My dad had a whole slew of sayings he used to describe certain situations. Some were more tasteful than others, like when he would come in on a very cold evening he would say that it was colder than a well diggers ___...I'll let you fill in the blank.
On days when he had lots to do but felt as though he was spinning his wheels a little, he would say he'd been fiddle farting around. See what I mean about his "colorful" way with words?! No wonder I became a writer with those genes! ;-)
Today, I did a bit of fiddle farting around myself. I left home at 12:30 pm and didn't get home until almost 9 pm. And although I did get some things accomplished, like having a great lunch with a friend, visiting another friend in the hospital, and getting all of my hair chopped off, some of that time was spent getting nothing done. Or at least not everything I wanted to get done.
Like getting all of the photos for the winners of my last giveaway sent out...I'm working on that so please bear with me.
I also spent a little time this morning playing around with some new textures from French Kiss Textures. I love when I find pretty new textures to play with, it makes my day. Both of the photos above have only French Kiss textures applied to them, and I'm really happy with how they turned out.
When I went outside this morning I realized that almost overnight our trees have shed their colorful coats and are now naked in preparation for the winter. All of our trees save one, the one pictured above. A rebel of a maple tree that is still awash in shades of gold tinged with orange.
I will be interested to see how long it can hang onto its showy foliage. And then there was one!