Friday, September 23, 2005

It's true...I have A.D.D. A lot of things makes sense now. I know why my brain moves so fast that it frightens even me. I can stop beating myself up about the procrastination too.

Deep breath. Move forward.


Blogger Miriam said...

No worries. We can't change our mistakes from the past, all we can do is move past them and rectify what we didn't do then. ADD is not the worst thing you could have, trust me. Besides, an official diagnosis doesn't change who you are. It just puts a name to the problems you've always had. Good luck!

9:42 AM  
Blogger Tish Grier said...

That's pretty much how I see it, Mim. It's not necessarily going to change me. I'm still going to be adventurous because I love adventures (and have nothing holding me back, really). I do, though, like knowing what it is that reduces me to tears sometimes when I can't complete a project, or can't communicate effectively with another person, or when I alienate others, or when I lose my train of thought in an intellectual argument, or when I lose my sense of identity (and can't figure out what to say about myself.)

Now, too,I know a bit more about what contributed to picking a husband who was incredibly emotionally abusive. That's another big comfort, in an odd way.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it helps to have a label to stamp on things you don't understand, but it takes awhile to incorporate them into your self-image in a way that's helpful rather than hurtful.

Personally, I'm still adjusting to the bi-polar tag. Like you said, it helps to finally understand things that have been happening all my life, but others perception of the disorder is still a hurdle for me.

Hope the diagnosis helps you find ways to cope with the symptoms.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Better ADD than ADHD??? ;) Looking through the rose colored glasses... :)

Mim put it wonderfully...

6:55 PM  

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