Showing posts with label Sudan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sudan. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2007

Clearly Fake News

Want to know how I'm sure this story is fake?
Sudanese government troops and allied militia on Monday attacked a town belonging to the only Darfur rebel faction to sign a 2006 peace deal, the faction said.

"Government planes have attacked Muhajiriya, which belongs to us, and government forces and Janjaweed militia are fighting our forces," said Khalid Abakar, a senior representative from the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA).

Abakar is from the SLA faction led by Minni Arcua Minnawi, the only one of three rebel negotiating factions to sign a May 2006 peace deal with Khartoum. The movement then became part of the government and control Muhajiriya town in South Darfur.

"We consider this a very serious development," the head of Minnawi's office, Mohamed Bashir, told Reuters.

Because the magical peanut farmer has annointed Sudan with his healing powers and all that Jimmah touches turns to gold. How could anyone even think of fighting after Jimmy Carter has solved their problems. Next you'll tell me that North Korea violated the nuclear agreement and the Palestinians are still splodin' themselves.

Wait, what?