Thursday, May 22, 2008

Scrapfest 5

Another feather added to Scrappinmoms' scrapping hat!!! Scrapfest 5 held last May 17, 2008 was a huge success judging from the many happy faces on each & every participant even after a very long, and maybe stressful day (to the challenge participants & those trying to stick to a shopping budget)! This year's attendance of 100 is a record... the biggest so far. The venue, especially the shopping area, was filled to the brim with a bunch of happy and so nice people.

Oh, but I just have to whack myself for forgetting to take pictures of the event. I did remember to bring my old reliable point & shoot Canon camera. But with all the excitement & work that I had to do......wah!! I sure wished I had taken a picture of the table that I was assigned to assist in the mini-book tutorial. There was Lolit, Nedda, Louie, Mich Sonza, Arly, Reggie, Meanne, Hattie (?) & Hattie's friend (so sorry!!!! my dear...please forgive my memory gap!), my good friends Marian, Tin, Mia, Barbie. I'm sure I forgot someone.... Thank you so much for being patient with me! I hope I was able to help any of you during the demos.

The mini album was particularly a challenge for me because it used a 6x12 format. I've never done one and was so happy to be able to finally try it out. And kudos to Scrapinmoms for always coming up with new techniques to learn each Scrapfest. Not really a stamper myself, I learned so many new stamping techniques that day! We learned 1) stamping, doodling; 2) masking; 3) spotlight stamping; & 4) kissing stamp technique. Here's the album that I made for the demo.Finally, I'd like to share these pictures taken by the fantastic tandem of Jeff Lopez & Lumeng Lim.
Congratulations to all the winners of Scrapfest 5! Hope to see you all again next Scrapfest!


Christine said...

my only regret not going to SF5 is the fact that i missed your demo/tutorial! waaaah!!!

beautiful pages as usual, Maybs!!