Showing posts with label growing flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing flowers. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Busy Sunday

It's been a fairly productive day today. I am making more pet beds, nine out of one double bed duvet. They will be ready soon. I will take three or four to coffee morning as I know someone who is waiting for one maybe two. I was watching and listening to an interview while sewing, multitasking you see. Neil Oliver gave the interview, it's called Fear no evil. It's on Rumble. Watch it here if you are interested. 
After a hearty cooked late breakfast I went a walk. One of my regular five mile routes. The sun was out. It was lovely. I must get out more, been neglecting it just lately. 
Hey, do you like my new socks. I found them at a charity shop. They are supposed to be for wellies, but I think they are too nice to be hidden inside boots. I shall wear them with a skirt and trainers.  
I took a few pics around the garden. The mushrooms are back again. I'm not sure whether it's best to leave them alone and let them rot, or scoop them out and bin them. If left they go black and mushy and look horrible. 

Still got a few flowers in the raised beds. 

And the pots are looking nice. Forgot to take a photo of the soft pots, remember those. They are doing well and seem to be growing normally. 

A view of the walk when I set off. A bit overcast but the sun came out late afternoon. I made a walk and talk video, I'll get that uploaded tomorrow. 
And the view of the sun going down behind the clouds at the end of the walk. 

I've just watched a video which explains what is going on with the wars at the moment. It is not as straight forward as you might think. As with Ukraine/Russia, there are a lot of twists and turns. I am not going to get into conversations about wars, but after listening to this it all makes sense to me. 
Mayze is still outside. It's still warm out there and she likes to lie on the table. I'll go and get her in. The hedgehogs are still coming. One of them is quite small so I hope they are eating as much as they can to prepare for winter. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona 

Monday, 14 August 2023

Walled garden.

Hiya, me again. I've got a few posts in the pipeline now, it will take me a few days to catch up. This is a video I recorded on Thursday when I went to Normanby. For garden lovers take a look at the walled garden. It looks great right now, but when I go in the winter it is pretty bleak and empty, but that's the same for most gardens anyway. I recommend a summer visit for this garden. 
I think we have a lull between showers here today, so an opportunity to take Billy dog for a walk. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Enjoying the garden in the sunshine.

Yesterday was mostly sunny. I made this catch up video in the garden because my yoootooob subscribers like to see what is growing. 
I made another video of the garden later on. Come back and see the difference. 
Toodle pip.   ilona

Monday, 27 February 2023

Flower Power

Good morning. Dropping my bag of dog poo in the wheelie bin at the church gate the other day I spotted a couple of Christmas wreaths that had been thrown away. That's a shame I thought. So I rescued them and took them apart. 
I thought the wire circles could have been used again, my friend makes wreaths with fabric scraps. Sadly they weren't suitable for her because they were rusty. Not to worry. I planted the plastic flowers, with some of the greenery, into this pot to fill it out a bit. There is a plant in there which has lost it's leaves. I don't know if it will thrive and sprout some more leaves as the weather warms up. I will give it a chance before I declare it dead. 

Someone else's rubbish has added a bit of colour to my garden. 

It's going to be a mishmash weather day today. A bit of everything. I will get my house jobs done first, then maybe go out later. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Friday, 17 June 2022

Garden paradise.

As it is so very hot outside, I am delaying my walk until later when hopefully it will have cooled down. In the meantime I popped round to my friends garden, with the camera, to get some photo's of the magnificent display of flowers they have there. They spend a lot of time tending to their garden, and the effort is well worth it. They have a gorgeous setting to relax in. Come and have a look. 

This is not a real rose. It is made of metal with a long spike. 

The photo's don't do it justice. The colours are far more vibrant in real life. They might have turned out better if it wasn't bright sunshine. 

It's a long garden with a pond at the bottom end, and a private little corner for repotting. 

One of their cats, relaxing in the shade. They have several cats. 
And this is the surprise. A wasps nest in a tree. How amazing is that.  

I don't know much about wasps so I have been looking it up. They chew up wood and mix it with spit to build the nest. They build it around the branch of a tree so it is suspended. If they are not a nuisance and not causing problems they can be left alone. They will desert the nest at the end of the summer. They are good for the garden, eating  aphids and insects. There is a lot of information here. If you click on a picture a slide show will come up. 
It is now time for me to make a meal. I am thinking 7pm would be a good time for a walk. Maybe later. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona

Saturday, 21 May 2022

Pottering about

 This morning I spent some time playing in the garden. I re potted some plants, and painted some pots. This is a free pot I got from someone in the village. They said on the facebook page for people to come and help themselves to the pots at the front of the house. I took this one. 

And I took this one. They were green, I painted them both blue. I don't like green or brown pots. 

I have had this pot for ages, think I probably bought it new. The paint was looking shabby so I gave it a new coat. The easy way to do this is to put the pot on the top of the wheelie bin. Then there is no bending down, and you can walk around the bin to paint the pot. 

This pot needed a freshen up. The sun has faded the colour. I use tester pots which I got from the Scrapstore. 

This plant is doing really well. I got it from the garden centre a few weeks ago. It's got lots of new green shoots. 

Only one flower on this plant so far, but I am hopeful that there will be more. 
I sorted some pots out which had a lot of weeds in them. I almost dumped the whole lot but managed to salvage some of the bulbs which were in the tangled roots. 

It's a shame that the petals fall off these flowers so quickly. 

This afternoon I did a local five mile walk. I'm on my way to the 416 mile target for the end of May. 

Hedgehog news. They are still coming every night, two of them. I hope they don't get squashed on the roads. 

Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.  ilona. 

Sunday, 21 March 2021

A weekend in the garden.

It's been a lovely weekend for being outside. On Friday I went to a Garden Centre to buy some plants for my raised beds and pots. It's a small family owned garden Centre, eight and a half miles away, is that allowed for a non essential journey. It was lovely to have a drive out somewhere. It was late afternoon and only a couple of people there. I enjoyed the browsing. 

I spent some dosh. I wanted some heathers but they didn't have any. Some of the plants were quite expensive. I chose some evergreens. 
All lined up on the table in the garden. some for the pots and some for the raised beds. I bought some Lavenders, Hebe, Arenaria, Carnations, and an Osmanthus Heterophyllus Goshiki. I am no good with plant names, or where's the best place to plant them, or what soil they need. I read the labels and stick them where they fit best. 
Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon were spent in the garden in lovely sunshine. 
The sunset last night was glorious. 
This morning I spent two hours litter picking around the village. I knew there would be a mess to tidy up because I came across the youngsters last night waiting to get in the takeaway. Half eaten food was lying around on the steps to the Methodist Church, at the Lychgate, by the War Memorial, with broken bottles at the church door. Someone had very kindly ate their meal but puked it up next to the litter bin outside the pub. I went back home to get some water to swill it away. There doesn't seem to be a cure for the litter problem. 
My Census form finally arrived after phoning for it twice. Filled in ready to go in the post tomorrow. I like to scrutinise forms to make sure I have filled them in correctly. Can't rush these things. 
I think we have some more warm weather on the way. That will be nice, more time in the garden. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona 

Monday, 8 June 2020

Busy bee

This hollyhock was lovely when the stalk was full of pink flowers. Slowly they are dropping off. New smaller ones are coming up from below the main flower. 
Trying to capture the perfect picture of a bee going about it's business. One half decent shot, many more discarded.

There it goes, a blur in mid flight.

The beds are a bit overcrowded, now we have had some rain. Everything is reaching for the sky and fighting for space. I will let them get on with it. I am not a fan of super neat and tidy gardens. Messy with some kind of order is ok with me.

Glad I have some lupins. I did have two plants, but the other one hasn't made it.

This is Mayze's favourite place. Looks like she is in paradise stretched out in the long grass enjoying the sunshine.

It's not quite so warm today. I think the weather is going to be changeable again, the sun is trying to poke through the overcast sky. I'll get on with my arty stuff and go out later.
Toodle pip.  ilona