Whose that crazy Chicken Lady?


Showing posts with label Doula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doula. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Yes me! Actually!

Terry added more shelves to the pantry to accommodate the need for space for bath towels. I'm lovin it! So is Mini Man! I have found potatoes and random onions all over the house.

We have a new shelf downstairs for other needs besides food stuff. Such as camping, misc. kitchen and of course bulk items. I'm really digging stocking up. I sort of went nuts in Aldi a few days back. I spent more then the $20 I had initially set for us to spend. Well, it had been almost 2 months since I have done any decent shopping, lately I have been spending $25 here or $100. I really need to set a budget for us since we have limited funds for now. I am trying to dig inside my memory for ways to make money.

I do Craigslist, Etsy, eBay and have been thinking about everything under the sun for extra cash. Legal that is! Growing herbs, flowers, veggies, crafting with herbs and so on. Selling eggs, goats milk/cheese/soap, beekeeping for honey/pollen/wax. I really want to be able to stay home with Mini Man. I was hoping my Doula business would take off. I have had one lead and sadly I missed out due to the move and having no internet to find out about her interest. GRRFACE!

I have been still kicking around the idea of going to Libraries to do speaking or craft demo's as well. I have plenty of experience with that or even maybe something informational about childbirth.

OK, so I got to thinking what in this short time on this earth do I have had experience doing? Besides Secretarial, Receptionist, Super Mom with awesome cape and everything!

MOMS Club charter starter/President
Sunday school teacher
Craft seller and later demo at library
Christmas around the world
Cub/Girl scout leader
Master Gardener Program
Doula program
Antique/Vintage Dealer
Cleaned houses/businesses

As with all things there has been great success and failures. Or what seems as failures. I have found I am not good with MLM or Sales such as Avon. But I can sell my own things! We have been discussing have a Barn sale in the Spring, perhaps it will not only lead to $$ but also to leads on antiques or items that are needed to be taken off someone's hands. It's a thought! I did enjoy cleaning out houses (taking items soon to be discarded).

Since I do have the Medical Assisting and Doula (Birth Assistant) recently under my belt to my ever growing list I am really hoping to find perhaps a Caregiver situation where I can bring Mini Man with me. But of course if the farm takes off then I will be super busy with that! Oh, thank God that I have so many choices and thank God for providing all I need at this time.

 In the meantime I will keep leaving all in God's hands. Enough rambling I sound very whiny today.

Friday, June 10, 2011

So neglectful!

I have been so neglectful of my blog here! I have not crafted much at all but I have been busy with my other blogs I'm afraid. You can find them here- http://www.littlecriesandlullabies.blogspot.com/ and http://www.hopewhentherewasnone.blogspot.com/ .

And we took a mini vacation to Marion, IL to visit Terry while he was away for a few weeks. It was a very nice time! Of course my ever present crazy divorce has kept me researching things for upcoming Mediation and court for next week.

I am going to be at a Healthy Mom & Baby Fair tomorrow!


What: FREE Healthy Mom & Baby Fair
Where: The Vitamin Shoppe, (across from Southlake Mall) 2217 E 80th Ave, Merrillville IN
When: Saturday, June 11th. 10am– 2pm
ntacts: Becky at The Vitamin Shoppe 756-0599
Dr Trish Hammett at New Life Family Chiropractic 769-5433
Come receive valuable information, vitamin samples and coupons that will help you have a healthier pregnancy, delivery and baby! Get information on midwives, OB’s, breastfeeding, natural delivery, doulas, vitamins for pregnancy and children, birth classes, VBAC support, pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic care, cloth diapering, baby carriers and slings, and more…!

So I am super excited and anxious! I have my Doula bag together to use as a prop, gathered samples on short notice, blew up my Birth ball and in the process of finishing up a Power Point to keep running on my laptop! So if you live in NW Indiana stop by and see us!

Have a great Friday and I hope to get some projects soon!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Columbian Parachute Project

I've been MIA for a bit. As I mentioned in my last post I couldn't help but be in a funk, but also we have had so much Jerry Springer Drama that I feel I am in the need of a getaway somewhere where I can just think or relax. It's diffently calling for me to just unwind or blow off steam.

In the meantime I had gotten in my biz cards for Little Cries & Lullabies Doula Services! I'm super excited about that endeavor! Birth of course is one of my favorite things, and I would have a baseball team if I could handle it healthwise. I'm not a Duggar so I am hoping for maybe one more wee one down the line! 45 is my magic number.

Now I am finishing up Parachutes that will be dropped over Columbia! There will be Bible's attached to spread the word and love of Jesus Christ! There is a speaker coming in to talk about the mission and it is also a Mother/Daughter dinner, with dishes native to Columbia, MMM! I'm making fried Plantin and Pork filled turnovers! Wish my luck on that one, I'm not very good with anything that is related to dough. There is a variety of failed recipes that my family has been troopers about and give me a half hearted thumbs up. God love them!

I am going to work at getting some projects out for sale, my Etsy shop is bare! I sold a few Cracker Jack prizes and need to list a bunch more. Work! Work! Work!

 The girls, baby and I participated in the 8th Annual Agape Walk for Fair Haven walk on last Saturday. It was a 3 mile walk that had some pretty intense winds going on! We huffed and puffed while we enjoyed the morning out, taking in both nature and a great cause!  

Friday, April 22, 2011

No posts! Happy Easter!

Oh! I'm slacking, well not really! Honest! I have been in such a funk lately! I plan on picking up my glue gun and glitter usually makes me smile, but not right now. Depression? Just feeling under the weather? Gray skies maybe?

I have been busy here and there, even on the inside I feel like tossing the covers over my head and staying put for days. Not like me. I'm just not myself...

In the mean time I created humbledheartcreation.blogspot.com and littlecriesandlullabies.blogspot.com in addition to this blog and my hopewhentherewasnone.blogspot.com. WHEW! Now keeping all these up will be something! I decided not to sweat getting to them everyday or weekly. When I started I was psyched and I was receiving emails that were encouraging as well as making me feel slightly pressured to make something everyday or weekly.  The spark was dimming... And Etsy! I opened my shop on Etsy! I did have some sales but I have a bunch to post, I need to get busy doing that...

I need to be me, create when I want to and what I want to. I'm up for a challenge but don't want to feel the crunch of a deadline to get into some blogs hop or made it or copy this. I have a house to clean, a 7 month old (who still doesn't sleep through the night), job searching, a few interviews sprinkled in, reading up on Divorce law/Domestic Abuse topics for court, making dinner, lunch and all that other happy nonesense that comes with being a Mom.

I run around looking from time to time for my Secret Pal gifts (church/monthly), then I recently volunteered to put together some type of craft for Mother Daughter banquest soon. OH! Did I forget I have to make food for that? YIKES! Thank goodness I have another week! I have the Fairhaven Walk for Domestic Violence prevention on the following Saturday and now that Terry is back to work, I may need to find a lift for the event.

If I do get a job can I find a sitter? SIGH!  I still don't have a car to get around.Can I make these 2 new businesses work for me instead? I know that is a yes, I just have to get out there. Which leads me to me doubting myself. Which makes me procrastinate more... I did order business cards for my Doula business so I'm making tiny baby steps (No pun).

I guess I'm feeling overwhelmed! My P90X workouts, even though once a day for an hour seems too long. I haven't been eating as I should. I'm looking for a bigger place for us, the girls want they're own rooms, but it has to be far enough (within 100 miles) from STBX. I'm happy we haven't heard from him.

Gosh I feel like I'm whining!  We have our health, we have food in the fridge, we have a roof over our heads, we have one another to lean on and we have all that we need is provided. God has been good, I have worries and I should embrace them. I should feel that I have so many needs already met that I take foregranted and I should feel faith that it will get better. I need to look ahead and stop looking down or behind me...

Lord give me strength and maybe some cheese with my whine...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vision board, silly pics and of course GLITTER!

So I talk to my friend, Kristy, who says to me many things, but what sticks out in my brain is that I need to start digging myself again. I need to create a vision board (inspiration/wish board) and start using Positive affirmations! I say to myself, "Self! Stop procrastinating!" So today I worked on my Vision Board! I am still working on the Affirmations. But she also gave me a delicate kick in the kester to get moving on selling my crafts as well as marketing my Doula biz. SHEESH! Yes I know! It's something I needed to hear and to actually start doing. I need to write down some short term goals for the businesses.

BUT! I did open an etsy with a name I really like. Humble Heart Creations! I looked through my Bible and found Isaiah 57:15, both words popped out at me! Yea me!
I am thinking the Doula business will also be name similiar. 

Here is my board! 

Alex woke up looking like Alfalfa, LOL!
Jess thought I didn't see her hiding looking for munchies! SURPRISE!

Monday, March 7, 2011

eBay, making money, finding a job and Me!

I listed some things on eBay today! WAHOO! Again I am terribly disorganized and at times I just lack motivation and gumption to get my bottom going. I am debating whether to place my OOAK items on etsy or eBay. Perhaps maybe offer them here instead. As $ flow is very tight right now!

I did get a call from Brown Mackie to let me know they were going to forward my resume to a Health clinic, YEA! I am keeping my fingers crossed! I also called for information on the CASA/Guardian ad Litem program. Frustrated as I am with the way my own court (divorce) case is going maybe this will shed some light.

I have been sleep deprived trying to figure out if I can make a living out of blogging, I do enjoy writing and sharing! Also can I make a living doing eBay or selling my wares in the cyber world? I like going out to set up at the local Flea market (Uncle John's in Cedar Lake, IN) but the time involved and now with the baby in tow. HUMPH! I loved doing house clean-outs (sorting and throwing out other people's junk, mostly Hoarders) I have toyed with hitting the craft shows again. It's been sometime since I have done that and I know I don't have enough in stock to even set up a card table right now.

So! Can I make some kind of money doing another thing I enjoy sharing? What is that you ask? I enjoy crafting and I have thought about teaching at the local libraries again or maybe talking to women's groups about Domestic Violence/Family Violence? Also I do have my training as a Doula!

SIGH! Sorry to whine!

Here's what I have listed on eBay right now:
Find these lovely items and a few more at my ID- blessmeplz09

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The birth Doula

Educating yourself about childbirth so you're able to make informed decisions is a great way to increase your chances of a smooth labor. But you can't possibly learn everything you might need to know. That's where a doula comes in. A doula is a trained labor support person who provides emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. She (they're usually women) absolutely doesn't replace medical caregivers or your birth partner, but rather complements them. There are many ways a doula can assist you.

She can:
help you prepare your birth plan
provide suggestions and exercises to help you have a more comfortable pregnancy
explain medical procedures
provide emotional support
suggest and provide non-pharmacological pain relief techniques (massage, heat therapy, positioning)
assist with breastfeeding
provide partner support
work as an advocate so your birth plan is carried out.
This list is just an example of some of the many services a doula may provide. To learn more about the benefits of hiring a doula for your birth, read Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth (Paperback) by Marshall H. Klaus, John H. Kennell, Phyllis H. Klaus.

Why hire a doula?

Doulas (professional labor assistants) offer services that can fill in the gaps of mother care during childbirth. Many women state that they couldn't have done it without their doula. Now we have evidence to prove that doulas do improve birth outcomes.

Women supported by a doula during labor have been shown to have:
• 50% reduction in Cesarean rate
• 25% shorter labor
• 60% reduction in epidural requests
• 40% reduction in Pitocin use
• 30% reduction in analgesic use
• 30% reduction in forceps delivery

Six weeks after birth, mothers who had doulas experienced:
• Less anxiety and depression
• More confidence with the baby
• More satisfaction with their partner

Long-term benefits include:
• Improved breastfeeding
• Increased time spent with baby
• More positive maternal assessments of baby's personality and health, and maternal competence
• Decreased postpartum depression

Source: Mothering the Mother, by M.H. Klaus, J.H. Kennell, and P.H. Klaus; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York (1993).

 Contact me today for more information on my Doula services!