Sunday, 21 April 2019

A big breakfast.

I shall be eating mushrooms for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. Must use them all up. Good job I like them. Breakfast this morning was one large flat stuffed mushroom, cut up and put in a pan with three of the smaller mushrooms. Splash of oil. A spoon of that green stuff , some of the pasta and tomato salad, and a slosh of pineapple juice. All cooked up and served on four small pieces of the baton bread. Looks horrible but tastes lovely.
I have two boxes in my kitchen cupboard where I store all my re usable plastic bags. All kinds in there, most sizes. Very useful to be able to rummage and find one which suits the purpose of what I want to wrap.

It's Easter Sunday, sunny again, so I will be outside. Enjoy your holidays. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Your breakfast looked really tempting and like the idea of pineapple juice. I am like you I have a great bag of bags, wrapping paper, string etc it all saves a few pennies.
    Enjoy your day Ilona.
    Love, Hazel

  2. Oh I love mushrooms! And your breakfast looks so tasty.I also save any bags that I get.Plus ribbons,and string that have come from other things.I was lucky again last night,because one of my neighbours were clearing out their garage and knocked on my door to see if there was anything I could make use of.I came away with 2 bags of potatoes that were starting to seed,so I will plant them for a bumper crop,lol.3 very large round containers,that I will also plant in.A huge reel of black cord type...not sure what to call it....a bit like what shoe laces are made of!.Some vintage Christmas decorations and a odd looking old fashion spray gun made of stone I think.It says Binks Bullows on the handle,lol.Not to sure what I will do with that but it does look quite nice on my kitchen window sill!Yet another beautiful day here so another garden day...the house work can wait!!,xx

  3. I love meals made from "whatevers " especially if they are mushy and it means you never have the same meal twice and nothing is wasted !

  4. Sounds delicious, and I hope you enjoy your Sunday outside.

  5. well thats zero for presentation, Ilona. haha. I'm sure it tasted good though.

  6. I too love mushrooms and often buy quite a few when they are on sale. If they are getting a bit past their best I will cook them with some onions and peppers if I have them and then freeze some servings for future use.
    Enjoy your day.


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