Finally!! We are able to have a Christmas tree in our semi-complete house!!! And did you know that this is the first Christmas that Chris and I will be spending together? I KNOW!!! Can you believe it? After 14 years we have never spent a Christmas together. We were so used to traveling home to be with our individual families. Last year, we spent Christmas Eve together wrapping gifts, eating crab legs and steak and watching Pixar's UP...we had a fabulous time and then went our separate ways. However, this year is our year and we even bought a cute little 2010 charm to commemorate it. First things first...purchase a tree! We thought about going out to a tree farm and picking out a tree or cutting our own down but something about that whole process just didn't really appeal to us. Not to mention the fact that I'm allergic to all trees, the needles stabbing us and being scattered about, having to water it everyday etc. So we decided to buy a fake one and went to purchase this!
A 7.5 Ft Donner Fir...yep means nothing to me either. It's like some sort of Santa reindeer tree I guess. Either way it's ours. We first thought we'd be a bit ambitious on the ornament color choices and get greens, browns and silvers. However, once we were out we completely doubted ourselves and chose something a bit more traditional, red and gold. Now, we have decorated trees every Christmas all our lives, but since we are finally doing our own tree we're a bit like novices. Needless to say, it made for an amusing evening out, but we were quite happy with our ornaments in the end.
And add in a few hundred lights and we're gonna have a beautiful Christmas tree on our we hope
We did buy the wrong lights a couple times!! We meant to buy two sets of clear lights, but we first bought one clear and one multiple colored. We then returned the multiple color lights for a set of clear lights only to get home and realize that we had clear lights with white wires!! A green tree will look horrible with white wires. It's not that I have anything against white...some of my best friends are white! Lol, O.k seriously, either we are space cases that pay no attention, or the Christmas light companies have too many options! I think it's the latter. I mean, don't they know that there are eager couples spending their first Christmas together and way too excited to realize that there are so many light options?
Well, now that you are sucked into our Christmas, stay tuned to see how we survive the tree trimming! Or, tree shaping, or whatever you do to artificial trees :-)