Showing posts with label primaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primaries. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

"We just don't Obamacare!"

The primaries here lack no drama.
Arch-conservatives swear: "on yo' mama
I am Christian and white
And will serve the far right;
Yadayada and, I'LL FIGHT OBAMA!"

Seems that in November the President plans on standing down from office and moving to Alabama, where he will run for everything from governor to county dog-catcher; or so Republicans running in the primaries here would have you believe. Whether they have a party opponent or not in the primary, there is no discussion of issues or differences; only a game of one-upmanship on who despises the President more. And how our local Public Services Commissioner plans on stopping "ObamaCare" remains a total mystery to the Savant?

Happy Voting today, especially to those of you who live in a place where your vote might actually make a difference.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obamacize me!

For Hil, it's too little, too late.
Could she yet be Barack's running mate?
It isn't a mystery
This race will make history;
Her story will just have to wait.

Tell me what you think. Add your vote to the poll at the right.

Clinton to Suspend Campaign Saturday
By Jonathan Weisman and Dan Balz
The Washington Post, 6/5/08

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Not to worry

The word from the Clinton Campaign

What we hear from the daily fear monger,
Is "this battle can't last any longer."
To quote from Fred Nietzsche,
"The outlook is pietzsche.
'Twon't kill us, but make us much stronger!"

Clinton's Faltering Case for Staying In
By Amy Sullivan, Time, 5/8/08

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Is it eight bells for Hilary?

Indiana: a derby's in town.
And the fav'rite to win aint "Big Brown"
But the mare in this race,
Is afraid second place
Means they're apt to be putting her down.

Eight Questions About Today's Primaries
By Dan Balz, The Washington Post, 5/6/08

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Wright stuff?

Barack's pastor (who's no Dr. King)
Has been adding more mud to the sling;
But each new Jeremiad
Doesn't mean they're a dyad
Nor Obama will do the Wright thing.

Excuse me but when are the media going to start asking tough questions about the issues and quit focusing on the politics of personality and guilt by association? I'm tired of hearing about the Wright stuff! I care about who has the right stuff!

Where Wright Goes Wrong
By Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post, 4/29/08

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Slipping on the "Second Banana Appeal"

Hil, you can't be surprised at the fuss
Over choosing this time to discuss
Obama as Veep.
It's like saying you'll keep
His seat at the back of the bus!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Are you staging a comeback, like Bill,
Showing more than political skill?
Being human, it seems,
Is the greatest of schemes
For raising your capital, Hil.

Clinton's Historic Surprise
Political prediction markets,
polls and pundits may never have got it so wrong

By Justin Wolfers, The Wall Street Journal, 1/9/08

Thursday, January 03, 2008

First things first

I don't think that you ever will talk us
Into faith in an Iowa caucus;
For, as months come to pass,
He who's first may be lass
In a process, primarily raucous.

More importantly-
Happy Birthday, Mom!

You've got our vote

Does Iowa Matter?
By Kathy Frankovic, CBS News, 1/2/08

Monday, July 02, 2007

Baracking the record!

The 1 Obama; lots to offer.
Those 4 Obama filled the coffer.
Before we're finished with this drama,
Who thinks we'll see an 8 $_OO,OOO,OOObama?

[Apologies, again, to Ogden Nash]

Obama Breaks All Records - Raises $32,500,000 in 3 Months

read more | digg story

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Veteran hacks give veteran, Hackett, the hatchet

So goes the political racket:
"His campaign? What a shame; we won't back it,"
Says the D.S.S.C.
They think Brown's meant to be
And decided that Paul cannot Hackett.

Veteran quits race for Senate
Ohio Democrat pressured by party
By David Hammer, Associated Press
The Boston Globe, 2/15/06