Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Layer Cake Winners

We have three final winners!  What do they win?  They each will receive a layer cake, of course!

Two of these winners each made two quilts.  Making two quilts must have increased their odds.  All three of these lucky winners are extra lucky because this is the second time all of them have won.  What are the odd of that???  Just an FYI, it was that picked the winners.  Sometimes completely random works that way.

So who are the winners?

First, Lismar02!

Second, VickiM35!

and third, Wilma's Craft Corner!

Her quilt was one of the bright ones.  She used the Lollipop fabric line by Sandy Gervais and had her quilt quilted and bound!  Wilma, I still couldn't grab your picture.  It says you have disabled downloading. 

I know I should have your contact information, but please send it to me again so I know you are expecting your layer cake in the mail.  

Thanks everyone for quilting along!  I welcome your feedback and comments on this quilt along.  I appreciate how willing everyone is to share on the flickr site.  I love how the sharing helps us all feel part of this wonderful quilting community.  

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Block Twelve Winners!

Alrighty!  Here are our last block winners.  BUT not our last winners.  The LAST drawing will be on


The May 3 drawing will be for finished tops ONLY.  You can get into the drawing twice by posting a picture of the pieced top and another if you are able to get it quilted.  Just pictures of the blocks together don't count for this drawing.  They are fun to see.  Go ahead and post them if you want, but they don't count for the drawing.

FYI -- I have THREE layer cakes waiting for this drawing.

Another FYI -- counting the three prizes that will be given away in two weeks, 40 prizes will have been given away during this quilt along!  Thanks to all the designers who helped make this possible!

Now to the prizes today --

The first winner who gets one of my patterns is:


The second winner who gets one of my pattern books is:


The third winner who gets a layer cake is:


Congratulations!!!  Email me ( your mailing information and your flickr name, and we will get these right out to you!

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Block Nine Winners!

We have three winners for this round!

First, the winner of Kari Ramsay's book:


Next, the winner of one of my magazines:


And last but not least, the winner of my 2nd magazine:


Congratulations to the winners and to all the beautiful blocks showing up on flickr!  Winners, please email me at or via flickr mail.  Just tell me your flickr name along with your mailing information so I know who you are.

Thanks for playing!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Block Six Winners!

Lots of winners today, horray!

First off we have three winners from Celine Perkins.  These three have won a Perfect Piecing Seam Guide!

The first winner is:

silvered moon!

The second winner is:

knit demon!

The third winner is:


Then the fourth winner, who wins 2 charm packs from me is:


Congratulations!  Email me your info to claim your prize --

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Block Five Winners

My computer isn't working well, so right to the winners. . .

First, rockydog4!

Second, kimmyb7!

Email me your info.  Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Block Four Winners

Last night we did get back super late.  First we went to see my grandmother.  It felt like we were visiting santa.  I was there with some of my siblings so there was 15 little kids there.  They all took a turn sitting on grandma's lap while my sister-in-law snapped photos.  Grandma made sure to give all the kids love.  The thing I can't figure is that not only does she know all of their names, she knows most of their middle names and the month of their birthdays as well.  Amazing.  She has at least 30 grandchildren and most of them are married with children now so you know she has a gazillion great grand children. 

After visiting grandma, we ate at a kid-friendly quick place and went to see the lights.  We actually found parking three blocks away.  I think that's a record for us!  If you are ever in Salt Lake City from the day after Thanksgiving until New Year's Eve, you should try to visit Temple Square to see the lights.  Two city blocks right in the middle of town has almost every tree loaded with lights.  It is absolutely gorgeous!  We make it up there about every othre year.  Here is just a snippet.  I didn't get great pictures -- just had my little camera.

Okay, okay, you want to know who won.  Well, here we go --

The winner of my calendar/planner is:


and the winner of Cara's City Weekend jelly roll is:


Thanks everyone! 

Those who won, be sure to send me an email ( with your mailing address so we can get those out to you.  Include your flickr name so I know who you are!

The next deadline, for block five, is January 11th.

Happy quilting!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Block Three Winners!

I guess today has been one of those days.  A moment ago I realized that I hadn't posted winners that should have been posted this morning.  Sorry!  Guess you had a little extra time to get into the drawing.  I think I'm not the only one a little distracted.  There were half as many blocks posted as usual.  Don't worry if you didn't get your block done, just post your blocks as you get them done.  They will be entered into the next drawing.

Now for our winners!
The first winner, who wins a charm pack from me, is


The second winner, who wins a second charm pack from me, is:


AND the third winner, who wins 2 Aviary charm packs and a homemade pincushion from Sherri McConnell, is:


Thanks everyone! Those who have won, be sure to send me an email ( with your mailing address so we can get those out to you. Include your flickr name so I know who you are!
The next deadline, for Block Four, is December 28th.

Happy quilting!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Block Two Winners

Congratulations are in order -- more winners! 
The first winner, who wins a charm pack from me, is:


The second winner, who wins another charm pack from me, is:


The third winner, who wins the Pat Sloan book from Sarah Vee, is:


Thanks everyone!  Those who have won, be sure to send me an email ( with your mailing address so we can get those out to you.  Include your flickr name so I know who you are!

The next deadline, for Block Three, is December 14th.

Happy quilting!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Block One Winners

We have winners!  These are the winners from the first flickr pool drawing.  You will notice that my block has now been posted in the flickr pool.  All the blocks before mine were entered into the random drawing.  All those after my Block One will be entered into the next drawing.

So who do we have this time?

The first winner, who wins one of my patterns, is:

Delaware Quilter!

The second winner who also wins one of my patterns is:


The third winner who gets the LAYER CAKE from Vickie of Spun Sugar Quilts is:


Thanks everyone!  Those who have won, be sure to send me an email ( with your mailing address so we can get those out to you.

The next deadline, for Block Two, is November 30th.

Happy quilting!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Final Winners and a Question

It's bitter sweet announcing the last winners.  We have FIVE winners this time.

First the winner from the participants blog post.  This quilter will be sent a Jelly Roll from the Fat Quarter Shop.  Who wins the Jelly Roll?

Renegade Quilter! 

Then FOUR other winners will be sent something fun.  I've got charm packs and patterns.  What you get in the mail will just be a surprise!  Who gets a surprise?

First, mvatshel!

Second, stitchbymachine!

Third, munkeemouse!

and fourth, SewFanatic!

I haven't sent out a notification yet.  You can email me your mailing address at or I will email you through flickr if you don't beat me to it tomorrow. 

I have had so much fun with all of you.  Another quilt along is in the works.  I am wrestling with which way to go with it.  I really liked the two week time frame, even if it doesn't have quite the ring to it as "block of the month."  

So that leads me to a question --

What precut would like the next quilt along to use? 

Jelly roll again, honey bun, layer cake, charm pack, turnover, fat quarters????  This is going to be a personal preference thing, but I am just wondering what YOUR personal preference is. 

Either way, thanks for playing along!!!!  LOVE all the great quilts on flickr!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Block Twelve Winners -- and a note about the last drawings

Wow!  The last block is officially finished!  Love seeing all the finished quilts coming in -- especially all the different settings!  So fun! 

We have four winners today.  The first three will get one of my patterns.  I guess they will be a surprise since I need to get on the ball and get them on my website so they can be purchased!  The fourth one will get the jelly roll. 

The winner of the first pattern is:

The winner of the second pattern is:

The winner of the third pattern is:

and the winner of the jelly roll is:
a Quilt Lady!

I will be contacting the winners via Flickr Mail.  Please send me your mailing address either via Flickr Mail or to my email address so I can mail you your prizes! 

and one order of business:

I have noticed some of you wondering about quilting your quilt.  I quilted my swanky quilt with an overall floral design.  It turned out nice.  As a machine quilter I have lots of ideas of how to quilt these quilts.  It isn't very fun to read out them though, and it largely depends on the fabrics used.  SO --

if you happen to get your quilt quilted in the next two weeks, please post a picture of your quilt that shows the quilting to the Flickr group to give everyone some ideas.  That also gives you another chance to win.  There is another jelly roll up for grabs in our last drawing! 

AND don't forget to add your name in the comments of this post:  That drawing will be in two weeks also. 


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Block Nine Winners!

Winners, winners, we have some winners! 

Oh, but first, super quick, I've gotten some questions regarding putting the quilt together.  I will be providing those instructions after the last block.  I haven't decided on the timing yet.  I had been planning to give it to you the usual two weeks after the last block.  Lately I have been thinking about giving it to you sooner.  Maybe I will give it to you after the winners for the last block is announced.  I think that is what I will do.  Any objection?

Okay, so now the winners. . . .

First, the winner of Kari Ramsay's 12 Days of Christmas jelly roll is:


And the winner of the jelly roll from me is:


And now for the fine print:

These are the Flickr usernames. I have emailed both winners via Flickr mail. I have also posted their blocks to help identify the winners. Email me ( to claim your prize.

Remember, if you didn't get your block done, no worries. There will be another drawing in two weeks! Any blocks posted between now and then will be entered into the next drawing.

Thanks for playing everyone! Keep on quilting!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Block Three Winners!

Winners, winners, who are the winners?!?

The first winner who gets a book from Kathy Skomp of Lavendar Lime -- yebbyanny

And the second winner who gets a jelly roll from me -- aquiltlady


These are the Flickr usernames.  I have emailed both winners via Flickr mail.  I have also posted their blocks to help identify the winners.  Email me to claim your prize.

Remember, if you didn't get your block done, no worries.  There will be another drawing in two weeks.  Any blocks posted between now and then will be entered into the next drawing.  We've had quite a few start just this past week and are caught up already. 

Thanks for playing everyone!  Keep on quilting!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Block Two Winners

Time for more winners -- yeah!  This time there were three prizes, so we have three winners!

The three winners for Block Two are: 
for a jelly roll from the Fat Quarter Shop -- northernstitcher

for a $10 gift certificate from Debbie Maddy -- hummingbird treasures

and for a second $10 gift certificate from Debbie Maddy -- betsyws


These are the Flickr usernames. I have emailed both winners via Flickr mail which should come to you whatever email you signed up with. I posted the blocks to help identify the winners. Contact me to get your prize.

Remember, if you didn't get your block done, no worries, there is still time. There will be another drawing in two weeks. Any blocks posted between now and then will be entered in the next drawing.

Thanks for playing everyone! Keep on quilting!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thanks and a Winner!

Thanks for the input on the novelty fabrics. I was surprised at the result. Here are the two that got the most votes:

The monkeys from P&B Textiles collection called Safari So Good coming out this fall,

and the Farm Toile from the Benartex collection called Farmyard Toile.

So I will have to add my vote to break the tie. Actually I liked the sewing machines. I thought that one would have been a fun challenge, but that doesn't break the tie. I will see which one is easier to get my hands on.

Now for the winner of the drawing . . .

I went to to generate a random number. I think random numbers are fascinating. They rarely seem truely random. So the winner is number 1. How can the number 1 be random? And yet it is.

The first post was made by Jana. Yeah for Jana! Thanks for being the first post! Jana, email me your address at, and I will send you out some of our challenge fabric when I get it. (That may be a month or two, but I will send it.)

Thanks for playing! Happy 25th of July!