Not much new here, in fact I realized yesterday as we went out to run errands that I hadn't been down the lane for almost a full week! That's what feeling yucky will do to you, it will turn you into a hermit...but then again, being a hermit is sometimes a good thing.
But the whole not feeling well seems to have subsided, so now who knows where I will go...look out world, here I come, well at least the grocery store anyway! ;-)
Though I've stayed put this past week, I have been wandering around my yard, and I even made some yummy zucchini bread. And the tomatoes are coming in fast and furious, so I shared some zucchini bread and some tomatoes with my neighbor.
Along with the wildlife and quiet nature of this place, another thing I love about my home are the neighbors. Though we come together for parties and luncheons, we also have that lovely balance of leaving one another alone...well until we have too many tomatoes, or we need a cup of it's perfect!
The morning glories are finally blooming. They've had so much rain this year that they haven't been as quick to bloom. Morning glories flower best when they are stressed, such as during times of drought or high heat. I don't mind that they haven't been as prolific this year, because their foliage is still one of my favorites and their leaves have cloaked our fence line in a truly beautiful way.
I hope each of you are having a wonderful weekend. I'm off to do a load of laundry...the down side of feeling better, but hey, I'll take it! Enjoy your day!