Friday, May 30, 2008

Belated Happy Mothers' Day Layout

Mother's Day is celebrated each May of the year. It is a special day for us to show how much we love & appreciate them. Should be everyday, Mother's Day.

The moment I became a mother myself I knew that my children and family will always come first. And don't even think that parenting stops when they reach legal age! Even when all my kids leave the nest and have their own family, I'd still worry about them. As they say, a mother's job is never done. Oh but it all so worth it! Materials used for this layout are available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their gallery ! Am flying off for a short R&R! Be back in June!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's Finally Here!

I finally got my Bind-it-All from Lasting Impression yesterday! In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, check it out here. Yipee!!! Just in time for the album that I prepared for my DB, Alan.

The mini is not quite finished but I just had to try out the Bind-it-All. I am just amazed at what this little machine can do! I used new 7 gypsies paper and some "old" Foof-a-la papers in my stash. Just as my scrapping buddy, Marian King said, it looks so professionally done! Woop! Woop! I can't wait to start on my next projects and see what this baby can do!!!!

The Bind-it-All is available at Lasting Impression. Only a few units left so maybe you can give Ms. Vivian a buzz.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

SEI Dill Blossom

Check out the totally NEW look of SEI papers. My personal favorite is the Dill Blossom Collection with absolutely tasty names such as tarragon, saffron, rosehip, nigella (hmmmm... the kitchen goddess who's as yummy too), dill seed, fennel, among others. I love the muted earthy colors of the collection which fits any themed layout, be it masculine, feminine, family-oriented or carefree. Oh, and the collection comes with beautiful (and very affordable) stickers & die-cuts that would nicely finish any work.
Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the list of materials used for the layout. Say good-bye to summer!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Scrapfest 5

Another feather added to Scrappinmoms' scrapping hat!!! Scrapfest 5 held last May 17, 2008 was a huge success judging from the many happy faces on each & every participant even after a very long, and maybe stressful day (to the challenge participants & those trying to stick to a shopping budget)! This year's attendance of 100 is a record... the biggest so far. The venue, especially the shopping area, was filled to the brim with a bunch of happy and so nice people.

Oh, but I just have to whack myself for forgetting to take pictures of the event. I did remember to bring my old reliable point & shoot Canon camera. But with all the excitement & work that I had to do......wah!! I sure wished I had taken a picture of the table that I was assigned to assist in the mini-book tutorial. There was Lolit, Nedda, Louie, Mich Sonza, Arly, Reggie, Meanne, Hattie (?) & Hattie's friend (so sorry!!!! my dear...please forgive my memory gap!), my good friends Marian, Tin, Mia, Barbie. I'm sure I forgot someone.... Thank you so much for being patient with me! I hope I was able to help any of you during the demos.

The mini album was particularly a challenge for me because it used a 6x12 format. I've never done one and was so happy to be able to finally try it out. And kudos to Scrapinmoms for always coming up with new techniques to learn each Scrapfest. Not really a stamper myself, I learned so many new stamping techniques that day! We learned 1) stamping, doodling; 2) masking; 3) spotlight stamping; & 4) kissing stamp technique. Here's the album that I made for the demo.Finally, I'd like to share these pictures taken by the fantastic tandem of Jeff Lopez & Lumeng Lim.
Congratulations to all the winners of Scrapfest 5! Hope to see you all again next Scrapfest!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Marian & Bjay tagged me so I'm playing along!

Here are the rules:
1) Link back to the person who tagged you.
2) Post these rules on your blog.
3) Share six unimportant things about yourself.

  • I love going on long drives! (with me behind the wheel, of course) It relaxes me.
  • I prefer driving with a stick shift. Automatics bore me.
  • I can write upside down right side up. Go figure!
  • I'm a dog person. (sorry, cat people!)
  • I'd rather ride a jeep/bus than get in a taxi.

Thanks, Marian & Bjay! If anyone reads this and would like to make their own list, please do so!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Baguio Memories

I've been steering clear of Fancy Pants for the longest time because I can't relate as well to its vintage, shabby chic design. But whoa!!! I did a double take when I saw their CHA 2008 lines at Lasting Impression. I absolutely loved the About a Boy Collection and I'm so thrilled that I was able to work with the Sweet Spring Collection. I also can't get enough of their latest: the Glitter Cuts. Just adhere to your page and voila! It's done! Here's a 2-page layout I made using Fancy Pants' Sweet Spring line.

Isn't it obvious? I'm still in Baguio mode... har-har... Just goes to show how much I missed the place!

Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the materials used for the above layouts! Let's enjoy the rest of summer!

Alter It Chipboard Wheel

One of my DT assignments for Lasting Impression is a new product from Paper Trunk : an Alter It Chipboard Wheel. I was wondering what to do with it when I chanced upon Em Magpoc's site! She used the wheel to capture her wonderful travel in the Holy Land.

So from this....
I came up with this!!!

It was so fun to do! I just disassembled the wheel into 2 parts: the base where I placed the pictures and the cover with the picture slot. I printed out my pictures in 3"x2" size then just traced out the shape of the slot to capture the image I wanted. Held together by a brad, I found it such a fun & innovative way of displaying my pictures.

Thanks, Em, for the inspiration!

All materials available at Lasting Impression. Patterned papers used: Fancy Pants Sweet Spring Line. (yummy!!!)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Best of You Mini-album

I finally finished it! I just had to add an extra 6x6 chipboard to fit in more pictures. That's what I get for being trigger happy! Oh, and I had to stop myself from adding more (and more) products otherwise I would never ever get to finish it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Scrapbukan Na! with Fontwerks

Yesterday, May 10, I attended a workshop spearheaded by Scrapbukan Na! featuring Kah Mei Smith, the creative director and owner of Fontwerks. I dilly-dallied for the longest time & almost didn't make it. I tremendously enjoyed Scrapukan's workshop last year with Maria Grace Abuzman and I was really looking forward to attending this one too! Good thing I made it!

Our project yesterday was a mini book entitled "The Best of YOU". Kah Mei was a very patient, friendly and helpful instructor. And may I say very generous too! Aside from the yummy kit, all of us went home with extra goodies!

Here are some pictures I'd like to share with you all. I'm just about finished with my mini album. Will post pictures later!

Thanks to Sahrie and Scrapbukan Na! for coming up with this workshop. Hmmm... wonder who you'll bring in next year. Can't wait!!!

Summer Fun Layouts

Last March, my kids' schools went on fast break to be able to finish everything before the curiously early Lenten Season so right now they're enjoying the longest summer break (in my memory) of close to 3 months. For 2 months now, my kids have been ruling the roost, so to speak. Boy!!! Two months down, ONE more month to go!!!

Sometimes it DOES get to me! ha-ha... Just being honest... but on bad days, I'd sometimes wish that school would start soon. Oh,now don't get me wrong. I'm crazy about my kids and I love having them around. Must be the heat.....

As soon as the kids went on summer break last March, we hied to the beach for what else.... fun, fun, fun!!! Here are some layouts I made using the new Paper Trunk line by Lasting Impression. Check it out. Their papers are gorgeous!

Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the materials used for these 2 layouts! Happy summer!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Baguio Pictures and Isdaan in Gerona, Tarlac

Just have a few more Baguio pictures to share. On our last day in Baguio, we had breakfast at Cafe by the Ruins. You really shouldn't miss the camote bread that they serve over there. I found it delicious, smudged with a bit of butter & strawberry jam. Of course, I had to take home a few rolls. The funny thing though, it tasted mighty better up there in cool Baguio than down here in hot Manila. Ha-hahaha...ambience certainly makes a whole lot of differece!! And to my idol BJ, here's the corn-on-a-cob with extra butter and a sprinkling of salt. Yummy!!!!

Alas, all good things come to an end and it was time to get back home. For lunch (a very late one at 2pm), we ate at Isdaan restaurant which served great food plus so much more. It is located in Gerona, Tarlac, almost halfpoint between Baguio & Manila. You won't miss the place since it's right along the highway and has an army of huge, kitschy stone statues all over the entrance.

We were quite surprised to see the place still full at 2 p.m. The eating area actually sits atop huge fish ponds and while waiting for the food to be served, the kids were given fish food and were allowed to feed the gorgeous carpa swimming around the ponds. At the end of a very pleasant meal, the kids smashed a few mugs at the Tacsiyapo wall. Yes, as in smash it to bits and pieces. Great way to let off steam??? Well, why don't you try it out?