Showing posts with label career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

airplanes and my little boys!

my little boys... they have this thingy with airplanes, everytime they see one, wow with so much excitement they'll shout and say: wwow!! look mama airplane!! look look! i'm beginning to think maybe one of them or even both of them will become pilots in the future( good pilots that is!) how i wish! so if ever i wont be continuing my flying career(hope not) we have our boys to continue our dream...but we'll not pressure them if they don't like it, i'll just somewhat open up their eyes on the aviation world!hehe

hay, just by thinking of them becoming pilots someday makes me feell excited to teach them what i've learnd,just the basics at first for them to have an idea of what their mom used to do and will always love ( second to the hubby and them ofcourse!)but if they show interest, then go! will teach them all! anyway, my books are kept safe for future use again. And so it'll be of use again, good use :)

embracing the reality

yup, starting today, i promise myself to embrace reality....and the realty business to be exact!hehe i should have done this years ago!years when the business is starting, should have been growing with it.... aniways better late than never!I have to love this business since this is the one that made our lives still-surviving-despite-of-all-the-trials-mode! though flying is still and always will be in my heart have to prolong my setting aside the passion of my life and focus on loving the real estate business! i have to... its the only thing i could to do to extend a helping hand to my parents and my hubby as well as to make our little boys future a brighter one!AND i have to be good on this! so i cud easily go back to flying and fullfill my dream of giving my family the comforts of travelling the world free or on discounted rates hehe so goodluck for me! hehe so now what? ok i've been searching the net for seminars on real estate and other things related to it!luckily i found this one :)">