I personally have tasted this mans venom as he sits on his throne of American conservative thought, when it was aimed at me, one of your distant relatives from across the pond whose life is in real danger and dire need.
I do not speak about my plight for peoples sympathy, I speak about my plight because of the serious reality that I and my country faces in relation to Islam's Holy War that is unfolding in the midst of my homeland, amongst my fellow country folk and this self professed American King and his hunting dogs have tried to hang me infront of everyone, and for what, whose warped pleasure does it fulfill?
Whose purpose does it serve and who receives the glory or assassinating me in the public eye?
I thank God for Winter's Soldier, the American Vanguard who has taken back the reigns of American Conservative thought from the madness of the Lizard King.
May God bless you John jay - The man with the message for American Conservative thought.
The Lizard King destroyed me and my credibility in alot of peoples eyes, with writers and commentators now fearful for themselves when writing about me and my situation and others actually sacrificing me upon their own personal alters for their own survival in the public eye, all this because of the Lizard Kings war against his own people who are doing their best to fight the anti-Jihad that is now washing up upon our shores.
I even had a professor defaming me because of this 'madman' stating that Charles Johnson was an authority on this issue against me.
May each of you hang your heads down in shame!
This man forced good people to cower in fear because of the size, scope and damaging effect of his vicious army that goes out from his throne room across the internet far and wide spreading lies and accusation about people, seeking the public hanging and vilification of them in the public eye - The new form of 21st Century lynching discovered by the Lizard King Charles Johnston and his army.
Read this article and know that this is the way to move forward, enough damage has been done already, it is time to heal the wounds from the damage that has been caused already and rebuild bridges and break down barriers for the sake of the future where our children born and unborn reside - What would our children say if we did not?
Remember the future of our civilisation really is at stake now, this is not a game and this is not a joke.
'Where do you stand and who do you stand with'
(John jay's essay below)
by John jay - Winter Soldier
from my perspective there seems little in charles johnson’s “little green footballs” to get excited about, usually, one way or another. the writing from johnson himself seems of little consequence, usually devoid of much content or intellectual fire, not very far sighted: it seems to me bland and rather pedestrian. serviceable, but bland and pedestrian is a fair verdict. johnson is not by any stretch of the imagination to be confused with caroline glick, or victor david hanson, or mark steyn, all of whom are wordsmiths distinguished by dynamic, vibrant, lucid, persuasive and powerful prose which finds its inspiration in the preservation of western society: it is hard to discern any similar fire in the big lizard’s belly.
the chief feature of little green footballs seems to be the legion of acolytes who submit endless comments on his sparse paragraphs trying with the utmost fervor to sit closest to the throne, aspiring to a quasi religious orthodoxy such as they divine from the meager flow of his pen. this spectacle, the chief entertainment value of the blog, reminds me very much of a very funny t.v. advertisement from several years past, showing a couple of cowboys herding cats: in this johnson exhibits his chief talent, guiding his acolytes toward and revealing by terse hints the orthodoxy he sometimes uses them to enforce, as they slide in a chaotic group over the landscape of his thought, much as that cat herd. there is a strict orthodoxy enforced there, that much is obvious from even a cursory view of the blog, but i will be hung if i can discern much of a coherent plan or world view in it. it just seems to be what charles johnson wants to enforce: the game for his acolytes, apparently, is to follow it without being too transparent about it.
in sum, i have never but glanced at little green footballs and never sought it out to learn anything of substance there, because, in my assessment, there is nothing of any originality or insight to be gained there. there are opinions which i may happen to share with greater or lesser degrees of conviction, but hardly anything which ever provides much by way of an exegesis or exploration of how those opinions came to be or how best to validate them in real world discourse. even in his most recognized triumphs, for which he does deserve credit, that being the exposure of rigged photos from al reuters and the outing of the fraud dan rather, there really wasn’t much that could be described as a triumph of intellect, merely the virtues of the good proof reader and copy editor on display.
so, to me, charles johnson is nothing more or less that a herder of acolyte cats, scratching and clawing one another for a show of favor from the font. i do not, therefore, go to little green footballs expecting to learn anything, and for this attitude i have never been disappointed. his writing fails to influence me because it fails to elucidate, explain or persuade: for a committed conservative, it serves little other purpose than to repeat and confirm perceptions perfectly obvious at least since the days i took my degree in political science. it is the intellectual equivalent of looking at the bread recipe one knows by heart.
the blog has seemed simply pedestrian, and, while its tendency towards predictable orthodoxy has done very little to excite my sensibilities it has done nothing much to offend them, either. it just wasn’t much worth paying attention to, in any particular.
that is, until recently.
lately, i am offended by the antics at little green footballs, and, as a result, i am declaring limited hostilities upon charles johnson, his acolyte crew of attack lizards, and a pernicious silliness which they insist upon trying to impose upon the rest of the conservative community much to the harm of our long term interests, as conservatives and as members of our great nation, as adherents to our civilization. when i was growing up, it was common to hear the expression, who needs enemies when you have friends like that, and i believe that may be said now of johnson and his followers: they are quite one and the same, sort of like the borg. as a matter of fact, the acolytes ought to rename themselves the borg, any semblance of their individual thought processes having been abandoned some time ago, from all indications.
my umbrage relates to the fight against the jihad and johnson’s hampering of the same upon the alter of doctrinal purity.
this is the part in the simpson’s where avery burns yells, to his little sycophant, you know, the little guy with the glasses, loose the hounds!! i just know that somewhere in the pack of little green lizards who live at johnson’s feet, there is a guy just like avery burns’ assistant, wearing a bow tie and crew cut, glancing adoringly up at charles johnson as he slips the attack dogs, …, oh, excuse me, lizards, from their collars. while another acolyte, who must look a lot like marty feldman in young frankenstein, sidles over to johnson and glances up with the same adoring expression and says, “who has such effrontery, master?” this is said with the appropriate lisp, of course.
Continue reading: The Lizards war
zzzzzzzz...huh, oh sorry ol' chap but you were boring me to death. I think you're missing the utility of LGF: Charles was saying those things about radical Islam long before anyone else with any media-reach was doing so. It's probably best looked upon as a clearinghouse of information one can't find anywhere else...at least not in the American MSM. You want someone else to do the hard thinking for you...to "elucidate, explain or persuade" you. I on the other hand would rather just have the facts and draw my own conclusions.
Luton "Let It All Hang Out Lionheart--
The comment like the first one you rec'd is about the only thing you'll see. The commenter has his script and you have your own path to follow..
Well done, but still a waste of your time.
FIghting for Britain means ignoring the slings and arrows from people who don't even have the courage to leave their names.
There may be lots of them from people who know nothing about you and have squat all information about Britain.
Let them rant. If they are so timid to hide behind their "Anony" nic, hit the delete button.
Or delete them. Oh, wait, that's what LGF does.
Whatever. When they see my comment to you, the name-calling and stomping will start up again. Since I seldom go there, it doesn't matter.
NOw..tell us about Luton...what is was like, and what it has become.
People throw something out there, and it becomes larger than life. My advice would be to just let it go. It is hurtful when people say things flippantly that are not true, but it becomes old news real fast, and the only one who will remember will be you. People are going to think and believe whatever they want - the truth doesn't have to have anything to do with it - it is just how some people are wired.
Thanks Joanne, i had not mentioned anything until today since the initial outburst, i have seen the continual attacks against me and let it lye, but when i saw Winter Soldiers excellent essay i had to just open the door one last time so others who are looking can see my thoughts on this subject.
The door is now closed again.
The thing now is the backlash from the minions from hell trying to beat down the door.
God bless you
Hi lionheart,
I stay in south asia as a non moslem and feel your anguish, but Europe like UK has a deep culture that I don't think Islam can uproot, but the EU leaders must do the right thing to prevent civil conflicts between 2 camps, do this while you guys are still in the majority, it will be too late as demograhics changes
Looks like Big Kitty has been successful in protecting you from 'imminent arrest'.
Still doing OK in the financial donations department? Whomever said, "A fool and his money are soon parted" was spot on.
We added Winter Soldier to our blogroll.
Charles Johnson is only pretending to be an opponent of jihadism. He posts terrorism news stories to get people to go to his blog. But then, he torpedoes everyone else's efforts to confront jihadism. He has no business arrogating to himself the powers of judge, jury, and executioner over the entire counterjihad.
Charles Johnson never was the leader of our cause, and never will be. We are doing just fine as a decentralized network of courageous people who know how to cooperate when we need to.
I left the following comment on Winter Soldier's blog, and would like to post it here as well:
We have had our share of dealings with CJ and LGF - see http://1389blog.com/category/littlegreenfootballs/.
Before the head lizard showed his true colors (as in green for money), I spent a lot of time and effort trying to get broader recognition for LGF and the news stories posted there. I even figured out how to get them removed from some blacklists at censorware firms. I was merely a member of the site - I got no remuneration of any kind for my efforts.
Our own blog covers various things that are not adequately covered elsewhere, including freedom of speech for the counterjihad. We also blog the Balkans on behalf of Serbs in Europe and elsewhere. I eventually got banned from LGF during one of CJ's purges. After CJ was sure that I no longer had any way to respond on his site, he began repeating a bunch of old, false, and already discredited accusations against the Serbs. By doing that - and by taking cheap shots at literally everybody who is doing effective work in the counterjihad - he is knowingly delivering aid and comfort to America's enemies.
Right now, jihadists in the Balkans, and their stooges in the US State Department, are keen on stealing even more land from the Serbs in Kosovo, and here is CJ, acting as another branch of their public relations department.
I called CJ a traitor, by the definition in the US Constitution. Treason is a capital offense, and should always remain so. People have called me all kinds of names for being impolite enough to point this out.
Guess what! It doesn't matter what elaborate and fanciful speculations some name-callers choose to embroider with regard to my ancestry, my appearance, my tastes in companionship, my mental capabilities, or even my fate in the hereafter. None of them have refuted the assertion that made them so intemperately angry. The bottom line is that Charles Johnson and those who do his work are traitors, regardless of whether I am still around to say it or not!
Charles mostly posts news, information and links to analysis from other people, and he and his posters make some discoveries on their own along the way. He doesn't need to tell the catlizardhounds where to go because these mutant super-human beasts know where to go on their own. They are free.
You might be puzzled that so many people tend to think the same about the ethnic nationalists, racists etc. but this is a normal reaction that decent people have to racists. The only thing that works is to disassociate and expell any racists and crypto-racists or make sure that they really have reformed.
Re: 1389
"I called CJ a traitor, by the definition in the US Constitution. Treason is a capital offense, and should always remain so."
What did he do to betray his country? Who did he betray it to? You are aware that betraying ones "race" is not recognized as a crime in any countries we like to compare ourselves to, right?
Have you ever read Article III of the US constitution?
Charles is a former lefty - and kudos to him for seeing the light - but he still holds to the leftist notion of Thought Crime. Combine that with the typical American educational experience where even to hint one has had a racist thought is like admitting to be a serial killer.
Charles is not a bad guy, and has been good in bringing the jihad to light, but he does need to come the full distance from the leftist swamp and realize that we all have some weird/bad thoughts at times, but it is how we behave that matters. Thought Crime is not real crime.
Isn't it about time that someone sues THEM? Why is no one in England suing those Islamic Goebbels' wannabees preaching hate and death in their mosques? Are they afraid to such an extent that they can't band together and start going on the offensive instead of being on the defensive, or apathetic?
Is it impossible for someone or other to come to Lionheart's rescue and take up the gauntlet for him? Better still, for a group of incensed citizens to start the campaign of protecting British liberty, free speech, free thought, self-defence by bombarding the courts with charges of incitement to hatred and bloodshed by the Islamists having it all their way today in Britain?
If the Islamists can say what they want against the 'infidels' (including calling for their murder), why can't the 'infidels' say what they want against the Islamists? None of those
'infidels' including Lionheart, has, as far as I know, ever called for the shedding of the blood of Moslem Pakistanis or Arabs or even the bloodiest of Islamic-Jihadists.
They are just calling attention to the dangers the Islamists present to western society and seeking protection against them. What is wrong with that? How can it be criminal and sue-able? If anything, all those demos by Moslem Pakistanis calling for the death & subjugation of the British people, including HM the Queen, are far more sue-able.
We must take up the challenge. Any suggestions other than mine?
Anonymous Lady
Hey Lionheart - like Oscar Wilde said, "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
And like Ronbo says, "Don't let the bastards get you down!"
It's chucking down hail and sleet in old Luton town right now.
The issues here are complex and unfathomable at times.
Near one third of the center of town almost completely Muslim, mainly from Pakistan, some from Bangladesh and a few from mid-east.
To an American discussing the influence of Islam on the West, I would say that theory is one thing, but you won't really understand until, say some where in USA a town, of near 200,000 is in a similar position.
By then it will be too late.
The replicating population will swallow up ever more of that place as "white flight' or lets say "non-Muslim flight" ensures an ever growing number of areas that will be "taken over."
Maybe it should not matter that when you walk around large parts of town, the only shops you see are halal butchers or Islamic clothes shops, or "cultural centers," or "Islamic education Centers" and houses turned into places of worship, but is this what is called "ethnic diversity" or is it "cultural division" and separation?
It cannot all be unpicked easily.
But as this new population takes over, all the old cultural realities are changed beyond recognition as being British.
The new population does not integrate but actually overlays what was there before.
The only white folks you see are the workers from Poland and Eastern Europe who are renting from landlords in those areas.
Does this matter?
Well it does if you are not Muslim.
I remember the last white owned shop in Bury Park closing down 10 years ago. I asked the Jewish owner why, his reply was "I've had enough. People won't come down here to shop anymore."
The Synagogue was sold off some years ago and is now an exclusive Islamic education center.
The local bingo hall owned by a company called "mecca bingo" had it's signs burned down and threats made it close down.
The pressure is slow and continual.
There is no two way flow with Islam, it is all one way.
Anyone who thinks this is racist, may live to see their own towns and cities submerged in an alien culture.
It is cultural suicide.
Not everyone can afford to run away to live in Spain, and eventually the same problems will erupt there.
This fellow Johnson, what does he count for?
America is a different place altogether.
There you become American, whatever you are (at the moment)
Here you do not become British, you just live how you did abroad and nothing binds you to the identity of Britain.
Activists use all the human rights legislation to pressure Government and authority to bow to their will.
The sand in the hour glass is running down. Soon there will be no return, this is plainly seen by the disproportionate influence of a tiny minority on the laws and traditions of the majority.
Of course blogger Lionheart can sound like a racist if that is what serves your purpose.
But if you believe in Britain, it's heritage and traditions of fairness and proper legal justice, then he is but the messenger of what tomorrow brings to your home, your street.
Must the West be assimilated and eventually erased by Islam?
We must choose at some time.
And soon.
Politicians must face the reality and stop blinkering themselves to what is happening.
Florid language does not a racist make.
Thank you anonymous, someone who knows Luton.
Thankfully the 'Mecca' bingo hall in Bury Park that was attacked by local Moslems and forced to close has now become the biggest Church in the town.
We either accept the take over of our society or we reject it - I personally reject it.
And now people like this CJ who lives in safety in CA and all his faithful followers try to silence me for their own perverted pleasure by branding me a racist, neo-Nazi, facist for standing up and speaking out about the unfolding Islamification process upon my community that has a wealth of Royal history dating back many centuries.
Britain today - America tomorrow.
America is not 'alone' but it soon will be!
Charles and the lizard army performs a invaluable service in putting Israel's point of view across to counteract the complete hostility and bias of the MSM. For that he and his lizard army deserves the highest respects.
As to LGF's opinions of yourself and of Europe, it is exactly that, an opinion.
I appreciate you feel you need to defend yourself but remember that the Islamic extremists and their lefty lapdogs profit from disarray and infighting in their opponents
Please don't inflate the ego of the self-appointed Lizard King. This issue, as well as other recent ones, have shown specifically who should be allied and who should not.
Little Green Footballs is poison to the counter-jihad movement. They demand ideological purity in much the same way Hitler demanded racial.
Please keep up the good fight, Paul. People here in the U.S., despite the antics of this farcical King Charles, have come to regard him much as the King of the Britons from Monthy Python's Quest for the Holy Grail.
Let the coconut beaters continue.
See that Charles is still playing the drama queen, it's been noted he hasn't retracted his lies about the death threats.
lgf has become a waste of time, unless of course you want to chat about geert Wilders hair.
"They demand ideological purity in much the same way Hitler demanded racial."
Wow. And this from the "Whites Only" peanut gallery.
oh dear, i just read #49 over at lgf by realwest the lgf thinker, wonder if the moron will get anything right about what's going on.
Chances are slim and the odds are long.
Here's one you won't see at lgf , because he's too busy playing the drama queen.
Holocaust Day marred by 'racist' stone-throwing
THE Holocaust Memorial Day marking the genocides of the 20th century was marred on Sunday when a gang of youths stoned Jewish tourists on a guided tour of London's East End.
A group of 96 visitors looking at sites of Jewish interest were attacked by youths hiding behind a fence in a back street in Whitechapel.
Two were struck by the missiles, an American woman just starting a new post at London's Metropolitan University and a Canadian lecturer.
The woman had blood pouring from her head and needed hospital treatment.
The tour was organised by leading local historian Clive Bettington, who was later asked by police if he wanted officers to accompany him in future, but declined.
"That would be admitting there are 'no go' areas," he said.
"I won't be intimidated. We have a right to walk our streets unmolested."
He has now written to Tower Hamlets chief executive Martin Smith for an urgent meeting.
Sunday's incident was outside a former Jewish maternity home in Underwood Road, now used as social services offices, which was on his tour as a place of interest where playwright Arnold Whesker and showbiz comedian Lionel Bart were born.
An eye-witness said: "Stones started to come down on us and some in the group were scared and ducked...
You asked who do I stand with? I can answer clearly, I stand with Charles Johnson. He is clearly the one of the best sources for information on the net when it comes to Islamo-fascism.
Look out, Paul. The LGF "Lizard Army" have found you as King Charles apparently has posted this to his site.
I suspect we will see much coconut knocking in the ensuing posts by this lot.
- Sodra
Good to see you back Sondar - The hounds have smelt the scent of blood, now watch the feeding frenzy, a bit like pirannahs in the amazon.
What more proof do people need of the poison eminating from that polluted well.
They are all brainwashed by their master, nodding their heads in unison.
Yes he posts information that is not in the MSM so what, does that give him the right to intimidate, character assasinate and publicly lynch people with his personal army of viscious dogs who go out far and wide across the internet spreading lies and accusations, because he does not agree with something.
How can respectable people be influenced by this madman and his hatred?
Because he posts a few pieces of information that the MSM do not, are there not other people doing the same?
Who needs enemies when you have what should be friends like these.
Let them come and let them do their worst, there will only be one standing at the end, whenever the end arrives, that is what happens in war, its shame this is against people who profess to be on the same side.
Remember those last words.
God bless you Sondra, 1389 and Ronbo
Dear Lord, Grow up.
You come off as some sissy who's trying to win some internet webpage contest or something.
Waa,waa,waa I have a muslim problem...snivel.
Europeans will solve their problems like they "always" do.
1.Hide and curl up in a fetal position while at the same time waving their wallets, car keys and even shoving their women towards the bad guys and hope they o away ...OR... Run down and sign up with the nearest Nazi fraternaty and kill off half the planet (being so many sheep are readily available).
Common sense it seems is what you Euros lack the most and unfortunaly its a rarity in your neck of the woods.
But dont let me stop you with your tearjerking internet fencing match, I realize things are dire and real but thats to me....YOU on the otherhand see nothing more inportant than winning some feeble war of words on the internet.
Mabey some day when you grow up you can actually make a difference other than stringing a few words together on the web that has as much impact on the situation as a hummingbird fling in a hurricane.
Do you have a drinking problem? Your senseless ramblings and your persecuted complex lead me to theorize. If so, seek help and stay away from the keyboard.
Is that the best you can say Kat, its obvious where you originate from.
You came and then left just as quick, to crawl back into the gutter whence you came from.
What are you going on about Lionheart? Are you really naiive enough to think that maudlin, flowery speech in the style you'd expect from a snake oil salesman or 1870's small town politician will somehow convince anyone that you're right, and Charles Johnson is evil?
You use an article by a guy who claims that there's nothing to be learned at LGF, in the same sentence that he says he's 'never but glanced' at the site, and after writing paragraphs describing how inconsequential the writings there are (if they were so inconsequential, why waste time writing paragraphs about them in the first place??). Then John Jay proceeds to babble out about 20 consecutive metaphors, but supplies exactly zero content to justify whatever complaint it was he intended to make.
And you feel as if this somehow vindicates you?
'Where do you stand, and who do you stand with', a quote you use, is the very question Charles has been asking. I've seen little, written by you, Dymphna, or the others misguidedly campaigning against Charles, to suggest that you've adequately answered the question. I've seen plenty to suggest that you're willing to put on blinders to avoid seeing the problems with some associates of the anti-jihad movement in Europe though.
Disown these jews, homosexuals, "Israel" firsters (the Christian Church is the true Israel), and anti-Christs.
If you believe as you do that they alone consitute western civilization, that our civilization derives its value in how it treats its degenerates, the west is done for.
You are a fool Lionheart. Stop listening to these jews. Stop listening to these jews who laud you as a vanguard of homosexuality and paracitic capitalism (their idea of "western civilization").
Stop listening to their grandiose proclamations of a war of civilizations that they will only fight in the stock market, to steal bread from the mouths of the western goyim.
Stop listening when they say "our children will sing great songs about us years from now". As Wolfowitz of the PNAC once said and what you hear in this forum from Worm-toungues such as "Anonymous Lady", jews who have stolen millions of dollars and wasted thousands of soldiers lives for their war; a war of no benefit for western gentiles.
The same jews promote along with homosexuality, drugs, Israel, and paracitic wage eroding capitalism, they promote MULTICULTURALISM. How they hate the goy and hate society by adding yet another way to "Celebrate" - "___".
Wake up, fool. Ditch these anti-Christs.
I have been watching this without weighing in, and I must say I agree with Charles. As a child, I was always told, "lie down with dogs, get up with fleas." You all are lying down with dogs. Choose your allies better, and people of conscience will side with you.
Firstly Lionheart for your backing at JW/DW a while back
Just a little quote
When it comes to to crunch
We dont need The Lizard King and his Liziods but by god they will need us
All the best
Im so sorry Shiva are you also pondering asylum in the states, I mean we will be just begging for your help and all at some point I suppose although I'm quite certain I could post or say anything offensive about any religion from where I sit and not worry about the police knocking on my door.
Daym those muslims....daym them.
Oh wait a minute, those are the white police who are enforcing their supremley thought out white laws who knock on your doors.
Dontexpect us to come asing for help Shiva, we help ourselves but thanks for the offer.
Former SSG said...
"lie down with dogs, get up with fleas."
You remove the fleas beforehand, and while you sleep the dog will give his life to protect you
You live with moslems as do then you will know, just how true this is
Anonymous said...
zzzzzzzz...huh, oh sorry ol' chap but you were boring me to death. I think you're missing the utility of LGF: Charles was saying those things about radical Islam long before anyone else with any media-reach was doing so.
Obvious you have not been around that long, the King lizard was fiddling on his banjo when Nick Griffin and his merry bunch where handing out leaflets and poster in
moslems areas, and this was before
I would bet my last dollar he hasnt the balls to hand out leaflets in Dearborn
By the way I have just added a comment to my blog that would enlighten the echo geckos at LGF
"Disown these jews, homosexuals, "Israel" firsters (the Christian Church is the true Israel), and anti-Christs."
There's your audience, LH. Res ipsa loquitur. And by "thing", I mean this foul gibbering moron who is importuning you to follow your true heart.
Proud of yourself?
"Imbecile" - Shiva
Very effective debating there, Shiva. Quite convincing. Then you proceed to present two utterly nonsensical statements.
A dog will protect you, regardless if it has fleas or not, and the statement as a whole has no bearing on the quote you're replying to. The statement after that doesn't even qualify as a sentence, as it appears to be missing an article or two.
The post you link is indeed enlightening, in that you don't even address the single most pertinent question on the issue. Was the information Expressen published accurate or not? Instead of addressing that important question, you are satisfied instead, to post second-hand interpretation of the story and an attempt to discredit the sources.
Did it even occur to you to wonder? I sure do.
To quote Jake Blues, "I hate Illinois nazis."
You're English, Lionheart. You folks kicked nazi ass 60 years ago. Stop talking like the people you crushed.
Surely you can deal with backward, medieval interlopers without becoming just like them.
"The guy is off his rocker, and if there’s any truth at all to his story about being investigated by UK police, he probably did something to deserve it."
Look what the traitor Charles Johnson wrote.
Charles Johnson supports the censorship of British Bloggers. He is also threatening other bloggers not to support you.
"Any bloggers still supporting “Lionheart” after this unhinged, borderline illiterate, extremely hateful rant should be ashamed of themselves:"
Charles Johnson, I believe has now branded himself as the enemy, he has allied himself with the far left, he has joined Ian Holden's assault on Paul Ray's freedom.
Charles Johnson, you are a nasty piece of work, and yes, you will be arrested as a traitor.
You sir are a maggot.
Paul, enjoy my new post!
Hope you are doing well?
This post and follow-up comments by its author are melodramatic bordering on hysterical.
I am - at best - a sometime Johnson supporter, but he seems to have correctly identified the author of this blog as utterly deranged.
Mr. Lionheart (interesting that you decry Johnson as a wannabe "King" of online American conservatism as, all the while, you deliberately and arrogantly compare yourself to King Richard I) you need to act in a more man-like fashion. The woeful sighs and hand-flapping accounts of being in imminent danger make you look foolish.
Cut down on the melodrama, write more fact-based articles and less emotive bunko and someone, somewhere, might respect you someday.
Charles Johnson has some weird hangup. It's abnormal. No one is good enough for him. Not VB, not you, not anyone who doesn't tow his ideological purity. Don't let him get under your skin. He loves to attack those who are fighting against Islam but don't quite meet his standards. Pretty pathetic.
"one of your distant relatives"
Ah. An appeal to genetic determinism. How cute.
Go get a staph infection and die, eugenicist scum.
So let me see if I can understand what 1389, Lionheart, 31-Jan-2008-21:15:00 and Memories of the Willow Tree are saying here: For being a traitor to his race, siding with Jews, and not siding with Nazis, these Nazis should arrest (read: kidnap) and kill Charles Johnson? That's despicable.
I suspect that similar not so thinly veiled death threats are what Lionheart is facing prosecution for. But if it's just "thoughtcrimes" then I hope Lionheart wins or charges are dropped, just as if he was an Al Qaida supporter accused of the same thing - because we are interested in the defense of freedom here - not just of one person but for all.
"No one is good enough for him. Not VB, not you, not anyone who doesn't tow his ideological purity."
-- John Sobieski, not the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania
"Gandalf the White? Gandalf the fool! Does he seek to humble me with his newfound piety?" -- Saruman
what is charles johnson and little green footballs to be accounted for?
the truth will always win out in the end.
lionheart i salute you:
is anyone else suffering as much as he for taking a stand against the moslems?
lionheart: look to the apostle paul for what he suffered to bring the truth to us gentiles.
God of All Comfort
2 corinthians 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.
forrest shalom
Right now, jihadists in the Balkans, and their stooges in the US State Department, are keen on stealing even more land from the Serbs in Kosovo, and here is CJ, acting as another branch of their public relations department.
I called CJ a traitor, by the definition in the US Constitution. Treason is a capital offense, and should always remain so. People have called me all kinds of names for being impolite enough to point this out.
Guess what! It doesn't matter what elaborate and fanciful speculations some name-callers choose to embroider with regard to my ancestry, my appearance, my tastes in companionship, my mental capabilities, or even my fate in the hereafter. None of them have refuted the assertion that made them so intemperately angry. The bottom line is that Charles Johnson and those who do his work are traitors, regardless of whether I am still around to say it or not!
Chuckles the Dancing Clown is a thin skinned little egotist, but taking hysterical positions on Euro anti-jihadists is a First Amendment right, and not treason.
I might add, I don't know if you (Lion Heart) are in the BNP or not, but dropping the 'whites only' membership rule, and welcoming all UK born Brits who support democracy and capitalism, and oppose creeping sharia would do wonders for their moral authority
some sort of paranoid loli said"
So let me see if I can understand what 1389, Lionheart, 31-Jan-2008-21:15:00 and Memories of the Willow Tree are saying here: For being a traitor to his race, siding with Jews, and not siding with Nazis, these Nazis should arrest (read: kidnap) and kill Charles Johnson? That's despicable."
Are you really that demented? "siding with the jews"??
No one has stated anything about being against jews. HOW DARE YOU LIBEL ME and Lionheart and 1389.
You piece of crap, LH went to Israel to help the jewish people and the non jews there to fight the jihadists.
The reason that CJ the maggot is a traitor is because he is against free speech, anyone who disagrees with his ideology he creates character assassination and spreads his venom throughout the internet using his pissants to do his dirty work.
Paul Ray has been smeared as a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi thanks to Charles maggot.
Maggot has even stated that all bloggers should stop their support of him. He even stated that Paul deserved to be prosecuted by the British police. Nice guy charles, he supports the marxists so therefore he is a traitor.
Now you attack me, branding me as a Nazi and an anti-Semitic.
You are the enemy, you and all the rest of the faux anti-jihadists.
whilst CJ the maggot sits back in comfort living off of his greed, the likes of Paul Ray, geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali are on the front lines.
Paul, I truly believe that marxists have infiltrated the union and are spreading disinformation. This is standard "black" propaganda employed by guerilla cells and was used by marxists and the soviets.
The reason that CJ the maggot is a traitor is because he is against free speech, anyone who disagrees with his ideology he creates character assassination and spreads his venom throughout the internet using his pissants to do his dirty work.
He linked this drivel, genius, so that people would read it. In terms of traffic, I'm guessing this pitiable little blog has reached it's high water mark because of it.
Criticism is not censorship. The speech is not restricted, on the contrary it's highlighted.
Oh, and Lionheart, the "self proclaimed king" bit is hilarious, Your Highness.
Every gentile who does not side with LGF or Israel is a "nazi"? I guess "Nazis" saved the world from the Nazis then, because no Brit wanted this bogus asylum and paracitic jewish capitalism to erode the foundation of his land and destroy any chance of prosperity of his Children; that the British faught the nazis to destroy their own birthrights is something only a nationless jew with no good name, a child of Cain, could think of.
Your jew-whine is very telling. Gentiles, know where to stand. Know that the jews will side with the Moslems if the market's right (as they do with the bogus Moslem asylum seekers, and "celebrate diversity"); they care not a bit for our culture and history; in fact the jew thinks that we were living in caves before he came along. (That is, long after we were introduced to Christ)
Only Lionheart is calling Charles a "traitor". But I'm not concerned with Charles, or saving those souls happily in the jaws of satan. He can be an Israel First advocate of gay rights and capitalism against Islam; but his ideas will never have anything to do with saving western civilization itself; a thing he obviously abhors.
I'm concerned about saving fools like Fjordman, Gates of Vienna, and Lionheart who still want to hang with the LGF clique of Israel firsters after they have ousted them. They still don't get it.
Conservatism starts with preserving blood and traditions. And your own, not Israels. Lionheart, I would ask you to research a movement gaining momentum in the US at least, conserned with tradition, history and traditional society: paleo-conservatism (Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell) and ditch this neocon crap only conserned about homosexual rights and capitalism.
Just skimmed through the comment section at lgf:
Charles says:
I'm curious -- those of you who gave this post a negative rating, what's your thinking? You do realize that everyone can see who gives ratings, right?
Is it OK for Lionheart to rant about shooting me, in your opinion?
Yes looks like charles means he can see who has given ratings and gets the big banning stick again.
See Charles is still lying about a non existant threat, what a dork.
Perhaps charles should go back to chatting about Geert wilders hair with his half wit posters.
The lgf blog really is in the blog gutter.
"Charles says:
I'm curious -- those of you who gave this post a negative rating, what's your thinking? You do realize that everyone can see who gives ratings, right?"
Yes, Charles Maggot man is a mean, cruel bully. His army of sniveling sycophants is just sad. This CJ maggot would last 5 minutes in Luton, and come running back home, to his sunny, safe California.
I plan on disrupting his next book signing. Start a campaign against his hate speech and his attempts to silence anyone he disagrees with.
anything noble and good in the west owes it to the God of abraham, isaac, and jacob, And the jewish people who gave the world the Messiah: Jesus Christ a Jew. Jewish men: the apostles took the gospel to pagan europe and over time it was tranformed into a civilized society.
facts on the ground my friends:
God bless you and bless God by acceping his unspeakable gift: salvation thru Jesus Christ.
forrest shalom
A look, a bitter, angry, stupid, boring, white racist punk ass...how nifty... :|
"white racist punk "
why is he racist?
where did you hear this from?
Who told you to say this crap.
Anonymous said...
Just skimmed through the comment section at lgf:
Charles says:
I'm curious -- those of you who gave this post a negative rating, what's your thinking? You do realize that everyone can see who gives ratings, right?
Is it OK for Lionheart to rant about shooting me, in your opinion?
Dynamite! Got a link???
Ha! I made it to LGF! They think that my above statements equalled threatening his life and one idiot told CJ maggot man that he should contact the FBI or Scotland Yard!!!
Those maggot lizards hate free speech. They dish out their libel everyday yet cannot take it when it is thrown back at them.
What a bunch of thin skinned losers.
Read these bullying tactics. Now I know that these so called anti-jihadists are aligned with the enemy.
Boycott LGF.
"Check out the comments on this Winter-Soldier blog you linked to, scroll down to "Memories of the Willow Tree." He/she/it? is threatening to see you punished for your "hate speech" (Uh, wait a sec---I thought Lionheart's supporters were against having people prosecuted for hate crimes?) He/she/it also threatens to disrupt your next book signing. (You sign books? And why haven't you told us, we could have shown up to offer our blood thirsty, ravening support!)
Speaking of "hate speech", this sort of talk sounds threatening to me, particularly the parts about seeing you punished (for the "crime" of hate speech, no less!) And introducing violence ("disrupting""---whatever that means) to any public appearances you might be at.
Take care of yourself, and I wish there were some way you could drop a word to the FBI and/or Scotland Yard (depending on what side of the Atlantic Will Tree resides.) This sort of thing is crossing the line."
The weird thing is my post is not on winter soldier?
These lizards make crap up and then, like chinese whispers, their lies and "black propaganda escalates as more people add to the internet rumours, until their character assassination is complete.
Calling the FBI because I disagree with CJ maggot is slightly over the top. But especially that there is no post on winter soldier that i have made then who knows what crap they will make up about me.
Paul, this is a strange world.
"As I've said before, I'm pretty sure I know who Lionheart is. If he's the same guy I'm thinking of, he's on anti-psychotic drugs and has been declared mentally ill. If he's not the same guy, he certainly writes with the exact same writing style."
LGF are making stuff up as they go along.
You have got to be utter mental to actually believe this stuff and completely warped to want to play a part in the commotion.
I know my writing is not the best because i slept through school and only just finished it, and it might not to be too everyones taste because we are all different people but what that person has stated on LGF is completely warped.
They each feed off of one anothers lies and psychosis.
I think the Lizard King has completely lost control.
Sadly people are reading his site and his lizards are blogging plus posting "black" propaganda about you everywhere.
They smear everyone's name who is associated with you.
Now that my previous winter soldier post was deleted they can have a field day in accusing me of violence towards him. I merely stated that his book signings need to be disrupted (free speech if i dont get involved physically or hinder his free movements) and he needs to be exposed for the fraud he really is. Call the FBI on me please LGF, I will sue him for assault against the 1st amendment.
"You have got to be utter mental to actually believe this stuff and completely warped to want to play a part in the commotion."
ouch, not me i hope?
No i meant them on that site Willow, spewing their hatred and then regurgatating it over and over again.
I appreciate your help and support completely, it is good to know there are people like you there willing to stand with me and defend me.
God bless you Willow
kosovar said:
Anonymous said...
Just skimmed through the comment section at lgf:
Charles says:
I'm curious -- those of you who gave this post a negative rating, what's your thinking? You do realize that everyone can see who gives ratings, right?
Is it OK for Lionheart to rant about shooting me, in your opinion?
Dynamite! Got a link???
01-Feb-2008 19:45:00
Yes,here is the drama queen lying about the non existent death threat
Thank you anonymous for the link.
"I'm curious -- those of you who gave this post a negative rating, what's your thinking? You do realize that everyone can see who gives ratings, right?
Is it OK for Lionheart to rant about shooting me, in your opinion?"
I would never threaten to shoot anyone, "The Pen is mightier than the Sword".
I think i stated that CJ was a traitor and that if this was the Second World War he would have been shot as a Nazi collaborator.
It was an analogy, just like the analogy placed upon me for being a racist, neo-Nazi, fascist, white supremacist.
I apologiesd afterwards because "United we stand - Divided we fall"
This was flatly rejected and then the venom and hate was unleashed upon me.
i'm sure that a few of the half wits will be searching the word "analogy" now.
Sure some will be confused because it contains the word anal.
Lionheart, your apology to Charles for saying he was a traitor who ideally would be shot, was also full of your accusations that he had libeled or slandered you. That is the reason your apology was not fully accepted.
Memories of the Willow Tree:
"Charles Johnson, you are a nasty piece of work, and yes, you will be arrested as a traitor."
Why are you making kidnapping threats against named individuals on the internet when you so easily can be arrested by the police for doing so? You may view him as a political adversary, call him marxist left-winger or right-wing, but he has nothing to betray his country.
"No one has stated anything about being against jews."
Look at one of the four posts that Loli referred to: "Disown these jews, homosexuals, ...."
I see people throw around terms like "blood libel", "slander", "libel", or "Treason" as "by the definition in the US Constitution" without even knowing what those words mean. Is it too much work to pick up an encyclopedia or do a search to see what you're really saying?
Also anyone can see who voted up or down a post on Little Green Footballs - it's just a matter of clicking on the score number. I don't think Charles should read to much into downvoting - it could just mean that the reader thinks this story is unimportant compared to the other news that gets reported there.
89 said..."Why are you making kidnapping threats against named individuals on the internet when you so easily can be arrested by the police for doing so? "
i was in your nation in August.
you have a serious problem with your pakistani taxi drivers, not paying taxes, sending the money home. they are also involved in the drugs trade, am i right 89? Plus they are seriously funding the norweigan Islamic jihad. yet, 89, please tell me. why is it that your country, of a mere 4 million, with 20% immigrant, at such a critical stage of implosion yet you waste your time with an american, charles johnson. you spread his disinformation, his libel, his "black" secret police style propaganda. you help threaten free bloggers of the free world, you do CJ's dirty work, but your country is dying, why would you abandon your people at their hour of need?
join us my friend.
"as he sits on his throne of American conservative thought."
That should be neoconservative thought. They're liberal hawks and they will all return to the American Democrat Party when and if the Dems wake up to Islam.
i hope so. as the people currently in power in the US care nothing for our cause. they fill their pockets with Saudi petro $$ and lie to the american public.
Ron paul is your only hope of survival.
RON PAUL, guys.
"i was in your nation in August."
Oh, why the sudden change of subject? Did I make you suddenly realise what your were doing? Good.
There was a recent crackdown on fraud in the taxi business, and I hope you'll be relieved to hear that white aryans tend to be just as honest or crooked as Pakistani-Norwegians are.
We are 4,7 million here, only 9% of which are immigrants, and about half of those are from Europe and North America.
Many of the about 15 000 Pakistani born send money to their families back home, and it IS important that this money is channeled legally. But we are far away from any demographic collapse, and compared to many other countries, our integration has worked better since we demand that people learn our language and follow our laws, we actively pursue deviants that try to have their children sent to Pakistan into forced marriage, and so on. There are more important causes for concern, such that there may be radicalization going on in some groups of muslim youths who no longer listen to their fairly moderate imams, but rather go on the internet and radicalize each other. We have more gay bashing done by "youths" now. In the capital there are also some famous ethnic crime gangs (Vietamese and Pakistani), but the organized crime division has a good handle on who these people are. Look up the NOKAS robbery if you will - those people were a mixture of mostly ethnic Norwegians, with some immigrants from the Balkans and Africa.
We have very successful immigration skeptics in politics here, and part of why they have been successful is because they dear raise problems with immigration against the "whatever, anything goes" multiculturalists, while at the same time keeping some human decency. They criticize immigration policy, they don't attack immigrants. And, most importantly, they kick any racists or nazis to the curb.
"you spread his disinformation, his libel, his "black" secret police style propaganda"
Do you have anything to back this up? Evidence? Links? Theories?
"why would you abandon your people at their hour of need?"
No doubt the Norwegians who volunteered for the Waffen SS and swore a personal allegiance to Adolf Hitler would have been be moved by your words, except many of them died in the war, and those who survived have lived with the shame since then. At least those people joined to fight Stalin's Soviet Union - you want me to join to fight against democracy and freedom.
'anonymous' & Hageeisnotchristian (yes he is, but you aren't), seem to be one & the same person. Siamese twins in fact, just uglier, more misshapen & smellier.
What a blemish on his origins and religion, whatever they may be.
His 'religion' certainly isn't the Christianity of those wonderful Christians (like Lionheart)I have been meeting over the past decade or so. Rather, there is much similarity with certain unpleasant forms of 'christianity' which flourished over the past 2000 years. I thought they had gone the way of the Dodo but it seems I was mistaken.
Never mind, the new TRUE, real Christians, those who realize that without the 'Jew' and the Tanach (Bible, called the Old Testament by some) there would be no Ten Commandments (perhaps that's why the S-twins hate Judaism and the Jews so much), no Jesus Christ, no Christianity, no scientific, medical, technical advancements, no Gefilte Fish, indeed no hope for the world at all.
I've met you both and your fellow clones, on many another message board, especially YouTube ones.
You are Joo-obsessed to such an extent that one can only wonder what exactly they have done to you. I suspect NOTHING. I also wonder if you have ever met a Jew in your life.
You probably just drank your intolerance, hate & viciousness with your mother's milk, or some vitamin-less, unhealthy milk-substitute...Probably the latter, for what mother would want to nurse a twisted soulless creature like you?
Get a life, OK? Then maybe you will dump your unfounded, collective hatred and start to enjoy life. You might even find yourself some really great Jewish friends who will stand by you even when you are down & out.
Anonymous Lady
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