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Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2013

Foto Friday -- Our 5th Anniversary!

Happy #5 to us!
Oh man! 5 years! It probably seems like a bigger deal to me than it actually is, but I'm pretty excited!
I filled out this tag YEARS ago on my personal blog, and I though it would be fun to re-do it for you all! Just to give you a little insight into us!
 How long have you been together? We started dating in Nov of 2005... so almost 8 years!

How old is your husband? 25

Who eats more? It used to be me, but after I had kids, I mellowed out. Now were about the same.

Who chooses the movie? We like the same kind of movies, with the exception of a few, so we usually decide together.

Who said "I love you" first?  i did... and i was SO emberassed!

Who is taller? He is... by a long shot! ;)

Who sleeps more? Him for sure. But only because I'm still up with the baby.

Who cant take a joke? Haha... me.

Who sings better? I cant sing to save my life, and he wont sing loud enough for me to tell.... sooo?? neither?

Who is smarter? him, but dont tell him i said so ;)

Who's temper is worse? mine! He's always been the mellow one in the relationship

Who does the laundry? i hate laundry... i told him that that is his one chore when we get married

Who does the dishes? by hand, me. dishwasher, him.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Him.

Who is better with the computer? I'd like to think I am.

Who mows the lawn? Him for sure. But I do know how!

Who cooks dinner? I do. But he is a really great cook!

Who drives when you are together? we switch, but on trips, he does

Who has the nicer vehicle? me :) but to be fair, he does have a really nice truck. Mine is just newer.

Who had more kisses before your relationship? Haha... should I stop and count? I bet him. He was a totaly ladies man.

Who pays when you go out? If you mean who's debit card do we use? Mine ;) Haha, we dont do the whole "your money vs. my money" thing.

Who is most stubborn? that would be me

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? umm...not me

Who brings home the bacon? ha HIM! although I try to help with my photography. But I am SO glad his job completely supports us!

Whose parents do you see the most? my mom, and his mom, we dont get to our dads as often as we'd like

Who kissed who first? he kissed me, in a church parking lot, long story... well not really, that's about it!

Who asked who out? i dont think anyone ever asked, we just kinda assumed when we started spending every waking moment together

Who proposed? He did. He made a movie of all the photos we'd taken since we were together, took me out to an overlook of the lake and we watched it in the back of his truck.

Who is more sensitive? can I say me?

Who is more likely to lose it in public? Ooooh dear. me.

Who has more friends? we have pretty much the same friends, so I'd guess it's even.

Who has more siblings? Him.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Get the Dating Divas 'Ultimate Date Night Book' for 50% off!!

So I know you've heard of the Dating Diva's! Right!? And if you do, you've probably heard a few, if not a lot of their great date night ideas! Well did you know they have a book DEDICATED to date nights!??!
 Can you say amazing!? So many date night ideas to choose from and they all have one purpose, to bring you and your significant other closer!
I personally have this book, and have used it many times and it is well worth the money!
BUT.... they are having a SPECIAL! On Valentines day ONLY.... they are offering this amazing book for HALF OFF!
Just go to THIS link and use the coupon code VALENTINE to get 50% off!
It's the perfect gift for you and your loved one for LOVE day!
But HURRY! This offer is only good for February 14th and it goes from midnight to midnight MST. So don't wait!

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Dating Divas E-books {$20 Promo Code for one week!!}

Have you heard of the Dating Divas? If you haven't, you are missing out! They are amazing women who have even more creative ideas on how to 'date' your husband! I don't know about everyone else, but with a 2 year old, most of our dates consist of dinner and a trip to Walmart ;) Romantic, I know!
The Dating Divas have written two amazing e-books that are wonderful for busy wives, to help strengthen your marriage and jazz up those date nights!
The A to Z guide is a great book about strengthening your relationship, making time for eachother, and just being happy together. It really helped me stop and take a look at what I was bringing to our marriage. This is a great book for anyone to read, even if you have an amazing relationship already!

The Ultimate Date Night book has SO many amazing dates totally planned out for you! Plus, there are amazing printables, recipes, and ideas that go with each date! They have great dates for everything from a big get together with friends, to a night alone with your sweetheart!
They put so much time and thought into each date to make it a lot easier on us busy wives!
We have already used one date from the book! the "Road Trip Date" on Page 176! We headed down to Vegas for my birthday, it was so much fun to play the licence plate game, and do the couple's questionnaire that they provide! Here's a few photos from our trip!

But I haven't even told you the very best part!!

The Dating Divas have hooked Lovely Little Snippets readers up with a SWEET deal! When you buy both books (using the E-Book Bundle) cart option and code LOVELY, you get $20 off!
Hurry and order...code expires one week from today!

Do NOT pass up this deal! Both books are worth ever penny! You will not regret it! I have already used both books in my home and will continue to apply them to my marriage!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

BIG News!

Lovely Little Snippets has partnered up with The Dating Divas website!
The Dating Divas have created these two AMAZING E-books and I get the opportunity to offer them to you! These are great book for everyone to have! Take a look....
Here's what the dating Diva's have to say...
Do you love your spouse but miss that excitement you had back when you were first dating? Are you feeling more like roommates instead of husband & wife? Wishing you could reconnect with your best friend?
Are you ready to take things from good to GREAT (or should we say from luke-warm to HOT)?!?
We know marriage isn’t easy…in fact, we know it’s one of the hardest things any of us will ever be a part of! It’s quite a ride, isn’t it!! We have had SO much fun providing fun date ideas for our readers but the emails flooding in asking for our advice indicated that you all wanted a little more…..perhaps a “blueprint” of sorts? We came up with a brilliant idea!
Why not offer something that will hit upon tried & true marriage tips WE use….and DATE NIGHT!?! We sprung into action and we are so excited to offer TWO perfect e-books to get your marriage sizzlin’ once again, just in time for the HOLIDAYS! We are offering a special PRE-SELL price JUST for you – our current readers! This offer won’t last for long, so hurry up and grab your copies at the killer discounted prices!!

THE A to Z GUIDE: 26 Ways in 26 Days to a Happier, Healthier Marriage
(Digital e-Book)

Since we can’t come to each of your homes & have a FUN Girl’s Night Out…..we decided to do the NEXT best thing! We’ve gathered our BEST marriage tips – the secrets behind the success in our own marriages and compiled them into a book to share with all of you! A collaboration effort by us, the Divas, we share touching, enlightening, and humorous stories to demonstrate each marriage tip. You will get to see a glimpse inside the marriages of a few of the divas. {Hang onto your hats!} By applying these simple, yet valuable tips, you will start to experience a different, happier marriage right away. This ebook will give you practical tools to literally transform your marriage. We are confident you will:
  • Realize you’re not alone
  • Feel love in a way you’ve never felt it before
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Begin to get that “twitter-pated” feeling back

The ULTIMATE Date Night Book
(Digital e-Book)
You asked for it AND we delivered!! We gathered all of our TOP dates (voted by readers and Divas) plus fresh, never before seen or published date ideas…..and compiled them into our first DATE ebook! This is the perfect book to have on hand for planning date nights! We pretty much have your Friday Night Date Nights planned out for you! We did all the work, you can enjoy the results. Make a 2012 resolution to spice up the date nights for your marriage! {We also thought this would be the perfect book to give away as a wedding present!}
  • All printables included
  • Gorgeous photos
  • Easy-to-follow “Date Night” outlines

These are both amazing books for everyone from newlyweds, to marriage veterans!
I HIGHLY reccomend them!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Date Night in a Jar

Here's a great idea for a wedding, anniversary, or just a romantic gift - a date night jar! It is super simple to make and helps with coming up with something different than just watching a movie together. I made this as a gift for a bridal shower I attended a couple of weeks ago.

Supplies Needed:
- An old jar (I used an old spaghetti sauce jar)
- Spray paint (for the lid)
- Large craft sticks (for date ideas)
- Paint (to paint the craft sticks)
- Ink for distressing
- Embellishments

The hardest part was cleaning off the label and glue from the jar. I found some great ideas online for fun dates. For a huge list of 52 date ideas for an entire year visit Alison at Oopsey Daisy. Another great website for really fun ideas is The Dating Divas. Next time I think I will embellish it more, but this fit in with the brides style. I even made one for me and my hubby too! The best part is that it is a personal gift that costs very little. Plus, it can go perfectly with that little something that always makes the bride blush without being too tasteless.

Friday, January 7, 2011

go HERE for some awesome date ideas with your man!!

Use the code STMMMS84668 to get $10 off instantly!
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