Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Catalina Island

I came home on Sunday evening from work feeling exhausted only to find a surprise from my wonderful husband. He had purchased 3 tickets to go to Catalina Island for the following morning. This is something I have wanted to do for years! I had never been before and was so excited to finally get to go. What a perfect way to spend Memorial day. We got to New Port Beach at 8 am and boarded the Big Express Catamaran. The weather was really chilly and overcast on the ride over. We sat on the top of the boat for about 10 min. That's all we could bear in the wind! Laney had the best time on the boat. Every time we went over a swell she would crack up so hard. We saw dolphin's, and sea otters too. She absolutely loved everything about it. Once we got there we spent our day eating breakfast at this cute restaurant, walked all along the path that follows the shore, Napped on the beach with Laney for about 30 Min, played in the water, rented a golf cart, or funny car as Laney called it, and drove all around the island, and shopped. We were pretty exhausted by the end of the day! I had a pretty bad neck ache too for the beginning of the day, which unfortunately put a little damper on my mood. I definitely want to return for another trip to this fun, beautiful Island we are so lucky to have right here in Southern California!Here we are waiting for the Boat to leave New Port.
We asked a man to take a family picture of us. Well the one he took never "took" so here is our shot.
Laney bug cracking up as we roll over the swells. Our stomachs kept dropping from all the dips.
Laney and Daddy when she just woke up from a little nap
Attempting to get a cute shot... so hard at this age.
This one is better! Mama and Laney doing her "princess smile" My favorite picture of the day. Laney eating cheetos in the funny car with Daddy. Thank you so so much Justin for thinking of Me while planning this day. I loved it and I will always remember this day. I love you!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Best friends EVER!

I just wanted to dedicate a post to two WONDERFUL girls that are in my life... Megan and Erica. These two girls are a part of what keeps my life full. They are so fun to be with and I am so grateful every day that I have them in my life. Today we went to Disneyland for a couple of hours and I had so much fun spending the day with you guys! Thank you so much for making an effort to keep our friendship the way it is. I don't know what I would ever do without either of you! Cheers to wonderful friends!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Momma's day

I had the most wonderful Momma's day ever! ( I call it that because my Laney calls me Momma)
It started off with me sleeping in until 9:30, Yes, 9:30. Then when I finally did get my lazy self out of bed I came down to my family who gave me sweet cards with nothing but nice things to say to me inside. Justin also gave me a book that celebrates stay at home Mom's. It was really thoughtful! We then decided to go on a bike ride together to the doughnut shop and grocery store. We had breakfast and I got the few things I needed for our BBQ. When we got home, Jennifer and her family, Jackie and her family and my Mom and Dad all came over for a BBQ. We had chicken kabobs and Veggie kabobs, watermelon and macaroni salad. After everyone left, besides my parents, we decided at the last minute to go down to the beach. I'm so glad we did! It was so beautiful there. We took Laney to the tide pools at Corona Del Mar. She loved exploring through all the rocks! After that we went to Balboa Island and walked around for a while, made a trip to the cute candy store, then ended up at TK Burger for dinner. We were all so tired by the time we got home we all went straight to bed! Thanks, Justin and Laney for making me feel so loved and appriciated not only yesterday but every day! Also, thank you Mom for EVERYTHING and more that you have done for me and our family. We wouldn't be here today if it were not for you!Cousin's!
A family picture
Nana and Laney at the beach
Justin and Laney at the tide pools.

Laney turns 2

Lollipops galore! That's what Laney's 2nd Birthday was all about! We had such a nice day celebrating with all our loved ones. (well almost all) Laney felt so special and had so much fun playing with her cousins and friends. Here are some shots of the day. My dear friend Megan took tons of pictures too of the party so if you want to see more pics click on her blog to view more.
Our family
Laney the morning of her party. She woke up to a playhouse in the backyard from Momma and Daddy.
Here I am before the party. I just finished decorating Laney's birthday cake. I was so proud of my creation!Setting up for everyone to arrive. The kids found a lady bug. Here they are letting it crawl on them. Laney and Hannah and the Lady bug. We did a lollipop hunt at the party. Each child we searching for little lollipops that had a treasure written on the back of it. At the end of the hunt they turned all their lollipops in for their prizes! They all loved it! Here are the kids anxiously awaiting the hunt to start!The Birthday girl collecting her lollipops Laney playing with her prizes from the lollipop hunt. Laney and Nana This is my lollipop pinata I made. It was a lot of work, but so worth it to have the perfect pinata to go with the theme of the party! Hit it Lane! Happy 2nd Birthday! Make a wish!
Checking out some of her gifts Present time! She got so much stuff! Thanks everyone =)