Showing posts with label Lisbon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisbon. Show all posts

25 November 2010


Oh dear, I've been AWOL, haven't I? So sorry, been terribly busy around here with the little ones, overseas guests, lead up to Xmas and end of our school year.  The beach has been our go to place lately, so who wants to sit indoors at a computer.

Will be slow here over the next few months and I'm thinking of refocusing my blog for next year, how?  Not sure.  I appreciate your loyalty, patience and friendship so I hope you will stay with me.

I finally downloaded and sorted through my photos from our Portuguese leg of our holiday back in August!  Most are of  extended family shots and due to the extreme heat (35C-40C) every day that we were there, not much site seeing was done, we spent a lot of our Portuguese holiday by the beach and pool.  The boys were not interested in site seeing either so we accepted that fact and just enjoyed the trip as a summer holiday rather than a cultural holiday.

So a few shots of some things we got up to in my ancestral lands.

Roman ruins of Conimbriga

The university city of Coimbra

The boys and I with mum and her brother overlooking the Coimbra from his penthouse garden

A Bronze Age hut just outside my mum's childhood town

Praia Grande, near Lisbon which had a 100 metre pool

A night at a bullfight in Lisbon which is done on horseback, the dressage horses are beautiful and amazing(while the bulls are not killed in the ring, the animals are still hurt, so I felt squeamish and guilty) and yes that is a man throwing himself at a bull, they are known as forcados

Picnic with all my aunts, uncles and cousins

I'll be back soon.

Have a happy day and Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers.

09 July 2010

All is Quiet

We're packed, all appointments have been attended, all plans have been finalised. F is out with the boys kicking a ball and I'm taking the time to enjoy a cup of tea and do some final blog reading.

We head off tomorrow mid-morning so this will be my last post for a bit. We're away for 6 weeks, 2 weeks in France and the rest in Portugal and I do intend to post a few of our adventures. Not sure how I will post the photos as the camera attachment for the iPad is in shortage worldwide!! I'll find a way to post photos of our holiday.

Welcome to my new readers, you have found me at an exciting time for my family, I hope you and my regulars enjoy the journey along with my boys and I.

I wish you all well until my next post somewhere in Europe.

Have a happy day.

07 January 2010


Our tickets to France and Portugal, yeah!! In July the four of us are off to Paris, the south of France (to visit friends) and Portugal (to introduce F and the boys to my relatives).
To say that we are excited and scared (about travelling with 2 little boys on very long flights: up to 36 hours from Lisbon to Sydney) is just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh what an adventure.