Showing posts with label shape challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shape challenge. Show all posts

Thursday 8 March 2012

Pages from Sketchbooks

This house was created using found shapes.
On the page below I used the colours that had seeped thru from the previous page, then drew on the flowers and thin blue lines.

This doodle also seeped thru to the next page as shown below. It is the promarker pens that seep thru, I think they make some nice effects

I sketched the sea creatures below by copying a photo in a magazine

Saturday 3 March 2012

Circle Doodles

Doodles using shapes - a small round disc on both and a coaster on the top one too

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Bird - Shape Challenge

The first page in sketchbook 13
Below is a bird made from a shape, once for the head and once the other way round for the body

Friday 24 February 2012

Capable [IF] and Shape Challenges

For the Illustration Friday challenge - capable
Birds and animals seem very capable at finding food
Collage -watercolour backgrounds, found images 
I accidentally dropped some water in the middle of this picture, hence the blob

Another shape challenge, these are the shapes
and this is what I created with them

and another set of shapes [the green part is bleed thru from the other side]
weird flowers?

Thursday 5 January 2012

More Shape Challenge Doodles

I used the plastic shape below to create the above doodles, something one would normally throw away.

and this one was created with a cardboard shape, although I did alter the shape with scissors. I used the shape in its original form the other day. [the one that looked a bit heart shaped]

Monday 2 January 2012

Shape Challenge x 3

Shape challenge - the shape I used here was a freebie card magnet, almost heart shaped. 
The design below was done with a shape I have used before, I thought the last one looked like fish  so this one looks completely different.

This is the shape
This one was created with a scrap of paper which had a hole in it.

Friday 9 December 2011

Separated [IF] and Shape Art

The Illustration Friday challenge is 'separated'
These are separated by an arm's length.
A double challenge as I used a coaster as a shape challenge.

More shape challenges below...
A wheel like shape and triangular shape. I used a rolling stamp for the background.

This one looks like the letter J but was in fact a plastic hook from something I was throwing out.

This shape reminded me of a door, it was a piece of cardboard with a hole in, but I can't remember what it was from.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Imaginary Animals Revisited Again/Shape Challenge

I thought I would post a few more imaginary animals for the Sketchbook Challenge as the theme should be changing in a day or so.
I also did this creature using shapes as a shape challenge, the shapes are shown below.

Another one using shapes

and the shape used [the yellow is ink bleed from the other side]

and another creature I created without using shapes

Monday 14 November 2011

The 'a' Challenge

This you can see is the start of skectchbook 14, now I have already posted some pages from this book - some were for challenges and they had to be in by a certain date. The rest of the pages usually find their way on here eventually, not in date order or sketchbook order.
Below is a shape challenge - I was given a large wooden letter 'a' by a friend. I think I like the flower the most.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Machine Embroidery Book and Doodles

Two pages I missed from Sketchbook 9. The page above is a shape challenge using the metal cutters and the one below I did for a sketchbook challenge called 'pathways' - except I didn't post it.

More C&G work, this time a machine embroidery book, experiments of different stitching techniques. I used to have a machine that did small embroidered motifs like the flowers on the front of this fabric book. I don't have that machine any more, as I broke it by sewing through lots of painted collaged papers which were very stiff and they weren't dry enough. I think the glue stuck to the needle which made it hard work for the machine and eventually it wore the motor out. I still sew collaged papers but I am more careful.

there are more pages which I will post another day

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Shapes and Pleats

Two more shape challenge pieces  - you can see what I used at the bottom of each page. They are very similar shapes except the bottom one is longer. I prefer the tree doodle.

I'm also posting pictures of another C&G sample - different kinds of pleating with calico fabric. My sister wants me to make it into a cushion for her.