Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Learned my Lesson

Updating my blogs and visiting other blogs are part of my daily routine. I may not be able to update all my blogs everyday, but I do blog everyday. I maintain multiple blogs so it is somewhat impossible for me to update all of them daily.

I enjoy visiting and reading other blogs. Every once in a while, I find blogs that are worth reading that I often come back and read for updates. Sometimes, it also irks me that some websites and blogs have viruses. I happen to encounter a blog that has a virus and infected my laptop as well. I was so mad and very disappointed. I was scared I was going to lose my data and pictures saved in my laptop. I did have a free Antivirus software installed in my laptop but still my laptop got infected. I learned my lesson, I purchased and installed a new Antivirus Software and never visited the site that is suspected to have virus and malware.

Now, I am happy with my antivirus. Whenever I visited a blog or website that has virus or malware, it will alert me right away. Investing into a reliable Anti Virus protection is worth the money because you are sure that your data and other important documents and pictures that are saved in your computer is safe.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Convenient and Easy Way to Troubleshoot

Mischa (Dave's daughter) loves to tinker the computer hardware and software. She loves to troubleshoot and fix anything that’s related to computers. Every time we encounter problems with our computer, she is our rescuer. But we have one problem when it comes to troubleshooting our PC, she lives far from us and we have to transport our PC or laptop to her place and at times, she is very busy fixing other people’s computer or sometimes she’s out repairing stuff. In that case we have to wait for a few days before ours get fixed.

This made me suggest to her to get a remote access software so that she won’t have to travel to other places just to troubleshoot. I saw one online from They’re offering a software that is proven for its functionality and uses state-of-the-art 256 bit encryption – the highest in its class, which ensures that all communications remain private and secure. Since Mischa has access to the internet, it will be easier for her to access files, collaborate with her other friends and much more, it saves her time too. The software is very convenient and reliable, so I guess there is really a need for her to upgrade her services and all I have to do is to tell her about the website.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Remote Desktop Software

Computerized world is what we have right now. Computers are widely used in all walks of life. From medicine to manufacturing to retail, everybody is using computer. Small and big companies are both using computer networks and computer software to make their jobs fast, efficient and accurate. Computer technology moves and changes like a lightning speed. There is always new at all times.

Have you heard about remote desktop software? This software is of tremendous help for network administrators and IT managers. With the use of this software, it will allow you to connect to other users in different areas. When a system is experiencing a problem, you can solve the problems immediately without the need to travel to the site. You will save your valuable time.

There are many advantages why use a remote desktop software. Would you believe that by using this software you can provide training remotely too? You can also perform computer maintenance remotely. It allows you to access millions of desktops, servers and mobile devices around the globe. The software uses 256-bit encryption – the highest in its class thus, you will have peace of mind that remote access activities are safe and secure at all times. So, manage your desktops now remotely with the use of Proxy Pro, a remote desktop software solution.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Want a Desktop Computer

I want a desktop computer for my daily use. Although we have two laptops at home, I still prefer to use a desktop computer. Because I stay online for a long period of times every day, I think that it is better for me to have a desktop computer rather than a laptop. I know that the convenience of using a laptop is immeasurable but then again, when it comes to longevity of use, I am sure that desktop will outlast the laptop.

I have read desktop computer reviews and the reviews are amazing. It makes me think of buying a desktop computer more. I really need to save for a new desktop computer. Who knows I may get one for myself before the end of the year.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Life of a Busy Laptop

I am Lulu's laptop and I consider myself one of the busiest laptop in the modern world. I served my owner to the best of my capability. I provide her with wireless connection which helps her at times that she is in a place where there is a free WI-FI connection.

My life as a laptop is full of adventures. Like my owner, I have been to many places. I am always at her side even during vacation. Even during vacation, I am expected to provide good service because my owner always uses me at night and do her usual online things like blogging, blog hopping, emails and even read online news. I am getting old because I have been serving her for the last 3 years. I truly need a break from long hours of working. I have worked hard all these years. She uses me for chatting, web surfing, blogging, watching videos, reading news, online games and a lot more that I even lost count of it.

Anyway, I am getting excited because Lulu's husband is thinking of buying her a new HP G60t series computer. He will try to buy it in the next few days because he wants to use the coupon code SV2132 where he can get $30 off on order greater than $150 at HP Home Store. This offer is valid through October 31 or while supplies last and there will be restrictions and exclusions. I know that Lulu's husband is sure to buy a new HP computer because he said that it will be his advance wedding anniversary gift for her.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mac to Windows Compatability

While I was still in the Philippines, I worked in a big insurance company. Although, I did not work in the main office, I often go to the main office to do some transactions. In doing so, I befriended a lot of the working people there.

I remember that when the company upgraded its computer system, they encountered some problems because they upgraded into Mac desktops while using Windows server. They experienced problems of their file and printer sharing between Mac desktops and Windows servers.

The mac to windows integration worked properly after they found out about ExtremeZ-IP - the only Windows-based server software today that actively supports all Mac OS versions from OS 9 to OS X 10.5.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lappy's Plea

This is Lulu's Lappy (laptop) and I am asking your generous hearts to help me pray for my freedom.

I have been a diligent worker for the past 2 years without compensation. I barely take a break. I am up in the wee hours all night because my owner decides to visit blogs. Sometimes, she uses all my other capabilities like my built-in camera and built-in microphone and speaker when she chats with her family in the Philippines. I have so much to do everyday because I provide them the news every time they wake up. I update their fantasy stats and most of all I give them entertainment when they want to watch online videos.

I cannot do everything at once yet I tried to give her a chance to open so many browsers as fast as I can. I have given her the best two years of my life. I am getting old and with all the difficult tasks that I do everyday, I deserve a break. Perhaps, I can retire soon when she decides to purchase a new HP HDX 16t Premium series. I am sure that she will like this new laptop because of its titanium design, home-theater-quality audio/video, and a built-in TV tuner. This laptop has a faster processor that supports more efficient operations. This has also a big hard dish where she can store applications, data, digital music and digital photos.

I know she worries about the price but if I will tell her that she can get $500 off instantly when she will purchase an HP HDX 16t with $300 coupon code NBN3248 + $200 Instant Rebate, I know she will jump with joy, and I am sure she will let me be her hubby's laptop. I would prefer to be her hubby's laptop because he doesn't demand a lot of my time. I have to remind Lulu that the above offer is valid through 8/23 or while supplies last and restrictions and exclusions apply.

Please, help me pray that she will grab this offer, so that I can be free from her.

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Mouth's Delight © 2009 By: Demcy Apdian-Dias