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Showing posts with label Sioux Falls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sioux Falls. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sioux Falls 136th-Safest City in America

CQ Press has just released its list of the most dangerous cities in America. Sioux Falls is not one of them... but interestingly, Sioux Falls is not one of the very safest, either. Based on rates of murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft, Sioux Falls ranks 136th out of 400 cities with over 75K population. (See the full methodology here.)

Sioux Falls is still 12.5% below the national average crime rates. Here's a comparison with some other metros within a day's drive:

CityRankScore (% above or below nat'l crime rate)
Madison (WI)
Cedar Rapids
Sioux Falls
Sioux City
Des Moines
St. Paul
Kansas City

And now for your daily paradigm-buster: Remember last year when Senator Thune made some silly comment about how Central Park would be safer with some gun-toting Sioux Falls tourists to keep the peace? Golly, they must have gone there: New York City is ranked 132nd safest, better than Sioux Falls at 14.5% below the national crime rate average. Go figure!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

On the Scene: South Dakota Counter-Protests Westboro Hatemongers

It's a cold and gray November day in Sioux Falls, but dozens of real South Dakotans are on the scene to protest the handful of whackos from Fred Phelps's "church" who've come to tell us we're all going to hell because we're not as pious (or obnoxious) as they are. Thea Miller Ryan submits this photo via Twitpic from outside First Congregational Church in Sioux Falls:

photo credit: Thea Miller Ryan, Sioux Falls, Twitpic, 2010.11.21

Remember, kids: we only win with love. Keep showing the love. Someone bring those good people some hot chocolate... and hey, maybe even offer some to our guests from Kansas.

Update: @jenimc says donations at the "Love Is Bigger Than Hate" counterprotests will benefit the AIDS Walk.

Update 16:24 CST: While KSFY features the tiny handful of Phelps cultists, KDLT gets the focus right. Pay attention to the much larger local contingent of counter-protesters, like these Sioux Falls Lincoln students who showed up to reject the message of hate.

Lincoln High students @ Love is Bigger than Hate "Anti" protest from Jonathan Barnes on Vimeo.

I'd rather go to hell with kids like these than go to a heaven filled with Westboro Baptists.

Friday, November 19, 2010

"God Hates South Dakota"? Westboro Whackos Coming Sunday and Monday

Worse than wingnuts: A Facebook friend alerts me that the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to South Dakota Sunday and Monday scream and holler and make Christians look bad.

I'll direct you to their website, even though their URL demeans homosexuals and God, and even though their icon desecrates the American flag by flying it upside down. You can find there the following picketing schedule for these angry, deluded, inbred Christian fakers:
  1. First Congregational Church, Sioux Falls, November 21, 2010, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM. "WBC to picket this dog kennel where the big lies are taught." What, is First Congregational doing the blessing of the animals this weekend?
  2. St. Joseph Cathedral, Sioux Falls, November 21, 2010, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM.
    WBC will faithfully remind their fellow man in Sioux Falls that priests rape children! Giving your children over to those pedophile rapists is equivilent—" wait. At the point where the Phelps family points at St. Joseph's and squeals "these rapists," that's slander, right? Bring your camcorders and your lawyers.
  3. Calvary Cathedral, Sioux Falls, November 21, 2010, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM... because Bishop Gene Robinson is the greatest threat to humanity in the world.
  4. Washington High School, Sioux Falls, November 22, 2010, 7:40 AM - 8:10 AM. Great, even more congestion in the Warrior parking lot.
  5. University of South Dakota, Vermillion, November 22, 2010, 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM. "These institutions of so-called higher learning are pathetic substitutes for reading the Bible and BELIEVING GOD!" Right—try substituting "Read Bible" and "Believe in God" for "Graduated summa cum laude, USD Law" or "MBA" on your next job application. Really.
I am at a loss as to recommend the proper response. An angrier atheist than I—or heck, even a good Christian disgusted with such grandstanders puffing themselves up with sensational hate—might get some friends together to organize counter-protests. But some people, like Fred Phelps, are so mentally unbalanced, so incapable of rational discourse, so dedicated to making themselves feel important by drawing attention to their madness through any means available, that it's not worth good people's time to give them any attention. I'm probably helping them "win" here by even mentioning their little protests.

I have an easy out: the Phelps shouters aren't coming to my school or my town. They aren't laying picket lines anywhere that I must cross. But parishioners at three Sioux Falls churches and students at Washington and USD will face a brief test of character Sunday and Monday. How will they respond to crude, aggressive insults offered in a spirit of sheer, selfish hatred? How will parents explain to their children the deception and malevolence that drives these "Christians"? And how will they stop the Westboro infection of hatred from spreading?

Update 2010.11.20 06:06 CST: Looks like the coming South Dakota appearances of the Phelps fakers may end up going about as well as this Thursday demonstration in front of a mosque in Dearborn, Kansas, where counter-protesters outnumbered Westboro "Baptists" about 10 to 1. Two Sioux Falls copunter-protests have popped up on my Facebook invite list:
  1. Love Is Bigger Than Hate: Tove Bormes started this event. Attendees plan to bring signs and music to all three church events. Says Bormes, "[R]ather than addressing our protest at the idiots, address it to those watching, with positive messages about a) God's love, and/or (for you atheist and agnostic pals o' mine!) about your acceptance of ALL people." Thanks for including us secularists, Tove!) People who've clicked "Attending": 379.
  2. Protesting the Anti-American Westboro Baptist Church: Fellow DSU denizen Scott Richardson has put up this event. They're bringing American flags. Four attendees so far.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Events Center Team Lacks Input from Event Planners

It looks like Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether has a case of LAIC-itis. This malady, familiar to all residents of Madison and Lake County, causes public officials to pursue their own agenda for economic development without involving the citizens who would actually drive that economic development.

I base my diagnosis on the roster of folks Mayor Huether picked to help choose a design firm for the events center the mayor wants to build:

[from Ben Dunsmoor, "Downtown Group, Mayor Clash at Meeting," KELOLand.com, 2010.11.08] The team includes five men from from the different schools in town and the Sioux Falls Sports Authority:
  • Mark Lee: University Center
  • Willie Sanchez: University of Sioux Falls
  • Frank Hughes: Augustana College
  • Jeff Kreiter: Sioux Falls School District
  • Mike Sullivan: Sioux Falls Sports Authority
It also includes these five department heads from the City of Sioux Falls:
  • Mike Cooper: Director of Planning and Building Services
  • Darrin Smith: Director of Community Development
  • Don Kearney: Director of Parks and Recreation
  • Tom Huber: Acting Director of Finance
  • Mark Cotter: Director of Public Works

Good to see my Lake Herman neighbor Mark Lee on the list!

Then again, maybe it's not. Mark Lee is a good guy, but he probably won't be directly responsible for bringing any events to the new events center. The campus he oversees offers part-time classes for part-time students but, as far as I know, little in the way of entertainment or social programs that would require a big events center. Likewise for Augie and USF: they have their own performance centers for their campus activities. The school district and the sports authority might run some big events in a new facility; the five city employees on the team almost certainly will not.

Forget the fretting the Mayor Huether stacked the team with people he can boss around. The real problem here is the absence of convention planners. Where are the folks who host the Big Boys Toy Show, the farm and craft shows, and the other vendors who hawk their wares at the big weekend extravanganzas? Where are the political parties that might bring conventions and political rallies? Where are the artists and community theater folks who might organize arts festivals at the events center? Where are the people who will actually put this building to work?

Granted, the folks on the above team are just picking the design firm, not doing the design themselves. But let's hope the design firm will look beyond the team that gives it this plum job and seek input from all stakeholders.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Haggar Anti-Abortion Ally Lies with Last-Minute Negative Flyer

Congresswoman-Elect Kristi Noem wasn't the only South Dakota Republican lying her way to victory with deceptive mailings. District 15 Representative-Elect Jenna Haggar, a Republican masquerading as an Independent, enjoyed a bump Tuesday from a last-minute lie from her friends in the Unruh-abstinence camp.

As documented by Mr. Powers on Monday, the "District 15 PAC" sent out a flyer "endorsing" incumbent Democratic Representative Martha Vanderlinde. I've been tuning out Mr. Powers's propaganda too often lately. Had I paid attention, I'd have noticed the following statements on this flyer:
  1. "We are proud that Martha is among the most liberal-left politicians in Pierre."
  2. "Celebrated the passage of Obamacare"
  3. "Proudly assisted a 3rd-trimester abortion"
  4. "Supports gay marriage and endorsed by gay/lesbian/transgendered lobbists" [sic]
I also would have noticed the statement of organization for the District 15 PAC, filed four days before the election. PAC chair Christina Espenscheid declared the purpose of the PAC to be "Support Distric [sic] 15 candidates."

Christina Espenscheid, 2004Christina Espenscheid (left), pictured at International Leadership Conference, Nashville 2004
Espenscheid, Espenscheid... where have I heard that name before?

Two new studies released Tuesday provided evidence that abstinence for youth is “healthy and effective.” The reports for both of these studies were released at the Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), according to Christina Espenscheid, the education program director of the Abstinence Clearinghouse [press release, 2005.06.17].

Ah, Christina Dena Espenscheid, veteran of Leslee Unruh's Abstinence Clearinghouse, an organization well-accustomed to denying reality. Espenscheid, event and volunteer coordinator for the failed abortion ban campaign in 2006. Espenscheid, paid lobbyist in Pierre for the Abstinence Clearinghouse in 2006, the year before Jenna Haggar did the same job for SD Right to Life. Espenscheid, who went on to coordinate for another failed ballot measure in 2008, Initiated Measure 10, on behalf of the shady "South Dakotans for Clean and Open Government." (Dang, Pat: I wish your server hadn't deleted all your great posts on why Espenscheid's IM 10 was bogus.)

I guess it's nice that political operative Espenscheid could finally coordinate a campaign that succeeded. It's too bad that, to help her colleague in abstinence-crusading Jenna Haggar win, Espenscheid stooped to deceit, pretending to be an organization supporting Vanderlinde and mailing out this lie on the eve of the election.

I've been told by a mostly reasonable Christian neighbor that Muslim fundamentalists are authorized by the Qu'ran itself to lie to advance their religious and political beliefs. Espenscheid appears to demonstrate that taqiyya works for South Dakota Christians as well.

Bogus attack flyer distributed by Christina Espenscheid and "District 15 PAC"
on behalf of the Haggar for House campaign.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cat Allergy Scratches Noem Gigs in Sioux Falls

And now from the rumor mill: word rolled into the Madville Times newsroom yesterday that GOP candidate for U.S. House Kristi Noem had cancelled a full day of campaign events in Sioux Falls, including a visit with students at Roosevelt High School. What on earth could be the matter? Racing back to the ranch to reshoot campaign ads? Just remembered another court date? Boycotted the school when she learned about the Roosevelt Young Socialists Club?

No, no, no. Word from two Rough Rider correspondents is that Noem made one Sioux Falls event but had to bail when she suffered a nasty allergic reaction to cats on the premises. Ugh! Permit me to express my sincere sympathy and hope that Rep. Noem wakes up this morning refreshed, de-dandered, and ready to hop back on the campaign horse. And hey—what are you people bringing cats to campaign events for, anyway?

When the Roosevelt event is rescheduled, students are being asked to refrain from asking candidate Noem about her habitual lawbreaking. I use the weaselly passive voice there because I have been unable to determine whether that request comes from the Young Republicans at Roosevelt, from the campaign itself, or from other powers. (I'm betting word came down from the principal's office: they never let us kids have any fun, right? ;-) )

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Noem Claim of "Jobless Stimulus" False

Ask DSU, Sioux Falls P.D., Governor Rounds...

In her new lackluster TV ad, GOP candidate for U.S. House Kristi Noem recycles footage from her Texas ad shoot, footage that her own campaign manager Josh Shields criticized back in April when he was sinking R. Blake Curd's campaign.* What gives? Did your original ad plan collapse, and you had to paste together all the old footage you could find just to satisfy your TV ad contracts? Amateur Hour with Team Kristi continues....

Noem's ad also recycles an old Wall Street Journal headline into a bullet point about the "jobless stimulus."

Jobless stimulus? Really? Then who are those nice folks at DSU with new jobs in health IT, thanks to stimulus dollars? And where did Sioux Falls get those nice new police officers:

"If it weren't for the grants, there's no question we wouldn't be adding police officers this year based on just where the economy is," Sioux Falls Police Chief Doug Barthel said.

The police department hired nine new officers this year through federal grants. They cover salaries and benefits for the next three years. The department also has drug task force detectives who are paid through grants. And the county and city each have a domestic violence detective funded solely through grants [Ben Dunsmoor, "Federal Grants Help Fund Local Law Enforcement," KELOLand.com, 2010.09.15].

Now I don't know if those Sioux Falls police grants are Recovery Act dollars. To find out, maybe we can check with Governor M. Michael Rounds, whose own spreadsheet connects Recovery Act spending in South Dakota with over 6500 jobs. And on SDPB's Dakota Midday, the governor's Secretary of Labor Pam Roberts just said her stats show 1000 more job openings this month than last month.

Hmm... I thought jobless meant no jobs. The above examples look like jobs.

As usual in South Dakota, it's Uncle Sam to the rescue. And it's Team Kristi pretending words mean what Team Kristi says and not what the words actually mean.
Update 2010.09.17: Add 110 jobs in northeast South Dakota and adjoining areas thanks to broadband stimulus.
*In an interview with Jonathan Ellis ("Ads in GOP House Race Start with Noem Commercial Filmed in Texas") published in that Sioux Falls paper on April 30, 2010, Shields pointedly observed that the Curd campaign would respond to Noem's opening ad salvo with ads filmed in South Dakota.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sioux Falls Sewer Woes -- I Love My Septic Tank

The next time someone around Lake Herman suggests we build a central sewer system around the lake, I'm going to remind them of the grief Sioux Falls residents are having with their sewer system this week. One pipe fails, and a million gallons of sewage backs up. Mayor Mike Huether orders thousands of homes and businesses not to use their toilets, laundry, or showers (just what you want to hear after a hard day of working on the road crew or getting back from a five-mile run in the summer heat). The city has to discharge sewage into Covell Lake and the Big Sioux River at a rate of 900 to 1200 gallons per minute.

If the Lake Herman Sanitary District were to replace private septic tanks with a shared public sewer, we wouldn't include a storm sewer that would amplify water flow and increase the risk of overloading the system. But consider that one plugged or broken pipe in a central system puts an entire quadrant of Sioux Falls at risk of basements full of sewage. One pump station malfunction threatens everyone's property and health. And whatever the problem—too much volume, one defective pipe, one human error—everyone one the system pays for it via taxes.

With our septic tanks on Lake Herman, there can still be problems. An old tank can crumble and leak. Drainfields can get saturated, plugged with roots, or packed by driving trucks or heavy equipment over the yard. Homeowners can flush grease and oil and objects down the drain that plug the system and cause a backup.

But when something goes wrong with a septic system, the damage is usually limited to one house and yard, the property of the person who more than likely neglected or misused his system in the first place. The costs of onsite septic system failure—wrecked carpet and drywall, stress from cleaning up, four or five thousand dollars to replace a tank—never impact an entire neighborhood at once. If I fail to take care of my septic tank, my stupidity doesn't cause my neighbors grief.

Living in the city has much to recommend it. But the joys of central sewer are not an element of city living that I envy or that I wish on my neighbors here on Lake Herman.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sioux Falls Bus Bargain: $3 a Day!

I've never ridden a Sioux Falls bus. I suspect very few of us out-of-towners have done so. We come down to the big city in our Personal Family Tanks, load up on provisions at Hy-Vee and Menards, and generally terrorize you big-city folks with our country driving.

That said, Joe Sneve's report yesterday on the new fare boxes on Sioux Falls buses makes me think mass transit in the Queen City is quite a bargain.

With the new system, riders will be able to buy one-day bus passes for $3, a seven-day card for $10, a 10-day card for $8.50, and a 30-day card for $25. Except for one-day cards bought on the bus, fare cards are not validated until the first time it is used in the fare box. Passengers can ride the bus unlimited during the validation period [Joe Sneve, "New Fare Boxes Board City Buses," that Sioux Falls paper, 2010.07.26].

$3 for a full day of urban adventure? Wowza! When I lived in Vancouver, B.C., six years ago, I paid $3 for a two-zone ticket that lasted just 90 minutes. (That's up to $3.75 now... $2.50 during non-peak hours.) A Vancouver day pass is $9; a monthly pass ranges from $81 to $151. So for the typical urban dweller trying to get along without a car, travel in Sioux Falls is remarkably cheaper than travel in Vancouver.

Of course, it's still not as cheap as going everywhere on your bicycle! Even there, Sioux Falls beats Vancouver, since it's not raining all the time.

Now granted, you can go all over a lot more kingdom come in Vancouver than you can in Sioux Falls. There's more there there! Compare the metro areas of Sioux Falls and Vancouver (side-by-side maps courtesy of Yahoo Maps):

Side-by-side comparison of Sioux Falls and Vancouver metro areasSioux Falls and Vancouver metro areas—click to enlarge!

The transit system in Vancouver has a lot more penetration of the city than the Sioux Falls system. Consider the Sioux Area Metro map:

Sioux Falls bus mapSioux Falls bus routes—click to enlarge!

Check out that big transit dead zone in southeast Sioux Falls. Evidently the folks in the ritzy development from Tuthill Park outward don't feel the need for mass transit. But hey, your housekeepers have to get to work, don't they? Oh well—perhaps as commerce blooms on the East Side (cue Moby!), a bus route will punch through to Highway 11.

Someday I'll take a day for a mass transit excursion around Sioux Falls (we did that on our family trip to Winnipeg last year—loved it!). In the mean time, local riders, I welcome your comments. How's the bus treating you in Sioux Falls?
p.s.: The fare boxes mean less freeloading and more driver attention on the road. This new, more fair and efficient electronic system comes to Sioux Falls courtesy of federal stimulus money. Thank you, Uncle Sam.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

IgniteSD #3 in Sioux Falls August 2 -- Ideas and Dreams Welcome!

Wow—JazzFest this weekend, Tonic Sol-fa at Shelterfest in two weeks... it's getting hard to keep track of everything happening!

But flip your calendar one page: IgniteSD #3 is slated for August 2 in Sioux Falls! Folks interested in fast enlightenment and creativity will gather that Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Museum of Visual Materials in downtown Sioux Falls. Looks like a heck of a good space for some public speaking!

The first two IgniteSD's have been good fun—the Sioux Falls event promises the same. If you're interested in presenting, give the IgniteSD guys a shout and get your five minutes on the program. Then come downtown and hear what your creative and interesting neighbors have to say!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eden Prairie Best Small City; Sioux Falls 77th

A lesson in not tooting the horn too soon:

Over the July 4th weekend, Mayor Mike Huether teased readers of that Sioux Falls paper by mentioning that Money Magazine had contacted his office last month to talk about including the Queen City in its top cities list. O! to hearken back to those halcyon days of the 1990s when Money once named Sioux Falls the best place to live in the country. Might we be on the verge of recapturing our glory?

No. Surveying 752 cities of population 50K to 300K, Money crowns Eden Prairie, Minnesota, as the best little burg. Sioux Falls ranks 77th. Rapid City doesn't make the top 100.

Here's how Sioux Falls and Rapid City stack up against the top 10 cities on the list and the average metrics for the top 100:

Note that Money fails to include city sales tax for Sioux Falls and Rapid City. But tax rates apparently don't matter much: Minnesota's relatively high income tax doesn't keep Eden Prairie from ranking #1... or Plymouth, Woodbury, Egan, or Apple Valley from making the top 20.

Fargo, Lincoln, and Cedar Rapids all beat Sioux Falls with cheaper median housing prices. Grand Forks, Bismarck, Dubuque, Ames, Missoula, Rochester, and Cheyenne all beat Sioux Falls for shorter commute time (which makes sense, given how dependent Sioux Falls is on workforce driving from Harrisburg, Dell Rapids, Madison, and elsewhere). Sioux Falls doesn't even make the top 25 for clean air, falling behind Ames, Bismarck, Lincoln, Fargo, and even refinery-happy Cheyenne (uh oh: I feel a Hyperion argument coming on).

Sioux Falls does come out on top for job growth over the decade, thanks to Lincoln County's 67% job boom. Sioux Falls is also the 20th coldest city on the list (though Minnesota still beats the snowpants off us in this category, too).

Some nice places Sioux Falls beat overall:
  • Fargo (#86) but not Bismarck (#74)
  • Sioux City (as if there were any doubt)
  • Duluth
  • Green Bay and Milwaukee
  • Madison, Wisconsin (#95)
  • Kalamazoo
  • 15 out of 17 cities in Ohio
  • Boulder, Colorado (wait a minute—Boulder, you should call for a recount)
  • Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, and Boca Raton (seriously!)
  • every place in Oregon!
Peruse the full report yourself... and eagerly anticipate Mayor Huether's appearance at his next press conference wearing a #77 Fighting Pheasants jersey.

Related: South Dakota fails to make the list of the 2010 Digital Counties Survey Awards from the Center for Digital Government. Minnesota's Hennepin, Dakota, and Olmsted counties make the top-ten lists in their respective population groups. Half of South Dakota's counties don't even have websites.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Minor Malpractice: KELO "Promotes" Grassroots with Top-Down Report

Minor journalistic malpractice: KELO does a story on the good work neighborhood associations can do to address specific local concerns within the big city of Sioux Falls. They mention the Whittier Resident Association, which erstwhile-blogging neighbor April Schave has discussed here on the Madville Times.

But does KELO actually visit with any of the good folk from Whittier to find out what they've done to make their neighborhood a better place or get tips on how to start and sustain a neighborhood association? Alas, no. They do the easy journalism, talking only with city officials Erica Beck and Darrin Smith. To their credit, Beck and Smith are encouraging local folks to start their own associations. But instead of directing folks to go to the center and contact the city planning department, the report would be that much better if it linked to the Whittier Resident Association so other residents could get info straight from the horse's mouth.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Minnehaha Taking Eliason to Court over Smut Shop Proximity to Park

Sioux Falls smut-peddler and subject of restraining orders David Eliason may be headed for court again. Eliason, whose life calling appears to be the sale of sex toys and similar offensive materials, owns the Love Shack (and thereby sullies one of the best songs of my youth) on 41st Street and runs the most atrocious ads I've heard on Sioux Falls Top 40 radio.

Deputy States Attorney Justin DeBoer says Eliason's perversion palace violates state law that prohibits "adult-oriented" businesses from setting up shop within a quarter mile of schools, parks, churches, or pools. DeBoer points to nearby Jefferson Park as cause for the complaint. Eliason insists his shop operates "100 percent in compliance with the law," but if I'm reading Google Maps right, his clinic for the sexually inadequate is just a tenth of a mile from the nearby ball diamond. (Note to Eliason: yes, 1/10 really is less than 1/4.)

The smut shop's neighbors don't seem to mind Eliason's wares. A worker at a neighboring shop calls the Love Shack a "good neighbor" and the clientele "normal, everyday people" (none of whom apparently stopped with their plain paper sacks to talk to the press).

Quote of the week goes to Curt Colter, neighboring Oreck vacumm cleaner store owner, who says he has no problem with the nearby smut shop. "Their customers might be my customers. Everybody needs a good, quality vacuum."

Now that's cross-marketing.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Storm in the City as I Wait to Drive Home

Want to experience separation from reality? Walk into Barnes and Noble as a thunderstorm approaches.

We've seen the storm coming for an hour. We've felt it coming all day. Weather like today's heat and humidity doesn't just hang; it hangs, then bangs.

I had hoped to go for a bike ride around Sioux Falls this evening. But when I stepped out of the Dem convention and found the solid grey wall of a thundercloud looming over Sioux Falls, I decided there were better places to be than the open road.

I ran a couple errands, hung a concert poster, got a cheap juice and jam and cheese, then stopped at the mall for a burger. Then I went back outside, to see what was coming.

Shoppers and clerks and mall security guys were stepping outside—sure, it fits: the security guys are paid to monitor threats, the storm's a threat, so sure, let 'em go outside to check the weather.

...is it gonna rain?...

...look at that one, little spin there...

...man, temperature dropped, like forty degrees...

Forty degrees is an exaggeration, but the churn of the clouds and the lightning isn't. it is noticeably cooler, and after a day of still, heavy air clinging to our clothes and hair and skin, this mild movement, the beginnings of mist, is a great relief.

When I was little, Mom said green clouds mean trouble. I looked west and north. The clouds were green.

The people around me—not shoppers, not consumers, not worker drones, but people again, made natural and primal in the face of a storm—have forgotten what brought them out to shop as nearly as I have forgotten the handshakes and nominations and debates about the need for verbs in sentences that brought me to the city. We wonder at the clouds, the wind, the swirling tiny fireflies of dust-mote droplets in the headlights. Only 6:30 p.m., and the street lights have snapped on. The storm is coming, and we are tiny before it, tiny as our cars and streets and the entire city, dwarfed by the towering, lumbering clouds.

I walk through that mist, cross lot and lanes to Barnes and Noble. There, too, on the north side of 41st Street, people stand outside, not completely afraid (or they wouldn't be here), but all with a palpable sense that they shouldn't stand and watch the coming storm for much longer. We can smell the lightning.

And then I walk inside, the double doors an airlock to altered space. Just four steps in, with a clear view out and first fresh whiffs of the tousle and damp we bring inside, the nice girl at the front table shows nothing but cheery determination to equip all mankind (or Sioux Falls-kind) with Nooks. The music plays on the speakers, a straggling clientele thinned by supper and storm buys fancy coffee. The books and sale placards remain orderly, the music hip and purchase-inducing. Nothing like the artificial world of commerce to make the real world disappear.

I sit to blog, and that outdoor anxiety disappears. Amidst all these books and commerce, there is no knowing of what is coming, only...

Crack! Crack! Boom!

...the sudden realization that it is here, a storm bigger than anything we do...

BOOM! Whoa!

...a crack of thunder over the pounding torrent sharp enough that people inside jump. Lights inside flicker, swift enough we aren't quite sure—did the power just blink? Is the storm that big? Power out at home, alone or with your family, is one thing. Power out in the city, in a store, surrounded by strangers... oh, the primal instincts of self-preservation that arise. I hear someone mention flashlights.

But the lights stay on. Behind me, three young people respond to the thunder as best humans can: with laughter. Around me are Star Wars Lego ships (my old X-Wing! oh, to be young and build it myself!), a Spanish Bingo set, and a girl in a black and white dress with a yellow flower in her hair.

I leave the coffee shop, head for the front of the store. People come in now less jaunty, drenched in summer clothes, now shivering in air-conditioning set for the hotter weather of an hour ago. I sit by the front window (lightning, thunder, wind, and I sit by five-foot sheets of glass—how does our species survive?) Trees and steel lamposts and the wide Wendy's sign alike shake. Sheets of rain—we can hardly see across the now great wet river of 41st Street.

...is it still raining? asks a man sitting with his back to the window, talking on his phone. A man at the door says this'll stop in 20 minutes. It's breaking up in the west, an old girlfriend's dad would always say in the midst of the most thunderous drenching. But yes, those little trees are shaking less. And how much more water can there be in one sky?

C-click, c-click, c-click, c-click... the girl in the black and white dress steps as softly as she can on tile in her summer shoes to the window to survey the storm. Her yellow flower, big as her face, is the brightest reflection in the window. Bright as the sunshine—yes, just that shade—that will break in twenty minutes and see us all home.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Conservative Website Claims Watchdog Status on Mayor-Elect Huether

...now if that dog just had a name....

NotMyManMike.com, an anti-Mike Huether website, appeared to fold the night Huether won the Sioux Falls mayoral run-off. But they're back with a nice new Wordpress template. As Nick Nemec notes, their latest post, "Election Recap," sounds like some last-gasp sour grapes, but the website promises to stick around as a "watchdog blog."

I disagree with some of the website's apparent politics and take on fiscal policy. I also don't care much for a site that dedicates itself to attacking one man personally but won't identify its own author(s) by name (skyorbit? Come on: we are not the Green Lantern or Vendetta). I do note, however, that the author was willing to identify the website's funding source as Ivan Ven Osdel of Sioux Falls. Site registrant and technical contact is Sioux Falls Libertarian Tracy Saboe. Interestingly, their small blogroll includes a link to a blog by conservative Neal Tapio, a hearkening to South Dakota blogosphere history.

Political disagreements aside, I share the thus far anonymous author's concerns about America's usury capital being governed by a rich former bank president. Democrat or not, Mayor Huether (and every other local government) can use a good watchdog. I hope NotMyManMike.com will ably and honestly fill the role it now claims... and will do so by name.

Update 10:35 CDT: I take that back: skyorbit appears to be Tracy Saboe's online handle. I just wish NotMyManMike.com would make that connection a little clearer. You speak in the public realm, you should speak directly by name.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Giebink Trades House Race for Police Chase

Looks like Greg Kniffen is on his own leading the Dem charge against Gene Abdallah and Roger Hunt in District 10:

A Sioux Falls attorney is in custody after she led a sheriff's deputy on a high-speed chase that reached 100 mph at one point.

The Minnehaha County Sheriff's Department says a deputy attempted to stop a speeding vehicle around 2 a.m. Friday on East 26th Street in Sioux Falls. The driver, Mary Ann Giebink, ran two stop signs along Six Mile Road and continued to speed through the Pine Lake Hills housing development [Kushida and Dunsmoor, "SF Attorney Arrested for DWI, Marijuana," KELOLand.com, 2010.05.07].

Giebink is technically still a Democratic candidate for the South Dakota House of Representatives. But "first DWI, aggravated eluding, speeding, stop sign violations and possession of marijuana" just don't make a good campaign slogan.

When it comes to booze and pot, I'm a big Nancy. But for Pete's sake, if you just have to get lit up, can you just do it at home?

Update: $5000 bond, ankle monitor... and bad pix in jail stripes. District 10 Dems, fire up the Independent draft movement.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mayor Huether: My Ambivalence

Mike Huether won the Sioux Falls mayoral race yesterday. After finishing less than a percentage point behind Kermit Staggers in the main election two weeks ago, Huether beat Staggers 57% to 43% on a wave of higher than expected voter turnout (more Sioux Fallsians came out to vote in the runoff than in the first vote—what voter fatigue?). No word yet from Camp Huether on when the new mayor will conduct his first gay wedding ceremony....

I could get excited about Huether's victory. Sioux Falls friends told me that Huether appreciates the role of the city in supporting the arts and cultural events that make Sioux Falls a relatively attractive place to live, unlike Staggers, whom my friends portrayed as a cultural neanderthal.

Politically, I could look at a Democrat governing the biggest city in South Dakota as a plus. Yes, I know the mayoralty is a non-partisan office, but let's change out of our Mayberry pants: Mayor-elect Huether will directly govern a fifth of our state's population in our biggest media market. Having a Democrat in that visible position helps the party and puts one more heavy hitter in the chute for future races. Republicans do the same calculus. Deal with it.

I could also get excited about Huether's practical repudiation of local Teabagger power. His stunning Epp factor of 2.5 showed that Teabaggers don't yet have the organizational power to form a winning local majority. Staggers espoused the sort of low-tax, minimal-government positions that should have gotten the Glenn Beck masses excited. So much for "We surround them!" The tricorner hat crowd stands a chance of lucking out against multiple opponents who divide other constituencies, but they can't win a straight up, mono e mono campaign.

Now I left a few comments on some other blogs (including NotMyManMike.com, which had already deleted its comment before I hit the sack last night) that could have been construed as support for Huether. But I never came out and advocated for Huether... because for all the reasons I might be glad he won, I still can't trust him. Not yet.

Huether is the kind of politician I wish my Teabagger neighbors could beat. He's the Sioux Falls version of a Wall Street fat cat, the corporate big shot who buys an election with the fortune he made in South Dakota's usury industry. Huether comes from First Premier Bank, which has the gall to assert that charging people 79.9% interest wasn't their choice but something forced on them by credit card reform. Huether comes from an industry that thrives on deceit and wage- and labor-crushing anarcho-capitalist deregulation (see also South Dakota, Russia).

Had I the pleasure of voting in Sioux Falls yesterday, I might have had to think long an hard about where to put my graphite smudge. Kermit Staggers represents a lot of things I disagree with... but so does Mike Huether. I can often trust a Republican political science professor like Staggers (I'm thinking of you, Ken!) more than I can trust a rich corporate Democrat like Huether.

South Dakota's financial status quo stinks (more on that later). A poli-sci prof arguably has less interest in preserving that status quo than an elite product of that corporate system. Sioux Falls just elected the latter.

That's why I can't greet Huether's victory with three cheers. I hope his practical actions in office will prove me wrong... and will get those potholes filled!

Update 08:42 CDT: Mike Huether's current Facebook status: "Congratulations, Mike! Knew you could do it! So proud of you!"

Now come on, people: if I wrote on my own Facebook status, "Congratulations, Cory! I'm so proud of you!" you'd make fun of me, wouldn't you?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Buhl Makes DC Mag as Bright Light in SD Politics

Boy, if Pastor Hickey frets that the Huether mayoral campaign's hiring of Hildebrand Strategies signals an effort to turn Sioux Falls into a gay haven (and really, what would be wrong with that? Let's make some money!), he must see gay rights advocate and blog maven Angie Buhl's candidacy for State Senate in neighboring District 15 as a real red alert (or is that pink alert?).

Sure to add fuel to the Hickey's fire: Buhl gives this interview to The New Gay, a D.C. alt-queer publication that refers to Buhl as "An Ally in South Dakota."

Now I can see that one sentence being turned into a banner headline for mailings and ads for anti-Buhl (and anti-gay) campaigners. But I am darn glad to see it. The article shows Buhl is exactly the kind of Democrat I love, one who isn't afraid to stand up for justice for all.

Buhl tells The New Gay why she's challenging incumbent Dem Kathy Miles:

I really love South Dakota. I find myself talking about it non-stop when I leave and I think it’s a really great place. The district that I’m in is in Sioux Falls, which is our biggest city. It’s downtown, the central part Sioux Falls, so it ends up being pretty Democratic and Progressive. The district had always been represented by people who are not Progressive, however, even though they’re Democrats, and they’ve sort of been able to pass that off by saying the district doesn’t support that. Luckily we know that the district is very progressive, and ultimately no one else has been willing to call out the incumbent on some of these issues and the fact that she hasn’t represented her constituents, and I’m excited to do that ["Politics: An Ally in South Dakota," The New Gay, 2010.04.26].

Those who will want to portray Buhl as some single-issue candidate will be disappointed. She says her biggest issues are affordable housing and wind energy. But she isn't backing away from her strong progressive stances on gay rights and abortion. Far from triangulating or tempering her views, Buhl is determined to make the case to voters that unapologetic Progressive politics are actually good for South Dakota.

As I said, that's my kind of Democrat. Fellow Dems, if you're still disappointed Kevin Weiland didn't bring that conversation to the statewide primary, maybe you'd like to chip in some cash to help Buhl lead that conversation in the heart of Sioux Falls. Maybe, just maybe, Buhl is the new Democrat we've been waiting for.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Green Notes: Amerts, Army, Urban Agriculture!

As we enjoy what feels like one of the nicest, calmest springs (oh, to run track again in an April like this!), here are some notes on good green news:

* * *
Amert Construction of Madison is doing some good green work in Sioux Falls. They donated some time and effort to pour the slab for the straw bale shed that will be built as part of the Plain Green Conference next week. (The City of Madison still hasn't gotten back to Amerts on their plan to build wind turbines to greet folks coming to Madison on Highway 34. The city's answer should be heck yeah! But the city is discussing its new wind ordinances tonight... which include a proposed prohibition on small wind producers selling their clean electricity to anyone and cutting into the city's monopoly. Hey, what kind of communism is that?)

* * *
Operation Free veterans aren't the only military folks gung ho about green. The United States Armed Forces are recognizing the connection between resource conservation and national security. The Army has cut water use at permanent bases worldwide by 31% since 2004 and energy use per square foot by 10%. They've spent $100 million on spray foam insulation to reduce losses from air conditioning on tents in Iraq and Afghanistan (wait a minute: air conditioning... in tents?). That insulation investment pays for itself in 90 days. The Pentagon is spending $2.7 billion this year on energy efficiency. And before you shout solar panels are for sissies, not Marines, consider: using less fuel means fewer trips for military fuel trucks, which means fewer targets for insurgents and roadside bombs... which means more soldiers making it home with two good legs on which to run to their kids. (Go ahead, Bob: tell me the whole United States military is a bunch of gullible socialist dupes. Better yet, tell the soldiers you know.)

* * *
This editorial notes how a push for urban agriculture could solve a wealth of environmental woes. Consider that 40% of the energy used in agriculture goes to making fertilizers and pesticides. Sure, those chemicals help you get larger yields, but at the expense of flavor and nutrition. Urban organic farmer K. Rashid Nuri notes with pride the growing number of city folks getting away from that addiction to chemicals and quantity by "growing crops on vacant lots, in abandoned fields, in greenhouses, on balconies, by schools, in prison yards, in nursing homes and in countless other creative and engaging places." He notes numerous benefits to urban agriculture: "economic savings, environmental improvement, lifestyle enhancement, increased exercise and family and community bonding." City folks growing rooftop rutabagas may not look quite like Jefferson's yeoman farmer, but when 4 out of 5 Americans live in town, urban farming is a practical way to, as Nuri urges us, "reclaim our agricultural heritage."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Environmentalists, Rockers, Lutherans... Greenfest at Augie Saturday!

An eager reader gives me a shout about Greenfest and the Clean Energy Forum taking place on the Augustana College campus tomorrow (Saturday, April 10) from noon to 10 p.m. Some of my favorite enviro-policy wonks, including Pete Carrels, Matt McGovern, Matt McLarty, and LeighAnn Dunn, will be there to educate the masses. I also hear there's free food from Buffalobarries, followed by music in the evening by Needles and Thimbles and Fluxx.

So even if you're an end-timer expecting the Rapture to spare you from having to sweat climate change, can you really pass up free food and intelligent conversation sponsored by good Lutherans? :-)