Sunday, May 11, 2008

Summer Fun Layouts

Last March, my kids' schools went on fast break to be able to finish everything before the curiously early Lenten Season so right now they're enjoying the longest summer break (in my memory) of close to 3 months. For 2 months now, my kids have been ruling the roost, so to speak. Boy!!! Two months down, ONE more month to go!!!

Sometimes it DOES get to me! ha-ha... Just being honest... but on bad days, I'd sometimes wish that school would start soon. Oh,now don't get me wrong. I'm crazy about my kids and I love having them around. Must be the heat.....

As soon as the kids went on summer break last March, we hied to the beach for what else.... fun, fun, fun!!! Here are some layouts I made using the new Paper Trunk line by Lasting Impression. Check it out. Their papers are gorgeous!

Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the materials used for these 2 layouts! Happy summer!


Christine said...

love those new pages!