Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Thursday, March 03, 2016


Nothing else has worked. Let's see if we can get the guy who ran Bain Capital to tell us about how Trump University is a "fraud."
Romney said that if Trump's economic plans "were ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession."

"But you say, 'wait, wait, wait. Isn't he a huge business success? Doesn't he know what he's talking about?' No, he isn't. And no, he doesn't," he continued, before listing failed Trump businesses like Trump Vodka and Trump Airlines.
Ok, Mitt Romney, please tell your many fans in the disaffected reactionary white working class more about the hazards phony fraudulent big business. 
Romney warned that if Republicans nominate Trump, Hillary Clinton will become president.

"For the last three decades the Clintons have lived at the intersection of money and politics, trading their political influence to enrich their personal finances. They embody the term crony capitalism. It disgusts the American people, and causes them to lose faith in our political process," he said. "A person who untrustworthy and dishonest as Hillary Clinton must not become president."
Said the man with a car elevator in one of his houses. Does any of this scan at all with voters who might be potentially leaning Trump?  Did the GOP establishment really think this was the dressage horse they wanted to trot out for this?  Okay, good luck with that.

Most likely, though, they don't have any idea what they're doing here. Instead all they know is nothing they've tried to this point has worked so it's time to #JustDoStuff. Here's how Josh Marshall puts it
This is just a single example of a lot of decisions that are getting made right now, things that are being said, that similarly won't easily be unsaid or undone. And remember, in many respects the biggest deal isn't the specific statements or actions. It's that almost all of this is being done without a clear plan for where this goes, what the endgame is, really anything. That creates a wild volatility that can rapidly build on itself.
Nobody has any idea what they are doing or what is going to happen.  Maybe America already is Great Again, after all. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GOP 2012 closing musical number

Romney Blames Loss On Obama’s ‘Big Gifts’ To Minorities, Women

According to reports in the Los Angeles Times and New York Times, the former Republican nominee said during a call with donors on Wednesday that Obama had been “very generous” in doling out “big gifts” to “the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people” as well as to women throughout his first term. Benefits such as access to “free health care,” guaranteed contraceptive coverage, more affordable student loans, and “amnesty for children of illegals,” all combined to give the president a decisive edge in popularity.

“The President’s campaign focused on giving targeted groups a big gift — so he made a big effort on small things,” Romney said. “Those small things, by the way, add up to trillions of dollars.”

Paul Ryan: I Didn’t Lose Because Of The Issues, I Lost Because Of The ‘Urban’ Vote 

In his first interview since losing the election, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) wouldn’t admit that voters rejected his economic vision and instead chalked up President Obama’s victory to a large turnout of the “urban vote.” “I don’t think we lost it on those budget issues, especially on Medicare, we clearly didn’t lose it on those issues,” Ryan to local station WISC-TV. “I think the surprise was some of the turnout, some of the turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race.”

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Independent Independents and Republican Independents

This is interesting. From the looks of things, Romney's campaign staff drew confidence from their lead among "Independents" when they were really just holding onto their somewhat faithless base.
You probably heard many times over the last few months that Romney was kicking Obama’s butt among independents and you just couldn’t lose independent by that much (as Obama seemed to be) and win. But a very cursory look at partisan identification trends over the last few years showed a clear reason was this was not the case. As I explained in a post on October 31st, ‘independents’ had changed a lot over the last five years. A large number of Republican voters had ceased to identify themselves as “Republicans” and reclassified themselves as “independents” despite maintaining the same conservative ideological stance or in some cases becoming even more conservative.

Marshall wonders whether or not the Romney staffers claiming to have been blindsided by this are lying.  Maybe they are.  I don't think it matters, though.  They had a job to do.  Not hard to figure that anyone who signs on to try to get Mitt Romney elected President is either an impossibly cynical mercenary or tragically self-deluded. 

Probably some of both in the mix.  But if you need help visualizing the latter, you can always try here.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Karl Rove can shut up and then go find somewhere to shut up some more

The Onion has the best headline, of course: Defeated Man Victorious

But the funniest story is the actual one.
Shortly after Fox and everyone else called Ohio and the election for President Obama, Rove staged a live TV mutiny. He insisted that the Ohio call had been premature and then forced Fox’s Megan Kelly to make an SNL like walk through the Fox building and confront the network’s official number counters with Rove’s objections.

I’m sure I saw a thought bubble over the numbers guys’ heads that said “What the f*$k are you guys doing here?” But the guy calmly explained to Kelly that yes they were quite certain that Obama had defeated Romney and it was over. Kelly then walked back through the Fox building and gave the news to Rove. But it still wasn’t over.
Rove is just building a story to sell as he continues to raise money for his Pac.  It's astounding that FOX allows him a platform from which to do that but... well that's FOX.

The next 4 years will be an interesting transition.  It's clear that big money still rules American politics. The first thing on Obama's second term agenda will be cutting Social Security and Medicare basically because rich people don't and won't pay taxes anymore.

At the same time the Republican party's electoral formula it has relied on for the past 50 or 60 years is broken.  So, for the while, we are to be ruled by wealth but perhaps not so much by overt hate and racism.  Kind of nice but also kind of a gilded cage and likely not a sustainable situation.

The council runoffs will be interesting.  Without thinking it through too much I think Kaplan and Gray have the advantages going in.  With 95% of the vote in, the bridge tolls look like they might be going down.  The school board results aren't so great.  More on that later.

Meanwhile Bobby Jindal can start running for President again now.  Sadly I don't think that means we can have all our schools and hospitals back .

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Other ways to false flag

Just have the machine do it for you.

A Pennsylvania electronic voting machine has been taken out of service after being captured on video changing a vote for President Obama into one for Mitt Romney, NBC News has confirmed. Republicans have also said machines have turned Romney votes into Obama ones.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Why binders matter

Picking a most depressing aspect of any Presidential campaign is going to be a challenge. Of course there are always plenty of things we can call stupid or frustrating or downright evil but those are par for the course and probably part of the attraction. This is politics, after all.  But for "most depressing" moment, we're looking for something that, in addition to all of those other elements, suggests to us the means by which matters will inevitably continue to deteriorate in the future.

There are a few days left and things could always change but right now I'm looking at this column by the Washington Post's Kathleen Parker for this year's honors.

Parker's thesis in that column was that American presidential politics, heretofore pristine and uncorrupted by exploitive television advertising, voter suppression, an overwhelming dominance of corporate money, or, least of all, an elitist celebrity punditocracy, has suddenly been reduced to gibberish by the "12 year old mentality" of social media users.
Oh, to be 12 again, the better to enjoy the presidential debates. Or rather, the better to appreciate the Twitterverse, where America’s obsessive-compulsive, attention-deficit population holds the zeitgeist hostage with tweets and memes that infantilize political discourse and reduce the few remaining adults to impolitic fantasy.
The population holds the zeitgeist hostage!  That's a nasty trick and likely an especially frustrating one for someone like Parker whose position as a nationally syndicated Pulitzer Prize winning opinion columnist rightfully bestows that privilidge on her.

The "12 year old" mental midgets don't get to infantilize discourse with tweets and memes about the First Lady's tasteless vacation or the total relevance of John Edwards' sex scandal to the 2012 election or  Barack Obama's American "blood equity." No no. That's obviously supposed to be Parker's job.

So let's see how she handles it here.  What, precisely is she upset about? 
In this, the first social-media presidential election, the debates have come to resemble reality shows during which virtual audiences cast ballots (and aspersions), hiccoughing their impulse-reactions to every word and movement into the intellectual vacuum we charitably call the body politic.

Two debates in, the complex issues of our day have been reduced to a large yellow bird and binders full of women.
Twitter has reduced our "complex issues of our day" to "Big Bird" and "Binders full of women." I have some quarrel with that statement but before we get into that let us first ask whether these particular reductions are, in fact, any more vacuous than when in previous elections the "complex issues" were reduced to "Earth tones" or unfortunate photo ops. Those are just two examples that spring immediately to mind. As is this event where a sitting President was asked to address the all important problem of underwear preference.


The thing about all of these impulse hiccups is that they and many others like them occurred long before Parker's great lamentable hi-jacking of the zeitgeist by the un-tamed tweet people ever happened.

In other words, our politics was plenty dumbed down enough before the internet came along.  What we might say about the last 10 years, though, is that internet communications have created a more participatory public discourse. In this environment the "complex issues of our day" are brought into focus through a noisier, more chaotic, ultimately more democratic process than the old top-down system where we all waited upon elite thinkers like Parker to define the bounds of discussion for us.   

Don't get me wrong.  Clearly our discourse is still quite stupid.  I will argue, however, that it has become slightly less so. More on that in a moment. Just as clearly our elite pundits still dominate the environment.  But they are less in control now.  And this is what Parker is really complaining about. She may say she dislikes silly talk about binders and whatnot but as a professional purveyor of such babble, she has little room to criticize.

This week, an instructive parallel uproar has broken out among mainstream (though mostly conservative) pundits over baseball analyst-turned-political prognosticator Nate Silver's New York Times hosted 538 blog. Silver is no silly-minded tweet-memer.  Quite the contrary, in fact.  His model is based entirely on statistical analysis. This hardly makes it infallible. But it should at least insulate it from being labeled pure bullshit.
Still, Silver and PECOTA have been wrong thousands of times, often spectacularly so. He didn’t, and never intended to, make baseball more predictable. He had a coin flip’s chance of guessing the outcome of a single pitch or game. However, by adding up all those coin flips, he was able to see macroscopic patterns emerge out of microscopic randomness. What made his predictions so much better than a hack’s idle speculation was that they looked better as a whole. There is no human bias in PECOTA, and most of its error is due to random variance.
I say Silver's model should be hard to dismiss off-hand, but of course, that hasn't stopped many from trying.  Instead Silver, whose 538 model has given President Obama no less than a 60% chance of being reelected since June, has been hammered this week by critics through ad-hominems. He has been accused of being "thin and effeminate" or "too boyish" or of "openly rooting for Obama"

I don't want to get too bogged down in the details of Silver's model.  It isn't perfect. It isn't always right, although it has been fairly successful.  But here are some things that Silver does which are different from what his attackers have done.  Unlike these critics, Silver hasn't confused the job of taking an educated guess at election results with telling the story of what will explain those results, or what they will mean in the bigger picture.

A political opinion writer should be able to function as an advocate as well as an analyst without one function clouding out the other. But that's essentially what Silver's detractors are crossing up.  Many of them are behaving this way out of right wing imagined victimhood.  But mostly they're falling in line with the groupthink narrative that requires us  to read this column over and over
Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign says it still has momentum. President Barack Obama’s campaign says that’s all spin.

Meanwhile, there isn’t a single well-informed pundit between them who can tell you who’s right.
There never is, is there? Nevermind that Silver is a pretty informed dude himself, or that the informed people at TPM  or at Pollster.com, among many other professional pollwatchers, have aggregated poll results into electoral scoreboards that show the President holding a clear advantage.  The "well-informed pundits" who count are determined to sell the race as a "toss up" that nobody can predict and that's what they're sticking to.  They're not about to have the zeitgeist held up by effeminate 12 year olds who use too much of the Twitter and stuff because those people clearly are not very serious.

Which is why very serious TV pundit Joe Scarborough was unhappy enough with Silver's math to conclude that he is "an ideologue who should be kept away from typewriters, computers, laptops and microphones for the next 10 days".  Silver called out Scarborough's statistical illiteracy by suggesting a wager. Seems appropriate enough given the odds. I don't know. But what did interest me was what Josh Marshall caught in the way NYT public editor Margaret Sullivan handled this blow-up.

Times public editor Margaret Sullivan has a post up taking Nate Silver to task for daring Joe Scarborough to a bet over who would win the election. Basically, she says making a bet like this diminishes the Times and he shouldn’t have done it. That may be so. I don’t know and don’t really care.
But she concludes with this line …
When he came to work at The Times, Mr. Silver gained a lot more visibility and the credibility associated with a prominent institution. But he lost something, too: the right to act like a free agent with responsibilities to nobody’s standards but his own.
I say this as an admirer of Silver and the Times. But I think this is almost a demonstrably false assumption and a sign Sullivan doesn’t fully grasp the politics and new media environment Silver operates in. 

Skipping some stuff so as not to copy Marshall's entire post.

Here’s what Sullivan doesn’t get. There are 7 or 8 different organizations running different flavors of systematic presidential poll analysis right now. They range from Silver to sites like TPM and RCP and Pollster to academic political scientists. And they all show pretty much the same numbers that Silver’s showing. But Silver’s the one who has the public rep as the brainiac polling-meister so he’s the one everybody’s focused on — both Dems who want to believe his numbers (and who tend to favor more science/evidence based analysis) and Republicans who desperately want him to be wrong. That is almost the definition of public credibility, which is what the Times purchased when they made their deal with him.
Silver's actual offense here isn't running some magically biased math game on the polls, nor is it some gauche egging on of a critic by challenging him to a bet. Instead it lies in going against the pre-determined narrative set by the club and in not showing enough deference to the hierarchy of established punditry or to the the Times as an institution.

In what will probably be his final attempt to address the controversy before the election Silver writes

My argument, rather, is this: we’ve about reached the point where if Mr. Romney wins, it can only be because the polls have been biased against him. Almost all of the chance that Mr. Romney has in the FiveThirtyEight forecast, about 16 percent to win the Electoral College, reflects this possibility.

Yes, of course: most of the arguments that the polls are necessarily biased against Mr. Romney reflect little more than wishful thinking.

Nevertheless, these arguments are potentially more intellectually coherent than the ones that propose that the leader in the race is “too close to call.” It isn’t. If the state polls are right, then Mr. Obama will win the Electoral College. If you can’t acknowledge that after a day when Mr. Obama leads 19 out of 20 swing-state polls, then you should abandon the pretense that your goal is to inform rather than entertain the public.
There shouldn't be mutual exclusivity between information and entertainment.  But Silver is right that much of our established puditocracy does sacrifice one for the other. In the FOX News era, this can be done in order to sell the audience a canned ideology. But just as often it happens because lazy clubbish "insiders" are playing the same he said/she said game they've always played.

What's galling, though, is that it's these same lazy insiders who are turning up their noses at the noisy unserious vacuousness of a citizen-driven narrative that "holds the zeitgeist hostage" on the internet.  And yet, time and again, despite its silliness, the internet turns out not to be quite so completely useless.

Over the summer we watched this dynamic play out in New Orleans as the elite pundits in the "Legitimate media" had to be dragged kicking and screaming away from sycophantic defense of Roger Goodell by the bloggers and Twitterfolk whose analysis remained consistently more relevant despite the obvious limitations of their "12 year old" mentality.

This week, as Hurricane Sandy came ashore, and a lot of things were happening at one time, Twitter actually out-performed or at least greatly supplemented traditional news organizations in their efforts to separate fact from rumor.

Twitter beckons us to join every compressed news cycle, to confront every rumor or falsehood, and to see everything. This is what makes the service so maddening during the meta-obsessed election season, where the stakes are unclear and the consequences abstract. And it’s also what makes is so valuable during fast-moving, decidedly real disasters. Twitter is a fact-processing machine on a grand scale, propagating then destroying rumors at a neck-snapping pace. To dwell on the obnoxiousness of the noise is to miss the result: That we end up with more facts, sooner, with less ambiguity.

Initial misinformation has consequences, and a consensus correction on Twitter won’t stop any number of these rumors from going viral on Facebook. There, your claims are checked by your friends; on Twitter, if they spread, they’re open to direct scrutiny from people who might actually know the truth.

But even this process is dramatically condensed. The first draft of the popular history of 9/11 was written on live television by a group of exhausted, horrified and often isolated TV reporters. Misstatements, confusion, and some of the messier stages of live reporting, filtered across the country by phone, email and word of mouth without context. Much of the raw materiel of the “9/11 truth” movement is rooted in sloppy early news reports. Some of most insidious myths about Hurricane Katrina were seeded the same way. (It’s worth noting that tonight’s Con Ed rumor was effectively started on Reuters and ended with a tweet.)
Francis Bacon said  truth is "the daughter of time, not of authority."  The broad, open, and immediate discussion that takes place on the internet, and particularly on Twitter greatly decreases the amount of time necessary to arrive at the truth while pushing designated authorities like, for example, Kathleen Parker, further into irrelevance.

While Parker is busy shaking a finger at us for clinging to a phrase like "binders full of women" she diminishes what  was actually an instructive moment in that debate.

In response to a question about pay equity, Obama talked about addressing systemic discrimination with policy in ways that establish and enforce new standards so that, hopefully, everyone is working in a fairer environment.  Mitt, by contrast, told us about one time when he had to hire some people and so consulted a "binder full of women" that helped him make his choices.

Incidentally, Mitt lied about how this happened. The "binder" it turns out was provided by an advocacy group promoting women in Massachusetts government generally and not some benevolent moment of inspiration on his part.

But even if we accept Mitt's lie, he's still given us an anecdote from the life of Mitt that may or may not be of any use to women worried about being discriminated against in the workplace. Furthermore, it's a tacit endorsement of the concept of affirmative action by the GOP nominee.  Has his campaign taken an official position here? Because this will be coming up soon.

So in having fun with a goofy thing a candidate said during a debate, the "12 year olds" actually drew a lot of attention to a fairly significant point of distinction between the candidates and to a blatant lie told by one of them.

I don't think this is an accident.  In addition to being a "truth machine" Twitter is also an excellent bullshit detector. This is so in part because it allows a wide audience to help each other fact check with immediacy. But it's also where absurd lies are subjected to the cruel unrelenting scrutiny they deserve.

This morning's Washington Post editorial page calls Mitt's campaign an "insult to voters."

Within limits, all candidates say and do what they have to say and do to win. Mr. Obama also has dodged serious interviews and news conferences. He has offered few specifics for a second-term agenda. He, too, aired commercials that distorted his opponent’s statements.

But Mr. Obama has a record; voters know his priorities. His budget plan is inadequate, but it wouldn’t make things worse.

Mr. Romney, by contrast, seems to be betting that voters have no memories, poor arithmetic skills and a general inability to look behind the curtain. We hope the results Tuesday prove him wrong.

It's nice to see them say this. But the question we should be asking is, what took them so long? The most obvious lies from the candidates are also their most awkward moments.  Some candidates are better liars than others, of course, but most of the time, when there's bullshit being trotted out, it looks and sounds strange. People pick up on this. And unlike our sycophantic establishment press, the public at large has no incentive to pull punches.

This is why thousands of people using Twitter during the debates could say immediately with snark and derision what it took the Post weeks to get around to saying.  The 2012 Presidential campaign has been one long hideous insult to everyone's intelligence and the voters have known it all along.  When a lying piece of shit like Mitt Romney pretends that cutting PBS is a sound solution to an already bullshit fiscal "crisis" it does no good to spend a week in the news cycle debating and fact checking this stuff at face value.  As I said a few weeks ago, that's precisely what the candidate wants.  No, the only way to deal with bullshit is to call it bullshit.  Create a "Big Bird" Twitter account and call it bullshit.  Set up a "Binders" Tumblr and demonstrate how ridiculous it is.  Meet the insult with a fitting counter-insult.

I'm not saying this is an altogether good thing.  Only that it's a fitting reaction to the dismal presentation of American politics our establishment pundit club has given us.  We've been trained to pay as little attention as possible, to expect to be lied to, to believe an electoral result has little or no relation to tangible policy, and that there's little we can or should do about that anyway. We're not expected to take our elections seriously. Why should we expect the candidates to?

In a way Mitt is really the guy who best embodies this. Obama is a product of it as well but Mitt is its most elaborate caricature. He clearly has as much disdain for democratic process as our media elites do.  And this is why Parker is wrong to brush off the "infantilized" "impolitic" sarcasm of readers and voters reacting to the bill of goods they've been sold. It's precisely these outbursts that suggest Americans still suspect that maybe they deserve better than this after all.

And that's what makes this thing so depressing. After all, we're closing in on 400 years since Bacon and others like him gave us scientific method and still our politics aren't yet sophisticated enough to take climate change seriously.  It stands to reason, then, that no matter how many insults today's advances allow us to tweet back at it, our politics will continue to be dominated by the likes of Kathleen Parker and Mitt Romney for quite some time to come.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting the band back together

It's not quite been 24 hours after landfall but already some of our old friends are offering their critiques of Hurricane Sandy and the federal response.

Here is Arabian Horse enthusiast, former FEMA Director, and best selling author, Michael Brown speaking to the Denver Westword  (link via Gambit)
Brown expects that in the coming days, there will also be comparisons between Obama's quick response to Hurricane Sandy and his slower response to the attacks in Benghazi, which has become a challenging campaign issue for the president.

"One thing he's gonna be asked is, why did he jump on this so quickly and go back to D.C. so quickly when in...Benghazi, he went to Las Vegas?" Brown says. "Why was this so quick?... At some point, somebody's going to ask that question.... This is like the inverse of Benghazi."
 Yes, the response was too quick. Hard to believe Obama had them mobilized on an empty stomach.

Ray Nagin has been tweeting some benign well wishes to the victims. Most of us think that's nice. But at the same time, his name has been unfairly drawn into the spat between New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Atlantic City Mayor  Lorenzo Langford. We are not often quick to defend Ray Nagin but here's Jarvis DeBerry explaining that these comparisons are based on persistent and damaging myths about the evacuation of New Orleans prior to Katrina.
Those criticizing Langford accuse him of encouraging people to hang around, which they say makes him like our former mayor. Nagin's failures are myriad, legendary even, but those accusing him of not properly warning New Orleanians of Katrina's danger are either misinformed or lying on purpose.

Given that the city is largely poor, that no storm had struck in 40 years, that it has only one interstate highway and that a 2004 evacuation nightmare had led many to say "never again," you might consider it a marvel that on the Monday morning Katrina arrived the overwhelming majority of New Orleanians were gone. We hadn't even given the storm a thought till late in the day Friday.
Now maybe later when Langford inevitably tells us rebuilding Atlantic City will depend on getting some casinos up and running, there might be something to this. But for now leave C. Ray alooone. He's got enough to worry about.

Also, the dangling crane on the NYC skyline has brought forth Ed Blakely like some sort of ill-advised bat signal. But if Blakely is angling for a job this time, it looks like he's going for political pundit rather than disaster consultant.
US political legend holds that there will be an incident, a surprise in late October in a presidential election year, which will separate the candidates at a point where one moves so far ahead that he wins by more votes than anyone anticipates. Is Hurricane Sandy the 2012 October surprise for Obama?

Given the close race, it will take a deciding deed or moment for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney to pull away in the last dash to victory. There is no doubt Sandy is a political storm and not just a weather event.
Ugh. Well, the good news is when he sucks at this stuff, nobody suffers.. I mean, unless they read it.

Anyway, if the citizens of New Orleans could offer the people affected by Sandy at least one bit of our own advice, it would probably be, whatever you do, do not hire Ed Blakely.  A few years ago, as he was preparing to leave us, I put together a helpful timeline of his tenure here just in case someone might need that information for later.

Meanwhile, is Veronica White's book still in print? This seems like the moment it was written for.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Well maybe there's a story in New York City after all

Gawker: Manhattan Is Flooding and Sandy Hasn’t Even Hit Yet

There are some pics there of flooding in Manhattan, and New Jersey and this one from Brooklyn.

Happy hunkering, up there! Also after this is all over, you might want to think twice before pulling that lever for Mitt.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Where is W when Freedom needs him?

Last week In These Times reported on a conference call between Mitt Romney and "self-described small business owners" where Mitt suggested that they instruct their employees about voting.

I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections. And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope, I hope you pass those along to your employees.

Here in an op-ed for The Hill, University of Oregon professor Gordon Lafer points out that President George W Bush would have condemned such tactic.

These are the kind of banana-republic tactics that our government regularly condemns when they occur abroad. The Bush Administration, for instance, rejected Ukrainian elections as illegitimate, in part because international observers found that managers of state-owned enterprises had “instructed their subordinates to vote for [the ruling party].”

One step beyond even the Kochs is GOP mega-donor Bob Murray, who required employees at an Ohio coal mine to attend a Romney campaign event. The resulting photo-op could have been at home in the old East Germany – candidate standing before a crowd of miners, replete with banner reading “Coal Country Stands With Mitt,” with no notice that miners were attending under the direction of their boss, forced to give up a day’s pay in order to serve as human props. Again, we routinely condemn such charades when carried out by foreigners. The Bush Administration criticized Armenia’s elections, for instance, after observers reported that “factory workers … were instructed to attend the incumbent’s rallies.”  But what we reject for Armenians and Ukrainians, the business lobbies now want to institute at home.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Who can best pilot America's killer robots?

Mitt and Obama should just cut the crap tonight and get down to demo-ing their mastery of the hardware. The winning candidate's answers will sound closest to this dude showing us features from the latest Call of Duty game.

Anyway Obama has probably got this one nailed. Hard to compete with this argument from Greenwald.

But if there is one thing the 2008 campaign should have permanently taught, it is that campaign rhetoric often bears little relationship to what a person will do once empowered. More important, it is almost certainly the case that an Obama-led attack on Iran would generate far more public support than a Romney-led attack, because most Democrats will almost certainly cheer for the former while pretending to be horrified by the latter, will while Republicans would support both (that's the dynamic that made the very same "counter-terrorism" policies that were so divisive in the Bush years become wildly popular once Obama embraced them).

That's true on the international level as well. Recall the 2008 CIA report fretting about growing anti-war sentiment in western Europe and concluding that the best weapon to safeguard against its continuation would be the election of Obama. That's because, the CIA presciently realized, Obama's election would massively increase public support for US wars because it would be a kind, sophisticated, progressive constitutional scholar rather than a swaggering, evangelical Texas cowboy who would be the face of them. Add to all that the Nixon-to-China dynamic - just as only a conservative president could have established relations with the Chinese Communists, arguably only a Democratic president could start a new war in the Muslim world, cut Social Security, etc. - and the picture is far more muddled than many like to depict it as being.

This is not reality This is just formality

In addition to not being very funny, "Romnesia"  is a losing gambit. Voters don't really care about the "flip flop" charge.  Every politician is a "flip flopper." Voters understand and expect this. In Presidential politics they reflexively write off "flip flopping" or "Etch-a-Sketching" or whatever you want to call it as "moving to the center." It's practically part of the etiquette.

It doesn't matter if a candidate momentarily disagrees with his own previous statements. What does matter is when the candidate's statements disagree with reality.   Matt Taibbi talked about this in a recent analysis of the Hofstra debate.
Obama tried to protest, but the moment was past, and Romney looked jazzed. You could see him thinking: "This just saying-anything-that-pops-into-my-head thing is great!" Over and over again he went to that well. The stat about 583,000 women having lost their jobs under Obama – where the hell did that number come from?

It doesn't matter. None of it really matters, at this point. Romney has all of America right now running head-scratching analyses of his tax and jobs plans, trying to figure out if there's any way the numbers fit. But my guess is, independent voters are not reading those dense commentaries, and instead are responding more to the general vibe surrounding Romney's campaign, which is clearly benefiting from the fact that he's being so aggressive that the whole world is left scrambling to react to his bullshit.

This recalls Ron Suskind's famous interview with an un-named aide to George W Bush from which we derive the"reality-based community" meme.
The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''
And this is precisely Mitt's campaign strategy.  Just keep twisting reality around and around.  Each new version will score you new points while the other side is still trying to figure out the last one. Stephen Colbert coined the term "truthiness" to describe the phenomenon that makes this possible. The particular facts of a matter don't mean nearly as much as the emotional symbolism conjured by the story you tell.

But in order for this to work, it requires some complicity on the part of one's opponent.  Specifically it requires that the opponent play into the gambit by treating your bullshit as a good faith argument deserving of analysis and measured response with an eye toward finding "common ground."

It works like a charm when your opponent parses out your riddle and says things like  "Governor Romney and I both agree that our corporate tax rate is too high" and follows with minor but important distinguishing details that nobody pays attention to.  Because you've already got them playing your game on your terms.

It doesn't work so well when your opponent laughs it off as the "bunch of stuff" it actually is, however.  But those moments are rare and easily isolated or explained away as affronts to the very "civil discourse" you've already made a mockery of.

Framing the lying as "flip flopping"as the unfunny "Romnesia" attempts to do is unhelpful because it obscures the issue.  Instead of calling a bullshit artist a liar acting in bad faith, it charitably allows voters to consider the alternative that he is reasonably moderating his positions in order to broaden his appeal. And while that breaks logic just enough to be funny, it's also well within the bounds of what voters consider the affable foibles of electoral politics.  The joke, in essence, isn't actually on Romney but on all of us and our silly process.  Cute, maybe, but ultimately pointless and counterproductive.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Call up Lord Stanley, bid him bring his power

Mitt calls upon the landed banner-men to assemble their forces.

Now In These Times has gotten a hold of an audio recording of Mitt Romney talking to “small-business owners” (remember, Romney considers himself a small-business owner) in which he asks them to tell their employees how they should vote.

The key passage is here and you can listen below …
I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections. And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope, I hope you pass those along to your employees.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Delicious Zingers are choc-full of lies

I didn't get to watch the debate until about 3 AM last night. In my hazy state of mind, all I could pick out was Mitt lying about a bunch of shit and Obama reinforcing those lies by not really attempting to disagree with them very much. I think I heard Obama endorse the Simpson-Bowles plan to rip apart Social Security.

Anyway I fell asleep on my keyboard about 3/4 of the way through so I wasn't sure if I had gotten the right impression of things.  It seemed way too boring and predictable to be a dream but I figured I'd check around to make sure it wasn't just me with that takeaway. Sadly, no.
The thing is, if you're going to play rope-a-dope, sooner or later, you have to come off the ropes and throw a punch. You bounce off the ropes and land the left and then the right over the top, and then the other guy goes out of the ring in a blanket. Otherwise, it's just a way to get yourself punched in the stomach a lot. Along about the 48-minute mark of Wednesday night's debate, it became clear to me that the president simply was not going to do that.

It was striking that some of the biggest Obama attack lines of the past few weeks didn’t make an appearance in the debate, another sign that Romney was the aggressor. After the debate was over, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina explained to reporters that the infamous “47 percent” line from Romney didn’t make an appearance because the right time never arrived.

“It just didn’t come up in the debate,” Messina said. “It wasn’t a deliberate decision.”

Here is a list of things Mitt lied about and Obama largely failed to answer. And here's where he tells us Big Bird is secretly underwritten by China, or something.

I'm sorry, Jim, I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m going to stop other things. I like PBS, I love Big Bird. Actually like you, too. But I'm not going to—I'm not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for.

That last one, being a Sesame Street reference, is unsurprisingly therefore the most talked-about "Zinger" of this (literal in my case) snooze-fest. Already it's spawned America's favorite new Twitter account and has even prompted Obama to finally wake up and answer Mitt.. albeit many hours later.

“Thank goodness somebody is finally getting tough on Big Bird. It is about time,” Obama said. “We did not know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit, but that is what we heard last night. How about that? Elmo, too?”
 I guess you'd call that a day-old zinger. Maybe next debate let's try Twinkies instead.  They tend not to go stale quite as quickly.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Call it an un-viral video

It's two minutes of footage that no one has seen  but everyone is talking about.

Mother Jones published Romney's remarks in two parts yesterday, which is how journalist David Corn says he received it from his source.

"When we put up the full video, the source said -- and I have no reason not to believe him -- that the device that was being used inadvertently shut down or timed-out," Corn told POLITICO. "As soon as he knew that, he turned the camera back on and, at most, one to two minutes were missed. The video came to me as two separate files, and that is how we posted it on the website."

Nevertheless, the omission, first flagged by Glenn Beck's The Blaze, is already causing some controversy on the right. The conservative blog Legal Insurrection sought Corn's explanation and Joel Pollak, editor-in-chief of Breitbart.com, accused Mother Jones of breaking its promise to release the full video. "There is new reason to suspect manipulation," Pollak writes. "Mother Jones's entire story now deserves to be treated with suspicion, if not contempt."
Yes, it's quite suspicious.  That missing two minutes could hold the key to everything. Maybe Mitt finally  reveals the secrets behind Boutnygate. It could be anything.  Luckily the entire internet is on the case.  

On the other hand, they might as well not bother.  It's probably just two straight minutes of this.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yes we can't

Still don't think Mitt is terribly hurt by this tape but, hey, let's put this on a bumper sticker.

Responding to a question about the "Palestinian problem," Romney said peace in the Middle East is not possible and a Palestinian state is not feasible, telling donors that Palestinians have "no interest whatsoever in establishing peace and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish."

Dig a deeper hole and then you'll feel better

All day I've been watching the Mitt show and all day I've been entertaining the notion that none of the "leaks" we've been seeing is particularly damaging.  To begin with, this Politico story about Mitt's whining staffers is mostly just inside bullshit ball irrelevant to anyone other than the pros involved and their future job prospects. But I'm glad I saw it this morning.   It was a timely reminder that any so-called leak coming out of an active political campaign isn't to be taken at face value.

Which is why I'm not so convinced that the initial reaction of the universe to the day's bigger "leak" is correct.

During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.
Romney went on: "[M]y job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Now if you're looking around today at most establishment commentators, you're hearing widespread condemnation of Mitt. Some are even going so far as to name this the day he lost the election.

I'm sorry but I don't see it. Mitt's statements to this fundraiser, vile as they may be, are in no way out of step with the main line of American political thought for several decades now.  This is the pure, "we're all being held back by inferior lazy poors and their entitlement state" that has resonated with a majority of voters throughout the post-Civil Rights era.  It's "welfare queen" bashing plain and simple.  Ronald Reagan would be proud.

Furthermore the "candid moment" quality of this helps break through Mitt's usual wooden and obviously staged demeanor that has prevented him from connecting with the conservative base this sort of red meat is aimed at.  Here voters are meant to believe they're seeing the real, unfiltered Mitt. They're meant to take it as a glimpse at what Mitt really thinks when the cameras aren't on and he's not being safe.   I've been pretty firm in my belief that all Mitt has to do to get over the top in this election is to find a way to fire up a conservative base itching for an excuse to get fired up.   I can imagine hearing this might be reassuring for the base block of what we used to call "Reagan Democrats" who might not have trusted Romney otherwise.

Plus there's all the gratuitous racial paranoia thrown in.  
Romney told the contributors that "women are open to supporting me," but that "we are having a much harder time with Hispanic voters, and if the Hispanic voting bloc becomes as committed to the Democrats as the African American voting block has in the past, why, we're in trouble as a party and, I think, as a nation."
It's really almost too good. And it would take a lot to convince me that it's not good for Mitt overall strategically.

Update: Ah see now David Brooks is condemning Mitt.  That seals it for me.  Something is definitely up with this. 

Upperdate: Charles Pierce responds to Brooks' column

The problem with this whole business is it gives openings to people like Brooks to talk about the.. you know... responsible ways we should go about shaming poor people.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Are campaign staffs even necessary?

If I were scoring the Presidential election purely on debate and style points, I'd have to say that Obama's people are running a fairly on-the-ball campaign given the sorry set of circumstances they have to work with (crap economy, non-reality-based opposition, etc).  And everyone knows what a genuinely terrible candidate Mitt is.

What I'm wondering, though, is will it even matter?  The fundamentals of this election are pretty solid.  High unemployment + de-motivated liberal base + rabid and highly motivated conservative base... even in spite of its disdain for its crappy candidate. It's hard to imagine the random silliness of campaign dynamics or the candidates' messaging operations doing much to change those circumstances. 

In a way, I'm asking the same question about the campaign flacks that I asked about football coaches this year.  Is what they do even going to be relevant this year?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who wears these pants anyway?

American foreign policy debate works like this.

Our so-called liberals fall all over themselves to prove they can be more vicious and reckless than our conservatives. They blow things up. They imprison people indefinitely (or just kill them) without due process. They work tirelessly to suppress free speech and political expression.

But no matter how hard they work at this it's always a losing proposition politically because the "branding" inevitably comes down to some idiotic fashion analogy. Since they're going to lose anyway, it would be nice if, for once, our so-called liberals would choose an actual liberal policy position hill on which to die.

Also someone with some more sophisticated fashion sense than mine needs to explain to me what the difference between "mom jeans" and "cowboy jeans" is. I suspect it's about as subtle and insignificant as the difference between our major political parties.