humanity

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton traitors?

Is George Soros an enemy of Humanity?


Should they put to death?


A Quote

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

--Leslie Bates

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Madonna News

A walking brain death case said she is leaving the United States because we refused to elect a totalitarian piece of shit as president.  So what?

My Theory

Well, the Left can't deal with reality because in reality they are the bad guys. They are constantly trying to live off the work of others thus they have to control their "livestock" by force. Since reason tells us that such behavior is morally intolerable they are left with emotional whining as their means of justifying their actions and allowing themselves to feel good about it. Any refusal to accept the emotional bullshit and obey the self-appointed masters is automatically translated on the emotional level as something to the effect of "die motherfucker!"

That's my theory, anyway.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Reminder

It is better to kill one hundred innocents than to let one guilty person go.

-- Dolores Ibarruri ("La Pasionaria"), Spanish Communist

We on the Right tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because in we want to be certain that we will not put an innocent person to death. The Left, when it is in absolute power, simply doesn't care.

We on the Right believe in justice. The Left on the other hand, doesn't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Monday, December 25, 2017


GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT in the New York Times wrote:

A large part of the European left spent a large part of the 20th century hating the United States not because it had economic inequality or Jim Crow but because it did not have show trials, labor camps and the other appurtenances of "actually existing socialism." We Americans (the neo-barbarians on the left excepted) prefer real courts and the other attributes of an actually existing civilization.

Mr. Wheatcroft also dug up an interesting statement by English author Evelyn Waugh:
Of course, the Americans are cowards ... They are almost all the descendants of wretches who deserted their legitimate monarchs for fear of military service.
To Hell with you Mister Waugh. I'm sure General Tojo, Il Duce, und Der Fuherer would be very happy to hear that Americans are cowards. Those bloody-handed power tripping motherfuckers had their destinies very thoroughly settled by those whom that fatuous English twit calls cowards.  The courage of Americans fighting for a just cause has never failed and anyone whose continued existence is (or was in the case of that fatuous English twit) dependent on the courage of American Citizens should properly acknowledge that fact or shut the Hell up.

AMERICANS ARE CITIZENS, not the chattel of some perfumed and over-dressed descendant of some barbarian chieftain (or a commissar or other such sub-human filth), we (and the rest of the human race in general) are not subjects or slaves who exist solely to expended at the whim of the ruler, anyone who cannot accept this as an unevadable fact of reality should have their head struck off and stuck on a pike.

There, I feel a lot better now.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Someone In Congress

Can she be that stupid?


Inherent in Socialist doctrines implicit premise that the mere human being is an animal without a mind, or a soul, and thus without rights,  and it should be treated as such by the ideal socialist state.  If there is anyone who has a right to be offended at such public utterances it is the victims of Socialism.

Of course the Socialist believer is going to be offended when the truth is spoken. Socialism is in practice the destruction of persons and entire societies as a whole. Socialist doctrines are the lies that the socialist must tell himself in order to avoid the self realization that he is in fact a thief and a murderer.  Of course the truth is going to hurt their feelings. So what?  A Socialist is not bothered in the slightest when one of them publicly incites a mob to murder elected officials and their families because the officials are upholding and defending the Constitution to which they have sworn.  The Socialist sees this as normal and acceptable behavior.  But because the Socialists cannot--or will not--believe in a higher standard of behavior they will freak out every time they see a bunch of farmers or other citizens get together for some target practice in fear that this is the mob that is coming after them.

In order to live each man require accurate information in order to make correct moral decisions. Valid knowledge is like food and oxygen, a necessary requirement of human life.  Because the range of the senses of each individual is limited, men have through the practice of verbal (and later written) communication used communication with each other as a means of extending the range of their own senses and thus improving their own prospects for survival.  Societies that value knowledge will generally tend to be more economically and technologically advanced than those societies that devalue knowledge.  Whenever a military confrontation occurs between Rational states and those ruled by the Irrational, the Rational as a general rule, will prevail in the struggle.  As we see our own right to life as sacred, then we must see the Truth as nothing less than sacred.  Those who demand that we ignore the Truth or would forcibly prevent us from learning the Truth should be treated as nothing less than Enemies of Mankind in General, to be dealt will as wolves are.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

(Repost) The Second Civil War

The next civil war will be nothing like the gentlemanly affair conducted by President Lincoln and that nice Mr. Davis.* It will be a bloody knock-down and drag-out fight to the death. And it will make the Spanish Civil War of the last century look like a schoolyard brawl in comparison.

The enemy values power and under no circumstance will they willfully surrender it. And even if they do allow a partial succession it will only be a temporary respite as they prepare to take back full power over what they regard as rightful control of their slaves. And in the areas under their control they will go fully collectivist. Anyone seen as a traitor or insufficiently enthusiastic will be put to death. And those they cannot use will also be put down. Little girls confined to wheelchairs won’t have their stuffed toys taken from them out of malice–they will be put down to preserve the resources of the collective. And the enemy will feel good about it too.

When we go into a civil war we will have to kill every last one of them without exception.

*Yes, I’m being sarcastic.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Another Fact About The Left

They value power.

They don't care how high the innocents are piled as long as they are in change.

So what?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Friday, December 15, 2017

Ten More Facts For Liberals

1. The beatdown by the neo-nazi garbage (and I will use that term) that you’ve been expecting?

It won’t happen.  So why won’t it happen?  Because the neo-nazi thugs that you were told that supported Trump never existed.


By the professors and the main stream media.  You were also lied to by the serious supporters of Hillary Clinton.  You can go outside of the so-called safe spaces and you find peaceful and normal people who are glad that the treasonous bitch will never occupy the White House.  And not one of them is a brownshirt in hiding waiting for the chance to beat you up.

2.  The monsters that you imagine that are hiding under the bed are never there.

3.  If the Democrats had nominated a middle of the road guy who was willing to correct an obvious mistake like Obamacare, someone like Donald Trump for example, they would likely have won.

4.  If history has taught us anything it is that those who imagine themselves to be infallible will fail.  And those who imagine themselves incapable of evil will do evil.  But try to tell that to a supporter of  Hillary Clinton and they will call you a liar.

5.  Nazi is short for National Socialist, Hitler himself came out and said the NSDAP was a bunch of Socialists, but try telling that to a Hillary Clinton supporter and you'll be called a liar. the KKK was the original terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and was a major factor in democrat victories well into the 20th Century, but try telling that to a Hillary Clinton supporter and you'll be called a liar. And the assholes who are attacking and beating up Trump supporters are doing so in imitation of the original brownshirts, but try telling that to a Hillary Clinton supporter and you'll be called a liar.

6.  There are no safe spaces to hide in and the financial supporters of Hillary Clinton (like George Soros) will be off sipping their cool drinks on an island that doesn't have an extradition treaty with us.

7.  Life is a process and compliance with a moral standard takes time and effort, and an act of moral condemnation by the depraved is just a load of noise.

8.  Evil generally doesn't realize that it is evil.

9.  The assholes (yes, I know I'm insulting assholes) who ran the extermination apparatus at various death camps knew what they were doing but also identified themselves as good people.  So do most of those who have cast a ballot (or more) for Hillary Clinton.  They are in fact nothing more than murderers, and must be dealt with as such. you can't argue with evil, you can only destroy it.

10.  If by some horrible mistake Hillary Clinton is selected as president by the Elites then that will be a good thing.  Why? Because when we make the necessary corrections, and by that I mean shoot the bastards, there will be no restraints on us.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


There is no difference between the Democratic party and a criminal gang.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017


1. If you want to know why an American citizen needs to buy an assault rifle, all you have to do is look in a mirror.

2.  I think censorship should be a capital crime, but that's my opinion.

3.   The Left looks at us as things to used or trash to be disposed of, they want laws that effect others but don't effect them, there is no middle ground.

4.  The Left will believe anything except the truth.

5.  When treason becomes the normal behavior of the ruling class then the ruling class must be replaced.

6.  You have the right to be a lying jackass (like the Mainstream Media) and we have the absolute right to see you as such.

7.  If the Left on behaving like a bunch of old school National Socialists then they will be treated as a bunch of old school National Socialists, from the neck until dead.

8.  The original Young Turks committed the Armenian Genocide.  Even Hitler commented on it and then said if  no one cared about the Armenian Genocide then why should anyone care about the Jews.  The people who call themselves Young Turks now want an American Genocide.  To Hell with them.

9.  The Left have always needed us, we have never needed them.

10.  Reality is not the opening scene from ZARDOZ.

Monday, December 11, 2017


Our respective cultures are to a large degree defined by what we consider to be divine. (For the record, I'm an atheist.)

In the Christian gospel (if I recall correctly) God came to us in the person of Jesus Christ, a carpenter, a member of the building trades, someone who did creative work for a living. And Christians as a rule generally follow that example.

Islam on the other hand is solely the creation of a self appointed spokesman for a recycled pagan deity. The false prophet Mohammad was an essentially parasitic individual who married for money and then proceeded to pursue a career of wanton vandalism, robbery, murder, rape, and pedophilia, all while claiming to pass on messages from a false god. In the course of his career Mohammad also created the practice of modern political terrorism. Muslims, the slaves of the false god Allah, are commanded to follow the example of Mohammad.

I'm usually loathe to agree with any Marxist but one of them made what I now consider a valid point. We imagine our divine authority to be a reflection of ourselves and our values. The Lord God of the Judaic and Christian tradition is the creator of Heaven and Earth, and the creator and protector of Life, and we in our lives work to emulate him. On the other hand the false god Allah is the perfect reflection of the depraved creature who created him, a malignant narcissist who wantonly destroys and murder at a whim, and hardcore Muslims have not the slightest clue as to why this is wrong.

The product of our respective values is plainly obvious. Jews and Christians are builders and protectors. Those who obey the false prophet Mohammad to the letter are destroyers and murderers.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Another Fact

The Left is against the justice system because because they would be properly identified as criminals if it actually worked.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Liberalism In Acrion

The idea that one should be able to live one's own life in accordance to one's own judgement is such an alien idea to a liberal that is may as well come from the planet Mars.  Liberal's are, after all, nothing more than a bunch of parasites themselves. Without the capacity to force their will upon us they would shrivel up and die. So in order to live at our expense they have to teach their victims to accept the state of submission regardless of the consequences.

Friday, December 08, 2017

Wednesday, December 06, 2017


There's a FUNDAMENTAL difference between a legal immigrant and a illegal immigrant, but try telling that to a Democrat and you'll be called a liar.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Quote Of The Day

"Some things, the more you understand the more you loathe them."

-- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Another Fact Of Reality

No one on the Hard Left has a conscience, they don't care how high the bodies are piled as long as they are firmly seated on top.

Monday, December 04, 2017


What is the difference between the Democratic party and a criminal gang?

There isn't any.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Another Fact Of Reality

I believe in capital punishment but I believe in being certain that the executed is in fact guilty but the Hard Left doesn't care how high the bodies are piled as long as they are firmly seated on top.


Yes the Cylons had a plan, but plans never work in reality.