Showing posts with label OF Mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OF Mass. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The Latin Mass or the new Mass...... which?

This video clip presents some (just some) of the differences between the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the Mass.

It takes less than ten is well worth the time

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Something missing?

A ten minute film that encapsulates what we have lost.... "architecturally bankrupt" a nice turn of phrase......

Monday, 21 October 2013

Find the 'kiss of peace' a bore?

Miss Ragazzagallese has posted on how she was hassled by some chap at Sunday Mass who insisted on inflicting the 'kiss of peace' upon her.

I know this young lady and she is the epitome of courtesy and so, after a few attempts to gain her attention, she reluctantly shook the persistent chap's paw.

I am not so polite (although the situation rarely arises these days as I only ever go to an OF Mass if someone has died).

And on those occasions I refuse all offers, nudges and throats being cleared as various members of the congregation climb over the pews to get at me, and stick my nose in my missal and keep my right hand firmly in my pocket.

But, eureka! I have the solution.

For less than five pounds you may purchase online, a hairy 'glove' hand.

"Peace be with you - the defibrillator is in the porch"

The trick is to keep your right hand (hairy version) behind your back until approached and then you firmly grasp the offered hand and pump it up and down vigorously.

If my theory is correct, the handshaker should swoon or run screaming from the church.

I wonder if it would work with Bishops?

Monday, 26 August 2013

If it looks Protestant and sounds Protestant......

.....then, logic dictates, it must be Protestant.

I mean, of course, the Ordinary Form of Mass, the Novus Ordo.

This post has been prompted by several comments, made privately, from recent converts who have found themselves in the 'double somersault' position, namely, the first somersault in converting to the Catholic Faith and the second in discovering the Tridentine Latin Mass.

And then comes the process of attempting to reconcile the one with the other - a hard and often painful period of doubt and concern.

And to a certain degree it applies also to Novus Ordo Catholics who, again, 'discover' the Old Rite and then come up against the same problems as their converted brethren.

Now, I stress that, what follows are my own views and I accept that some may be offended by them but, I return to the post heading: "If it looks Protestant and sounds Protestant, then it must be Protestant".

The liturgical case of OF vs EF has been made many times but I would like to focus on the physical, actual signs of Protestantisation in the new Mass.

The elements that make the distinction between old and new as clear as white is from black.

Catholic or Protestant? Hard to tell in today's world


Again, I pre-qualify what follows by stating that we have many good priests who celebrate both forms. I believe that to be an acceptable but dangerous thing inasmuch that, in many respects, the two represent very different spiritual processes. 
We also have many indifferent priests who only celebrate the Ordinary Form, and that, indeed, is an extremely dangerous thing.

1. The Catholic altar has been replaced by the Protestant table

2. The Faithful stand to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the hand

3. Holy Communion is given in both forms

4. Unifying Latin has disappeared to be replaced with the vernacular

5. The Priestly vestments have morphed into the style of the Protestant pastors

6. Females as altar servers

7. Religious statues, flowers on the altar, candle offerings - all are disappearing in the new order

8. Holy water fonts are, often dry and neglected

9. Sacred music has been replaced by guitars and tambourines

10. Altar servers wear albs

Now, please comment by all means but do not tell me that, in your parish, the water font is full to overflowing.
My points are generalisations and you will always find parishes where the Novus Ordo is celebrated reverently and largely in Latin.

But, every time that I attend an OF Mass (infrequently, admittedly) I see all that is listed above taking place.

That list, of course, is not exclusive. You could add the disappearance of bells, thuribles, dancing and so on to the list (and please feel free to do so in the comment box).

So, on the one hand we have the Mass that organically expanded until, in the 16th century, it was (broadly) ratified and has remained the same ever since, throughout the world, and, on the other, the Mass that was committee designed in the 1960s and 70s, that is subject to constant variations and changes according to the whim of the celebrant and that is allegedly in the vernacular but, in Britain today, is just as likely to be in Tagalog or Polish or Mandarin.

I know which Mass has Catholic Doctrine in its DNA.

I know which Mass I will attend to fulfil my Sunday obligation.

Picture: Infallible Catholic blog

Monday, 19 August 2013

Noddy goes to the Latin Mass

With apologies to Enid Blyton (or Eonidh O'Bloightain as she is sometimes called)

"Introibo ad altare Dei" Parp, parp!

"It was a bright and sunny Sunday morning as Noddy climbed into his little yellow car and set off for Mass at St Knobbly's in the centre of Toytown.

As he drove along he waved cheerily to Mr and Mrs Tubby Bear and their son, Bruiny and then braked hard to avoid running over Bumpy Dog. "Parp, parp" went the little yellow car as Noddy tooted at Bumpy Dog, warning him to be more careful in future.

Noddy carefully parked his little car outside St Knobbly's and, just as he was about to enter the church, he was pounced upon by the two goblins, Sly and Gobbo.

"Let me go!" said the little nodding man; "Oh, please let me go!"

"Not until we have greeted you" said Sly and Gobbo in chorus; "We're the new greeters"

"But we don't have greeters at the Old Rite Mass" said Noddy.

"And, anyway, you are the Parish Artists and have nothing to do with us traditional Catholics."

"We're the new greeters" said Sly and Gobbo

"Now then, now then" said Policeman Plod, appearing as if by magic; "What's going on 'ere then?"
Mr Noddy is quite right you know, there's no need for greeters at EF Masses, traditional Catholics are far too smart for such silly pranks.
Now run along the two of you before I report you to Bishop Bumble".

Sly and Gobbo made a series of nasty faces at Noddy before running off to find their friend Stinkly, the parish liturgist, who lived in Bishop Bumble's dustbin.

"Phew" said Noddy. "Thanks PC Plod, those goblins really give me the creeps. I really can't begin to think why folk need 'greeter's to welcome them to Mass, especially when Our Lord is waiting to greet them in person".

"I know, I know", said PC Plod; "Trouble is, Noddy, people have forgotten all about worshipping the Lord properly.
I just hope that Pope Frankly will put them straight so that we can all settle down in peace once more.
Now you run along into Mass and don't forget to say a prayer for me will you?" he winked knowingly at the little nodding man who cheekily replied: "Of course not PC Plod, I always pray for sinners!"

Monday, 12 August 2013

Know your rites!

H/T to Elaine who pointed me in this direction.

We rarely sit back and take stock of the differences between the Tridentine Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo.

It is important that we do lest we forget that, in reality, the two forms of Mass are poles apart.

This film clip gives some but not all of the distinctions, new versus old, crass versus reverent.


Monday, 17 June 2013

Which Mass does Jesus Christ want?

I mean, it has got to come down to this, surely?

There are two basic types of Mass in the Roman Church, the Ordinary (OF) and the Extraordinary (EF).

Please do not say at this stage: "But all Masses are the same". They are evidently not.

One is in the vernacular and is missing many of the key elements that Quo Primum stated quite clearly, should be preserved and the other is a reasonable representation of the Mass that gradually evolved over the four or five hundred years after the death of Our Lord - in Latin.

The OF Altar

Some may say that both Masses are the same because the outcome, in the manner of the renewal of the sacrifice of Calvary in an unbloody fashion, and the subsequent changing of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ are identical at both forms of Mass.

But that still leaves the question hanging in mid air; the two are different in format - so which one does Jesus Christ want?

Many would claim that He wants both kinds but that does not wash; let me change the question to: 'Which Mass does Our Lord prefer?' Which one does He believe will benefit us the most?
Which Mass attracts the most grace?

                     The EF Altar                     (Civitas Dei)

My conclusion, which, of course,  I believe to be perfectly logical, is that Our Lord prefers the Mass that is closest to the one that His Church first created; the one that was so greatly influenced by the Apostles who loved and served the Lord.
 The Mass that is the more comprehensive of the two, more demanding of the celebrant (and of the server) and requiring a greater demonstration of reverence and piety from those attending.

The Mass that is not divisive in areas where a variety of tongues are spoken, a Mass that is, as the Faith itself, universal.

A Mass that is basically unchanged since early times and ratified by The Council of Trent in 1535.

A Mass that does not allow for personal liturgical expression by the priest or the laity; a Mass that is easy to follow (if you have a missal) and easy to meditate at if you haven't.

So why is this Extraordinary Form of Mass so ignored by the priests?

I can understand the episcophobic issue, the Bishop might well come down heavily on any priest wishing to introduce the EF Mass.

I can understand, also, the fear of upsetting the liberal parishioners who, quite frankly, have no concept of the matter other than an irrational dislike of the Latin.

But some priests also come up with the corny line: "I just don't speak Latin"

That is a copout. They quite merrily take their holidays overseas and indulge in café French or Italian as the case may be. To learn to read and pronounce Latin is not hard.

As a child, all altar servers in our parish had to be able to give the Mass responses in Latin by the age of seven. Hard at that age but far from impossible.

So, we come back to the question as to which Mass Our Lord wishes us to take part in.

The answer seems plainly clear to me.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

I believe, but how about you, Father?

Actuality rather than re-enactment

A recent conversation with a liberal Catholic Priest produced an interesting topic for debate.

That is, how many modern priests believe that, at the Consecration, the bread and wine becomes the actual Body and Blood of Our Lord.

Transubstantiation as we call it.

I was rather fed up with receiving a barrage of veiled assaults on traditionalists (or, as he preferred to call them, "Puritans") and, more in an attempt to halt the flow rather than launch a counter offensive I asked him a simple (as I thought) question.

I have raised this issue in earlier posts and been berated for not producing evidence so we will treat the following as hearsay rather than statistical fact.

Back in either 1984 or 1985 some research was published (so I claim) that showed that 48% of priests in England and Wales did not believe in transubstantiation. The  survey was from a base of 1,000 priests so, in market research terms, it was a small sample.

But that statistic, true or false, has stayed active in my mind ever since and I do speculate on just how many priests believe in the Mystery and how many just believe that what they are doing is remembering via a repeat of the Last Supper ritual.

So I asked this priest, whom I shall call Father Charles, having brought him up to speed on the research element, if, during the course of his socialising and meeting with his brother priests he had any idea of how many might believe or not as the case may be.

He looked as if he had bitten rather hard on a rusty four inch nail and, after a pause replied that it was a subject that had never cropped up in team meetings or retreats or days out for whatever purpose.

I found that rather hard to comprehend. Most professional people with a keen interest in their work tend to debate, discuss and dissect every particle of knowledge concerning their daily duties.

Most Catholics that I know (mainly of the orthodox kind, I have to say) also veer towards intense discussions on every aspect of the Faith; it's what we like to do; it produces greater knowledge and understanding - it is a good and wholesome pastime.

Surely a priest would know how his brothers feel about such an important issue?

So, perhaps those who attend OF Masses of the liturgically challenged kind, should stop and ask their priest if he does believe or if he is just doing the Protestant play acting thing.

It's a fair question, if asked courteously, and it would be most interesting to hear the answer. 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

No, that's not my Church

                        A happy group of traditional Catholics 
                               all laced up and fresh from sniffing incense

I had an opportunity recently, to speak at some length with a Catholic priest of the liberal variety.
One who, by all accounts, likes to strut his stuff on the sanctuary and devil take the hindmost.

I cannot speak in anyway to verify that fact as I am careful to avoid the occasion of sin by never attending a modern Mass.

But he does have every look of the liberal about him. Not quite shell suit and trainers but close.

He spoke to me about puritanism and that had me foxed for quite some time until I realised that he was talking about me - Me! A Puritan?

Not just me, of course, he meant all orthodox Catholics, you know, us Papes who are so hung up on the smell of incense and lacy cottas.

I never, ever, enter into an argument with a liberal. You do not win converts by arguing and it generally ends up with both parties walking away bruised and embittered.

I do stand up for my Faith in a secular arena, provided again, that it is not some dreary, booze fuelled debate over the dinner table.
I am too old a serpent too be drawn by such detractors.

My priest friend droned on and on about how he wished for a dumbed down Marxist type simpler, less ritualistic Church and I only intervened when he blatantly went over the top with his comments.

Just enough for me to show him that I was not in accord with his train of thought but not enough to provoke a blazing row.

Where is this ramble leading?

Ah, yes, two things.
One, it is ignorant and insulting to believe that we traditional Catholics are only interested in the smoke and mirrors side of the Faith.

Yet this view is frequently bandied around by all who are not part of the hermeneutic of continuity.

Two, that there is nothing, absolutely, nothing for me and mine in the Ordinary Form of the Mass as celebrated by the bulk of the clergy today.
Those last nine words are, of course, critical.

There are many good priests who celebrate both forms reverently, ad orientum and in Latin. But by far the majority do as my NBF does and that is make up the liturgy as they go along, dragging the congregation behind them in a weird assortment of antics and pantomime.

That is not for me. I do not even believe it to be Catholic.

It is, in fact, another Church. Maybe it should have a distinct title; something like, the Partly Catholic Church or the Church of Latter Day Omadhauns.

Or am I being un Catholic also?

Any name suggestions will be forwarded to Eccleston Square. Anonymously.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

The OF Mass can be reverent....but it is different

This brief video clip sensibly sets out to highlight the differences between the Ordinary Form of Mass and the Extraordinary Form.

It could be accused of being simplisitic in its presentation of the two Masses but I was left with the view that, although much preferring the Latin Mass, I would attend Mass in the vernacular if it was celebrated in a reverent and holy fashion.

But, in the light of rumours concerning a new traditional rite being formulated and the EF Mass being celebrated versus populum I'm keeping my powder dry - see The Eponymous Flower's post on the subject.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

EF Mass? OF Mass? EF Mass? OF Mass?

EF Mass?.....................

OF Mass?.....................

...............Oh, I think that it has to be EF Mass, don't you?

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

A homily, a hot dog and ignorance regarding orthodoxy

The reform of the reform trundles on, annoyingly at a brick by brick pace.

Equally annoyingly, as the pace increases (gradually) so more 'nuanced' comments from priests and laity in the Nuchurch are forthcoming.

Often such comments display an appalling ignorance of what it is to be traditional; what it is to be Catholic, even.

Some priests who have daringly dipped their toes into the scalding hot water of celebrating the EF Mass are taking short cuts; adapting the liturgy and the actions associated with the Holy Mass to suit their own purposes.

Why not? They do it every Sunday at the New Mass.

What do I mean by short cuts? (and, as you are about to hear, not just short cuts)

I mean priests who, at a High Mass, will dispense with the MC and leave the altar servers floundering around doing very little as per the Novus Ordo. And, who, at Low Mass, insist on booming out the words at the Secret and at the Consecration.

"But we don't do that at an EF Mass Father"
Photo: Cooees from the Cloister

I also mean priests who are 'on the journey' from liberal to authentic and who haven't quite got the point.

They think that being traditional is just saying the Tridentine Latin Mass - Ho, ho! If they only knew.

One priest in my sphere of knowledge often makes little quips as he distributes the host at Holy Communion.

What! Yes, sad but true. He will say (to a visitor from another parish): "We welcome tourists here" And then place the host in that person's mouth.

Inane, stupid and unnecessary.

And then 'new' priests also often forgo the rubrics regarding reception of Holy Communion and proceed to place the host into the hands of those who appear not to know either. I am not suggesting for one second that there should be a bit of argy bargy at the altar rails but I do believe that, by positive body language, in most instances, the host may easily and reverently be placed on the tongue of the person with hands held out.

Failing that, a gentle homily on the matter will serve to enlighten and educate.

And, also, from a good friend comes an example of how a non traditional priest (is that a good, politically correct way of phrasing it?) totally misses the point and ends up shooting himself in the foot with his hotdog metaphor (I like to mangle metaphors from time to time).

The priest, in his sermon, tells a story about a family who are eating out at a restaurant, here it is in my friend's words (my comment in red)

"The family took their seats and, when the waitress had taken the adults orders she turned to the seven year old son to ask what he would like. "Hotdog please", he replied.
 "No" said mum. "He will have steak with potatoes and carrots."

The waitress ignored this and asked the child if he would like tomatoes sauce with his hotdog. The boy said yes, he would, she then left.

The family were speechless and there was silence around the table.

 The boy said," She thinks I'm real".

The priest then began to link this up with the Curia's treatment of the Catholic laity who want a different church, women who want to play more of a part, to be be deacons and priests (but that it is not up for discussion). (It was a tortuous link back to the hotdog analogy; the boy represents the voice of those reasonable and logical (????) modernists who want to change elements of the faith that those in authority refuse to budge on). 

He railed against the Curia somewhat, telling us to get informed about what they are doing and how we should read The Tablet etc etc, to be in touch. He told us we needed wise people to guide the Church.

I decided to receive Holy Communion (on the tongue of course) kneeling down as a act of reparation. He did not like this and appeared to stop in his tracks as if I'd done something "unholy" -  he made a show of dropping the host on my tongue, ( not for the first time in my experience with Vat 2 fanatics)

After Mass two liberal members of our community spoke to him agreeing with his viewpoint.

I overheard him scathingly referring to the Society of St Pius X and other traditional communities that the Church was accommodating and then I chatted to him about a mutual friend before putting him in the picture.

I told him he'd rather shot himself in the foot with that story as anyone who has read up about the contents of hotdogs would know how horrifying the contents really are and that a wise (got that one in!) mother would protect her children from eating such gross ingredients.

I also said ( to quote from today's passage) " The gates of the underworld shall not prevail" and that obedience to our superiors / those placed over us, is everything according to the saints
and they are the ones to follow and to be informed of and by.

I also told him that I would be accompanying my husband, a convert, to an SSPX Mass that night and that my husband had found the Latin Mass through our daughter in XXXXX (I got it in that the young are being attracted to the Latin Mass also) and that my husband cannot understand how we "ditched" the Latin to replace it with.....?

Father asked me how was it different.  

So I shared with him the views of my husband and daughter and there were a few more exchanges but I did feel I'd got the "wops in" on all his stances.
So there we have it! A dissident in a position to mould the faith and knowledge of young men and women passing through the college
(he taught at a well known Catholic school) for decades.

But I'm thinking, they are scared stiff! 

The whites of their eyes are showing! They feel the change and are trying to stop it ( Satan more aggressive in his final throes).

So, please, when you see abuses taking place or, errors being voiced, have a quiet but polite word in the ear of the priest after Holy Mass......and, remember, if he is celebrating the Latin Mass, he has his foot on the first rung of the orthodox ladder. Don't push him off.  Be Christian, be Traditional.

Monday, 5 March 2012

The Bishops are depriving the masses!

If liberal Catholics get to hear about Benediction
they will all want it!

It is outrageous and scandalous.

In a world where such an emphasis is placed on equality and fair play the Bishops of England and Wales stand accused of discriminating against some 90% of the Catholic population.

And this has been going on for almost half a century.
The needs and spiritual welfare of hundreds and thousands of Catholics are being routinely ignored by a hierarchy that seem intent on forging ahead with this policy that makes apartheid appear quite benign by comparison.

So just what is it that almost every Catholic born since 1970 (plus those who are slightly older) are being deprived of?

It is the Tridentine Latin Mass aka Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

For reasons best known to their Lordships they have mounted a sustained campaign to keep liberal Catholics away from this cornerstone of the Catholic faith, depriving them of God's grace and that in abundance.

Depriving them of spiritual depth and integrity not even letting them have knowledge of the heady delights of plainchant, silencing the sanctuary bells, locking up the thuribles and removing the communion rails so that the poor Catholic man and woman in the pew have to stand to receive the Body of the Son of God, maker and creator of all things and Supreme Spirit.

The beauty and splendours of Holy Mother Church have been misered away so that modern Catholics cannot take joy and pleasure from attending Holy Mass.

Benediction, The Angelus, the Stations of the Cross - all have been hidden from the eyes of the laity.

How unfair.

This affects a huge number of Catholics who, at present are largely unaware of the riches that are rightfully theirs that have been stolen from them.

Can you imagine what the result would be if a solicitor or lawyer kept back the major share of a family inheritance only allowing the few remaining relatives a portion of Primark suits and IKEA furniture while the antique fine oak and persian carpets lie mouldering in the company vaults?

When the relatives find out they have been cheated there will be ructions and all merry hell to pay.

Please do not spread this around, if the liberal Catholics get a sniff of the fact that they have lost out.....there will be tears before bed!

Picture ex

Sunday, 1 January 2012

If there's a vacancy, I'd like to apply

After Christmas Mass in a Protestant Liberal Catholic church I picked up a copy of the parish newsletter on the way out.

I like to see what is going on in mainstream Catholicism in the same way that I like to remind myself that eating large quantities of saturated fat clogs up the arteries and leads to a premature death!

One feels most virtuous at shunning things that are bad for one's health, like Krispy Creme Doughnuts and liturgical dances.

So, on scanning this exciting bit of puffery, my eyes ran down the  rota of duties within the parish. You know the sort of thing, "Wednesday afternoon, church cleaning managers will be Mrs Beryl Equal-Opportunities and Mr Mustapha Reception-Byhand".

The list covered not only cleaners but also servers, "Ministers" (by which was meant Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion), readers and welcomers.

Come again?.......Welcomers?.......Welcomers? 

What on earth are ****bleep****  Welcomers when they are at home?

"Welcome to Mass, friends, good to
meet you in the...flesh?"
I have never come across this designation before; I know about The Borrowers; possibly The Welcomers are little mouse sized folk who live in the Poor Box at the back of the church?

My mind runs riot (it's a wonder that it can run at all these days).

When you arrive for Mass are you perhaps met by a phalanx of professional leerers who mutter things like "Welcome to St Cheryl's, pleased to meetcha!"

Do they have to undergo any form of training for this highly demanding task? Do they perhaps have to pass a leer test?
Or practice shaking hands with a lettuce leaf?

It all sounds rather tempting and I rather fancy myself at being a Welcomer.

The model leerer - "Benvenuto Bambini!"
 My wife tells me often that I have a most attractive leer.
Is there any money in it I wonder?

I shall have to go into training......"Farewell my dears, so very nice to have made yer acquaintance I'm sure! So pleased to have metcha!"

Monday, 26 December 2011

A Christmas Mass - EF come home!

Without any EF Mass within reasonable striking distance we hummed and hawed as to what we should do and, finally, with thoughts of the children as well as Almighty God, we opted for a local OF Mass.

I will not reveal the whereabouts of the church and, in all truth, the OF Mass was not as mind numbingly awful as I had feared.

Now please, bear in mind that I am not an expert on Mass in the Ordinary Form; it is almost one year since I last attended one and as I tend to stick my nose into my missal and plough on regardless, it is still a bit of a mystery to me.

On this occasion it was hard to cut myself off as we had two small children with us who, although beautifully behaved, demanded a certain amount of attention.
So I could not help but observe a few things.
Firstly, the new translation did not appear to make too great a difference; the Mass seemed formless and without a route of progression - just a series of prayers spouted forth on a fairly random basis.

The priest conducted proceedings from the steps at the foot of the altar, facing the congregation leaving the puritan style altar (unadorned by any flower or object) bare and stark.

He started his Christmas sermon by speaking about ET, the extra terrestrial, and how he was accepted, in all innocence by a group of children.

OK, we all know the rest but it conjured up unfortunate images in my mind and, I guess, in the minds of quite a few of those present - an alien with a pointy finger - not what I wished to reflect on.

At the Offertory, the priest did move to the altar and at Communion a dilemma was solved for us as he came to distibute the host on our side of the aisle.
He was, I think, a little taken aback when we all genuflected to receive by mouth but he recovered well.

The sole elderly altar server, dressed a la monk style, distributed on the other side and, flanking the both of them were two females (I am being charitable here) who dispensed the Precious Blood to those who wished to receive it. We did not receive.

Afterwards, there was a horrendous period of washing up when the two ladies consumed what was left in the chalices and then set to a polishing the vessels.

We left having fulfilled our Sunday obligation and actually feeling that we had, in some small way, made our presence at the Mass part of our fealty to the new born Christ child.

But I found the fact that there was a general lack of respect shown to the Body of Christ in the tabernacle (only a cursory bow and zero genuflections. throughout).
And during the Credo, only a few genuflected at the critical point.

Overall, it seemed sad that these people, and their priest, had somehow forgotten the context of what they were about. They had performed a public act of prayer, not in a ritualistic sense but rather as if they were enacting a necessary labour.

It reinforced my view that the two Masses are as different as chalk is to cheese or ET to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Bless me Father, I went to an OF Mass!

Well actually I was early for the EF Mass and so sat at the back at St James's Spanish Place to try and kick my soul into some sort of shape ready for 9.30am and the 'Introibo ad altare dei'.....

The 'new' Mass was about a third of the way through and I tried, very hard to focus on prayer but, the day before had been the Solemn High Mass at Blackfen and the Catholic Guild of Bloggers meeting and I was still high on the memories.
Traditional fare - an extraordinary pork pie!

Also, there were many distractions, people coming and going and then...blow me! the priest appeared to be celebrating Mass without any altar servers, none! not even any of the female persuasion.

But - it was celebrated very reverently and the priest (I believe it was the good Fr Colven) just said the Mass and did not get up to any fol-de-rols.

So what did my wandering mind pick up on? Bearing in mind that I only normally attend the EF Mass.

Well, few of those coming or going bothered to genuflect. I cannot understand this lack of respect at all and really feel like grabbing the person by the scruff of the neck and giving them a good shake but I normally say a Hail Mary for them instead; it's more charitable and it's better for my blood pressure.

When the time came for the Pater noster  Our Father, a lot of the congregation started to do aeroplane impressions which I thought was a bit off until I realised that this was a way of praying, not a very discreet way, more a "look at me" way.
Then, at Holy Communion there was a bit of a shambles of folk strolling up hands in pockets (there were one or two, literally) but it all went off pretty well as at an EF.

Now what, you may ask, was I doing watching all that was going on and not praying or preparing for Mass. Well, my excuse is that I decided to take a cool, long look at the OF Mass just to see how it compared with the EF.

It was, of course, an unfair comparison having less than 24 hours previously been transported to heavenly heights by great singing at a great Mass (yes, I know every Mass is great but, it has to be said, some have more elements of greatness about them).

When the Latin Mass began I was surprised to see the Phillipino element in the congregation swell noticeably; was this a result of the unity of the Latin language? ie easier to hear Mass in Latin rather than their second language?

Anyway, still people entered the pews without genuflecting so it's not just a modern Catholic thing, traditionalists are guilty also. The Mass then proceeded as all TLMs do, slowly, reverently and allowing for full reflection and meditation.

So then let me now say that, after this chance of more or less instant comparison, I conclude (without wishing to appear patronising or condescending in any way) that the Ordinary Form of Mass is precisely that, and that is what the Holy Father surely intended when he gave the two forms their designations. There is no insult within the context of 'Ordinary', it is just a plain unvarnished sort of Mass, perfectly reverent within its framework.

The Extraordinary Form is.....well I don't need to spell it out. It is a fuller and more elaborate means of worshipping Almighty God; for me it invokes a greater degree of spirituality (much needed).

So. To compare the two forms of Mass is rather like comparing a pork pie with an orange. Both are food but, in their own way they have a totally different aspect and flavour.

Some people like oranges, but for me, you can't beat a pork pie!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Being traditional is not the preserve of the Latin lovers

I speak, of course, as a Latin Mass lover myself. But, there is much more to traditionalism than just the Latin; equally, one can be traditionalist as an OF Mass goer.

Uh? Is this man contradicting himself? I do not believe so, read on and find out.

Here are ten outward signs of a traditionalist Catholic (leaving aside the all important magisterium, doctrinal and sacramental beliefs).

1. Attends Masses that are celebrated ad orientum

2. Is quiet and reverential in church

3. Only receives Holy Communion kneeling (if possible), by mouth and from a

4. Always addresses a priest using the 'Father' prefix (unless he is your

5. Observes the abstinence from meat rule on Fridays (even though it is not yet

6. Makes a three hour fast before receiving Holy Communion.

7. Prefers plainchant to "Shine, Jesus shine" type hymns

8. Attends Benediction whenever possible

9. Avoids Masses where guitars are played, altar girls present or the liturgy
    distorted in any way.

10. Welcomes the new translation.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list......

One picture is worth a thousand words....

Now there has been some comment floating around about bloggers voicing facts instead of opinions. Well, I mean for all of my posts to be my opinions within a framework of the teachings of the Catholic Church. For example, it is not 'wrong' to receive Our Lord at Communion, standing and by hand. But it is irreverent and crass to do so. That's my opinion, it just happens to be the same as the Holy Father's!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

"A funny thing happened to me on the way to Church today".....

How does your priest start the Mass? Is it along the lines of "Good morning everybody"
I believe that has become a bit passe these days - you see I do not attend Novus Ordo Masses so I am not too sure of my ground here but what I do know is that it is becoming increasingly commonplace for a priest to give a little chatty greeting and, all too often, to keep up a witty banter throughout proceedings.

"Good morning Father"
Recently I heard of a priest who made a wisecrack just before placing the host on a person's tongue - and, horror of horrors it was at an Extraordinary Form Mass! What can I say except that the priest in question is very, very new to the EF Mass and may be carrying some of his OF habits with him. I hope he will soon appreciate what the EF Mass (and the OF for that matter) is really about.

Some years ago just before we withdrew our children from the liturgical banalities they were being subject to they reported that, at their convent school Mass, the celebrant had asked (at the Consecration elevation) if anyone knew the test match cricket score. They never attended another Convent School Mass.

What has drawn my attention to this new(ish) custom is an article by a Daily Telegraph journalist, Michael Deacon - "A priest's true calling is to be a game show host, folks". He recently attended a wedding of friends (I'm assuming it was C of E but I could be wrong) where the priest constantly told little jokes throughout the service - how very droll! My recent post on the era of the 'ton up vicar' obviously needs updating; today we have the Bob Hope or the Tommy Cooper priest; it's only a question of time before we have the Consecration presented as a class conjuring trick (they probably already do this in Austria).

The thing that I find so very hard to understand is: don't they know that they are committing a sacrilege? What pleasure do they derive from making such mindless and unfunny cracks?
Sadly, they often seem to carry the congregation with them; the chap that related the host incident to me (also very new to the EF Mass and its solemnity) thought that it was screamingly funny and looked at me as if I was stark raving mad when I poured cold water over his mirth.

If cretinous ignorance is not at the heart of these asides it has, of course, got to be something a little more dark and sinister that is encouraging this trend.
That, also, would not surprise me in the least.
But the laity are complicit in all of this; the good old uncomplaining British man/woman in the pew sits back and does nothing. It only requires one or two people to have a discreet word in the priest's ear and, if that doesn't work, then a charitably worded letter to his Bishop.

And if that doesn't work, go to the SSPX!

Trouble is, it is so long since they have seen their reflection in a mirror they have forgotten just what manner of a Catholic they should be.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Time for Novus Ordo Catholics to step up to the mark?

Fr Z's brick by brick philosophy is all well and good except that, in Great Britain it would appear as if the bricks are still in the ground in the form of clay - sticky, claggy and unmalleable, at present at any rate.

First, make your bricks - a slow
 process in England & Wales
Abuses continue to abound in Churches but, apparently, only in those where the Ordinary Form of Mass is celebrated. We don't do liturgical shenanigans in the Extraordinary Form.
The rather wonderful thing is that a large proportion (I estimate) of OF Catholics are as opposed and dismayed by such goings on as the Traditionals.
The trouble is, they labour under a heavy yoke of what they falsely believe is 'obedience'. For 'obedience' read 'do nothing'. Obedience in my book relates to conformity with Rome not to Father Jimmy and his hippy, hippy shake dance at the Offertory.

It seems to me that our OF Catholic brethren turn a blind eye to abuses in the fond hope that they will suddenly disappear. Instead, the bizarre antics become a routine until such time as accepted as the norm.
Back in the 1980s at the height of insurrection in Northern Ireland I had to travel to Belfast on business. My Protestant agent looked after me well showing me the sights (Falls and Shankill Roads) and we had a good pub meal somewhere. He insisted that the bombings and shootings were isolated occurrences that only happened in specific, contained areas and that the troubles did not affect the ordinary man in the street. He was telling me this as we left the pub and walked to his car whereupon he dropped on all fours to check to see if someone had planted a bomb under the vehicle. The bizarre had become so everyday that he had forgotten what was normal.

So what other abuses besides prancing around the sanctuary are there that OF Catholics might make a stand against?
Here are a few for starters, I am sure others might like to add to the list:-

1. Talking before and after Mass
2. Not genuflecting
3. Guitars, flutes and whistles used against the Holy Father's 
4. Kiss of peace where, instead of a manly handshake, people
    embrace, hug and generally behave in a silly fashion
5. Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion who give blessings to non
    Catholics presenting themselves at the altar rails
6. EMHCs who undertake the priestly duties of purification of vessels
7. Liturgy of the Word ceremonies
8. Turning the church into a coffee bar after Mass
9. Queuing for Holy Communion while chewing gum
10. Inappropriate dress
11. Ad libs from the priest during Mass
12. Extraneous bits of prayer and ritual added to the Mass
13. Use of a card table as an altar
14. Clapping at any time

I could go on.....but I shan't.
I am very grateful to some good friends with whom we had coffee yesterday. They step up to the mark, they inspired this post.

Monday, 13 June 2011

The New Translation is welcome but will it change things?

It might. It just might, especially where there is a celebrant who has the gravitas to say the Mass with reverence and invoke respect for the Body and Blood of Christ.

But, in the majority of cases we are still facing an intransigent laity who refuse to listen to the messages emanating from Rome; who are so bound up in their own secular pleasures of guitar music, happy clappy singing, hand holding and kiss of peace embracing that the sensitivities of language, reverence and content will pass them by.

Photo: Rorate Coeli
Sorry, but I have nothing in common with these people!
 They will be aided and abetted, of course, by Father Smirk and his wonderful way of starting the Mass by turning his back on the Almighty in order to grin inanely and say: "Good morning everybody."

That is why, regretfully, I shall not be beating a path to the Ordinary Form of Mass. I do believe that, over the past 50 years or so, some people (priests and laity) have lost sight of what the Mass is about. There is a belief that now the Mass is about "ME"........and what "I" can get out of it. A jolly good sing song. A bit of "look at me, I'm on the sanctuary" or, worse, "I'm a special minister" (Ministerium Extraordinarium more like). A feeling that the worship of God and the re-enactment of the sacrifice on Calvary have been overlooked in the rush to 'modernise' and tailor the liturgy to suit one's own ego.
The great Archbishop Sheen, when speaking of how young people described attending Mass as "not getting anything out of it" used to say to them: "But you're not bringing anything to the Mass!" And that is true today. Congregations have forgotten to 'bring' anything with them. They have forgotten that they are there to witness a sacrifice, not a celebratory meal; they have forgotten that the Mass should be a complete and unchanging means of bearing testimony to Christ and His teachings; an opportunity for us to have a more intimate dialogue with the Holy Trinity so that we may confide our fears and make our requests in more august surroundings than the living room or kitchen. And they have forgotten that they are there to worship, love and revere God, and you cannot do that effectively by singing "I wish I was a wiggly worm" or dancing around the sanctuary in flowing robes.

So it is not the New Translation that I have issue with. It is the fact that human pride will continue to reveal itself by those who refuse to kneel to receive the Body of Christ, those who distort the liturgy and those who chatter both before and after Mass. I have nothing in common with them; I am a Catholic!