Miriuam the Killer
In general, I hate the animal kingdom, and all its members hate me. Every kind of pest has invaded my space: raccoons, mice and now ants. A deer almost wrecked my ccar a year or so ago, and squirrels keep eating the bulbs I plant. In general, everything smaller than an elephant is my enemy, and I sm theirs.
I have ants! Every year, in the Spring, they invade my house, and every year they are smaller. The first year, I had normal size aints, about the size of a fly or a little bigger. The next year, they were smaller. Those that started the Winter--of all the nerve!--are even smaller. I suppose that eventually they will be the size of microbes and I won't be able to see them.
It really annoyed me that they came at this time of year; I consider it unsporting of them. The antbaits I put out this past Spring are inoperative, and I can't find new ones in the stores.
So when I saw a few humdred of them creeping around my stovetop I was so enraged that I picked up the nearest spray can and pumped the contents all over them. It happened to be Scrubbing Bubbles. I poured it on all the surfaces of the kitchen, and lo and behold they were gone! So I have discovered a non-poisonous antkiller.
Peace has been reigning for days now. However, I used the bathroom adjoining the kitchen, and I saw one--just one--on the floor. So I guess they will be coming back.