Well you lovely folks have trotted along with us as we've tackled many projects throughout our house just enough to make them tolerable until we can complete them. We've truly come a long way from where we were when we purchased the house but of course we have a while to go. You've only seen some of the house because honestly speaking, some things are just better left hidden away, covered up, not spoken of. Why would we keep these places far from your eyes? Well because we have a great respect for vision and we'd be entirely out of line if we subjected your eyes to something harmful, unsightly, aesthetically unappealing, visually stunted, something...dare I say it!! Decor Challenged!!!
That's right, there is a room, a very important room that is in dire need of a decor whirlwind. This room that I speak of is where the sun shines through, the room that leads to the patio and backyard, it's an important room. Chris seems to tuck comfortably into this room quite dandy,
mind you I have no earthly idea how and it is a great space for the boys to play in when they are here. We keep their toys hidden in two ottomans in this room so they run there immediately, but it isn't very family friendly. It's no place you want to sit and eat popcorn. It's actually quite barren and waiting for us to give it a little bit of love. This not so family friendly room that I am speaking of is unfortunately-
-sigh-- our family room. I know!! What kind of family room lacks a family to visit it on a regular basis! I should be charged with family room neglect, which is the worst kind of home neglect there is! Take a look, don't judge, even though this is cyberspace I'll sense it. O.K. I can take it, I'm the toughest blogger/renovator I know! Judge away, judge away!
Now do you see why this is the unspoken room? Why I can't get cozy shmozy in this room? It's because it's just not cute! Nothing about this room says kick off your shoes so that your toes can smush into the carpet. Nothing about this room says nestle into the corner of the
non-existent sectional and read a book. Why doesn't it say that you ask? Because for one, the carpet was permanently damaged by the prior owners and the old spare slip covered sofas turn into wrinkled skin when you get up from them. Nothing about this room says welcome family! It's more like uh, how about we just stay in the living room with our oh so perfectly laid hardwoods and comfy sofas. We do have plans for this room though, but you know the drill! We tackle them as we can bit by bit.
So as the routine goes, stay tuned to see how this room transforms slooooooooooooowly but surely!