Showing posts with label Megg Jensen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Megg Jensen. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dragons & Darkness Storybundle

Dragons & Darkness Storybundle + Dragon Age: Inquisition Giveaway

*Follow me on Facebook and Twitter and watch for flash giveaways*

Storybundle - All Covers

Sometimes you have a craving. A craving for lots of magic, mythical creatures, and a few things that go bump in the night. For those of us who like to mix our cravings with the best aspects of our inner-geekdom, we turn to our favorite friends in lands of lore.
Friends like Drizzt Do'Urden of the Forgotten Realms and the sweeping epics of Dragonlance by Margaret Weis. It is those old friends that I had in mind while curating this bundle of new fantasy authors that will sweep off your feet and up into the skies of new lands.
StoryBundle is proud to present Dragons & Darkness, a nine-book fantasy bundle that features legendary dragons and spine-tingling darkness. These nine titles encompass eight unique fantasy worlds from bestselling authors that will leave you salivating for more.
Storybundle - All Covers Spread
The Authors:
A great perk of the Storybundle format is that it’s pay what you want.
However, if you pay enough to unlock the BONUS level with four additional books ($12.00 or higher) you will get an automatic entry into the grand prize giveaway of a Dragon Age: Inquisition game (platform of your choice).
So go ahead, choose your price, grab a bundle, AND enter to win Dragon Age (or $75 in Amazon giftcards) while you’re at it.

Remember, you only have 3 weeks to grab this amazing bundle, and then it’s gone forever. Plus every purchase into the BONUS level gets a free entry into the grand prize giveaway.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Win One of Five Audiobooks of ANATHEMA!

I've been working really hard this year to publish alternate versions of my books via paperback and audio.

ANATHEMA dropped last week on Audible and Amazon. It's pretty exciting hearing my novels come to life with talented narrator, Martha Lee.

Would you like to listen to ANATHEMA on audiobook too? I'm choosing FIVE winners next week, who will be given a download code for a free copy. All you need to do is subscribe to my newsletter (yes, this is open to current subscribers!). Pretty simple, right?

Good luck!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, April 21, 2014


After weeks and weeks of interviews, I'm taking a little break. But that doesn't mean you are losing out!

This week you can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card.

The rules are simple:

- Encourage a fantasy-loving friend to sign up for my newsletter by May 2nd.
- Tell them to put your name in the Who Referred You box on the sign up page.
- Every name in the Who Referred You box will be in the running to win a $25 gift card!!!
- Your name can be entered as many times as you wish. And if your new subscriber friend can get a friend to sign up, they can enter too.

It's that simple. Really! The winner will be contacted by Sunday, May 4th.

And your friend can request one of my ebooks as a thank you for signing up. No one goes home empty-handed on my website!

What's the best way to tell a friend? Link to this post or share the image on my Facebook page.

Head over to my website to sign up!

Good luck and thanks for hanging out with me!



An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: C. Greenwood

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome fantasy author C. Greenwood!!! Read the interview, then enter to win a paperback copy of Magic of Thieves, Book 1 in the Legends of Dimmingwood Series!!!
MJ: Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

CG: Magic of Thieves is the first of my Legends of Dimmingwood series. It's a story about a girl who's in kind of a tough place. Her family is killed and she's carrying around a secret that could endanger her life too. She falls in with some unlikely allies - a band of forest brigands, who take her in. Some want to protect her, others want to murder her. Surviving in that environment makes her strong but also gives her a twisted view of the world. She learns not to rely on anything but her magic and the power of her bow.

MJ: I absolutely love the premise of this series! What's your next release?

CG: My next release will be Mistress of Masks, book one of the Catalysts of Chaos series. It takes place in the same world as my Dimmingwood books but follows different characters in a far away country.

MJ: Love it! If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

CG: That's a tough choice. I'd prefer to have my Kindle and unlimited wireless access, so I could download a constant stream of ebooks, but I guess that would be cheating, wouldn't it? ;P
FREE on Amazon, Nook, Kobo, iBooks

MJ: Unlimited internet access on a deserted island sounds amazing - but only if there are monkey servants on unicycles. Who is your celebrity crush?

CG: I tend not to crush on real people but on characters. A few of my faves would be Boromir, Faramir, and Eomer from Lord of the Rings and Thorin from The Hobbit. I'm also partial to Spock (who isn't?) but that's a whole 'nother genre.

It's possible you haven't heard yet. THORIN OAKENSHIELD BELONGS TO ME! As does Boromir. You have the others. I'm a Capt. Kirk girl, so we can double date with you and Spock. lol What's your favorite color?

CG: I'll say royal purple out of life-long loyalty but I've developed a strong preference for turquoise too.

MJ: Regal choices! What's your favorite vacation spot?

CG: I like San Antonio, Texas. The riverwalk there is beautiful, with the trees and fountains all lit up after dark. You can grab a ride on one of the water taxis when you want to rest your feet or, if you've got kids with you, the horse-drawn carriages are always a hit. During the daytime it's cool to tour the old missions, like the Alamo, or visit the nearby drive-through zoo.

MJ: San Antonio is on my list of places to visit. It sounds amazing. Do you have any pets?

CG: Only one permanent pet, a much-adored Yorkshire terrier named Sampson. But wild animals are in and out of our house all the time. We're always taking in injured bunnies or raising baby birds that've fallen from their nests. Bullfrogs and grass snakes are also popular in our house. We're very much animal people.

MJ: Oh, I love this!!!! Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

CG: Ah, I've got a question for you. Is the zombie apocalypse coming for real or are the rumors vastly exaggerated?

MJ: Let's see what M8B says....

M8B: As I See It Yes

MJ: Well, it's a good thing I've been working out a lot lately. Time to start running! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: Amber Argyle

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome fantasy author Amber Argyle!!! Read the interview, then enter to win one of 3 ebooks of Winter Queen.

FREE on Amazon!!!

MJ: Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

AA: Witch Fall is about falling. Falling in love, falling from grace, falling from power. For Lilette, the key is knowing who and what is worth falling for.

MJ: It sounds incredible! What's your next release?

AA: Summer Queen is my next full length. I have a couple short stories to go along with the Fairy Queens' trilogy. Still working on their titles.

MJ: If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

AA: My scriptures and two survival manuals.

MJ:  Sounds like you've got all the bases covered! Who is your celebrity crush?

AA: Chris Hemsworth. I told my husband if the man ever shows up at my door, I'm gone. ;)

*drools* What's your favorite color?

AA: Today, it's purple.

MJ: LOL! You sound like me. What's your favorite vacation spot?

AA: Hawaii-especially Hanauma Bay.

MJ: I've heard it's beautiful there! Do you have any pets?

AA: A chocolate lab named Dove.

MJ: Awww, I had a chocolate lab in high school. Great dogs! Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

AA: Is chocolate ice-cream an acceptable breakfast food?

MJ: I certainly hope so (because I do it often).

M8B: Outlook Good

MJ: See? M8B is always right! :) Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: Karly Kirkpatrick

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome YA paranormal author Karly Kirkpatrick!!! Read the interview, then enter to win one of 5 ebook sets of Bloody Little Secrets and New Blood.

 Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

KK: Hot teen vampires, blood, murder, London, and Prince Harry. 'Nuff said!

MJ: Your books are always crazy fun! What's your next release?

KKAfter New Blood, I'll have to see what I put on the summer writing schedule. Maybe another Bloody Little Secrets novel...I'll have to see what the Magic 8 Ball tells me!

MJ: Ooooooh! I love the idea of more vampires. If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

KK: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Did I mention Harry Potter? Those specifically though because 1, introduced us to the world, 4 took us to the next level, and 7 wraps the whole series. Really, I'd just rather bring all 7.

MJ:  Okay, I'll allow it. lol. Who is your celebrity crush?

KK: Oh so many...Ewan McGregor, Ian Somerhalder, Brad Pitt...

 I approve! What's your favorite color?

I should say something bright like hot pink, but if I had to pick what most of my clothes and gray.

MJ: My clothes are mostly black. What's your favorite vacation spot?

KK: Europe...London. Munich. South of France... *sigh* I'll be there soon!

MJ: Do you have any pets?

KK: I have 2 dogs, a 7 year-old Shih Tzu named Peanut and a 2 year-old Lab mix named Summer.

MJ: You have the best puppies. <3 Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

KK: Will I get to meet Prince Harry???

MJ: OMG, if M8B says yes, I'll be coming with you to the UK this summer. 

M8B: As I See It Yes

MJ: Um, so I'll be going with you to the UK it appears. :)

Monday, March 31, 2014

An Interview, an Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: A.C. Davis

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome thriller author A.C. Davis!!! Read the interview, then enter to win one of
10 ebook sets of A.C. Davis novellas, which include Jenny's Blue Velvet and Still Nights. (These are for a mature audience.)

Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

ACD: Jenny's Blue Velvet is a psychological thriller about a woman seeking more out of life. Jenny's unhappy with it all, the cubicle job, her sex life, everything. Like so many of us, she knows she was meant to be doing something different, but she's just not sure what. Then there are the bills keeping her at her dead end job, day in and out. She's trapped and feels like she's living in an alternate reality, that soon her situation will turn around and her true destiny will reveal itself. And then it does, but it's not exactly what she had in mind.

MJ: This book is crazy in the BEST way. I hope everyone checks it out. What's your next release?

ACD: Woman in Black Lace should be out at the end of this year or the beginning of 2015. I have a couple releases expected under a different pen name, Angela Carlie, this summer and fall.

MJ: I can't wait for all of these books!! If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

ACD: Three books I haven't read yet. I'm not a fan of the re-read unless it's been so long that I don't recall what happens. It's the same with movies and real life as well. That's probably why I go insane at my day job each and every single day.

MJ: I love that answer. So original and unexpected! It also makes a lot of sense. Who is your celebrity crush?

ACD: There are so many, but surely none at all. I wouldn't necessarily consider these crushes, but rather celebrities I am fond of. Neil Patrick Harris is super talented. I met him once and that may be a big reason why I've listed him first. For a while I wanted to watch everything Tom Hardy touched. Megg Jensen, Jessica Chastain, Ellen Degeneres, Natalie Portman, Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, Joaquin Phoenix, Anne Hathaway, Tobey Maguire... The list goes on, really.

Wait, I'm in that list?! *waggles eyebrows and blows kisses* What's your favorite color?

ACD: At the moment I enjoy bright pinks, oranges, and greens. This will change soon.

MJ: Haha, mine change a lot too. For me it's always between black, red, purple, and sapphire. Never all at the same time, though. What's your favorite vacation spot?

ACD: Hawaii. Any island will do, but the Big Island and Maui are my favorite.

MJ: Some day I want to go there too. Maybe we should go together! Do you have any pets?

ACD: I do have companion animals! I wish I had time, room, and finances to care for more. Someday I'd like to open a farm sanctuary. Louie, Wee, Cotton, Bellz, and Pumperkins live with us at the moment.

MJ: I love seeing pictures of all your babies on Facebook!!!! <3 Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

ACD: If I ever get around to planting seeds for a garden this year (like Megg has done already), will I end up murdering it AGAIN?

MJ: Bwahahahahaha! Maybe we should have a contest called The Hunger Games...see which one of us goes hungry because we can't grow our own food. 

M8B: It Is Certain
MJ: Um, well, uh, try it anyway? lol. Thanks for hanging out with me today, A.C.! It was wonderful hosting you. <3


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 17, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: Lee Strauss

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome young adult and adult author Lee Strauss!!! Read the interview, then enter to win a $20 gift card and 3 original mps.
(Please note, this giveaway runs through the first week of April. Lee will choose the winner and contact them then.)

MJ: Tell me about your novel, Flesh and Bone, Book 2 of The Minstrel Series, a contemporary romance.

LS: She can’t remember. He can’t forget.

Eva Bauman is invisible. Sebastian Weiss is famous. In a perfect world Eva would be fearless and Sebastian would be guiltless.
It’s not a perfect world.

MJ: What do you wear when you write?

LS: PJs - duh.

MJ: It's the best uniform! What's your favorite vacation spot?

LS: Anywhere with palm trees, sand and an ocean breeze.

MJ: Sounds heavenly!!! Do you have any pets?

LS: Yes - two cats, Winnie and Missy.

MJ: Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

LS: Do you like Indie Music?

MJ: I do and M8B better enjoy it too because I play it all the time!

M8B: Yes Definitely

MJ: Good answer, M8B!!! Lee, thanks so much for stopping by my blog!!!

You Tube

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 10, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: Kristina Springer

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome middle grade and young adult author Kristina Springer!!! Read the interview, then enter to win either an ebook of Boy Swap or an ebook of Paparazzi Project.

Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

KS: BOY SWAP is about a band nerd named Brooke who gets tapped into a secret exclusive club
because the president of the club has the hots for her boyfriend. In the Boy Swap Club the girls promise to let others flirt with or even date their boyfriends without getting upset. The founders of the club find that this minimizes fights and backstabbing among the girls. Of course Brooke thinks the whole thing is absurd and wouldn't dream of wanting to share her boyfriend. But, she does trust him and is sure he wouldn't respond to any advances by any other girls. And this is a chance for her to become really popular and move out of her band nerd status. Nothing could go wrong, right?

MJ: This is a really, really, really funny book. Everyone should read it. What's your next release?

KS: I don't have anything permanently on the schedule but am hopeful to have news soon. I did just complete a new funny middle grade and am about to begin editing a young adult novel.

MJ: I can't wait. Your books are so funny! What do you wear when you write?

KS: tee shirt, yoga pants, and a fleece hoodie because I'm always freezing.

MJ: Especially this winter! What's your favorite vacation spot?

KS: Right now it's Disney. I'm sure as the kids get older it'll change to something else but we love going there as a family.

MJ: We still haven't gone yet. Maybe next year! Do you have any pets?

KS: One very old blind mini-poodle named Poe. And three giant Koi in our pond.

MJ: Aw, I love your little Poe. He's so sweet (Kristina & I are real life friends.) Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

KS: Will Snooki ever stop "writing" books?

MJ: Oh, dear god, I hope so!

M8B: Without A Doubt

MJ: What a relief!

Kristina, thanks so much for stopping by my blog!!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cover Reveal and Sale!!!

To celebrate the three year anniversary of my first novel, Anathema, I refreshed the covers of my first six novels, the prequel novelette, and the compilation!!!

As always, Anathema, Sleepers, and The Initiate are free!!!! Oubliette, Severed, Afterlife, and The Sundering are on sale for 99 cents through March 22nd. Or you can buy all of them in one compilation, The Song of Eloh Saga for only $3.99 (this edition not available on the iBookstore). Purchase links here.

All 8 of the new covers were created by Steven Novak of Novak Illustration.

It's been a wild three years and I'm so happy the readers have traveled it with me!!!!



Monday, March 3, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: RaShelle Workman

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome international best-selling paranormal author RaShelle Workman!!! Read the interview, then enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card.

Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

RW: Dovetailed is the final installment in the Immortal Essence series. The whole series revolves around Venus, a princess from the planet Kelari and her need to discover love, save a human, and fight for a planet she doesn't belong to.

MJ: This is an amazing series!!! What's your next release?

RW: My next release is the first book in season 2 of Blood and Snow. These are fairy tale retellings in the coolest way. There's vampires, magic, and lots or romance. Where the first season revolved around Snow White, the second is about Jasmine.

MJ: I've read the first season, and wow, it's insane! You guys need to check it out!!! If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

RW: The Count of Monte Cristo, Harry Potter (Can the whole series be one book?), The Sword of Shannara

MJ: The whole series can be a box set, so YES, it counts. :) Who is your celebrity crush?

RW: Stephen Amell from Arrow.

*swoons* What do you wear when you write?

RW: PJ pants and a sweat shirt.

MJ: Sounds a lot like me. What's your favorite vacation spot?

RW: California

MJ: That's one place I haven't been. I hear it's beautiful!!! Do you have any pets?

RW: I have three dogs.

MJ: That's commitment. I have two and maybe, kind of, want a third. ;) Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

RW: Great and all-knowing Magic 8 Ball, will 2014 be the year I finally find the perfect house?

MJ: Since I found my perfect house in 2013, I'm rooting for you!!!!

You May Rely On It
MJ: If the M8B says it must be so, then it must be! Good luck in your search!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, RaShelle!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Of Sea and Stone Blitz

Enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card in the Rafflecopter at the bottom!!!!

Of Sea and Stone by Kate Avery Ellison
Publication date: February 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

All her life, clever Aemi has been a slave in the Village of the Rocks, a place where the sea and sky meet. She’s heard the stories about the fabled People of the Sea, a people who possess unimaginable technology who live below the waves in the dark, secret places of the ocean. But she never dreamed those stories were true.

When a ship emerges from the ocean and men burn her village, Aemi is captured, and enslaved below the waves in Itlantis, a world filled with ancient cities of glass and metal, floating gardens, and wondrous devices that seem to work magic. To make matters worse, her village nemesis, the stuck-up mayor’s son Nol, was captured with her, and they are made servants in the same household beneath the sea.

Desperate to be free, Aemi plots her escape, even going so far as to work with Nol. But the sea holds more secrets than she realizes, and escape might not be as simple as leaving…


Barnes & Noble

I live in Georgia with my wonderful husband and two spoiled cats. When I'm not writing, I'm usually catching up on my extensive Netflix queue, reading a book, giggling at something funny online, or trying to convince my husband to give me just ONE bite of whatever he's eating.

Learn more about my writing and books at my blog (, find teasers for upcoming works on my Facebook page (, and subscribe to my new releases newsletter to be notified of new novels as soon as they hit stores (!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 24, 2014

An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball: Gregory Thompson

Welcome back to my interview series An Interview, An Author, and a Magic 8 Ball! I'll be bringing you a new author and a new giveaway every Monday this year. I hope you'll stop by to check out these  authors and enter to win some prizes!!!! :D

Please welcome scifi/fantasy/horror author Gregory Thompson!!!! I've known Greg pretty much all of my life. He's so funny and a great guy. Read the interview, then enter to win: 
one of five ebooks of My Only One

UPDATE: Gregory has offered to add a paperback to the prize package too! Whoo hoo! Thanks, Greg!

MJ: Tell me about your novel in your own words, not the official synopsis.

GT: My Only One is about a future dystopian society where you're only allowed to own one book. Different "Bureaus" run what was the United States of America: for example, the Bureau of Lights and Flames is in charge of monitoring electricity and candle use. The Bureau of Words and Pages keeps tabs on book consumption and perform Sweeps, random searches of homes to ensure Citizens are following the One Book Law. The main character's daughter comes home one day with a second book she has stolen and he must find a way to return it without being caught with it.
When he does return it, he opens up a secret world that threatens to overwhelm him.

MJ: OMG, so creative! What's your next release?

GT: My next release is The Indiscriminate, a science fiction novella about a group of 12 Indiscriminates bred from birth and aided with cybernetics to protect the world from Risers and Runners. These Risers and Runners are strange beings that manifested from the fall of the Gray Dirt that has left the world desolate and marginally functioning. One day, while on patrol, Bas and the rest of his team are brought back to headquarters and are informed the Indiscriminate program is being halted due to the overwhelming presence of the Risers and Runners. However, Bas' friend Hillian has disappeared and he vows to find her.

MJ: Sounds amazing! If you were trapped on an island, what three books would you want to have with you?

GT:1. Lisey's Story - Stephen King. No book has made me tear up than this one, and if I need to have a good cry (whether it's because I'm stuck on an island or just because), this book will do it.

2. The Old Man and the Sea - Papa. I know this Hemingway book is short, but it's Hemingway and my favorite. Also, it's also an instructional book on how to fish.

3. A compendium of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Any collection as long as it has everything he ever did. Plus, he's my other favorite author and these stories would be good around my campfire for solo storytelling.

MJ: I looooove Poe too. Who is your celebrity crush?

GT: Nicole Kidman. Always has been, always will be. She can be pretty, she can be hot, she can be pretty hot. Sultry, dynamic, and I picture her as a laid back gal ready to drink a beer anytime. Even in the morning, which is perfect for me.

MJ: It's because you like redheads. Like me, right? lol! What is your favorite color?

GT: Purple. No, not because I like Barney or the Purple People Eater. I just do, okay?

LOL! What do you wear when you write?

GT: I wear what I normally wear on any given day: T-shirt, jeans, and socks. Sometimes I throw on one of four of my favorite Izod sweaters, and sometimes I switch out the T-shirt with a Polo shirt. I mean, if I said in my underwear (boxer-briefs) with a smile and a cigar, would that have impressed you?

MJ: Wow, that last one is a visual I didn't need! ;) What's your favorite vacation spot?

GT: My absolute, ultimate, most favoritest vacation spot in the whole wide world is Mackinac Island, Michigan. It's relaxing and unique and recharges the mind. I love taking a 5 a.m. bike ride around the island when there are a handful of people doing the same; it's like you OWN the island. The history there is amazing and eye-opening, and if you do go, make sure you take a nighttime or midnight ghost tour. Boo.

MJ: I've been there twice myself. It is gorgeous.  Do you have any pets?

GT: One cat named Freddie. I consider it my wife's pet really because the cat and I have a Kirk-Kahn relationship. We respect each other, but also have disdain for each other. When we say hello to each other, it's with a small nod and a monotone "Freddie" and "Gregory". Also, I wouldn't want him hurt because I feel he has to stand trial for his atrocities: begging for treats all the time and crawling into bed to nap with me. That look...oh that look...FREEEEEEDDDDDDDIEEE!

MJ: Hahahahaha!! Now, I need YOU to ask ME a question about absolutely anything under the sun. It has to be a yes or no question and will be answered by my all-knowing Magic 8 Ball! The question can be serious or silly - it’s up to you.

GT: Will Stephen King ever become my friend on Facebook (yes, his personal one)? I mean, I requested him so long ago and we have 7 mutual friends. Come on, King, you KNOW me.

MJ: That doesn't seem stalker-y at all....

M8B: You May Rely on It

MJ: M8B is never wrong, so expect Stephen to show up at your house for dinner soon!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Greg! I hope everyone takes a second to enter to win Greg's new book, My Only One in the Rafflecopter below!!!!


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