Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Lost for words.
Monday, 20 February 2023
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Booking out.
Hello. I paid a visit to the library van yesterday. This is a picture of the old van, Stan has a much newer version now. A table is outside on the pavement with plastic boxes on to deposit books returned.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Pick and mix books.
I got two brown paper bags, each with three books in them. I think this is a pretty good selection. I won't read them in their entirety, I never do. I pick bits out of them when I want to sit down for half an hour.
Sometimes I would swap my books as often as weekly, but these I will keep a bit longer. If the picking lady is swamped with work, I had best be patient and not add to her already hefty workload. She might need a breather to catch up.
When books are returned they are to be dropped into a plastic box on the table outside the van. Stan is not allowed to re issue them to someone else because they have to go back to Central and be quarantined for 72 hours, before they are put back into the system. I asked Stan if I should quarantine these books when I got home. He didn't know.
I am not sure what I have to do when I am ready to change these. When I take them back there won't be any replacements, I assume I have to order those in advance. Perhaps I will have to wait until the following week for some more to arrive. If I return these in the two brown paper bags I was given, would they have to be quarantined as well? Will we be getting the same bags over and over again, or will they issue new bags every time?
It's all a bit strange, seems a bit over the top to me. But as Stan explained, they have strict instructions to protect the customers and staff. Fear of anyone suing the Council because they caught something from a book, is at the heart of the new system. We shall see what happens next.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona.
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Book collection.
Friday, 23 September 2016
I had a quick whip round Aldi for a few bits and bobs. The main reason for going to town was to get the magazine, have a look at a new exhibition in the Arts Centre, and choose some books from the library. This is what I found.
The cats are all in for the night, Heidi has had her tablet, and I am not going to do my three miles tonight because I am going on an eleven mile walk tomorrow. I have a glass of wine, and I am going to sit in a comfy chair and enjoy the books. My idea of bliss.
Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Susan Boyle by John McShane. Book review.
I did finish it to the end, although I almost gave up half way through it. The book was published in 2010, so there is nothing beyond that. It left me thinking I needn't have bothered.
For those who don't know the story it might be an interesting read, but unless you have been on planet Mars for the last few years, you will have already picked up most of the story in the press.
It seems I am not alone in my opinion. Reading the reviews on Amazon there are nine positive and six negative reviews. Get it from the library if you want to read it, but I wouldn't bother buying it.
Thanks for popping in. Life gets back to normal, everything in the garden is growing madly and needs keeping under control. I want to get my walled garden picture finished by the middle of June ready for the art exhibition in the Village Hall. I'll pop back here when I can.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Toodle pip.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Monday is always busy at Tightwad Towers
Last week I went to the big library in town and chose these three books.
I took Heidi to see Marian the vet this afternoon. She took a sample of blood and she will test it. Heidi seems perfectly ok at the moment, she has just finished a course of tablets. Maybe this is going to be the pattern in the future. When she is poorly some tablets will help boost her red blood cells. Marian will tell me more when she looks at the sample under a microscope.
It was Carol Singing and poetry in the church tonight, I thought I would show my support and meet friends. After the singing there was refreshments. I must say, the mulled wine was very nice.
Can I ask if any of my readers live in or near Horncastle in Lincolnshire? You might remember I visited there once and wrote about it. Someone in Surrey has sent me an email, they are thinking of downsizing and moving to the Horncastle area. If anyone can help with local information please let me know, send me an email, then I can pass on your details so the person can email you direct, and you can communicate with each other. I don't have a great knowledge of the place so if you live there you would be in a better position to help.
I've left this late again, naughty me. Time to go for a walk. I'm on target with the miles, 43 so far this month. Another ten days and it should be around 65 if I do a few three milers.
Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip
Friday, 29 May 2015
Steps in the Dark by Joe Willisch. Book review
Well it's still raining, I think I'll crack on with the shopping bags. No one has contacted me about a meet up at either Haworth or Saltaire, so I assume no one will be around. Arrangements are made to meet Simplesista at Saltaire, looking forward to that. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Sentenced to Hell, by Natalie Welsh. Book review.
After a very quick trial she was sentenced to ten years in prison. Her daughter who was travelling with her was shipped back to England alone to live with a friend. The first chapters look back over her early childhood, how she got into trouble, didn't get on with her step dad, and ended up in a children's home, mainly through choice because she had more freedom there than she did at home. The familiar story of getting in with a bad crowd, she started experimenting with drugs.
As I was reading I felt that there were parts of the story that didn't add up, like there was a lot more going on than she was revealing. However, it is a book which keeps your interest because you want to know what happens next. It was a hellish prison system, where guards were too powerless or corrupt to control the escalating violence. Murders, rapes, and all out gang warfare were carried out by the armed and powerful inmates. In four years she spent time in three prisons, each time learning the new ways to keep herself out of trouble.
Her escape came about with the help of her Venezuelan boyfriend, and the fact that she was successful in applying for day release from prison so she could work in the town. I won't reveal any more of the story, in case you want to read the book, but if you want more background to her, there was a lot of publicity in the press when the book came out. Natalie's escape is not the end of the story, it's a wonderful thing this internet. I Googlied her name and found out what has happened since then. Read this article from May 2010 in the Guardian to reveal more of the story. Or this one in the Mail. Sadly the horrors of the four years she spent in prison was soon forgotten, she was caught again with drugs and at the time of the articles was awaiting sentencing, this time in an English prison. A sad ending, but a good read.
Right, what was for lunch today. I had this pack of Butternut squash and sweet potato to use up. I fancied soup.
It was a day at home today, with a walk in the park this afternoon. I'm eating some chargrilled vegetable cous cous for dinner, straight out of the plastic tub. No shopping needed this week.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Lost and Found. Book review
Each chapter is a separate story, so it's easy to spend a spare half hour reading one story, and not have to pick up where you left off when you next pick the book up. Definitely a book to give you a warm fuzzy feeling, with happy endings. If you are an animal lover you will love this book.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Tales of the Gypsy Dressmaker by Thelma Madine. Book review.
One day she was asked to make some dresses like 'Gone With the Wind', and it wasn't long before she had dozens of travellers asking for the same. A few years later she was asked to make a wedding dress with a 107 foot train, and eighteen bridesmaid dresses. From then on she was known as the dressmaker to the gypsies.
There has been a lot of ups and downs in Thelma's life, one of which was that she spent some time in prison. She fraudulently claimed benefits while not declaring her earnings from her business. She admits it was an oversight on her part as she was struggling to pay her bills.
I always thought it would be nice to be able to move around the country and go wherever the fancy took me. It conjurs up a romantic nomadic lifestyle, where all the stresses of life can be left behind as you move on. Thelma's insight into the travelling world is a bit of an eye opener. I had no idea that there are quite a lot of millionaire travellers who have substantial properties in Ireland, yet they choose to live in caravans. They are very secretive about the wealth they accumulate, but not afraid to splash the cash when it comes to flash cars and expensive weddings.
The life of a traveller is far more complex than it appears. We see them in their encampments, and we see them in the news when they are turfed off a site for which they haven't got the necessary planning permission.
Read Thelma's book if you want to learn about gypsy travellers. This book will shock, amaze, and make you laugh, and bring the secretive traveller world to life.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
An offer I can refuse
I don't know how they arrive at the figure of saving £212.35. What most people forget when they order online or through something like this, is the cost of P & P. I always add it to the price of the goods, because that's what it's going to cost me. Fair enough if you live in the sticks, paying the P & P would probably be cheaper than getting in your car to go and buy whatever you want. I am near enough to town to be able to go shopping.
Anyway, the moral of this story is to read the small print, then bin the leaflet. Don't get hooked into buying something which you will live to regret. I don't need the books anyway.
Toodle pip.
Please excuse me if I add a polite request here. I am getting over 100 spam comments daily. Most go straight into my 'spam' box as filtered by blogger, but quite a lot don't and end up in the 'comments pending' box. I have to sort these out, which takes time. All the spam comes from Anonymous, and are generated automatically by machines. I don't want to stop allowing Anon comments because I know there are a lot of genuine readers who use that facility. Could I ask that everyone who does use Anon, to start their comment with their name. Something like, Susan here, Carol here, etc. It would help me enormously to whiz through the checks a lot quicker, I don't want to zap genuine comments, and this would help me to spot them. If this works I won't have to disable the Anon option. Thanks very much.