Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments from yesterday's post.  To Jo, I'm so very sorry for your loss, and hope that with each passing day you find comfort in hearing your husband's voice as he encourages you to move forward and to celebrate the love you shared together.  Lisa, I'm so glad your sister encouraged you to read that book and that you can feel her warmth and love all around you.

I was so happy that so many of you "got" what I was saying in my last post.  That we never really lose the ones we love, they just change the way they communicate with us...thank you Sharyne for that amazing dragonfly analogy!

This morning when I took the dogs outside there was yet another feather, just a foot or so away from where the other one had been a few days ago.  As I turned on the sprinkler I noticed another feather, and then another...a total of 6 in all!  My neighbor came over to my fence and we were chatting about the weather and flowers, when suddenly a little white feather came floating down from above.  I had to stop and explain to her what this meant to me.  In the 4 years we have lived at this house, with all the many birds that frequent our yard, we have never had feathers in it...not even one that I can remember.  And here were 7 feathers now scattered about my yard, with one falling right in front of me!  I picked up the largest of the feathers, the Osprey feather you see in the picture above, and brought it inside and put it on my old shutter table next to my shells and the travel alarm clocks that had once belonged to my great uncle.

And since it seems clear that Dan is still reading my blog, and is still giving me feedback about which posts he likes...I want to say thank you my friend!