Yesterday when I woke up to take the dogs out just after the sun came up I was greeted by a canvas of white. It wasn't snow of course, but it was a very heavy frost that blanketed everything in it's path.
It was quite lovely really, and got me in the mood to start thinking about the holidays. And speaking of holidays, am I the only one who was completely caught off guard by the fact that a week from today is Thanksgiving?!
My sister and I take turns hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas each year and this year she has decided to take Thanksgiving again, even though technically it's my year to host it. You won't hear me complaining one bit about having it at her house. We all bring stuff, but the fact that it's at her house and I don't have to run around like a crazy woman making sure every nook and cranny is clean is a very welcome relief.
I spoke to her on the phone a few days ago and we were running over the menu and discussing who would be bringing what, when I said, "oh I'll just call you next week and we can chat about it." She seemed a little quiet when I said that, and when I hung up the phone Mr. Tide promptly informed me that "next week" was Thanksgiving! Oops!!! I really had in my head that it was the following week.
I guess it just goes to show that when you are wrapped up in other things you can completely lose all sense of time...and clearly I did. I'm back on track now, and I will have the corn pudding, candied sweet potatoes, and desserts all ready when the time comes...I hope!
A few more days of Jack Frost nipping at my nose, toes, and anything else he can freeze should get me straight and remind me that November is halfway done and Christmas is just around the corner.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my last post, and I hope if you are celebrating Thanksgiving next week that you are much more organized than I am! :)