Site Meter Mauberly


An unwise owl has a hoot. All work herein copyrighted.


Mauberl*y- A critical ‘*’ I oft*n I lack- So I can’t sp*ll ‘r*st’ too w*ll; My b*at may tak* anoth*r tack- As I cours* away from h*ll. Hoo hah. (S*lah) Thus my nam* falls short, As do*s my n*arsight, And my rhym*s do oft abort.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on the dialogue form(18)

I have an additional number of thoughts on the form, but the current situation in the US has dampened my ability to write. I am seeing configurations in my time series research which have not been seen since prior to WW2. I am quite concerned about the future of the economy.

At the beginning of the year, on the Agonist, I said that the market would go below 11,000. I also thought that gold would go lower, below $750. I also thought that the dollar would trade at over ¾ Euros, and that oil would fall below $75. All turned out to be right. However, the unfolding of a serious recession is now in view.

I am now trying to figure out what is next, despite the intervention of all the financial powers. So my mind is on that at the moment and on shepherding the miniscule that I own after some 30 years of work.

God bless us all in this current disharmony.


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