Showing posts with label hunkerdowncast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunkerdowncast. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

They're gonna make him a bionic thumb

The latest and most advanced surgical procedure that will be used to repair Drew Brees's thumb ligament is, basically, duct tape.
Brees stayed in Los Angeles to meet with renowned hand surgeon Dr. Steve Shin, who performed UCL surgery on baseball player Mike Trout of the Los Angeles Angels in 2017.

If the UCL is the problem with Brees' thumb, the ligament will likely be repaired by drilling a hole through the bone and tying a suture to the ligament to stabilize it.

Dr. Shin is known for augmenting that procedure with extra suture tape, which helps provide extra stability.
That's very exciting. They say the athletes who get the tape job usually end up recovering faster. Which puts Brees back with the team in 6-8 weeks. There's an outside chance, given the week 9 bye and everything, that he could play November 10 against the Falcons. A tour of division opponents follows that date so it's something to shoot for.  Another idea would be to try and pray the pain away.  Does Drew know anybody who could help with that?

So, anyway, don't despair.  Now we have a dramatic arc to follow this season beyond just bitching about the stupid refs all the time. Not that that isn't fun too. Look how fun that was on opening night.

Some fans are upset

But, yeah, it's time for new things to happen.  Also, as usual, I meant to write something to kick off the season but missed that deadline.  Varg and I tried to make up for it on the fake radio show which, by the way, we're putting out on YouTube too now in case people prefer to consume their #content there. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Carnival comes at you fast

There's a lot to catch up on and I am currently not alive so here is the podcast from this weekend. This all feels so long ago but it was only recorded this past Thursday. Mostly it's about Alli being in Krewe du Vieux which we thought was pretty nice.

There's a part where we chase after her float and try to read a toast. It goes sort of okay. Here is a video of that.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

I guess I was finally ready to talk about it a little bit

Here is the show we did this week about the terrible football outcome. It covers a lot of things but I'm not sure it really gets at what I want to say.  For example, I am extremely wary of the various acts of self-promotion various politicians, brands, lawyers, and other grifters are wallowing in so that they might capitalize off of everyone's misery. For example, this says "Boycott Bowl" is supposed to benefit the New Orleans Recreation Development Foundation which raises a ton of questions for me that maybe need to be revisited later.  There's more. But I'll save it for after the 'cast.

Personally I'm at the stage where I can make myself look at the game highlights but I really can't start thinking about offseason type stuff just yet.  Maybe after the Superbowl... oh but that's when we can talk about the Democratic primary, isn't it?

Monday, December 31, 2018

Year of the Jaguar

El Jaguar

Nobody knew he could do it.  The enclosure was built according to well established standards. Those standards were "met or exceeded" according to a recent certification.  Everything in the book said he shouldn't have been able to do it. And the book was very thorough.
The Audubon Zoo was last accredited following an inspection last fall, Vernon said, though he declined to release that inspection report. To pass, Vernon said, the zoo must show it meets or exceeds minimum standards. For jaguars, those standards are spelled out in a 128-page manual.

The manual includes specifics on the thickness and width of steel wire barriers where they are used, though it also says that, “If possible, institutions are recommended to completely enclose the top of any jaguar enclosure.”
It is possible, or likely, the zoo officials are overselling us on their preparations.  But let's take them at their word.  Their plan to contain the jaguar was solid. It was certified.  But this jaguar, as is often the case with elite athletes, was just a bit too much to handle.
Pound for pound, jaguars have the strongest bite force of any big cat in the world, as well as “excellent jumping and ambush capability,” according to the manual.

“A major risk to jaguars is the failure to use suitable materials to contain the animals. Jaguars often grasp mesh with their canine teeth, over time damaging or breaking them entirely. … Single-strand wire mesh types like chain link or welded wire can be compromised by animals biting and pulling them apart.”
The cage was made of a woven steel cable that was supposed to handle that rough treatment.  It wasn't good enough on July 14 to handle Valerio, a three year old Jaguar whose name is derived from a Latin root meaning strong, healthy, or worthy.  On that day he was all of those things. Nobody knew he could do what he did. Days later zoo officials were still in awe at what had happened.

We had a lot of ground to cover in this obligatory year in review show. Naturally we covered almost none of it. But we did get some time at the end to talk about the tragic hero of the year... if not the spiritual embodiment of our age.

Valerio's story has it all. It's a little bit about gentrification. It is a little bit about the degradation of nature for profit.  It's a little bit about the way the New Orleans non-profit cabal drains public finances and exacerbates wealth inequality. It's a little bit about the subjugation of the spirit by forces of a scope beyond the capacity of any individual to comprehend or overthrow.

Most compellingly, it is about the surprising power of the will to freedom to defy these forces.  But also it is a cautionary reminder of the tragedy almost certain to result from such defiance.  Our capacity to resist that which oppresses us is limited by our failure to see beyond our individual enclosures and find solidarity with our fellow wretches.  So long as this remains the case Valerio's fate and the fate of his animal comrades is our fate.   Perhaps in 2019, we'll finally teach the jaguar how to find Ron Forman's house.  But we probably won't.  Happy New Year. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Easy listening

The mini-sodes go by so quick it's like you don't have to invest anything at all to give them a listen.

In this one, Varg tracks down writer/actor/journalist James Karst to talk about his continuing research on the early life of Louis Armstrong. Karst's work on Armstrong has appeared previously in the Times-Picayune. In the interview he talks about a photo featured in this article and about the time (or times) Louis was arrested

Also there is some post-game commentary from two Saints fans just looking for answers after the loss at Dallas last Thursday.  It's not clear if they find any.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Welcome to Falcons Hate Week

It's a short one this year so jump right in. Varg says this is the most research he's done in one sitting since way back in his newspapering days.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Oh yeah I forgot to link to Alli's podcast on the blog this week

Here it is.  Recorded Thursday and came out Friday so it's still pretty fresh this time around. I guess we've had a sports weekend since then.  More on that in a bit.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Delicious Content Ready To Eat

We recorded this ten days ago. The sports is a week behind but the rest of it holds up pretty ok. I guess that Kavanaugh drinking question got answered. Anyway

Monday, July 23, 2018

The talking show is back

It's been one per month in 2018 for whatever reason.  We'll probably do more now that we know we aren't getting that Saints play by play gig after all. This one was a week or so ago so no jaguar stories, unfortunately. But there's some good stuff about Hall and Oates so it works out.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Fake radio show

Kind of hovering around a once a month schedule as of late. About as frequent as legislative sessions, I guess.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

This still exists, apparently

Extra long and #content packed for the Memorial Day/Looming Disaster weekend

Monday, April 02, 2018

Congrats to Tom on all the things he achieved including becoming dead, I guess

They sure did like Tom 

The Tom Benson state funeral, Mitch's big book tour, um.. the new Zelda game and other stuff is discussed here. Last week was weird which is why this is up late and why there's been light posting here generally. Bear with us.

Friday, March 09, 2018

So that happened

About this time next year, we'll all be just recovering from the March 5 Mardi Gras.  So, really, it's good that this three hour recap of Carnival 2018 is coming out just now. It serves to get us acclimated. Anyway, you know, Mardi Gras. It's big, it's busy, it's sublime, it's cathartic. There's no right way to do it.  I hope that all comes across in here. Enjoy. Or just skip ahead to the next one where we talk about the legislature or something.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Roughing it

Streetcar tracks in the snow

Some sort of weather irregularity had us holed up in the house with... well.. with pretty much all the regular conveniences, actually. Throughout the duration of the emergency, we still had power (unlike many) we still had heat (again,unlike many of those without power or shelter) we still had water, (unlike many others)  What we didn't have for most of the time, though, was internet which sure as hell made it feel like nothing else was working.

In any event it meant we weren't working.  With roads shut down everywhere and "New Orleans cut off from all sides," nobody was going anywhere.  Menckles had planned to work from home but frozen internet tubes took care of that.  Instead we just, you know, went outside.. for very brief bits at a time.. and goofed around.

Snow heart

White Christmas

Winter weather and whether or not it is bad turned out to be one of Alli's topics on the latest (appropriately named as ever) Hunkerdowncast which finally got uploaded once the internet pipes thawed a bit.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Time capsule

This was recorded a week ago which seems like a lifetime. I mean, that's two whole Saints games ago now. But there's some good stuff. Trump tax cuts, local election aftermath, a review of the Discovery of Voyager show at the Music Box. Other stuff, of course. Anyway, enjoy. Or don't.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Down here in the content mines

Been a little quiet this week on the blog. That's partially because the fake radio show can be a pain in the neck to book, record and edit. Maybe it's worth it. I don't know.

Meanwhile, I've promised more on the election which I plan to get to. Also the Saints are having an interesting year and I think it's time to review some items there. Anyway. Plenty time left. We'll get to it.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Real quick cheat code to the mayor's race

In one corner, you have the following.

Sidney Torres
Frank Stewart
Anne Milling
Neil  Abramson
Leslie Jacobs
Boysie Bollinger
Lane Grigsby
Jay Lapeyre

In the other corner, you have what the wealthy white plutocrats listed above and their allies in local media  refer to as a "corrupt machine" because that is how you dogwhistle in New Orleans politics.  Like we've been saying all along, this is 2002 all over again. I think the result is likely to be similar as well.

Meanwhile, here's the show we recorded this week. It expands on the above points. Sorry it's so long but there was a special guest and a lot of stuff to talk about.  We cover the election in the first hour (just after the hurricane talk) and included in that coverage is a minor scandal we're pretty sure is an exclusive.

We'll write more before the polls close tomorrow. Here are a few items we've posted previously that might be worth review.

In August we looked at the controversies over Bagneris's and Charbonnet's respective donors and what that means in the bigger picture. 

Last week we took notes on the WDSU debate and hashed out the four "major" candidates' positions and strategy.

Also here is the AntiGravity No Nonsense Guide which I always find helpful.

Oh and last week's podcast had some stuff on Torres's involvement.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Early voting week

If you're an early voter and looking for a place to go and the Governor's purple bus hasn't come to get you yet, this Advocate article explains where the polling locations are.

If you're looking for some guidance, I always recommend Arielle Schecter et al for that.  As usual, I don't agree with every endorsement on there but the reasoning is solid.  Don't put too much stock in the campaign rhetoric and mailers and stuff that gets said at the forums. Look instead at who the candidates are, where they come from, who supports them, and most importantly, what their actual records tell us about what we can expect from them.

Finally, there's some pretty good talk about the mayoral race in the latest one of these. That is until the audio craps out a bit.  You'd think after two years someone would get the hang of producing better quality sound and all but you would be wrong abut that.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Slow and store

Looks like there's a problem with the money pump.
In its most recent financial tracking report from June, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development labeled the city of New Orleans a “slow spender” because it had yet to tap into the National Disaster Resilience Grant – an award the city won in January 2016 following a ballyhooed national competition.

More than $100 million of the $141 million New Orleans received is supposed to go to eight so-called urban water – or green infrastructure – projects across the Gentilly section of the city. Some add retention ponds to parks, water-absorbing landscaping and sunken-garden neutral grounds similar to those seen on Canal Boulevard in Lakeview.
The "green infrastructure" in question here is a number of projects in the city's Urban Water Plan which you can check out here. Interestingly these projects are based on the "slow and store" concept of water management which also turns out to be what's happening with the grant money.  Although, the reasons for this seem pretty understandable.
Hebert said it took a year to get a final agreement to use the HUD money. It was finally signed on former President Barack Obama’s last full day in office, Jan. 19. Then, Hebert said, the city was afraid to start spending its own money to get reimbursed by the feds because President Donald Trump announced plans to defund some HUD programs.

Hebert said the city didn’t feel comfortable spending any of the HUD money until the Trump administration gave final approval to the plan in June.

“We didn't want to encumber city funds before we got that document because we did not know what the Trump administration was going to do at HUD,” Hebert said.
That's a pretty reasonable approach given that the Trump Administration recently threatened to claw back $2 billion designated for street repairs.  But since it doesn't look like there's much of a federal infrastructure plan forthcoming any time soon, we might as well get on with things around here.

Anyway there's a fair amount of talk about this and other drainage issues in the new one of these.