Friday, 26 April 2019

Life is good

I did my walk as the sun was going down last night. Luckily I put my camera in my pocket. Caught some stunning views.  

I zoomed in on this one so it's a bit grainy.

Just as I thought the sun had disappeared over the horizon, I turned round and saw this. I always walk away too soon, thinking it's gone.

Breakfast this morning. The last portion of macaroni cheese, with butter beans, green beans, peas, and an egg on top. On a slice of seeded bread. I get the macaroni cheese from Aldi, about 39p a packet, then bulk it out with frozen veg and a tin of butter beans, all cooked in the same pan. There is enough for four portions.

I've been mulling over the idea of doing a series of videos looking back at my lorry driving career. As I am approaching my 70th birthday it seems an appropriate time to do it. Get it all down on record. I don't want to write a book, so videos will be the easier option I think. It will take me a few weeks to prepare this. I want to release the videos consecutively, so the story will unfold over a period of a week or more, possibly around the middle of next month.

They will take the form of a chatty style video, with some pictures, and maybe a slide show. Don't expect them to be polished and perfect, as I am not familiar with editing packages. I project for me to work on, alongside all the other projects I have got floating around in my head, ha ha.

The sun is back, thankfully it rained yesterday so the garden got a good drenching. I am going to an embroidery class tonight, need to do my walk, and some arty stuff this afternoon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Ilona - would love to hear more about your driving career! Especially how you learned to drive some of those huge vehicles. I had a stick shift car once and could never really get the hang of it; I imagine that dealing with all the gears on a truck engine, plus making sure the load stays balanced and in good order in bad weather was quite a challenge. Look forward to it.

    1. Ooh, sounds really interesting. Completely outside my own experience. If you can do this, Ilona then do. xx

  2. Your video project sounds like a lovely idea. As you said, besides something to work on, it will be a great piece of your life recorded as well as part of history. I look forward to it.

  3. I'm looking forward to hearing about your lorry driving career. Your breakfast looks so good to me right now. I hardly every make eggs because I have to then clean the pan but, seeing your breakfast, I may make an exception today. ha!

    1. Sue
      We love eggs and bought an omelette maker and a poached egg maker in Matalan for £1 each: you pop them into the microwave and they have not failed yet. You put a small amount of butter on the surface etc so that the food does not stick and it really does work wonders; no horrendous pans to clean. You may also know about 'scrambled eggs' in the microwave: in a coffee mug beat one egg and a splash of milk together and heat on high for 1 minute uncovered (check your microwave as may be different to mine), but the scrambled eggs are perfect: serves one.

    2. Hi Sue,You can make eggs without cleaning a pan out!.When we stay in Travelodge rooms,keep a crisp packet,break an egg into it,then put it in a cup,supplied by the room,and put boiling water around the crisp packet.Fold the crisp packet over and leave for 4 mins.Cooked egg!!..I tried it and it works!xx

    3. That's a nifty trick. On the subject of cleaning the pan out, I put a drop of oil in a small none stick pan cook the egg, and then put the pan to one side and don't wash it. I know I am going to use it again within a day or so, to do the same thing. I have a toilet roll in my kitchen, and sometimes use two squares of that to wipe it out. I remember years ago when non stick pans came out, we were told not to wash them, but to wipe them with a paper towel or cloth. An easier way to do an egg would be to poach it in a small pan.

  4. I would love to see your videos. The sunsets are beautiful and I am just in awe of watching them. I could not see them before I moved and now I watch them always until they disappear.
    Have a nice weekend Ilona.
    Hazel c uk

  5. You are so right Ilona,those sunsets are stunning.Lovely photos!....I have bulked out the last bit of mince in a cottage pie that meat eating Hubby is having your his tea...with carrots and oats.He has just said,this is lovely!!.Oh,I can make my money stretch a bit further now,lol..Looking forward to seeing your memories Ilona from your lorry driving days,Are you going to spill any secrets??!!,Hope you are all having a lovely Friday and looking forward to the weekend!,xx

  6. Your English sunsets are beautiful!!

  7. I love the early mornings (but not in winter); isn't nature wonderful? Looking forward to your 'driving career' blogs. Your breakfast was unusual but I did laugh as to eat up our food store we had baked beans and spinach twice today in different combinations.

    1. It doesn't matter what combinations you put on your plate, as long as you eat it. I might try baked beans and spinach.

  8. I'd love to hear more about your lorry driving career. the sunsets are just beautiful! love reading your blog Ilona.

  9. These photos are beautiful...Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. What beautiful sunset photos! I look forward to hearing about your lorry driving.


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