Showing posts with label Craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craft. Show all posts

04 December 2010

And the Countdown Begins

So its the beginning of Summer here which means the final countdown till the Big Guy arrives down our chimney.

We like to start decorating on the 1st December so I have made a start on a few baubles and trims.  The tree will go up next week as I have to fit it in between birthday parties and BBQs on the weekend plus L is super keen to help trim the tree.

I do have our Advent Calendar up, which the boys love, probably because it has a sweet or two in it, OK it has quite a few sweets in it, after all it is Christmas and I rarely give them junk food throughout the year.

I had planned to make our Calendar this year, but time got ahead of me plus I stumbled across this beauty above at our local Op-Shop for $5.00.
Despite my find I still did a quick scout around the Internet and found some great ideas for Advent Calendars:

Cute and how it can be used

A fun creative version

I'm doing this with my boys this year

A paper bag one

You can buy these here, but I think you could easily make them using these found at your local $2 Dollar shop

 A simple DIY version 

 A beautiful homemade felt version

A beautiful linen calendar

A printable version
For the typography lover

So how do you like to countdown to Christmas?

Have a happy day.

01 July 2010

LMNOP Issue 11

The latest issue of my favourite parenting magazine is out, you can download it here.

Happy reading.

16 June 2010

Pretty Things and a Homemade Thing

Today I caught up with a girlfriend of mine who is a very talented lady. She designs and makes resin jewelery and homewares. I already owned a few rings and have now added a pendant from her new range as well as the beautiful plate which will find its place on the coffee table in the "winter" room.

This little top I made up this afternoon. It is a lovely soft flannel and so warm, perfect for a winter day by the sea, yes planning on heading back today with J and Dada. Over the weekend I made some pillows which I will post as soon as I buy the inserts. They are for the "winter" room, some of the pillows in there at the moment are to be moved to my bedroom.

J has his first Occupational Therapy assessment session this morning. I am hoping that we will receive a positive review of what his needs in this area of treatment will be.

Oh, and Schnitzel came home yesterday evening.  She's bandaged on two legs so I won't post a picture.  She's doing really well, weight bearing on the broken leg already.  We're glad to have her home.

Have a happy day.

08 June 2010

Woolly Wonders

Inspired by some of the Aussie blogs I read which have been posting about knitting, I have decided to embrace one of the winter crafts. There is a local knitting shop which also provides classes for a beginner like me, so I'll be enrolling in one I can do before our trip to Europe (only 4.5 weeks to go, yeah).  I popped into my local bookshop on Saturday and picked up the above book. It is a stunning book with  simple diagrams and beautiful projects designed for a beginner, I highly recommend it.

Yesterday morning while driving J to kindy I was listening to one of my favourite radio stations when they launched the 2010 Knit In, an annual event where volunteers knit squares to create wraps which are donated to the Wrap with Love cause. This organisation, since 1992, has donated almost 222,000 wraps to people in over 75 countries, including Australia, to help ward off hypothermia. What a moment of serendipity to have turned to this radio station after I had decided to take up knitting, don't you agree? The Knit In is on for two months, so with my new book in hand, I'm going to knit a square or two before I head off to the warm sun of the Northern Hemisphere.

While at the bookshop I also picked up this book recommended by Jodi. I started it last night and so far have loved what I have read, thanks Jodi. Another read recommended by Jodi is a new blog, The Wool Maker. A gorgeous blog of family life captured in beautiful photographs.

Off to the zoo today with L and his kindy friends and mums, looking forward to it.

Have a happy day.

25 May 2010

A Look Inside

In one of my earlier posts I blogged about how much I liked this pillow (I actually ended up buying it).  Well this week I thought we could visit Virginia from Roddy & Ginger (she also has a lovely blog) in her sixties home in South London. I hope you enjoy the visit.

Have a happy day.

Images: LivingEtc

20 May 2010

This and That

"You've just got to have a dream ... and work hard."  Sailing for 210 days, around the globe solo, non-stop and unassisted and only 16 years old.  Congratulations Jessica Watson for living your dream.

The original design was hand embroidered and then scanned to create the most stunning wedding invitations I have ever seen.  More images here.

A new to me blog, Leah's "daily exercise in gratitude"

A peek inside this illustrator's Moleskine notebooks

A beautiful new online magazine

A beautiful doll made from a vintage peg and vintage ticking and denim. A wonderful example of repurposing what you have around your home.

Murder mystery, first love, teenage angst, bigotry, migration, Vietnam War, shattered dreams, bitterness, small town malice, parent/teen relationships and disappointments, heroes.  One of the most beautifully written books I have read, if you want a book you can't put down, get this novel.

Have a happy day.

Still having issues with Blogger, this post took me quite a few hours off and on!

22 April 2010


Beautiful bees wax votives

Nature themed ABC

Gorgeous children's cutlery

A cute doorstop

Love the pop of colour on this doorstop

Earthy wallpaper

A beautiful side table or stool

An upcyled WWII duffel bag

A girl needs her chocolate fix

What a nice set to clean up the children's biscuit crumbs

This is for the little growler in your life

To hang your gear by the door

Witty, natural, great design, smell nice and really work (yes I buy these)

A classic in eco chic

In honour of Earth Day, a bit of eco chic I'm smitten with.

Have a happy Earth Day.