I am conflicted over the whole process of making goals and tracking. On the one hand, I know that the research and the life experience of many of us tells us that making specific goals and keeping track can keep us more focused/disciplined than if we didn't do such a thing.
On the other hand, we can use the process as a way of beating ourselves up, feeling like we're never good enough, and this mental process can lead us further away from the disciplines that could bring us closer to God. We need less of that, not more.
So here are some ideas that I'm thinking about; perhaps you'll want to join me in these aspirations.
--Praying more often throughout the day: I do a good job of spending some time in prayer each morning. I use Phyllis Tickle's The Divine Hours, and I use my church's Facebook site to lead a devotional time. But I rarely do the other prayers. I like using the prayer manual because I don't have to be able to articulate my own prayers.
--Writing down my prayers: I've often thought it would be great to write down my prayers, to have a record.
--Having a prayer partner: It's the spiritual equivalent of having an accountability partner, someone who helps us show up.
Experiencing Something New
Maybe we want to try a new spiritual discipline. Maybe we want to go on retreat. Maybe we want to worship with a new community.
Or maybe the something new would involve taking something away and seeing what comes to fill the space or how long we could maintain the emptiness.
Charity and Social Justice
I can always do more in this area, and sadly, I don't anticipate the need to do more going away anytime soon. I'd encourage us to look for ways to share our joys. If we love to quilt, we can make quilts for a charity group or we can teach children to quilt.
Share Our Joys
The idea of sharing our joys feels like something that deserves its own category. I have been a bit appalled by how many people are sharing their anger on social media. Let's share our joys!