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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Revlon. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Simple festive nail art

Nothing too fancy today. Just a lil twist to a plain mani.

The red is something I picked from my moms stash though I doubt she had ever opened it.
the gold is a chambor jewel nail polish no.12. Mom said dad picked this Chambor for her when he went to a shop and she couldnt find a decent polish in her stash. I went Awww..how chweet!
Wore this to an indian baby shower function for a relative.

Someone once told me these are called brazilian tips.

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Nailartfeb Challenge- XOXO

The third day! This one was pretty simple, but I put a bit of a twist into this design by adding a two toned pink water marble! 

 grillednails grilled nails hector alfaro xoxo pink water marble marbling nailartfeb challenge californails pink 
 I started with a base of NYC French White tip, then followed with two pinks for the water marble, Revlon's Temptress and China Glaze Rich & Famous. I then hand drew the x's and o's with a small nail art brush dipped into Black Lace Creme by NYC.

 I encourage people to try water marbling though it can be one of the hardest techniques to get down. It took me a few tries before I got a good result. Even then, I am still working on making the same patterns every time I drop my nails in the water.

Too much protein, keratin, can make your hair birttle , be on the look out when buying hair products.

     - Hector c:

Nailartfeb 2013 Challenge- Flowers

So Here is the second look, flowers! I decided to do just a dotting tool flower. I am thinking of learning the one stroke technique, but I would have to get some acrylic paints, since those are necessary for the one stroke technique!
 I started with a base of Sally Hansen's Gray by Gray, followed by a dotting of Revlon Temptress and China Glaze Flyin' High. I used a medium and small dotting tool for the flowers.
 I would rank this design as easy. The only semi-difficult part would be placing the dots within the flower the right space from each other, but other than that, you should be able to re-create this mani with ease.
grillednails grilled nails hector alfaro flowers nailartfeb february 2013 dotting tool grey pink blue

Adding a teaspoon to hard boiled eggs while boiling will make the peeling process easier!
     - Hector c:

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Smokin Laces! : Lacey Nail Art

Whaddup Gals!

Me good as usual! I won a couple of nail art contest past few weeks.
One of them was from Inglot (India) and other one was Revlon (India). Yay!!
I won a Nail Art Pen from Inglot and I am yet to receive my Revlon gift. Will keep y'all updated.

In the meanwhile the weather here has turned slightly pleasant in the mornings and evenings. Not cold, no..but I am still eager to pull out my woolies and start wearing them. So maybe this is what I would call the "Fall Season" for Mumbai. Hehe!

Anywho coming back to the subject..I had got some of these gorgeous smokey shades from Revlon when they launched their new shades sometime back. You can see the other one here (Muse). This is the second one. I still have an untried from this buy, hopefully will put up soon.

Base: Revlon's Mischievous (455)
Its a creme smokey grey-purple. Nice creme finish, slightly streaky..but 2 coats made it fine and opaque. Took more than 5-8 mins to dry.

Stamping plate: Konad M71
Stamping Colour: Konad Pastel Pink

Love this dainty lacey stamp from Konad.
Goin off to enjoy the weather! Ciao!

*All products bought by me unless otherwise mentioned.