Showing posts with label John Denver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Denver. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Days are Diamonds

Remember that old John Denver song, Some Days are Diamonds?

Well that's how it's been around here the past 5 days or so.

Last time I posted I was on my way to a photo first "real" portrait shoot.

The shoot was done at a beautiful horse farm, and my subject, a friend's daughter, made my job easy.  I hope to be able to share some of those pictures with you soon.

I spent Thursday finishing up the last minute details for my art show, and processing pictures from the shoot, and life was good...very good in fact!

You could say those days were diamonds...but then Friday came, and let's just say that that day was definitely stones...literally.  Yup, I have a kidney stone!  Oh, I've had them before, just not when I was needing to do an art show!!!  Needless to say I wasn't present at the show, even after my photo appeared as the cover background for the paper's weekend edition...can you say bummer?!

And to top it all off, Blogger had major hiccups as you all know, so poof away went my post about Doug's floral demonstration!  At first it wouldn't let me create the post, and then it simply ate it...sigh!  So that will have to wait until some time this week.

For now I'm taking life very easy, and thanking my lucky stars that the attack didn't occur while at the show.  And I'm not complaining, I'm just sad it didn't work out the way I had planned.  But then you visit a few blogs, or read the news and you realize that even when days are stones, there is still a little diamond dust in every day!  

I apologize for not getting back to so many of you...Traci, Becky, Connie...the list goes on and on, but I will this week!