Showing posts with label Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britain. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Clockwork Orange Pekoe

In London, they've silenced Big Ben
To allow for the maintenance men,
Who'll still take their tea
At a quarter passed three,
If they only can figure out when!

Big Ben silenced for maintenance
The Guardian, 8/11/07

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter and the Tempest in a Teapot

World conflict may teeter and totter
But no topic today will be hotter
Than the fate of young Harry.
Aren't you just a bit wary
That you're clay being molded by 'Potter?'

Kids' Grief Counselors Wait By Phones
in Case Harry Potter Dies
By Mark Herlihy, Bloomberg, 7/20/07

Harry Potter wants to be free? Huh?
Sharing knowledge is one thing,
stealing information is another
By David Lazarus, The San Francisco Chronicle, 7/20/07

Spoiler Frenzy Follows Early Mailing of 'Hallows'
By Monica Hesse, The Washington Post, 7/19/07

An Epic Showdown as Harry Potter Is Initiated Into Adulthood
By Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times, 7/19/07
[Warning: this could be a spoiler]

Friday, May 11, 2007

A Tony departure

The Britons have had their full share
Of Iraq and Prime Minister Blair,
So he soon will step down.
But we're left with our clown
And for respite we haven't a prayer!

House Approves Revised War Bill
Two-Part Funding Faces Veto Threat

By Jonathan Weisman, The Washington Post, 5/11/07

Britain's Blair to Step Down June 27
By Danica Kirka (AP), The Guardian, 5/11/07