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Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Eyelash Extensions by Jodi {product review}

I have a things for lashes... I never, not since I was allowed to wear it, leave the house without mascara.
So when Jodi moved to town and I found out she was offering them, I HAD to jump on the bandwagon! And, can I just say... that I am obsessed! I am totally, completely, 100%, over the moon in love with them! I will never go back!
This is photo is no mascara (just a tad on bottom), no liner, no nothing. They are AMAZING for those who don't like a lot of makeup, or those who do!
(umm... sorry for the SUPER close up of my eye)
Here is my before & after... can you believe the difference!?
I was afraid they would look fake, and I wouldn't like them for all the time, but they are perfect for everyday! Here's a photo a little farther away... 
If you are in the Southern Utah area and want to get a KILLER deal on a FULL set of Lashes, Jodi has informed me that she will be offering lashes for $35!! That's HALF PRICE! Umm... HELLO!? Call her! NOW!

so  I just passed the 3 week mark of having my lashes and I still love them! Yes, they have grown out and thinned, but I think I can still go at least another week! I love not having to worry about mascara, or really any makeup at all! I will definetly be making another appointment!

Monday, March 21, 2011

miss plunketts

Have your heard of Miss Plunketts around town? These are the cutest interchangable hair accessories ever! They are perfect for your little girls and for yourself! and the best part is you only buy one of what you like and you can switch them all around! GO to look and the shop and see what fits for you!

Fashion 2011

I am an instructor at Taylor Andrews Hair Academy and one of the classes I taught this last week was the Fashion Trends for 2011. Thought I would share the good news!

From the edgy styles, to the elegant night on the town, to just roaming around the house there is a 2011 style for you..

if your like me and live on the wild side of the hair spectrum this style will be for you..
RED! Red is huge this year,if your wanting to stand out you will go red. Even if you just put in a splash of red.
Your elegant night on the town will consist of a loose up-do.
Volume is still in.. and will always be in.
Sleek and Shiny with hair close to the nape are going to be a huge part of this years spring/ summer look along with the "new head band" which consist of winding rolled scarfs over your hair. Low pony's and knotted buns are also going to be showing themselves this year.
Extreme side parts.
BRAIDS. Let just talk about how big braids are. They were pretty big last year and from what the New York Fashion show runways looked like they are going to be even bigger this year. (too bad my hair isnt long enough to really braid :( )

Ok enough about the styles.. let talk my favorite thing as a stylist.. COLOR

Dimension is in. If you are an all over one color, consider highlights, or panels, or anything to add dimension to your hair. Its going to give you more movement, and fun!
IF your a blonde, try the more natural approach. Your going to want to add some gold tones, or a neutral tone to your hair.
IF your a burnette your going to want a deep and rich color with a few low lights, or a splash of color like red, or a blonde panel to add dimension. This look is going to suit all ages!
IF your more a red head kindof gal your going to want to make sure you tell your stylist to mix the right amount of a bright red with a deep rich red also, to make a bold point.
Well now you have it! if you are looking to do any of these trends and dont have a stylist yet, let me know I would be happy to help you! if you have been looking for a change then consider any of these looks..

(and if you love your hair just the way it is, dont change it.. i am a BRIGHT blonde all over with a splash of red through my bangs.. i am not your natural looking blonde.. but i am confident about my hair, and have at least the red going for me :) )

Friday, January 14, 2011

personal picks.

                1-3.found HERE. 4. found HERE.

So I love great skin care. Here are some secrets, that I personally love. 
Bare minerals and I are friends. I love this makeup..if you haven't tried it, do!
It feels like you are wearing nothing and it covers up great. Not to mention it doesn't 
have all the crud in there to clog up your pores. It's natural and soft on your skin, plus 
has spf.  Numbers 2 & 3 are just glycolic and lactic acid washes, something that will help 
tone your skin. It is basically a mini lactic {or glycolic} peel, which will lift a lot of sun damage, acne scars, 'brown spots", etc. it's nice to just even out your skin tone. But make sure to know that your skin 
is uber sensitive while doing this, so don't go outside without sunscreen. 
number 4 is my favorite of all. I love Aveda! a lot!! This is the tourmaline line, it's amazing.
I have super dry skin and this stuff doesn't mess. The exfoliating wash is so soft on your skin, not 
stripping everything off your some exfoliating washes. The creme goes a lonnnng way. 
I would only use like a teeny tiny amount and feel so hydrated all day long. I have never used that
radiance fluid, but I would suggest it..because I love aveda, haha.

but yah, this is my little spill on keeping your face pretty. 
Which it's just as important, if not more, in the winter to use 
these things. Keep your face super hydrated and healthy. Exfoliating
it regularly will help sluf off all that dead winter skin, and toners will
help with all that red skin. Keep your skin healthy and happy this winter!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

steps to a picture perfect manicure

Now i don't think a nail tech should be saying this, but i think a well done manicure looks better than acrylic nails any day of the week. And i REALLY shouldn't be saying CAN do it at home!! here's a few tips....

-Clip your nails all to the SAME length! nothing looks worse than that one stray long nail.

-Soak your nails. (and do this AFTER clipping, if you do it before you will cause tearing and ripping of the nail.) I always thought this step was pointless, but it REALLY helps on the next step, which is pushing back your cuticles. this makes your manicure look SO much more professional. but only do it when your cuticles are soft, otherwise you can cause tearing and splitting at the nail base, which in no bueno.

-USE A BASECOAT!!! i promise this does WONDERS! it bonds the polish to your nail and helps with chipping and cracking, as well as preventing dark polishes from staining your nail! choose one that says 'milky basecoat'

-Use a good polish. Personally, i like Orly, and OPI. but any nail LACQUER (not 'nail color') will work. The only walmart brand i even buy now is Sally Hansen hard as Nails Xtreme Wear. I guess if you are in a pinch, NYC is a decent brand, but if you can get it, OPI and ORLY are the best!

-Now here is the painting technique. First, paint one wide strip down the center of your nail. then fill in the sides and WAIT! Let that coat dry, don't try and paint over and over it while its still wet, thats when you get the 'gooey' look. not pretty. add a second coat, and after that dries, if you feel like it needs another, add one more, but never do over 3 coats. Now, IMPORTANT STEP ALERT! after your last coat, while it is still a little tacky, take your polish and do a thin strip across the very tip of your nail. not on top, but on the tip. This will help prevent the chipping and cracking.

-Apply a top coat. Yes think works! and keep aplying it every few days. it will help prevent chips, and keep your polish looking shiny.

-Now heres the kicker... nail polish takes anywhere from 6 to 8 HOURS to dry! even if the top feels dry, if you bump it on a hard surface it will crinkle of smudge. my tip, paint them before bed, or church if you have time, or any time that gives you a few hours of limited acrivity.

-What if your polish does crack? paint over it IMMEDIATLY! and finish with a top coat. if you wait, the chip/crack will just keep getting worse and worse.

-One more thing... OIL YOUR CUTICLES DAILY!! nail oil isnt pricey and it does WONDERS! and if you have SUPER dry cuticles, like cracking and bleeding, or a lot of hangnails, use carmex on them twice a day! ITS AWESOME!

I hope this helped some of you!

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