Showing posts with label papa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label papa. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2009

papa's condition

so far papa is doing great.

(was taken april 2009,baguio)

From the time he had his TACE (TransArchelialChemoEmbolization?!) treatment last june,he was really in a situation we do not like. he easily gets irritated, can't sleep well,can't eat well due to loss of appetite,always complain of pain in the stomach. We thought its just the effect of the TACE he went through. but after like 2months, he still is not fully recovered from the treatment.... we found out a disturbing result... his cancer had spread through his lungs and other organs...its not really good...

the day mama confessed to me about papa's condition, was the one of the hardest days of my life... i felt like breaking down but i cant. if papa sees me crying, he'll breakdown more and get more depressed. its really hard to put up a strong positive attitude outside when you know you're so much in pain on the inside.

On the brighter part, had his bone scanned also,its cancerfree pa and there are options... and one of these just got out in the market last year. The NEXAVAR (sorafenib) and it's expensive for us! but hey, whatever price that is, we'll take it! diba? pera lang yan we can earn money, there can never be another papa.

At first, papa doesn't like to consider the nexavar option. He once said " with that amount of money for my condition , i'd rather spend it for the kids future...". but after a couple of thinking, he opened up his mind on giving it a try. We try to find out everything about nexavar,and where we can buy it cheaper. the thing that caught our attention was the side effects it can cause to papa....mejo nakakatakot...

we looked for other options... gochi juice.

Papa responded well with the gochi juice, for just a week of drinking it(while at the moment of searching for the best option) the pain he's complaining with decreases and he little by little gains his appetite. we thought, why not just drink gochi juice in full blast (booster dose they call it) it shows a good respons on papa and it's cheaper compared to nexavar!

but the enemy will never be gone and we dont know if it will continue to spread.we need to stop it a.s.a.p.

papa took nexavar. its been a month now. though the pain is still there (it wont totally disappear na daw) he seems ok. no side effects so far....Thank God! sana magtuloy tuloy na ang recovery.We dont know till when, we dont know how much it will cost us,we dont know how far we will fight this battle but what we do know is our family is one in this fight till the last string, we will never give up, and that God is good.