Showing posts with label Big Up Yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Up Yourself. Show all posts

May 31, 2010

Sugartit Kitchens: You know you want some.

Hey everyone!

I'm so happy and proud of my homegirls at Sugartit Kitchens, who recently scored a spot at Forage SF's Underground Farmer's Market. And what, you may be wondering, is the Underground Farmer's Market? From the Forage SF web site:

The SF Underground Market was conceived of by Iso Rabins in early December 2009. Frustrated by his inability to get a booth at legit farmers markets (to be in most farmers markets in SF you need to be certified as the primary producer of the food you sell, and since wild foraged food grows on its own, there is technically no producer), as well as amazed by the wealth of delicious professional quality food being made in Bay Area home kitchens.

The first market was held in a private home in the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco, with 8 vendors, and about 200 attendees. Now at number three (at the time of this post) , It has grown to 47 vendors and over 1,200 people attending.

The SF Underground Market is an incubator. A place where budding businesses can get a leg up on their road to legitimacy.

Sugartit Kitchens will be offering the following items this Friday, June 4, from 6 p.m. to midnight:

  • Whoopie Pies
  • Cupcakes
  • Brown Sugar Bread & Butter Pickles
  • Pickled Green Beans
  • Apricot/Vanilla/Almond Confiture
  • Strawberry/Black Pepper/Mint Jam
  • Rhubarb/Rosemary Confiture
  • White Cherry/Raspberry/Absinthe Jelly
  • Tipsy Date Cake
  • Cocoa Nib Cookies
Seriously, if you can, go check out the market, and look for Sugartit Kitchens. They're two of the most fantastic, creative, charming, and talented women I know. You won't be disappointed!

SF Underground Farmer's Market
934 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA 94103-4906

Sugartit Kitchens will be representing to the fullest from 6 p.m. - midnight.

Dec 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Everyone here at You Forgot Poland! wishes you a very merry holiday season. To those of you who still come by my humble corner of the blogosphere---including those of you who still come by for that bikini wax video---thank you very much for your presence.

I turn 36 today. It's not really hitting me yet; I have tons of stuff on my mind, both on a personal and professional level, and it's making me feel a little overwhelmed.

Needless to say, I'll have plenty of time during the the coming year to revel in the joys of being 36.

There are joys to being 36 ... right?

Feb 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day or something

Especially to you who are Valentine-less, like me.

UPDATE 2/14, 11 a.m.: I realize my initial post is somewhat cynical. After reading this heart-warming, positive piece from Res Ipsa Loquitur at Rising Hegemon, I've been inspired to follow her lead and not be so damn negative about Valentine's Day. So, on that note:

Dec 22, 2007

Tonight is the night

I'm turning (gulp) 35 this year. Thirty. Fucking. Five.

In three days.

I'm a little freaked out. It's kind of a big deal.

So to start things off on the right foot, my friend and I are celebrating our birthdays tonight at a double super-secret location in Oakland.

It's gonna be fierce; please believe it. Be afraid, Oaktown. Be very afraid.

Oct 12, 2007

Vindication for Al Gore

Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) won the Nobel Peace Prize today for his work to fight global climate change.
"The Nobel Peace Prize Committee has today made it clear that combating climate change is a central peace and security policy for the 21st century," Achim Steiner, head of the United Nations Environment Programme, said in a statement.

"The IPCC and Mr. Gore have contributed to the unprecedented momentum on the climate-change challenge in 2007," Steiner added.

Tony Juniper, executive director of environmental campaign group Friends of the Earth, said of the Nobel announcement: "This is a very welcome signal that the world is beginning to wake up to how environmental challenges are going to shape many aspects of human welfare long into the future.

"We hope that politicians everywhere will see this signal and take heed," he added.
Seems like proper vindication for the Man Who Should Have Been President to me. I only hope Al Gore's ability to influence more action regarding global climate change continues.

Oct 25, 2006

I know famous people and stuff.

A girl I know from grad school is celebrating the byline she got for this People magazine article.

Congrats, Missy!

(Props to Jonesey at Jones of the Nile for the heads up.)

Jun 19, 2006

Ava, go ON with your bad self!

Ava Lowery, a 15-year-old blogger, has caught some flak (and by "flak," I mean death threats) for clips such as this one that are anti-war.

Her powerful images are striking, and even more so because she's 15 and because she's from the South. She's anti-war, but supports the troops. If even a 15 year old can wrap her head around the notion that the two are not mutually exclusive, then others can. I'm glad that CNN interviewed her, although the reporter's hardball-line of questioning is pretty hilarious to me, considering the girl is 15, godammit. I mean, one of the questions she asked her was:
"How did you even KNOW about the war?"
Um, hell-LO.

Oh, and how about the reporter's attempt at playa-hatin' on left-wing blogs (I'm assuming she's referring to YearlyKos) playing her clips and "using" her? WhatEVER.

Ava handled the reporter's questions very well. Girlfriend did me proud, and I don't even do media prep. Anyhoo.

I'd be curious to see if any of the pundits go after her and paint her as an unpatriotic, evil person who hates America ...

Go visit her blog at

May 8, 2006

Girl-on-Girl Action in The Jerz

Attention all you readers in The Jerz (that is, if I have any):

My homegirl Erica over at Soft Pretzel Love has joined a roller derby team in Philly, and her team is heading over to The Jerz to battle the Fallen Angels on May 21. So, to show my love for Hell O'Kittie, I offer you, Dear Reader, their press release:


Girl-On-Girl Roller Derby Action Hits the Garden State
on Sunday, May 21!

There will be blood, bruises and Sweet Revenge at 7 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, when the Penn Jersey She-Devils’ Sadistic Sweethearts take on fellow PJSD team the Fallen Angels in a knock down, drag out—and guaranteed to be sold out—grudge match at Holiday Skating Center in Delanco, N.J.

The two teams went head-to-head in the league’s premiere bout on Sunday, March 26, at Holiday Skating Center, where they wowed a sold-out audience and raised money for the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). Three hundred more tickets have been added for this bout, and are also guaranteed to sell out. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door and $20 VIP.

To help the She-Devils become the most badass athletes Penn-Jersey has seen in over 30 years, 2004 Roller Derby Hall of Fame inductee Judy “the Polish Ace” Sowinski, and Arnold "Skip" Schoen signed on as coaches last year, setting PJSD apart as the only league coached by bona fide banked track roller derby stars. In addition to whipping the She-Devils into shape on wheels, both Judy and Skip skated for the Philadelphia Warriors in the 1970s, where they kicked quad-skate ass for a living.

Roller derby is a real, unscripted sport, and the She-Devils hone their skills twice a week at Cornwell’s Skating Center in Bensalem, Pa. A third team will be formed this spring; unlike roller derby leagues of the past, modern roller derby leagues are comprised of at least two teams that skate against each other in addition to other area leagues. Skaters also take unique names, which are registered in a national database.

Additional bouts for the 2006 season are currently in the planning stages for rinks throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including a bout in Hershey, Pa., in June. In the meantime, each She-Devil is busy perfecting her game, with rookies joining on a regular basis as the sport becomes increasingly popular. There are nearly 80 flat track roller derby teams across the U.S., and counting!

About the She-Devils: The Penn Jersey She-Devils is the original Philadelphia region all-girl roller derby league. Founded in 2005 by Ken Sikes and Greg Spencer, PJSD is a skater-owned and -operated league, with over 40 skaters from both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, ranging in age from 20 to 45, who strap on quad roller skates and hit the rink every Monday and Thursday at Cornwell's Skating Center in Bensalem, Pa. She-Devils’ occupations vary widely—the league includes body piercers, chefs, chemists, clowns, massage therapists retail owners, tattoo artists and teachers—but all She Devils are in it for one thing: to skate like hell.

Apr 7, 2006

The blog o' love

I must be one sappy mofo, because this tickled me:

Nim proposed to Jen on Eschaton today, and she said yes. But not until after she finished her online Scrabble game.

No word yet on whether there will be live podcasting of the bachlor/ette parties.

May 16, 2005

It's Jonsey!

One of my favoritest* people in the world just started a blog. His name is Mike, a dear friend of mine from grad school. Check it out and show him some blogosphere love.

*technical term, not commonly used among laymen

May 6, 2005

Friday Morning Shout Out

I don't watch MTV's "The Real World" anymore because the antics that go on these days end up pissing me off - a sure sign that I'm getting old and WAY out of the MTV demographic.

But I loved, loved, LOVED Melissa Howard, the half black/half filipino girl on the Real World New Orleans. I was so happy that MTV had a real filipino up on that show, and one that was funny and just acted just like how my cousins and I act when we get together. Yes, I identified with her. I loved her. Melissa's the shit.

And she has a blog. Well, I don't know if it can be considered a "blog" per se, it's more of a website with blog. Okay, so I guess it's a blog. Whatever.

Anyway, so Melissa recently updated it (she's very busy, you know) with an entry in which she talks about the Paula Abdul/Corey Whats-his-face "scandal," which then morphs into a whole soliloquy about how she just moved to Lawn Guyland to live with her boyfriend who's in a band but I don't know who he is.

She's funny as hell. Check out her website. And have a great weekend.

Apr 22, 2005

Friday Evening Nerdliness

I came across this while surfing a perfectly cromulent blog (which I got to via Scamboogah's site). Apparently Darth Vader has hopped on the blogwagon, heh heh. For all you Star Wars fans, please, try not to soil yourselves.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

Mar 29, 2005

I'm going to Hell for this one, I know it.

But I can't help it. It's funny as all hell. Check it out. Whoever thought of this is one twisted mafaka.

Thanks to Scaramouche for the link.

Mar 12, 2005

I'm so excited I could scream!

My best best best best friend that I've known since junior high has started her own blog. Please show her some blogosphere lovin' and leave a comment or sixty.

Mar 2, 2005

Shout outs

What a lovely little blogging world we live in. As I continue to surf through the multitude of Internet Voices yearning to be free, there are a few that I find myself coming back to over and over again, for various reasons. Feel free to check them out. Word.

  • One Child Left Behind: Aside from the fact that we're the same age, he's a Capricorn AND born in the year of the rat, I love his writing style. He's almost as ovary worthy as Mark Morford although a) hees vife vood be very angry, and b) I only have two ovaries.
  • What's Wrong With...: A fresh perspective from across the pond.
  • T&A: Two girls from SoCal who sound like the kind of chicks I like to hang with. They're witty, ascerbic, and way sarcastic. I love it. One of them is trying to quit smoking, and I feel like I'm drawn to her saga.
  • Coroner Stories: This site appeals to my morbid fascination with forensics and my obsession with "Silence of the Lambs." It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.
  • Regurgitated News: All the wit of John Stewart, except available way before my bedtime.
  • Guns N' Baddus: I added this guy to my favorites on the strength of one entry alone - his retelling of his dream about God. Funny as all hell. Ah, if only I had more ovaries...