Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2012

If I Needed You

Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments and support from my last post.  Some of you have emailed to ask if the split was with my art partner Mary Beth, and thankfully we are just fine.  The issue was with my business partner who I've been working with for many months now to create an online gallery to sell our artwork.

It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I've been blessed with a wonderful opportunity which I will share with you soon, and that opportunity means I need a website in place by the end of this month.  The website with the other person has been dragging on for months now, and so last Wednesday I phoned to ask the status and drive home the urgency of completing the site.  Instead I found out what I had suspected all along, that the website was not going to happen.

What that means is that I will now be challenged with creating a website of my own in just a few short weeks, something I've never done before.  I have to say that although the immediate future will be stressful, I've already nearly completed the website in the span of about 4 days and sleepless nights, and I'm feeling strangely optimistic and excited about everything that has transpired!  The e-commerce hosting site has been hugely supportive and I can't thank my husband enough for watching youtube tutorial videos to help me while I created a logo and all of the graphics to fill the site.

There is lots more tweaking to be done, thumbnails to be uploaded, and pricing structure to be determined, but I'm moving forward and I actually believe that things will work out for the best in the long run.

Once again, when I needed you all to hold my hand and tell me everything would be ok, there you were.  And as always my family has lifted me up and made me believe that I can do anything.  For these blessings I will be forever grateful

If you have read my blog for any amount of time then you likely know that I feel deeply connected to family and friends who are no longer with me.  I often feel their presence and see signs they send me letting me know that they are ok and that I will be too in times of trouble.  

The day after I had the phone conversation that rocked my little world last week, I was all alone and sitting at my desk trying to wrap my head around how this would all shake out.  I'm normally pretty good in the midst of a crisis, but even I was having trouble with the notion of all that lay ahead of me, and self doubt started rearing its ugly head.  And then I heard it, just as clear as day and as if she were standing right beside me.  It was my mother's voice, a voice I haven't heard for over 8 years since she passed away.  She said "you can do this!"  And it was at that very moment that I knew she was right, I could do this...and more importantly I would do this!

I guess sometimes we just need to hear that from our mom, that unconditional love and support that can come from a mother who believes in you, whether she is here in the flesh or walking beside you in spirit.  

I heard a tiny bit of the song below yesterday in the movie The Stepmom, and I thought it summed it up in a way I will never be able to.  And for all of those who are struggling tonight, wondering if you can make it, pick up the pieces, and face what lies ahead, no matter the challenge, I hope you hear a voice that will bring you comfort.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life at My House

Finding your place in the world, a comfy safe place where you can grow and thrive is so very important.

Finding that place, the one where you are loved, accepted, supported, and even pampered a little is what we all want and need I think.  And when you are cute, you can even get away with taking up all of the available foot room underneath the desk of the hand that feeds you!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Looking Ahead

Just like that the holidays are behind us.  In the blink of an eye the day, the weeks and months leading up to it, the whole year really is almost gone, never to be retrieved again except through our memories.

Crumbs and dirty dishes are all that's left to represent the time and fun we spent with friends and family.  And for me, this year will be a happy memory, a year filled with highs and lows, but thankfully mostly highs.  Even Christmas, which included our daughter throwing her back out and being bedridden for the most part, will still bring a smile to my face when I think back on it.

To hear my children laughing and chatting while she laid in bed and her brother hung out with her warms my heart and makes me long for those holidays when I knew she wouldn't be leaving to go back home to her own place.

Some years are more memorable than others, and I have to say that 2011 was one of the more memorable ones.  It included selling my parent's house, the home I grew up in, the place where my dreams were first formed.  Just before we went to settlement last week, after months of waiting, I wandered from room to room and said goodbye.  Tears fell, as I remembered the joy and happiness I had found there, and the dreams I had dared to dream in each and every one of those rooms.  But tears gave way to relief and the knowledge that instead of empty rooms, those rooms would once again be filled with laughter and hopefully be the place where someone else could learn to dream big.

It was also a year when friends were challenged by illness and accidents.  One where they found a strength I can only imagine, and one where they are winning their individual battles.  For that I am grateful, humbled, and mostly just in awe.

It was a year when I got to visit Europe again, and was reminded why I love it so much.  The people, the cities, the architecture, and of course the food.  And being there made me formulate new dreams that include getting back there and not waiting so long between visits.

This year was also a year when my family stood behind me and gave me the courage to try new things, step outside of my box, and start on a new journey of exploration.  They did this all while making me proud every single day by living their own dreams, while still supporting mine.

I don't have a handbook for what 2012 will be, what it will have in store for me or for the ones I love, but I do have a clear vision of what I hope it will be.  I hope that I will slow down more, enjoy more, listen to that little voice more, and do the things that make me happy while making others happy too.

I took the photo above last October.  It is of the river just across the street from me, and was taken with my long lens.  When you look closely you can see the houses on the other side of the river, which is 5 miles wide at this particular point.  Some people will only see the dark foreground, while others will focus on the water, but the lucky ones will see the tiny houses nestled on the distant shore.

Be one of the lucky ones in 2012, look beyond your own shore to the one you can barely make out in the distance.  This year, use your own long lens and dare to look ahead and picture where you want to be and what you hope to accomplish.  Remind yourself each day of how important you are, even if you are the only one who knows it, and create your vision instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you!

Do you have a dream for 2012...I'm all ears!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Give a Little Bit

Do you ever have days where you think, wow that was an amazing day?  They are the kind of days that cancel out 3 or 4 bad days because they are just that good.  Yesterday I had one of those days.

I was supposed to be cleaning, getting ready for company,but instead I visited with a friend who had moved into her new house.  Her name is Anna, and besides being super smart, supportive, and beautiful, she also lives in the most amazing house.

We have been trying to hook up since the summer when they first moved in, and it took until now for me to get over there and see it.  I came away from our visit thinking...I should tear my house down and start over, that's how truly gorgeous her new home is.  But even better than the house was the time we spent chatting, going for a walk, and just getting caught up.  Anna is a giver, she is someone who listens to what you have to say, gives wonderful advice, and shares with you what's going on in her own life.  We talked about dreams we have for 2012 and how we plan to make them all come true.

I'm lucky to have wonderful women in my life.  Strong, smart, and beautiful women, both inside and out, who I get to call my friends, and for that I will be forever thankful.

While I was visiting with Anna I mentioned that I was having trouble deciding if I should keep my dining room furniture or not.  It belonged to my grandparents, though it's not super old, it's Duncan Phyfe and so not my style anymore.  I explained that I had found the perfect china cabinet, that I really wanted to make a change, but that I felt horribly guilty about letting it go.

Anna said that maybe I should sell the furniture and do something good with some of the money, something that would honor my grandparent's memory and still allow me to get my new cabinet.  When I got home yesterday afternoon after having lunch with my son (another procrastination technique to avoid cleaning), there was a lovely email from Anna telling me to sell the furniture and she sent me a link.

The link, which I've posted at the bottom of this post, is about how people have been going to K'mart and paying off people's layaway accounts except for a few pennies.  They leave a few cents on the account so that K'mart's system doesn't close it out completely.  Then the people are notified that their accounts have been paid off, many of whom thought they wouldn't be able to get those items since they were delinquent on their accounts.

Mr. Tide and I watched the video together, getting teary eyed at the plight of some of these people and feeling sad at the thought of these people working so hard to provide a little bit of joy for their children or grandchildren but just not having enough to make it all work.

We always donate at the holidays, and all year long, but we really hadn't done as much this year as we wanted to.  So we hopped in the car, drove to K'mart and stood in line for almost an hour.  We were waiting for everyone to clear out.  When we first got to the store there were  plenty of people in line, some making payments, others paying off their accounts, but you have to be careful.  You never know if someone will see your giving as generous, or if it will hurt their pride that someone is trying to do a good deed, so we waited and then approached the cashier after everyone had left. 

We explained why we were there and told her that we wanted to pay off someone's delinquent account.  That we hoped she could look up an account where there were toys for a young child, someone who still believed in Santa.  She immediately smiled and said, "oh you guys are some of those people, I wondered why you were just waiting here for so long without coming to the register."   The girl working the register took her time, amazing really since we saw first hand how busy they had been all day.  She went through the list of delinquent accounts until she found one with toys, Dora the Explorer, etc. and said, this one looks like it's for someone with small kids.

She gave us the balance, and we paid all but 47 cents so that the account would stay active.  We then asked if they would call the family to let them know that they could pick up their items and she assured us she would.  She said she knew they would be thrilled, that the man on that account had been in the store that day and he wasn't sure he could pay it off by the 20th but he would try his best.

We don't know the people whose account we paid for, and they will never know us.  But they will know that someone reached out a helping hand, maybe when they needed it the most, and hopefully if they are ever in a position they will do the same for someone else.  That's the beauty of giving, it makes everyone feel better.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

When One Door Closes

Just like the old saying goes...when one door closes...even if it is a beautiful door, and one you didn't really want to close...

You have to be ready for the one that opens.  Because the door that opens may take you to places you never imagined, and lead to opportunities you never knew existed.

A place where you can spread your wings and fly, or simply sit and rest awhile.

You may have noticed that I have not one, but 2 of my galleries now set up on my sidebar with flash.  Mr. Tide decided that it was time I spread my wings to fly and after lots of discussions where I said things like, "but that seems pushy, and in your face," I think I am finally ready to close the door on being afraid to put my photography out there, and instead, to embrace this new venture fully by promoting myself.

I am also thrilled to now be represented by a wonderful gallery, and extremely supportive man named John Zaccheo!  John is an internationally acclaimed artist and has become a wonderful mentor for my fine art photography.  Thanks to my dear friend Mary Beth, who introduced me to John, I am now shutting one door and leaving behind the comforts of the "known" world, and stepping through another door in search of new and exciting adventures.

Sometimes it is scary to put yourself out there in the world, but if you don't then you will never know how high you can fly. 

When one door closes, do you bang on it and hope that it will reopen?  Or do you go in search of the next door, hoping and knowing that what lies beyond it may be far better than you ever though possible?  I dare you to swing that next door wide open and walk inside.  You may be the only one who knows you stepped inside, but do it anyway, do it for you!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

As I munched on my breakfast of organic strawberries, sourdough bread with butter and raspberry jam, and walnuts this morning, I couldn't help but think of all the strife around our planet.

I thought of the people without a bite to eat, of the people who have lost their homes and businesses to senseless violence, and of the families of the fallen who will never again share breakfast with their loved ones.

The truth is that I love pretty pictures just as much as the next person, but I can also appreciate those which capture the pain and suffering in a way that words cannot.  HERE is a link to several pictures that are worth more than a thousand words, for surely anything that touches our souls and makes us strive to do better and be better must be priceless!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Black and White

Remember as a child, everything seemed so cut and dry, black and white so to speak?  You knew the general rhythm of things, adults took care of the scary or difficult stuff so that all you had to do was play or maybe do a little homework and some chores.  For those of us with happy childhoods, that was how life went day to day.

Right now I have two friends, both of their names start with the letter "J," and for them life is not so black and white.  Life has become infinite shades of gray as both of them are fighting, and thankfully winning their war against cancer.  One is newly diagnosed, while the other friend has been undergoing treatment for quite some time now.

I hate cancer and all that it requires both mentally and physically!  Yet as the bystander, all I can do is let them know how much I care and to give them some support.  It's not much, and I wish there was more I could do, like wave a magic wand.  But some things just aren't that easy once you are all grown up.

Wishing you all a very calm weekend, and if you haven't told someone in your life how much you love them lately, please will mean the world to both of you!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Different Way of Thinking

My brain is always working, trying to figure out how to finance the sunroom I've always wanted, or how to buy the hot tub Mr. Tide and I would both enjoy slipping into after a long day of yard work.  So I'm always thinking about the next story I can write or the next photo shoot I can do.  I'm what you might call and expert schemer!

This can be frustrating at times, especially since the economy has had a major impact on print media.  Almost all publications have tightened up their belts in order to stay afloat, and as we all know, some of our beloved magazines could no longer keep all of the plates up in the air, and they went under.

I've been lucky, even though I could never pay the bills on my own with my writing and photography alone, I've been able to help at least a little.  Writers don't really make heaps of money, though I think that some people think they do...and no one wishes this was true more than me!

So about 6 months ago, I decided to pursue photography which is more lucrative, but the competition is even more fierce than that of a freelance writer, so I knew that it would be an uphill battle.  My goal was to maybe work for a few magazines in time, and to do some fine art photography with a little portrait work too.  People, like my friend Fifi O'Neill, and the editors at several other magazines have been SO good to me!  Fifi believed in me and gave me my first opportunity when I shot some bedding for Romantic Country, and then the Ekster Barn shoot, and for both of those assignments I will be forever thankful!

I know a lot of people look at Fifi and think, wow I wish I lived her life.  Trust me, she works like a dog, and way harder than I would ever want to.  She is constantly on the road and schlepping heavy furniture and accessories hither and yon to get the perfect shot, so I don't envy her, but I do admire her!!

Today, while sitting at my make-up mirror I began to think, something I always do, but today it was different.  Instead of thinking about what I "need" or "want" I began thinking about the way I think about things.

Last night Mr. Tide and I spent the whole evening just hanging out.  First we went out in the kayaks and  it was a perfect evening.  When we got back we went for a dip in the neighbors pool and that was wonderfully relaxing.  As we floated around in the pool we talked about how nice it would be to have our own pool...or that elusive hot tub.  And of course that conversation always gives way to our need for a truck, college tuition, and all of the other "stuff" that is a priority over the fun extraneous things we have to pay for in life.

So this morning as I revisited our "wouldn't it be nice to have" conversation from last night, it dawned on me...I've been looking at life the wrong way.  I've been out there trying to grab the brass ring when it's been sitting here in front of me the whole time.

Now if you think I'm going to wax poetic on appreciating everything I have, I hate to disappoint you because I'm not.  I do appreciate every single thing I have, most of all my family and their health and happiness, but there are still things I want.  Things like a hot tub that I know would do both Mr. Tide and me some good, so I need to figure out how to make those things happen and so far what I'm doing hasn't been working.

I have to face facts that editors aren't lining up to use my photos and the stories aren't going to get any more steady.  So what's a girl to do?  Well I sat down with our latest credit card bill and began formulating a plan.  We use our credit card to buy almost everything because we pay it off each month and we get cash back, so it makes sense to use it.

I have to admit that I was amazed, and frankly a bit appalled by our spending habits.  So I'm taking the reins, cutting the fat, and getting back to basics so that we can afford a few of the luxuries in life.  Our biggest area for cutting back...eating out!  So Panera, I love your Fuji Apple Chicken Salad, but for now we will have to just be once a month friends!  And Target, you know I adore your pretty kitchen products in lovely bottles, but you gotta go hun, since I'm the only one who admires you I can go with something a little less attractive.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and I "need" a hot tub, and a few new lenses, and a truck.  Not that those things are going to be bought with some simple cost cutting techniques, but every little bit helps, and in time I know I'll get all of those things.  But more importantly I hope to get my life back!

All of the time I spend contacting galleries to represent my work, sending off query letters to magazines, creating vignettes on my blog in hopes I'll catch someone's eye can now be spent on staying close to home, working in my yard, kayaking, and enjoying what I already have while saving money.

When I first stated my blog, I remember visiting another woman's blog and reading her post.  She was stopping her blog and in that post she wrote about how she wanted to get back to doing the things that inspired her to start her blog in the first her case it was running.  At the time I remember thinking, "what, give up your blog, but it's so much fun, why would you do that?"  Now I get it.

I'm not giving up my blog, I don't feel like I need to do something that extreme, but I will be making some changes.  I won't spend nearly as much time online, it just isn't good for me, and I won't take pictures because I think someone else might like them, I will take them because I like them.  I also won't browse stores, both online and in real life and think to myself, "oh that would be perfect for a blog post on _____________!"  

How many of us out there in blog land have spent money that could have been better used some place else in order to create a post that other people would like?!  If you haven't ever done that, well good for you, but I have, and I'm done now.  The question then your blog running you, or are you running your blog?!

So see that pretty little seagull container in the pictures above?  Well it will be my last "me" purchase for awhile.  It came from one of my favorite stores, Traditions of Loveville, and I love it, but the truth is I didn't "need" it.  And I have 2 portrait shoots scheduled this week, so I'm getting "real" about what can and can't make me money as a photographer.  If the magazine editors start calling, well that would be great, but I can't sit here on the computer feeding a dream that may never materialize.  Instead, I will hone my craft whatever way I can knowing that it will all pay off in the long run.

And that hot tub will become a reality, just not right now.  But when it does...those jets will feel mighty good, kind of like finding my way a little bit this morning as I move into a new and different way of thinking!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ahh Summertime

Isn't it funny how certain months of the year hold such a special place in our hearts?  I'm not sure why summertime is the time of year I feel most content, but it always has been my favorite season.

With the first warm days, I can almost feel the breeze blowing in my hair as I race down hills on my banana bike, or smell the delicious scent as I would run inside my grandmother's kitchen to see what type of cake or pie she had made that day.

Joy, over at Savvy City Farmer just did a post on the way she grew up and those precious memories she clings to, and I could relate to many aspects of her upbringing.

It's funny, if you were to ask me about certain months each year growing up, there is little I could tell you about them.  Maybe because we didn't have any birthdays in those months, or there weren't any big holiday celebrations that hit home, but ask me about the time from May until September each year and I can reminisce all day long.

Even as an adult, summer was always my favorite time of year because it meant my kids would be with me all day everyday, I treasure that time we had together now that they are both grown.

If you asked me about summertime growing up, I could regale you with tales of playing baseball in the field across the street, running barefooted on hot blue chip asphalt to catch the ice cream truck, and about playing freeze tag and green light red light until daylight gave way to twilight when the hunt for lightning bugs would begin.  I would tell you about my mom marching us into the tub each night to scrub our feet and the dirt and grime from a day of playing hard, and how she stroked our hair each night checking us for ticks.

As I grew up, summer became the time when we didn't talk about school, or need to take notes, we could just be and hang out with our friends acting silly and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.  Working minimum wage jobs and spending time crabbing or water-skiing on our days off.  We thought those days would never end, and sometimes we wished they would.  We wanted to be grown ups and live in our own homes and not have to come home by 2 am after dancing all night or sailing all day.


Once, when I was in college, my sister and I went sailing with some friends late in the afternoon.  We ventured pretty far out in the Chesapeake Bay, and as we turned to head back to the marina the motor suddenly quit on the boat.  This was the mid 1980s so there were no cell phones, and the radio on board decided to quit working too, along with the wind which is why we were using the motor to begin with.

For hours, we were adrift trying to make our way back to shore, and the hours went by so that when we finally did dock it was almost 3 am.  I can still remember the look on my mom's face when we got back home and how frightened and worried she was.  But what we saw was how angry she was, because we were young, invincible, and we knew we could handle it and that we were ok, so why should she be worried?!  Now that I'm a mom, I understand. 

She knew something we didn't, that life is short, and more importantly it's very fragile and can be gone in a second.  Where we saw invulnerability when we looked in the mirror, she saw naivety and a lack of life knowledge.


Just like my mother, I will always worry, but I have to also let go the same way she did.  I've learned to let my kids have their own summer memories, ones that I hope will be as moving as my own.

Ones where even the smell and taste of ripe blackberry will transport them back in time.  My only hope is that like the berries which seem so plentiful this time of year they will realize that they are only ripe and full of flavor for a very short time.   I hope they memorize that sweetness and drink it in and that they will savor each phase of their lives.  That they will find their own time of year that says "ahh" to every fiber of their being the way summertime does to mine.

Embracing who you are and where you come from is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.  We can't turn back the clock, and getting stuck trying to cling tight to the little and big hands is futile and will only leave you stuck in time instead of continuing on your journey.  Just as we can't speed up the clock in hopes of erasing the bad times, each bit of time is what makes us who we are and takes us to the next place we need to go to in life.  People, things, pets, and places will change, and you will miss them all, but if you have your memories, then you have it all.

What season speaks to your heart and takes you back?

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there was a little boy...

And a little girl.

They grew up happy and healthy and then one day their paths crossed while racing sailboats, and they fell in love.

Just 5 weeks after they met, they got engaged, and then just 6 months later they were man and wife. Theirs is a story of strength, happiness, and joy...but mostly love!

This Tuesday, they will celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary...a quarter century together. And just like that day so long ago, they will smile and look forward to their life together and all that they have been blessed with, and everything the future has in store for them.


*I will be gone for a few days as Mr. Tide and I celebrate our 25th Anniversary!  Have a wonderful week everyone!*

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments from yesterday's post.  To Jo, I'm so very sorry for your loss, and hope that with each passing day you find comfort in hearing your husband's voice as he encourages you to move forward and to celebrate the love you shared together.  Lisa, I'm so glad your sister encouraged you to read that book and that you can feel her warmth and love all around you.

I was so happy that so many of you "got" what I was saying in my last post.  That we never really lose the ones we love, they just change the way they communicate with us...thank you Sharyne for that amazing dragonfly analogy!

This morning when I took the dogs outside there was yet another feather, just a foot or so away from where the other one had been a few days ago.  As I turned on the sprinkler I noticed another feather, and then another...a total of 6 in all!  My neighbor came over to my fence and we were chatting about the weather and flowers, when suddenly a little white feather came floating down from above.  I had to stop and explain to her what this meant to me.  In the 4 years we have lived at this house, with all the many birds that frequent our yard, we have never had feathers in it...not even one that I can remember.  And here were 7 feathers now scattered about my yard, with one falling right in front of me!  I picked up the largest of the feathers, the Osprey feather you see in the picture above, and brought it inside and put it on my old shutter table next to my shells and the travel alarm clocks that had once belonged to my great uncle.

And since it seems clear that Dan is still reading my blog, and is still giving me feedback about which posts he likes...I want to say thank you my friend! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Days are Diamonds

Remember that old John Denver song, Some Days are Diamonds?

Well that's how it's been around here the past 5 days or so.

Last time I posted I was on my way to a photo first "real" portrait shoot.

The shoot was done at a beautiful horse farm, and my subject, a friend's daughter, made my job easy.  I hope to be able to share some of those pictures with you soon.

I spent Thursday finishing up the last minute details for my art show, and processing pictures from the shoot, and life was good...very good in fact!

You could say those days were diamonds...but then Friday came, and let's just say that that day was definitely stones...literally.  Yup, I have a kidney stone!  Oh, I've had them before, just not when I was needing to do an art show!!!  Needless to say I wasn't present at the show, even after my photo appeared as the cover background for the paper's weekend edition...can you say bummer?!

And to top it all off, Blogger had major hiccups as you all know, so poof away went my post about Doug's floral demonstration!  At first it wouldn't let me create the post, and then it simply ate it...sigh!  So that will have to wait until some time this week.

For now I'm taking life very easy, and thanking my lucky stars that the attack didn't occur while at the show.  And I'm not complaining, I'm just sad it didn't work out the way I had planned.  But then you visit a few blogs, or read the news and you realize that even when days are stones, there is still a little diamond dust in every day!  

I apologize for not getting back to so many of you...Traci, Becky, Connie...the list goes on and on, but I will this week!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Feeling a Little Sheepish

Is there anything quite as cute as spring lambs?!

The way they jump and frolick in the fresh green grass is so cute!

Or how they play hide and seek behind an old turned over feeding trough.

I get to see these cuties each and every day, and they make me smile when I see their darling faces, and sweet wooly coats.

There are 4 of them this year, all of them have the most kissable faces.

Don't you just want to hug them?!

I hope each of you will find something to make you smile this week. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today's reports of the storms down south (yet again) remind us all how quickly things can change.  My friend Gary Franklin, and his beautiful family live in the Tuscaloosa area, and I was thankful to hear that they were spared by the tornadoes that ripped through his and other states.  But so many families weren't so lucky, and my heart goes out to them.

In my career as a writer, I have had the opportunity to meet two families who had their homes destroyed by tornadoes, and the trauma and loss they suffered stays with me to this day.  I remember one woman telling me how, even after the tornado was long gone, they had to sit vigil at their home so that looters and other people wanting to snap pictures or even wander around, would leave them alone.  I saw on the news that some of the people affected by recent storms have been going through the same painful process.

Human nature puzzles me much of the time.  Can you imagine going to someone's house in hopes of finding their precious heirlooms or jewelry in and amongst the rubble that was once their home?!  It just goes to show that some people don't have a heart or a conscience if they could actually do something like that to someone who has lost so much.

Today, as I worked on my website and other stuff, I found I was much less likely to get frustrated at all of the little things that weren't going right.  I think the news reports helped remind me that in an instant what we know as normal can be flipped on it's head.  Life is fragile friends, and I hope those affected will find a way to pick up the shattered pieces and move on the way the families in my stories did.  Theirs was a happy ending, where tragedy became triumph and where they appreciate every day just that much more!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Let The River Run

It's Monday, and that means work of a different kind.  Things like grass mowing, picture taking, and plant shopping give way to "real" work, like writing stories.

Stuff that has to be done today, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

When I write, I like it to be quiet.  I can't have the TV on or people chit chatting in the background.  Mr. Tide can attest to this fact and has been shushed more than once over the years for talking on the phone while I'm busy working on a story.  You see, he works from home several days a week, and his desk is right next to mine.

This means that he sometimes has important teleconferences while he's working from home, but I make him go into the living room if I'm busy writing.  Now, let me tell you about the double standard in my house.  When Mr. Tide is busy working hard on something, I talk as much as I like.  I yak away on the phone, play music...sometimes loudly, and am generally obnoxious like that!


Now, just in case you are thinking, well that doesn't seem fair! should know that Mr. Tide is one of those people who doesn't need quiet to write, think, or do most anything, so he really doesn't mind...honest, cross my heart and hope to die!

I envy this ability of his, because my brain, which goes a million miles per hour most of the time, needs total peace and quiet to gather my thoughts and write a story.  I can do almost anything else with lots of distractions going on, but writing simply isn't one of them.

Now that the weather is nice I can retreat outside to our dock and I can type away with little or no distractions.

But today, while Mr. Tide is at his office in the city, and my son is at college, I will type away, drenched in solitude with nary a sound, except for the occasional barking of dogs or the screech of an osprey.  So I should be good to go right?!

Well I would be, except I have this *&*# song stuck in my head, and it has been all weekend!!!  I actually like this song, but I just can't get it shoved out of my head for some reason.  So my hope is that by putting it out there for all of you, it will finally leave my head and let me work in peace!

So I'm sending this out to y'all, and if it now becomes stuck in your head, well I apologize in advance!  Oh and if the video makes you feel old or reminds you of those HUGE shoulder pads we used to wear and the big hair, like it did me, well I apologize for that too!  My hair was never that big, but some of my friends, well you know who you are!  But back to the song, love ya Carly, but get out of my head! ;-)

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random Thoughts

My thoughts are all over the place these days it seems.  Maybe a product of too much going on, or maybe it's because there is too much going on in the world right now.  Egypt, Australia, blizzards, it can all seem so overwhelming sometimes, but then I take my dogs outside and watch them rip and race and life seems good, at least in my little corner of the world.

This little bird picture was snapped around this time last year, and even though he or she was holding up against strong winds and cold temps that day, its only concern was to find a little something to nibble on.  We had scattered seed and crushed up crackers onto our back deck and the birds were thankful for our small act of kindness.

Which leads me to muddy nosed puppies who share small acts of kindness each time they nuzzle your hand or wag their tail with wild abandon just because you've returned home.  I love that about my pups, their generous and caring spirit makes me pause and be thankful every day!

It truly is the little things that make life worth living in my opinion.  Even the $3 ranunculus I bought at the store have given me great joy over the past few days.  Seeing their delicate buds open into perfectly shaped blossoms and knowing that their beauty is so fleeting brings a smile to my face and makes me cherish them all the more!

When I'm working at my computer I can simply gaze off to my left and see one of my favorite pieces of furniture, an old pine dough box topped with more of my favorite things, a lamp, flower books, and a mason jar full of flowers.  What a nice view I have while at work!

With so much destruction and unrest in the world that surrounds us, it's nice to know we have a soft place to land and little things to bring us happiness and comfort.  My wish is that all those being wracked by devastating weather or political unrest will be able to find their own little joys and comforts as they go through the next few days, weeks, and months...we all deserve that I think.

I've set up a Flickr account for those of you who want to see more of my pictures, and so that those of you who don't, don't have to! ;-)  You can find it by clicking HERE.